The Gazette-Iim PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 37, Number 52. IIEPPNER OREGON, THURSDAY, MAKCII 31, 1921. Subscription $2.00 Per Year TAXPAYERS GATHER AT IE FOR CONFAB la a l.lvrljr MrrtlBg Thrre Saturday Aftrraooa, Suhjrrta of Taira., tuaatr Offlrlala aad Kirrulve Ki prailllurra Arr lllaruaard. There wan a rmetlriK of tome forty taxpayers of the various parts of Mur row county at the rink in lone on Sat unlay afternoon. Attorney Prank Hob Inaon acted as temporary chairman an.! he briefly outlined the object of the ineetlnir. Taxes, which seemed unreas onably hlRh; and increasing every year; a wasteful anil unwarranted ex penditure of the county funds, partic ularly with reference to roads; the In crease in salaries, etc., were topics for lively dlscusHoln, and appeared to be the keynote of the speechmaklnif. And Attorney Hohlnson stated that owing to these conditions, the meeting was called to devise some ways or means by which the situation nilicht he renied led, and everyone present was ultim ately called upon to express their views and present what facts and figures they mlKht possess that would lve light on the situation. I. 8. Harlow, the first speaker, stated In part that he believed most of the expense was on the road work; thai ihr"ee or four surveys were usually tak en before any actual work was begun; the county court had no say In the matter of the construction of Willow creek highway; the stale engineers were doing the work as they snw fit, according to Mr. Harlow. 'There has been n great deal of money spent al ready on Hhea creek highway, and only one mile and a quarter graded and sur faced, and at the rate they are going there will he no money left out of the J29.00O. and this road about half finish ed," was a statement given by Mr. Har low. And he further remnrked that the foolish waste of money In building the Jordan Siding grade will cost the tax payers of Morrow county a big sum of money to put In a fill across the rail road crossing. The position of Mr. Harlow was sup ported by Jason Hlddle regarding the Ithea creek road "Wo must do one of two things, if this 1 l- mile cost lin.OOH, I say the money was not prop erly spent, and wa should quit build ing roads right now. The biggest per centage of taxes are paid by the farm ers; the county men are too extrava gant; the money is simply wasted; let us do something." "Mr. Campbell and Oeo. Hieakman are good men to meet, but not business men." stated Hert Mason, lone merch ant "I have known Mr Hlenkman for a good many years, and he has tried everything from herding Bheep on up. and he's broke now. Judge Campbell Is not the man for this road Job. These men haven't the business Ability. We are putting Ihcsc men up by our mon ey; they are gelling poor pay, we will admit, but about all they mem to wanl la the honor of holding office. There's this road to Spray via Ilardman and Monument. About one or two, such as Hob Cnraner Is tbout nil this road will benefit. There has been appropriated the sum of $;o,noo for this road, and If they proceed the way they have been doing they will never get to the top of the Heppner hill. We Bhnuld recall these men and put In men who arc capable of holding olllcc. I Bay get a competent man In there If it does take a liltie more salary; let's get him." M H Morgan expressed his views as to the present election, referring es pecially to Ihn legislature, lly our votes wo send a man to Salem and put up a measure anil have It passed over the wishes of the people, the mrnauro be ing the "raising of (be salaries of coun ty olllcers " "V are paying these men big money and they ride around In nil los. What are they good for. We used to get along on these roads several years ago and they were kept up la better shape and they received only one tend of the wages they receivo now. We have got to put a stop to this extravagance or we will be In solvent. We must have men to work for the tnleresls of Monow county. These men we are paying to ride ar ound in autos and not Interested In their work, I say, take them out There's County Agen Hunt for Instance, riding nil over the country; anil now we understand ho went to Spokane. All this money, lades and gentlemen Is coming out of our pockets; innklng our taxes so high we can't pay them. We must do away with this kind of peo ple. County Hoad Master MrCnleb also came In for his share of the crltlcsm C. M. Schrlver expressed himself as being very much In accord with the views of Mr. Morgan, making refer ence to what Mr. Kred Kly hnd to say concerning the building of the high way nround his store nt Morgan. This Instanoo was only one moro of the wasto of money as the putting of the bridge across the canyon at Morgan cost the county Borne J7000 In extra money. There Is evidence of waste on every mile of this road. Mr. Harbison, of Morgan, stated his views on the John Pay Irrigation pro ject. We must light It. Never lot It get Its clutches on you; becnuse you might as well sell out and pack up and move out, was tho assertion of the speaker. "$16.0011 Is what It cost to grade around the city of Tone Instead of us ing the street as originally planned. On lop of this was tho construction of one bridge at 13000 and another at M.IWI0.., All of this unnecessary ex travngance was laid to some spite work so stated Hort Mason. The excuse glv- en wns that the railroad company would not let them build the road across their right-of-way. There wns moro speaking along this order and this will suftlco to give the trend of the meeting from tills view point. Mr. Itohlnnon emphasised the need of gelling organlxed and getting around nmong tho fanners and get their sen timent. Mr. Hlddle objected to too much mn- GEORGE W. CHAPIN, OF HARDMAN, IS DEAD Word was received in Heppner Tues day morning announcing the death at that plate shortly after midniKht of George Y. Chapin, one of the pioneer residents of Hock creek. Mr. Chapin had- been ill but a very short time, and IiIm sudden demise came as a shock to his many friends In this part of the county. Ills funeral la beitiK held at Hani man today and burial will be in the cemetery there. Mr. Chapin was one of the successful farmers of the county and had been extensively en gaged in both farmitiK and slockraising here for many years, owning quite large tract of land in what is known as Chapin canyon on Hock creek. He is survived by his wife and one son who reside nt Hardman. Dan Ntaltrr It r turn from South, After having spent the past three months in southern California, Dan B. Stalter returned to Heppner on Thurs day evening last and will remain in this city for a short time. Mr. Stalter states that he had the finest time of his life and while in the south he met many of his former friends. He was Joined by a sister who lives In Illinois and her daughter, and the greater por tion of the time was spent at Long lieach and the weather was delghtful Lmn states that the trip was one of great pleasure all through and there was not a point visited that he did not run across Borne old time friend and acquaintance. He was entertained for several days at the home of John C. Ilrown in Hedlands, and in company with Kd flrown made a trip Into the Imperial Valley by auto. He also cross ed fcver Into Mexico at Tlawana and witnessed some real life. At .San Fran cisco, on the way home he ran across Art Crawford and had a nice visit with him. Dan thinks southern California the fluent place on earth to spend the winter. ' CARD OF THANKS. We take tliis means of extending our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their assistance and the sympathy and comfort given us in our sad bereavement occasioned by the death of our beloved husband and fnth er. We nlurt highly appreciate the beautiful Mural offering. Rebecca Warren and family. Wants to Put in Ferry Across River at Irrigon Gordon Holmes of Irrigon ha filed notice with the county court of Morrow bounty that he will petition that body at Its May .term to grant him a fran chise to establish a ferry across the Columbia river at a point about three miles below the town of Irrigon. He will also have a similar petition before the commissioners of Benton county, Washington, at the same time. The point nf landing on the Washington side would be about a mile above the town of Patterson. Mr. Holmes has already purchased a boat which he se cured from parties at Pasco at a cost f t2rfn, which is propelled by a good marine engine and has capacity for the accommodation of about seven tin lii sles. Should thfs ferry be established along with one at Roardman, there would he no difficulty in tourists mak ing It n cross the Columbia at conven ient points on the highway, there now being ferries at both Arlington and rmatllla. llrothrr Dies nt Albany. Mrs. K. R. Huston of this rity receiv ed the sad Intelligence on Tuesday of the death of her brother. H. F. Stuart, mi Monday evening nt his home in Al bany. He wns nged id years and was a veteran of the Spanish-American war ;oul served with an Oregon company In the Philippines, where he contracted an lilment that he could never be rid of. in account of Illness, Mrs. Huston was unable to go to Albany to attend the funeral. Dave Hynd and Will Howard, ranch men of Hand Hollow and Butter creek, wore in Heppner yesterday. Tombing Is well on at the Rosa I-awn rnnch of Hynd Urns, under the best of condi tions, and the percentage is high. Mor row county sheepmen are all experien- Ing a fine lambing season and will be happy when the sheep and wool market opens up again. According to John Kilkenny, who wns In Heppner Sunday, tho outlook is not hnd, ns he claims to hnvo advices from Montana that year ling ewes are being contracted there from Js to $10 per head after shearing. This Is not bad If there should prove to be a strong demnnd. Harry Rnrtholomew, alfalfa raiser and stockman of Stanfleld, was a vis- II or In this city for a short time on Wednesday. chlnery, and continued to present other facts which we have not the space to mention at this time. Many other spenekers added their mite and there were numerous statements that might he considered pertinent, but this nuilh Is given nt this time to show that the meeting has started something. A committee consisting of Hert Ma son, Dan Harlow, Mr. Mnthlson and Ja son Riddle was appointed to investigate the taxes and expenditures on road work, nnd to gather such other Infor mation ns may be of value. Al Henrlkson of Cecil was present, nnd ho made some defense of the ex penditures thnt had been made. Call ing attention to the fact that a very largo portion of tho taxes complnlned of hnd been voted by the people them selves nnd the court was powerless in this respect. He would urge the people to ho cautious in creating further tax burdens by the voting of measures cn.l- Ing for nddlilonnl funds, thnt now the funds hnd been voted there was noth Ing much left to do but try to get the funds together to pay the bills. Agent Hunt was present nnd took up the defense of the court, nnd wo will present some of his facts nnd figures in another article. SPRING J SO PUTTY-AND I CAN A trip through eastern Oregon shows that the winter Just ended has been the most favorable in many years for live stock. The overhead which was so ruinous a year ago. haa been cut to practically one-fourth the costs of the tvlnter of 1MS-20. Cheap feed and mild weather have been in part responsible for this, material reduction has taken place In labor costs. Ranch employees have been cut from $85 a month to something like $50. Kheep herders are now working for from $60 to 176 a month which represents a cut of forty per cent. Sheep shearers are asking 12 1-2 cents largely because this price was established by the Utah Sheep Shearers' Union, who voluntarily cut from 17 1-2 cents to 12 1-2. The grow ers are talking ten cents and will have no trouble In Hlllng the Jobs at this price. The heavy fall raina produced a lux uriant growth of grass and all stock taken up in the fall were In prime con dition. This was responsible for an early maturing of all feed-lot stuff. Practically everything got fat this year. As a result there has been an early marketing of pan-fed animals and a line growth of wool and a bumper lamb, calf and colt crop will be insured Stockmen are optimistic. They have been able to get along without much money and have by means of trading amongst themselves and in some in stances giving their help an interest In the Btock, been able to squeese through. They have been successful in cutting the overhead. Labor has objeted but little, knowing that this was absolute ly necessary. A peculiar situation is present in respect to cattle. Feeders are sellinK at market points for prac tlcnlly as much per pound as killers, Indicating confidence In the future of the beef industry. The horse market is Improving. There considerable demand for stock to take the place of trucks and tractors A number of mares will be bred this spring. Farmers feel the need of rais ing sufficient colts to replace the older horses worn out or sold to avoid de preciation. Several years ago, horse raising ennbled the central eastern Ore gon wheat farmers to pull through several short -crop seasons. The pre sent price for grains and hay bring horse expense tier year below $100. Small tractors cost at least $!00 (cov ering operation, depreciation and re pairs) annually hence more than six head of horses will have to be replaced in order to pay out under present con ditions. The University of Illinois recently made a tractor and horse survey. It was found thnt 72 per cent of horse maintenance constitutes feed costs and that the grains used would be approx imately 25 1-2 bushels of barley, S7.8 bushels of oats and 2 tons of hay and 170 days access to outside pasture. One hundred tractor users were interviewed and the fnrm work was put Into three divisions, "Tractor Work," "Doubtful Tractor Work," and Non-Tractor Work" Approximately 75 per cent of the work on the average farm was In the horse nnd doubtful-tractor column. None of the 100 farmers using tractor gave Increased crop yields as an ad vantage for the tractor. One may con clude that the average farm must be larger than 240 acres before tractors can bo successfully substituted for horses then only for part of the work. Eastern Oregon stock growers are determined to pull through the present period of depression. Hankers state that there has been enough money sav ed during the past six months to re coup much of the loss that has been sustained becnuse of growers not sell ing at top prices. Stockmen realize that the only way In the long run that one can lose in the stock game Is to lose the stock. This year there has been no disease loss, neither has there been a storm loss, nor has there been any considerable amount of loss from forced liquidation. If there ever have been losses In (ho stock Industry, either the stockman or tho banker have been at fault, the stockman, perhaps, because he has given up, the banker becnuse he has lots faith. Any stockman that has stood off failure until now Is sure ly through tho worst of It. The bank er who has helped him Is now well able to see the fruits of his good Judgment. Federal reports show thnt there are ten million less domestic nnlmals in the United Stntes than a year ago. breed ing stock Is sure to be In much demnnd. There are good reasons for believing IS HERE Coach Heard's call for baseball prac tice Monday resulted in a turnout or over twenty men, among which were eight veteram of last year's team. The coach has been putting; the boys thru some stiff workout! and has picked the team to play Lexington Saturday, April 2. I'eteraon, who played short last year, has become a regular at pitching and will start the game Saturday with Canon, a recruit, as Heard's second best bet. Canon lacks experience but haa a wonderful arm and a fair curve and should be a winner with more exper ience. The two will alternate at third also. At catching w have Aiken who has had considerable experience and should help the team considerable as he Is a good hitter as well as a re ceiver. Boyd at first looks good and bears watching as he Is playing a good game of ball at present He should star easily this year. The second sack isj-afe with Irwin watching it He has been pastlmlng here for two years and should do well this year. Ferguson at short seems to be the real weak place. He needs lots of practice, though he is a hard worker and with special coaching from Coach Heard will make good, as he is a very good hitter. The outfleld has many as pirants but Logan. Howell and Wright have the edge on the others. Logan is a heavy hitter and fast Howell and Wright are also good and will show up well wth more experience. Humphries, Chldsey, McDuffee and Dougherty are fighting hard to get on and may be us ed later. Don't forget the game Saturday, Apr. 2. Lexington vs. Heppner. The high school Is having half a holiday off today for the purpose of working on the new play grounds and tennis court. The boys will serve "bow wows" and coffee at noon. R C. Culver, an old ball player from O. A. C, has been showng the boya some line points in baseball this week and helping Caoch Heard get started. The U. of O. Girls Glee club will be here Friday and give an entertainment in the high school auditorium. After the entertainment the high school will enlertnn the girls In the auditorium. The big mystery is: Where has the freshman pennant gone? Catherine Pattlson has been playing a McSweeney stunt and hasn't return ed to school yet. Uriel Note. (tie has a new sweater. Hernice is still wearing the green coat. Spec has been to school two days without missing a period. See you next week. District Attorney S. E. Notson re turned home from Salem on Friday eve ning. He spent several days at the capltol looking up some legal matters. He slates that the election held at Willamette University the past week fur the election of a May Queen, re sulted In the choosing of Miss Mary Notson, who will be crowned at the May Day festival. May 6 and 7. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Coun ty Court of Morrow County will until ten o'clock a. m., April 22, 1921, receive bids for the construction of two 35-ft. bridges over nutter creek, near the Umatilla county line, about 22 inltes northeast of Lexington, In Morrow County. All In accordance with plans and specifications on file In the County Clerk's ofllce at Heppner. Oregon. No bid will be considered unless accom panied by a certified check in an am ount equal to 5 per cent of the total bid. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid deem ed best for Morrow County. J. A. WATERS, County Clerk. , Mrs. W. H. Cronk returned from Portland on Friday. She had been ab sent In the city for two weeks, visit ing Mr. Cronk who Is In a snnltorlum there. She reports that her husband is doing well nnd gradually (alnttujr In weight nnd health with every pros pect that he will be fully restored to health within a very few months. Dr. Stephen D. Phelps and wife de parted for Vancouver Wash., on Tues day where they expect to reside for Hie summer at least. thnt the end of the present decline has now been reached nnd that the up ward trend that tho market 1b show- ing Is to be permnnent. COMMERCIAL CLUB HAS GOOD MEETING A Leadlas (taratloa for Dlaeaiuiloa Was lloadai the ( loslog of Gap la Willow ( reek Hlganar aad the Haadllog of Market Hoad Moae? Clalralaa; At tea tloa. A very interesting discussion came up at the commercial club meeting on last Friday evening when the subject of "Roads" was reached in the order of business. The club is naturally In terested In the matter of getting the Willow creek highway completed, and there is trow a gap of some 12 miles extending from a point a short distance beyond Lexington to the Wightman I place below Heppner, or about 12 miles, that is not graded and cannot be until some funds are secured to carry on the work. Just how to arrive at a solu tion of the problem had not yet been decided at the time of the meeting Fri day evening, and the subject called forth considerable talk and developed the fact that the sentiment was unan imous that something must be done to complete the road and that the time to do It was now. However, when It was suggested that the market roads fund might be applied on this road and used to close up this gap It developed that It might be well to proceed with cau tion, as this fund was understood by the farmers to be set aside for purely market roads and there was Borne question as to whether the highway would come under this classification The opinion prevailed, that while It was stated that there could be no ques tion in this regard, the attorney for the state highway commission having held such roads to be market roads as well as state highways. It was only fair to put the matter squarely before the farmers and get their sanction or disapproval of the procedure before an attempt was made to divert the mar ket roads fund. Dist Atty. S. E. Not son gave it as his opinion that the funds could not be borrowed by the county as the matter now stood, so that It would be Impossible to get hold of the funds temporarily in this man ner. J. P. Conder, who was instrument al in getting a petition before the court to apply this fund this year on the Lexington-Jarmln road, stated that he was sure that all those interested in this proposition would waive any claims to the fund at this time and allow the money to be spent on the Willow creek highway, providing they could be assured of its return In a reasonable time; that he was ready to pledge their support to this proposi tion, while County Agen Hunt briefly expressed the opinion that if it was attempted to divert the fund without a thorough understanding on the part of the farmers interested in the tthar ket roads, there would be a bitter fight precipitated. The result of the discussion, which was all in a good natured vain, was the appointment of a special committee to meet with the farm bureau and to act In conjunction with road committee already appointed and assist In work ing out this problem. W. W. Smead, F. R. Brown and Chas. Thomson were appointed. W. R Rarratt, state highway com missioner, being present, urged prompt action in this regard. Mr. Rarratt ex plained that as soon as the grading and surfacing of the Morrow county unit of the Oregon-Washington high way was completed, the state would take over its maintenance, and this alone would mean the saving of thou sands of dollars to the tax payers c.f the county. In a measure this would cimpensste for the loss that might be suM.Vned for a ycrtr or two by thor-e who would be l.fntfltted by tho '.mill ing of mark'.c, It being estimate that this maintenance would probably cost the state around $5000 per mile. Mr. Raratt also brought out the fact that the completion of this road at this time meant the spending of nearly Half a million dollars in the county on the part of the highway commis sion, and that If the grading of the gap between Heppner and Lexington was not soon completed, our people stood In line to be passed up, as the funds at the command of the commission were being rapidly appropriated and when gone It would be a long time before other money sufficient to carry on the work would be provided. Other routine business of the club was the voting of $1 per member as the club donation to the funds for helping along the promotion work of the Umatilla Rapids Power Association, and the secretary was Instructed to draw the check of the club for the re quired amount in favor of the associa tion. The request of the Heppner Library association that the club make a monthly donation of $5 for the blying of books for the library, was tabled A committee consisting of F. R. Brown, Dean Goodman and W. W Smead was appointed to confer with other organisations of the city with reference to the securing of a band leader, and providing for his compen sation. Upon motion It was ordered that a check for $75. In favor of U. J. Onrsncr. be drawn, this to compensate for ex penses on account of his recent trip to Portland In behalf of the club. Other bills were Patrick hotel, ac count expenses of Mr. .Tones, Near East Relief meeting. $2: Heppner Herald, printing, $7.10. It was moved and carried that the club go on record as favoring the plan of paying telephone bills under the new schedule of rates, on protest, it appearing thnt rehearing in the tele phone rate case would in all probabil ity be called, and In thus paying tho hills patrons of the telephone com pany would be In line for a proper adjustment of the excess payments should the former rates be restored. Jos. W. Frltsch, secretary of the club, tendered his resignation, to take effect ns soon ns another secretary could be selected. Mr. Frltsch having HOWARD ANDERSON SALE SATURDAY WAS SUCCESS Howard Anderson was In town from Eifc'ht Mile on Tuesday and stated to us that his sale on Saturday was a complete success in every respect. There was a fine crowd In attendance, bidding was lively and everything of fered brought good prices under the efficient handling of F. A. MoMenamin assjthe auctioneer. David Wilson, clerk, was kept busy in getting down the bids, and the grft surprise to Mr. An derson was the fine amount of cash realized, as he had feared that even though everything should sell well, un der the present conditions he would have to prepare to take paper for the greater portion of the sales. As It was he realized fully half cash. One team of horses sold for $33 cash. Mules went from $130 to $170 per head, while cows sold around $70 and yearlings $25 to $30, Mr. McMenamln had three sales the past week and he' will cry the Dyk stra sale on Saturday, Mr. Anderson states that he is especially veil pleas ed with the work of both auctioneer and clerk. He is yet undecided as to Just what he will do, but thinks that he will move with his family to a small place near The Dalles, providing he can get a satisfactory trade. Parent-Teacher Organlie at Lexington. On Monday evening 45 of the patrons and teachers of the Lexington school met at the high school auditorium for the purpose of organizing a Parent Teachers association In Lexington. The constitution as recommended hy the state superintendent was adopted. The officers were elected as follows: president, W. O. Hill; vice-president, Maude H. Pointer; secretary, Mrs. Geo. W. Garrett; treasurer, Karl L. Beach The first regular meeting will be held at the school house April 12th. A com mittee was appointed to secure every eligible person within the school dis trict as a member of the association. The association will be affiliated with the state and national Congress of Mo thers, and Parent-Teacher associations, and will receive suggestions and ad vice from both the state and national organisations. It is realized by all in attendance at this organization meeting that great good can be accomplished by an organ ization of this kind, which brings all together upon the common plane of ln--est in the welfare of the school chil dren and the home. Andrew J. Warren Passes at Hardman on Saturday Andrew J. Warren, a respected cit izen of Hardman, died at his home on Saturday last at the advanced age of Sf years. Death was caused from chronic bronchitis from which Mr. War ren had been a sufferer for a number of years, though just prior to his tak ing away he had been in his usual health. His funeral was held at Hard man on Monday, Mrs. W. O. Livingstone of this city delivering the discourse and conducting the services. Burial was in the cemetery at Hardman. Mr. Waren came to this county with his family from Missouri some twenty one years ago. For a number of years he followed farming in the Eiirht Mile section, from which vocation he retir ed about fourteen years ago. Four years ago he moved to Hardman where he has since made his home. He is survived by his widow, Rebecca Warren, and nine children. George W. Warren of Sunnyside, Wash; Mrs. J. A. Hopper of Prosser. Wnh: Theodore Warren, Condon; Mrs. A. E. Dalzell. Condon: Mrs. Richard Jones, Condon ; Perry Warren, Condon; J. A. nnd Alex Warren of Hardman and Mrs. C. H. ( Furlong of Heppner. All members of the family were able to be In attend ance nt the funeral, Mr. Warren was one of the few re maining Civil war veterans scattered throughout this country. He was a member of Company C, M. P. M. Volun-i teera. He enlisted at the beeinning of the war, ntrhting throueh many a hard battle, but still willing to do his duty in the end. He was married to Rebecca Jane Molen February 12th. 1SA4. at Warrens-1 burg. Johnson county, Missouri. CLIFFORD CiODDOX MrDOVlLD. I I The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc-i Ponald at Hardman. as well as that en tire community was saddened by the , death early Tuesday morning of Clif ford Gordon McDonald, aeod 11 years. li months and 4 days, The lad had been sick but a few short days, suffer ing from spinal men ins it Is, when the death angel came and he was taken home. His funeral was hold at Hardman church Wednesday at 1 3i Mrs. W. O. Livingstone of this city conducting the services. There was a very lame at tendance of the friends of the family. Mid the school turned out to the fun eral in a body, as Clifford, who wns a bricht student in the -1th grade, was beloved by nil his schoolmates. The floral offerings of his friends were pro fuse and very beautiful Pesides the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. McDonald, he le.ives to mourn his loss three sisters. Mrs Roy Rob inson of Lone Rock, Kthol and Hazel and t o brothers. Herbert and Ray mond, and the entire community of Hardman, for tho lad was loved by nil who knew him. Mr nnd Mrs, C. T,. Sweeic made a trip to Monument the past week, where M r, S v oek w as call ed o n a eeoun t of the ill ness of his fa t h er. T .a w re nee Sweek. They returned h.ime on Sun day Tt is very hard traveling getting through tho mountain' lust new. owing to bad roads from Varkers Mill over There is yet a lot of heavy snow drifts on Sunflower Flat and these are hard to got throueh. Mr, Sweok reports his father much Improved in health at the present. disposed of his business Interests In Heppner, expects to leave the city within a few weeks, and he doomed It advisable to hand in his rsignutinn now in order that the new man eouM take over tho job before he went away. HOMESTEADER TAKES HIS LIFE BYSHDOTING J" Crahr. In Fit of tiupmmAmrr Whoota Hltmaelf Hlth H stall HlflV. la Foua4 Br Maerparrder la I aroa arloua ufiditloa Similar Morala and Dira Shortlr Aflrr (a Hoaplial Here. James Craig, residing about three miles east of Heppner, was found in his cabin at an early hour Sunday morning In an unconscious condition caused by a gunshot wound In the head. The body was discovered by George Davis, a sheepherder who was caring for a band of L. V. Gentry sheep that were feeding near the Cral cabin. Davis went over to the cabin, a was his custom, to spend a few mo ments visiting with Mr. Craig, and knocking on the door, got no response, whereupon he opened the door and dis covered Craig lying on the bed with a 22-calibre rifle grasped in his hands and lying across his body. Davis did not enter the cabin but ran down to the road to give the alarm and met W. P. Mahoney and B. G. Sigsbee com ing out from town, telling them what had happened. These men returned to the cabin with Davis and found Craig still alive but unconscious. Going to a telephone at a nearby neighbors they called up the sheriff's office and Sheriff McDuffee and Dr. Chick hurried out to the Craig cabin, where upon makng a careful examination it was decided that the man had shot himself with suicidal intent. Mr. Craig was brought to the hos pital In Heppner where he died In a short time, never regaining conscious ness. No apparent cause for the act has been discovered. Mr. Craig had been living on the homestead of 80 acres just up Stingle canyon a short distance from the J. W. Rector place, for sev eral years. He was a quiet and re served sort of man, having no bad hab its whatever, and was well liked and highly respected by all his neighbors. There can be no reason given for the rash act, other than that Mr. Craig, In a fit of despondency over the disposal he had made of his property took the gun and put an end to it alL He had lived alone for many years and there might have been other things over which he brooded, but this Is unknown to his nearest friends and relatives. He left no writing of any sort and had made no disposition of his money or property. He had but recently dispos ed of his rights In the homestead, re ceiving $500 In cash therefor, so we are informed. This money was In the bank In Heppner and he had no large sum of money on the premises that could be found. A daughter, Mrs. Manual Drucker, whose home is in Seattle, came in last evening, accompanied by her husband and hi?r mother, Mrs. Desmond Johnson, who resides in Portland. Mr. Craig had been out of touch with his family for a long time and did not know where the daughter resided and no direct word could be given her. She received the word of his death from her mo ther who had read the account In a Portland paper. When it was ascer tained that the daughter lived at Seat tle and would come to Heppner with her mother, the funeral was postponed until this morning that they might be in attendance. A brother, Thomas Craig, lievs north of Tone and as soon as he was informed of the traeedy he camee to Heppner to take charge of the remains and to make funeral ar rangements. The funeral was held at 10:30 this morning, Mrs. Cassie Living stone conducting the services. Wilard Herren. an old friend of Mr. Craig's has been appointed administra tor of the estate upon the petition of Thomas Craig. FIHST CHRISTIAN" CIIl'HCIt. Sunday. April X Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Rible school and Christian Kndeavor all services at the usual hours. F very one cordially welcomed. i'.rue and worship with us. LIVINGSTONE. Minister. Mr. Ralph J. Winter and Miss Lois Fas! o r 1 y . y o u n g people fro tn Cec i 1, were married in this city on Saturday afternoon last, W. O. Livingstone, pas tor of the Christian church, performing the ceremony. The groom is a young farmer of the Cecil district and the bride whose home is Hood River, haa been teaching the Four Mile school during the winter. They will make their home at Shady Dell, near Cecil. Re W. o. Livingstone is assisting Mrs, Livingstone in a short meeting at lone this week. Mrs. Livingstone has been kept on the move attending funerals, having made two trips to Hardman and one to Heppner for that purpose during the week. Homer Marls, who now resides at Se attle, expects to leave that city shnrtly for southern California, where he has secure. i a position at Sl-uio salary per annum.. Ho will have charge of work m connection with rehabilitation of tho soldiers, and his friends he--e will dug ratukite him upon his good for tune This Information wa contained in a communication received thin week by S. K Notson from N M.irU, father of Homer, who was gointf to Seattle to make his son a visit befnro he leaves with his wife for the south Dan Hanhi'w and wife nf Sand Hol bw were In this c!tv Tuesday. Mr Hanshew 1ms bcn :ibb t discard his ciutches nnd Is now it"ttlng around by j the aid of i cane The brok"n U ho suffered last summer has been a 1 1.oig time gettl"g strong. K K MilU-i of luiu; hut hn In Heppner this wevk. re.-elvl'itf tr.-atllfl.t ;t the hands of his on ln law. Dr Hot-nlg Kl h'H t'C-M sufr-'lng tmm an attiK-U nf appendioltm but hU ml ni'-n t is lei-ting to t i.',itoi-rit twtd h is n. -w i mi' i ' ing