THE GAZETTE-TIlfES, ITEPFXEK, OREGON, TIin.'SDAY, API; 1 1. It, 1021. PAGE FIVE I LOCAL I iUppeniivg Vol' can buy alfalfa seed at Gilliam St Hisbee. (.KT your poultry supplies at OUIlam A Illsbee. KOR BALK Jood work horses. Terms If desired. K. M. Hulden. An International 10-20 Tractor, at 11 1 111am Htsbee on fall terms. Jaka Pearson and aona of Butter creek were doing bualneaa In this city on Saturday. J. H. Helms and wife, who reside near Lexington, were vlaltora In this city on Saturday. SHE that 10-20 Titan Tractor at Gil liam Uisbee's, guaranteed to pull three 14 Inch plows. Jack Hynd and wife of Cecil apent the Week-end In Meppner. Mr. Hynd waa here to attend a meeting of wool growers. Olllam & Mlsbee will save you express and postage if you get your extraa now. Fix up your machinery and be ready when harvest is ready. C. W. Valentine and wife, of Sour dough canyon, were In this city on Saturday, and this office acknowledges a pleasant call from them. Mrs J. H. Padberg from Ileppner Flat waa shopping In Ileppner on Sat urday. She was accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Orris Padberg. J. W. Morrow, right of way and tax agent for the O. W. K. & N. company, waa In Heppner over Sunday and Mon day, looking after business affairs here. Harold Dobyns, government trapper and hunter, with headquarters at the present on Little Butter creek, was In Heppner for a short time on Saturday The protracted meeting In the Christ ian church at lone, conducted by Mr and Mrs. Livingstone, closed on Sunday evening with twenty-eight additions to the church. Mr. and Mrs. Phlll Cohn were called to San Francisco the past week In ana wer to a telegram announcing the death of a sister of Mrs. Cohn residing in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P,onge and the children motored to Pendleton Friday, where they visited with Mrs. Hsrnett, a sister of Mr. Pengo. They returned home on Sunday. W. T. Mcltoherta. proprietor of the Red Front livery stnble of this city, has Just returned from a visit with his fnm lly at Oregon City, and reports they are getting along nicely: Leiinirton hliih school and Condon high will cross hats In a game of ball at Lexington on Saturday afternoon Wa Innk fnr the Texins:ton bnvs to win as they are putting up good ball. I,oT Two head of horses, one bay 3-vear-old mare, branded S on left shoulder, and one bay 2-year-old horse. branded cross on left shoulder. Notify H C. Hnnnoltl. Hennner. Oregon. 2t Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Zlnk were up from their home near lone on Saturday. Mr. Zlnk, who has been In poor health for several months past. Is remaining over In Heppner and taking medical treat ment at the hands of Dr. Chick. O'nf norirstrom was In from Flight Mile Tuesday. Referring to the good rnln that was falling, Mr. Rergstrom says, "This Is what we call had weath er" hut hnri a smile when he said It Rain at this time Is doing a lot of good for both the fall and spring sown grain Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden, fnrmers o the Falrvlcw section, were visitors In tiAnA. n BfitKritni' ni-nln Is romin along well at the Olden farm and Herb says he would be glad to see me wea tt.A. ,n a llttla mn flint veireta tlon of all kinds might grow a little better. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spencer went over to rndletnn Saturday afternoon, re mnlnlng over Sunday to visit with ro laiivi.. on,! friends. Thev wore accom- palned by Mrs. George t. Fell who had been spending several days the pnsi week visiting at the Spencer home in this city. Father r. J. O'Rourke, accompanied hi. t,ir- Mia lev O'Uourke, ar rived from The Dalles Monday and hnve been spending the week visiting with their many friends here. Father C Rourke Is pastor of the Catholic church at The Dalles, and this Is his first visit to Heppner In a couple of yearB. rinvtnn Is nrenarlng to start spring shearing at his Butter creek ranch this week. There is a plant on upper nutter creek owned by the sheep men of that neighborhood and a crew frn Hmmner does the work. Lambing Is still under way on the Neill, Howard and Wlglesworth ranches. Echo News The marriage of John F. Vaughn and Miss Muriel Cason, who were formerly residents of this city, took place at KaIih Wnh.. on Wednesday, April 8th, according to an Item appearing In the,im From frlcnda here It Is learned that Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn have taken apartments In Portland ana win make that city their home. Dr. J. L. Calloway aenda us a copy of the Mountain Home Republican of April 2, which contains the announcement of the death In that city of hl mother, Mrs. Laura Virginia Calloway. Dr. Cal loway.who Is quite well known in this city, Is now the only surviving member of the family, and has been caring for his mother In her declining years. Mrs. J. R. Clilham, who with her hu band has resided In New York City for the past two yoars, nrrlved on Tuosday last on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Otis Patterson. Mrs. Ollham came via Washington, q. C, where she visited her uncle, Alvah W. Patterson, who Is an attorney of that city. Mrs, Ollham will remain In the woat for the summerCanyon City Eagle. E. O. Haverstlck, one of the leading agriculturists of the middle Rhea creek section, was In Heppner on Saturday, Mr. Haveratlck has quite a largo num ber of fruit trees on his farm and h fears that the freezing weather of the past week has done considerable dam age to the peaches, pears and apricots but was yet unable to tell whether th entire crop for the coming season had n killt'il. lie hopes it haa not. W. H. 1 urker. who farms several mlreil arret of good laud a few miles rth of Hi'ppner, was in town Satur- ty. and states that In his many years experience as a farmer in this coun he has never had better crop pios--ts. Ills neighbors are all enjoying s splendid outlook also, and should resent Indications hold good, the waggart Butte country will turn off biggest yield of grain this fall In its history. W. II. Rarratt la back on the Job as common cltixen thfs week, having ar rived home on Sunday with a ten days' furlough from official duties, to help Ith the marking of new lambs at the Rarratt sheep ranch. This Is real re creation to Hilly and In this duty he ill And surcease from the onerous task straightening out the tangles In the work of the state highway commission. Hy the way, Mr. Rarratt Is giving ample proof that he is just as good a road builder as he haa been a successful rancher and sheep man. Harold Cohn Is home after having spent some six weeks on a business ip which took him to New Tork, ashington and Richmond. He waa In Washlgton at the time of the Inaugur ation of President Harding and was greatly Impressed with the big crowd and the ceremonies. Speaking of bus- ness conditions, Mr. Cohn states that from what he gathered on his trip the return to normal conditions will be low; this being especially true of the wool situation, which Is not expected get back on a stable basis short of wo years, Mr. Cohn giving this as th opinion of President Hagenbart of the atlonal Woolgrowers Association, Ith whom he talked while In Wash- gton. Harold's visit to Washington as on business before the U. 8. Patent office and he visited with relatives In New Tork. into Robnett, lid. No. 17... Road No. 7 R. W. Voile, Rd. No. 17 Road No. 7 Phelps tlrocery Co., Road No. S John It Voile, Road No. 17..-. Cilliam Ilisbee, General rd Hank of lone. Market road -. 2.SS2 8S Lena-Jarrnin road 170.20 General road - 18.&0 First National Rank, Lena-Jar. road Ul General road 125 49 Market road MJ 48 Hardman-Rock Creek road - 711.15 Farmers A Stockgrowers Na tional Bank, Lena-Jar. rd 1.S65.72 Market road 13 00 , T. -75 C. C. Chi 27 oo ; 75 , 1 50 I 33 751 23 00' Hardman-Rock Creek road 147.12 235.75 TOTAL , ..I10.812.J0 In the mater of the petition of J. P. Louy et al, same continued for the term. In the matter of road petition of W. P. Cox et al, same read and referred to district attorney. In the matter of road petition of J. R. Ashlnhust et al, same continued for the term. In the matter of application of W. H. Stewart for dance hall permit at Board man, same allowed and license granted. (.rarral Claims Allowed as Fallows. Humphreys, office r-M,' ... k. county ph si .ui... John GarMlde. caretaker Harriet Haird, widow pers on Dalny Pearl lteckel, Wl'i. j.en. Sadie Morey. widow pension Gladys M. Gibbons, wid. pen .. ... Alice McKerrln. wid. pen Kmma C. Fuller, widow pen Rebecca Knight, widow pen Harold Dobyns, rodent bo-jnty Howard E. Pearson, bounty E. G. Haverstlck, bounty Victor Peterson, bounty Art Keene. bounty .. Tax Collector, Road No. 7 R. D. Alstott, bounty...- W. A. Richardson, school supt. J. J. Wells, assessor exp I Ernest Heter. bounty...- , Oscar Borg, poor 4.50, Court House 100 Minor St Co., poor acct J. W. Klrschner, Road No. ... Road No. 7 Road No. 5 E. J. Starkey. school supt Lena Snell Shurte, traveling expenses L. P. Davidson, County Court. .. 0. A. Bleakman, County Court Dr. J. P. Conder, poor ac t Caiette-Times. sheriff exp County Court County clerk o-lle," raid, .urf . Sl Piintin eip .. eriff ex i . 1(1 ICt 10 (id 40 115 41 27.00 24 00 33 on 7.00 70 86 10.00 12 14 200.00 32 00 bounty- Joe Creswell. K. A. Zochert, Road No. 8 Lester Oemmell, bounty W. A. Richardson, school supt... Pac. Tel. 4 Tel. Co., curent exp. Central Market, lone-Gooseberry road L. A. Palmer, bounty Mrs. Augusta Johnson, poor ac. O. W. R. A N. Co., Gen. rd. frt.. Roy Mlssildine, bounty H. W. Dobyns, pred. animals.... Chas. B. Oral, district sealer O. W. R. A N freight K. E. Duncan, bounty Pred Emberger, poor account.. 4.00 29.90 1.00 17.6 27.80 81.85 12.00 15.00 23.10 S.00 135.01 7.61 4.40 4.00 20.00 I 7.50 ; 9.:o i 8.60 I 82 SO I 11.00 ! 27.00 ' 44.65 J 18.60 I 23.00 25.00 : 4.50 1 8.90 I 4 75 25.20! 20.10 iva Well. asHenffirs exp U',:.i:,, Humphreys, treasurer .. '.I.'S- (V I'ru'lhornme Co.. treas. I.'i-I.'ir. Ar 'i , superintendent 'Iilliarn At iiishee, court houre . IM-a I'binn, jail acct... S K Notion, iliHtrlcl stty. exp. -M I f'ase, coroner exp ir. W W. Illsley, co. phys. exp. Art Metal Construction Co., vault fixtures Voyfl Fulford, bounty - I'.ernii e Alntott, bounty I.each Bros., election exp '"ohn Auto Co. general road... A J Knoblock, Road No. 7 Road No. 15 W. T. Campbell, general roads First National Bank, Ione- Gooneherry road General road Road No. 8 Farmers & Stockgrowers Na tional Bank, general road Itoad No. 7 Road No. 8 Bank of lone. Road No. 3 3 : I 75 33 ! 4 m i 2 M i 40 0 0 ' 10 00 ; 3 07 ; 11 si : 9 15 ; 14 70 27 23 j 8.20 17 00 ' 1 . 1,091.98 ' 89 00 I 4 00) 20.00 j 30.00 j 64 60 21.25 j 94 2 21.08 93.15 7.50 475 59 81 12.00 12.50 TOTAL ... 13.563.94 County treasurer current expenses - W. P. Prophet, poor acct 40 00 Ed Breslln, poor acct 8 50 current expenses 18 00 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., current exp 31.15 Humphreys Drug Co., General road 1" 55 current exp 1055 Heppner Light ft Water Co., court house Geo. Rand, tax rebate Hudson Land Co., assessor exp. Public Land Co., assessor exp. Vivian Yocum, sheriff exp BuBhong & Co., sheriff exp 50.21 5.85 4.00 13.50 80.00 8.92 OUNTYCOURT MEETS REGULAR APRIL TERM County Court met In regular session at Heppner, Oregon, April , with the following officers present: Hon. W. T. Campbell, Judge: O. A. Bleakman, com- issloner: L. P. Davidson, commission er; Geo. McDuffee, sheriff: J. A. Waters, lerk; when among others the follow- ng proceedings were had: General claims to the amount of 2.5C1.94 presented and ordered paid. Road claims to the amount of 110,- 12.90 presented and ordered paid. List ollows. n the mater of W. H. Stewart et al. petition. Now at this time Is presented to the county court the petition of W. H. Stewart et al for the county court o call an election In the town of Board- man for the purpose or voung on in. uestion of Incorporating the town of Boardman. Petition was approved by the court and May 20, 1921, set as the ate for said election. O. H. Warner ml C. O. Blavden were appointed udges, and J. C. Bnllcnger, W. H. Stew- rt, snd F. F. Kilts appointed to act a clerks of said election. W. W. Smcad was appointed secretary of Morrow County Fair Board for term 1 three years. In the matter of the road petition of O. W. Hlldcrbrand et al, same was read nd approved by the court and ordered lewod, W. J. Blake being appointed o act with the regular viewers to view said road. In the matter of road petition of W. Barnett et al, same continued for the term. In the mattor of road petition of R. Vernon Jones et al, same continued ror the term. Claims Allowed from Road Fonda. entral Market, Market road. ...I 109.SO Stale Ind. Accl. Com., Market road - - Lena Jarmln road - Road No. 1 - Road No. 16 General Road - . M. Jordan. Lena-Jar .. W. Jordan, Lena-Jar - . W. Dyktra, Rd. No. 7 .... Coxen Bros., Lena-Jar .! W. Frltsch. Market rd Lexington Gnrnge. Market rd... Oregon Slate Highway Com mission, Mnrket rd S86 38 i I' 'i iii i ii: 82 21 64.84 1 90 1.25 6.49 59 38 85.63 214 00 12 40 4 15 376 Thomson Bros., Market ra zi.uo Howard-Cooper Corporation, Market road 4 80 Valley Packing Co., Market rd. 24.28 Leach Bros.. Market rd -. 23 36 H. K. Cowglll. Market rd 8 12 Brlstow & Johnson. Market rd. 114.18 Bert Mason, Market rd 89 71 Market rd...... Lena- H. Lane, Market rd.. Turn A Lum Lbr. Co., road Lee Cantwcll, Lena-Jar. Turn A Lum Lbr. Co., Jarmln road - Thomas Ross Co., Lena-Jar. rd. Minor ft Co., Lena-Jar. rd Ileppner Bakery, Lena-Jar. rd. Road Builders Equipment Co., Lcna-Jarmln rd - 15. F. Summers, Echo, Lena- Jarmln rd W, Klrschner, Market rd Hardman-Rock Creek rd Lena-Jarmln rd Standard Oil Co., Mnrket rd Market road - General road - . Road No. 7 Trl-State Co., Market rd Lenn-Jnrmln road. - B. H. Bleakman, Hardman-Rock Creek road E. Ii. Ayers, Hard.-R. C G. W. Kirk, Hard.-R. C Turn A Lum Lhr. Co., Hard.- Rock Creek road . General road Road No. 7 - -. Runynn & Frederlckson, Road No. 8 -. Hnflus Ferris Equipment Co., General road...- - Martin Reld, Gonernl rd Llovd E. Fell, General rd....- Howard Cooper Co., Gen. rd W. U McCaleb, General rd Universal Garage, General rd... Good Roads Machinery Co., General road -. Sholly'a Gnrnge, Gen. rd Independent Repair Shop, Gen. road - Howard Cooper Corporation, General road - - - A. Z. Barnard, General road Road No. 7 - Peoples Hdw. Co., Oen. rd M. Ii. Case, Oen rd -.. Foenaughty Co., Oen. rd . Ira W. Thornton, General rd.-.. W. O. Minor, General road Earl Warner, General rd...... Gus McMlllnn, Genoral rond Geo. McMlllnn, General road.... Wm. Durnn, General road J. L. Kirk, Road No. 1 995 82 20 15.00 24.00 147.65 87.70 6.70 7.84 6.00 23.00 24.00 11.00 412.46 25.62 26.21 18.90 107.30 214 95 36SI.O0 118.15 18.26 23 30 .85 13 60 6.00 13.25 4 10 1.25 21.63 18.47 7.35 S.71 9.26 2.00 25.69 1.60 9.00 S6.07 15.00 88.20 5.00 12.00 4 00 8.00 8.00 4.00 t.00 KEEP a supply of PEARL OIL (kero sene) on hand for use in oil cookstovet, heaters and lamps. Pearl Oil is clean and economical. Your dealer can supply you. Ask for PEARL OIL. TO THE PEOPLE OF MORROW COUNTY: We want you to know that Hotel Patrick is at your service. We want you, when in town, to use the public conveniences here. We have rest rooms for the ladies on our lobby floor and on both landings. Men, make your appointments and talk your business in the lobby. All Are Welcome JWT1ERE...TO .EAT The Question Is Settled DINE WITH US Our New Blf Dining Room la not exclusive to trusleat trade. It's (or the folk! ot Heppner First, Last ant All the Time. Give the wife a reit and a treat a Sunday dinner here. SHORT ORDERS, TOO Elkhorn Restaurant Willow Itrexst Pure Ice, Full Weight, Prompt Delivery Courteous Service There axe four points that satisfy our patrons. Do we serve you? If not, just phone Main 362 or ask one of our drivers. Once a customer, always a customer. MADE AT HOME FROM PURE WATER JAMES G. COWINS 1: I ' M Lj iUni lit ktittrit - -- -f tr IfF tDwellm&s of a I fell C4.LONG the Apache Trail in 1 Gasoline cfQwty 04XONG the Apache Trail in Arizona the motorist can see the dwellings of a race now believed to be extinct. These diif dwell ings are at least 400 years old and if their walls could speak they would tell a most dramatic story of romance and conquest, Arizona has more than its share of interesting places to lure the motorist. There he will find many Indian reservations the homes of Apaches, Navajos, Hopis, Mo haves and other tribes. There, too, is the famous Roosevelt Dam and the incomparable Grand Can yon of the Colorado River. And wherever he goes the mo torist can be sure that his motor fuel will be right because Red Crown Gasoline is sold every where. Look for the Red Crown sign on service stations and garages. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaUfanisI FOR PRINTING THAT HAS REAL CLASS SEE THE G.-T. A. Z. BARNARD LICENSED DRAYMAN Transfer and General Hauling HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK HANDLED Get us on the street or by phone, No. 662 Phone Main Tire Service Drive up adu let us inspect your tires. We will tell you frankly if it will pay or not to have them repaired. We aim to give every customer his money's worth for every dollar spent. C. V. HOPPER TIRE SHOP One Block East of Hotel. 1 1 i lstMlijssMsttsil44WWt I f ? i f ? ? ? T t t f t t ? T ? T ? t T f t t t ? T t ? ? T ? T t ? ? t ? ? T ? t ? T T t ? t ? ? ? V to get in touch with Real Printing Service SERVICE that is not based upon price alone, but upon the requirements and desires of each individual customer. SERVICE that demands that each job be the best it is possible to give for the purpose it is supposed to serve. SERVICE that is possible because it is backed up by a HEAL printing plant not a collection of worn-out, obsolete machinery and type a plant completely equipped with modern machinery, each machine the best possible to pro cure for the work which it is intended to perform, and the latest faces of new type. SERVICE at a price- no greater than that of the ordin ary brand of country printing. The price of G.-T. printing is based upon the Franklin Printing Price List, the one-price-everything-marked-in-plain-tigures idea applied to printing, and insures a square deal to the customer as well as the printer. It is used in over 10,000 printing plants all over the United States. The Gazette-Times f t v t V f V t V f V t t t t f Y Y