!'A(,K n nil THE OAZKTTK-TIMKS, RKITXEK, OKKGOX, TliTKSPAY, MARCH 31. 1921. n S3 C3 K3 Z.X L-A-R-D At a Big Reduction One vcar ago lard was selling at 40c. We are now selling pure lard at 25c lb. In 2, 3, 4. 5 and 10 pound lots. Every Bucket Guaranteed Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON TWO GREAT HITTERS SMACK 'EM ALIKE. V x y u lr "A Blacksmithing In all its branches, including Wagon Work, Horseshoeing and Repair Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Give a 5 Percent Discount for Cash J. B. Calmus Formerly the Ashbaugh Shop l'utuit'4 he:e ale two of the most popular men in l:iset.ill. as ttio season opens for ll the tfieat liabe Kuth. "Home-run Kintr." ami Manager Trip Speaker of the world Champion Cleveland Indians. These new photographs from southern training eamps shows both great batsmen swinfi a wicked left hand Mutiia'ou. Note the exact action. Taxation is the great ghost that stalks behind industries in Oregon today. The high taxes of the pre sent prevents many from building homes of their own and places the home building in the hands of the capitalist who says he cannot get rent enough to justify him in invest ing money in this way. It is time to set down on the tax booster: he is the fellow that is largely responsi ble for a lot of our troubles; he should have credit for much of the high cost of living. Get ready for Heppner's clean-up day, Ayril 12th. Heed the call of the mavor. SMILE AWHILE "You'll Always Find" says the Good Judge In the Bible. Bishop Hoss said at a Nashville picnic: "The religious knowledge of too many adults resembles, I am afraid, the religious knowledge of little Eve. 'So you attend Sundayr school regularly?' the minister said to little Eve. 'Oh, yes, sir.' 'And you know your Bible?' 'Oh, yes, sir.' Could you perhaps tell me something that's in it?' 'I could tell you everything that s in it. Indeed. And then the minister smiled. Do tell me, then.' 'Sister's beau's photo is in it.' said little Eve, promptly, and ma s recipe tor vamsnin cream is in it. and a lock of my hair cut off when I was a baby is in it, and the ticket for pa s watch is in it. SCLAVS tern That you get more genuine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class of tobacco. A small chew lasts so much longer than a big chew of the ordinary kind. And the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Good Recommendation. Deakin met his friend Gaydon coming out of the police court. "Hello! What have you been doing there?" he asked. "I've just been fined for speeding." Gaydon replied glumly. "How fast were you go- jing Forty miles an hour, ac cording to the policeman.' .was Gay don's answer. "Lucky Jim!'' ex claimed Deakin. "I wish some po- Hiceman would arrest me for speed ing. If I could get a statement in the paper that the old bus of mine was going forty miles an hour I might be able to sell it." As A "Dope" Peddler. Former Vice President iMarshall last fall found a new job for him selfa peddler of "dope." He told the story the other day to show how easily a Vice President can appear in public without being known. He traveled through his own state, mak ing speeches in the campaign, and this is what happened to him: "I was seated on the smoking car think ing out what I could say to help the j Democratic party in a speech I was jto make that night," said Mr. Mar ' shall. "A large man slumped down in the seat beside me. 'Mighty bad i day for business,' said the stranger, observing the rain falling in torrents, j 'What's your line?' 'Motor-car ac cessories. Whats' yours?' 'Peddling dope.' 'I thought they wouldn't let ,you sell that stuff?' 'But I have a i special arrangement with the admin i istration for a short time yet.' " ! The Man With A Will. 1 Two men were arguing in their 1 AreYouinEarnest? For some time now you have been haying to yourself that you're going to save money. Are you really in earnest ? Then prove it to yourself by opening a savings account NOW ! (jetting started is the big thing about saving. And that's easy once you've made up your mind. As lit tle as a dollar starts you at this bank. Small savings, helped by the interest we pay, soon add up. Decide to save so much a week and to live on what's left. Keep it up. Perseverance wins and pays. Drove your ambition to save by starting NOW. FARMERS & STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK 'ty- -''7 I . , A 1 , s y ' club. One, a fellow of ineffable conceit, was boring everybody with boasting of the power of his will, maintaining with much violence that bis will was stronger than that of anvbodv's present. "You are wrong there." said one of the gentlemen, "and I w ill prove it. Go and stand in that corner and I will have you out of it before I have commanded you the second time." The smart one stood in the corner, and the quiet one said: "Come out of that coiner." The other grinned and shook his head. The quiet man sat down and looked at him steadily. Five minutes passed, and then the smart man said with a sneer: "Don't vou think you had better give it up? I don't feel any influence at all, and I can't stand here all evening." "Oh as to that," replied the quiet man, "there's no hurry. I am perfectly comfortable. You recollect that there's no timelimit; you are simply to come out before I ask you twice. And as I don't intend to ask you again until a week from today, in order to give your strong will a fair and vigorous trial, we might as well take it easily." The man with the iron resolution sneaked out of the corner, and the incident was declar ed closed. She Was Prepared. A certain clergyman always felt it his duty to give each couple a little serious advice before he per formed the marriage ceremony. He usually took them aside one at a time, and talked very soberly to each regarding the great importance of the step they were about to take, and the new responsibilities they were to assume. One day he talked in his most earnest manner for sev eral minutes to a young woman who had come to be married. "And now," he said in closing, "I hope you fully realize the extreme importance of the step you are taking and that you are prepared for it. "Prepar ed!" replied the bride innocently. "Well, if I aint prepared I don't know who is. 1 ve got four common quilts and two nice ones and four brand new feather beds, ten sheets and twelve pairs of pillow slips, four linen table cloths, a dozen spoons and a new six quart kettle, and lots of other things." Ozark First Aid. "So poor little Runt has the mumps," sympathetically said the presiding elder. 'What are you do ing for him?" "Well, I've quit licking him; that's about all," replied Gap Jchnson, of Rumpus Ridge, Ark. "Of course his maw is doing suthin or ruther the reg'lar thing, I reckon and .as nigh as I've noticed, he's supplying his own cussing. Kansas City Star. Couldn't Fool Gladstone. The American-born Viscount As- tor, whose American wife is the first woman to become a member of the English parliament, objected on his fathers death, to accepting his title of nobility on the ground that it would drive him from the strenuous House of Commons to the torpid House of Lords. "1 feel like Mr. Gladstone," he said one day to an American jour- tele cte tM ON MY BIRTHDAY t TAKE A DAY OFF BUT THE MISSUS TAKES A YEAR OFF ON HERS. surul or snuw or b&d rutuls with & set of these Iuks on their rear tires. Ex clusive territory. Quick sales. (JooU profits. AiUire.su Teorless Manufactur ing Co., 611 Mutual Life ttulldititf, Se attle, Wash. OREGON CANTATTA The most perfect and beautiful thuroUKhbred In the Northweet, will ( niake the 8uBon of 1921 at the East ern urvKun sunk f arm. $25 for season with returning priv ilege. The White Hulless Barley Is kept for sale here. Also clean Hluestem wheat this at Durgoyne'a warehouse In Lexington. I have also a few tons of good rye seed at the farm. 10 head of fresh milk cows. 20 head of fine saddle and racing prospecta. 25 head of Jfti ks for sale. Will lease jacks for the season to responsible parties. H. V. SWAOflAHT Lexlagtoa. Oregoa nalist. "Mr. Gladstone was held up in Threadneedle street by a broker who said : 'I hear they want to make you a peer.' " 'What they want,' said Mr. Glad stone, 'is to make me disappear. I Sing of Spring. Irautltrfclag 8 Ceata Per Yard. We do all kinds of pleating, braiding, button-covering, button-holing, scal loping, chainstlti'hlng, embroidery, etc. WINONA'S SHOP, 210 Fleidner Bldg., Washington at 10th St., Portland, Ore gon. m24-lmo. (Heralding the first crop from the poet's garden of 1921.) I feel impelled, in fact compelled, This bright and balmy day, To burst right out and sing, or shout, A springtime roundelay. The winter's blues give way to muse, A spring songs merry lilt Is holding forth for all its worth In castles I have built. A robin's chirp, a month-old purp Cavorting in the street Such signs as these, and perking trees, Of springtime's presence bleat I'm caring not a puny jot About my income tax; ! My creditors and editors j Can go to Halifax. The state of things in Europe brings No wrinkle to my brow; The bolsheviks, the Turks and Greeks, ' For all of me can row Anl change the map, including Yap, So far as I'm concerned; For 'tis the spring f which I sing All other things be durned. Mrs. Ethel Ashbaugh was called to Pendleton on Sunday on aoount of the serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Walbridfie. NOTK'K. Sealed bids will be received by Mor row County Court, at lleppner, Oregon, until April dth, at 10 o'clock a. m. for SO cords of heavy 4 ft. Blab wood for use of Court House. Hide may be sub mitted P. O. B. cara at Heppner or de livered at Court House yard. Measure ment at Court House yard only accept ed. The right la reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid deemed best for Morrow County. WM. T. CAMPHKUi. Judge. ESTHAY. I have at my place 3H miles west of Hardman, one 2-year-old heifer, red with white spots. No brand visible, ir.arked with crop out right ear also orrer bit in right ear) Been at my place since middle of Sept last. Own er can have animal by paying pastur age and settling for this advertisement. J. E. CRAMER, Hardman, Ore. Woman wants work. Washing and ironing II per doien. Call 735, city. m 24 tf. KOK SALE Four head of good work and brood mares, weight 120 to 1400 Kn.ll terms to responsible parties. A. W. (lAMMEI.U Lexington, Oregon. m-24-3. Local and county agents wanted to handle and sell the Peerless Auto Lug. Something new. First time on the Woman Refuses to Uncover Her Ears iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiin Dame fanhlon ban decreed uncovered cars for milady In predictions for 1921 spring and summer halrdress. Htill, her American highness, woman, has of late yars found that fashion's dictate can be ignored and that la Just what she is doing this spring. This low, snug coiffure, as worn by Constance Blnney, IcmlB Itself most beautifully to the close-fitting spring, turban, so It pre vails amongst the big majority. Heppner Oregon I 'wDONAi.c" ' "itE.AlNT YA I 1 G0ESS 'WE 'AW WHOEVER HEARD OF I I WEU. HOME PFtWV6!fa-7J WOUYrlAVE HOME-MADE etTCHA-Tll I MciHEfc -AREN'T WE T I MoT THAT 1 KNow OF -li VHV I HEARD tAD 5AY Zr iGoiNt, To Have EASTER-TLm where dO F w6 G0lNQ T0 GlvE T00) in .WHERETO .EAT The Question Is Settled DINE WITH PS Our New Blf Dining Room It not exclusive to transient trade. It's for the folks ot Hevpner Ftnt, Last ant All the Tim. Give the wife a rest and a treat a Sunday dinner here. SHORT ORDERS, TOO Elkhorn Restaurant WUIow Itroet If You Want Seed Rye You would do well to call on Scott & McMillan Warehouse Company Lexington, Oregon flllllllllllllillliillllllll Spring Time to have your Spring Cleaning Done GLOVES DltESSES SUITS SPRING COATS HATS We Clean or Dye Anything. Our Work and Service Unexcelled. LLOYD HUTCHINSON TAILORING Cleaning Pressing Dying Repairing Oil m