The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 24, 1921, Image 1

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    Oregon HKorl. a! Socleff,
Public Au iltui luia
The Ga
Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Volume 37, Number 51.
Fitting Srrvlrra nr Hrld at thr UmiH
ollr hurt'fc aad Hllirralnna Attriul la
wd HaOQUrt at Hofrl In Kvcnlntf.
A BpleAriid .ninquet, enjoyed by some
125 member! of the Order of Hibern
ians and their friends at the Patrick
hotel on Thurmlny evening lust, at
whU;h time there whh much speech -makiiiK
and general Rood cheer, was a
flttinK end to the celebration In Hepp
ncr on Kt. l'atrlck'a day.
There wan a meetlhg of the Hil.orti
latif in the forenoon and the order went
In a body to St. Patrick church, where
they liutened to an eloquent discourse
by Father Oantwell and alwo observed
the eliKioua rites of the day. There
Has a lai'K number of th ; Irish penile
iii the count in town uinl th entire
17th of March was celebiated, even to
a lute hour In the evening and a splen
did Rood time had by alt.
At the banquet In the evening there
was speakitiK by different parties, and
Francis A. McMenamln acted in the ca
pacity of Urns (master. Gathered about
the blK banquet tables were not only
a large number of the members of the
order of Hibernians and their families
but many citizens of the city were
there also as Invited guests. The meet
ing took on( something of the nature
of a presentation of the claims of Ire
land to recognition as an Independent
nation, and much or the history of the
people of that little Island thnt Is suf
fering so much under present condi
tions was presented.
P. I!. D'Arcy of Salem, an Irishman
born in this country, and who, by the
way has been a resident of the city of
Salem for more than a half century
past, was the principal speaker of the
evening. He hnd been preceeded by
John Mollahan, president of the local
Hibernians, and who Is an orator of
much native ability and made a very
forceful address, and Father Cantwi'll
pastor of St. Patrick's church of Hepp
ner. Father Cantwell has not appeared
often In public addresses In lleppner,
but his effort on this occasion shows
him to be an orator of much ability and
he was listened to with intense Inter
est an he presented Ireland's position
and made a plea that her claims be
given the fair and Impartial treatment
at the hands of America that Is char
acteristic of her citizens.
Judge. D'Arcy was a little handicap
ped In his effort as some of the time
that he should have had to bring out
the full force of his address hnd been
consumed and he was obliged to leave
out much that would have been very
Interesting, we are sure. He is a very
gifted and pleasing speaker, and occu
pying the position of a protest ant lie
was prepared to handle the Irish ques
tion purely from the standpoint of its
merits and entirely free of any reliir
lous Mas. His argument was conclu
sive from Ibis standpoint and we are
sure that all those who heard .Inde
D'Arcy on this occasion will hereafter
be safe in asserting that so far as the
Ilritish government in concerned In its
dealings with the Irish people, the mat
ter of religion cuts no figure; Catho
lics and Protestants alike have been
martyrs to the cause of Irish freedom
and have each likewise come under the
condemnation of the British power.
The banquet was a complete success,
the chef at the hotel hnvlng put up a
sprend fl! for the gods. He also caught
the spirit of the occasion, and the green
was made prominent In many of the
courses served. Others on the program
and who delighted the banqueters were
Mrs. R. J. Vnughan, Mrs. Chester Dar
bee and I'ntrida Mahoney, eflch of
them rendering vocal solos that called
forth hearty encores.
Albert Rowker arrived from Ppoknne
last evening. Ho hris been roslding at
the clfy by the foils for Ihe past couple
of months.
Dr. Thick reports the arrival of n son
at the home of James Stockad, of Lex
Ington, this, Thursday, a. m., and all
parties concerned are doing well.
Miss Odllo Oroshons spent the past
week In Portland where she had a very
delightful visit with friends. She re
turned home on Sunday, being nccom
panled by her sister, Mrs. E. L. Vinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford are
rejoicing over the arrival of a new son,
born to them early last Sunday morn
Ing at the maternity home of Mrs. O
C. Aiken In tills city. The young man
has been named John Hpencor, nnd
both babe and mother are doing fine.
Dad Crawford Is hardly able yet to get
his hat on, but the swelling In his cran
lum Is being gradually reduced.
Sheepmen Pleased.
Local sheepmen nro well pleased w
the nppolntmont of Frank Hagenbarth
of Salt Lako as a member of the Inter
state Commerce Commission, llagen
bnrth Is president of the National Woi
Growors' Association, and also of the
American National livestock Associa
tlon. East Orcgonlan.
Morrow County Farm Wanted.
fn exchange for 5(1 acres, unencum
bored, hill land In Washington county
and 12500. J. II. DEMOSS, Hanks, Ore.
ri:i)i,iiA i i:d t hi it( ir.
Sunday school Kastor program by
tie school.
Church servlceB Baptismal cere
monv at 10:45 a. m. Special Easier
sermon 11:00 a. m.
American Legion Dance
Fair Pavilion, Ht'pjnu'r
Saturday -:- March 2Gth
Through the klndnesa cf one of the
pupils of the Pine City hlch school we
can Rive the following report of the
play given by the pupile of the school
on the 12th Inst
The play was meant ae a good na-
tured parody on the women'! right
movement. In It the ladies held all
ivll offices and the men attended to
household affaire. M;iry Bartholomew,
alias Kve Greenway, acted as maor
f Pine City and carried off the hor.ora
of the evening. Louis Carlson, alias
Lester Parmenter, made a very domes
tic looking young man In his role of
the mayor's husband. The rest of the
ast held well balanced parts and car
ried out the Idea of "women's rights."
The class realised 174 80 which Is to
lie presented to the school In the form
of a Blcreoptlcan lantern and slides.
Home-made candy was sold between
the acts of the play.
Suffering from Very Severe
Case of Blood Poisoning
C. I. Huston Is confined to his home
In this city, suffering from a very se
vere case of blood poisoning. At the
esent time Mr. Huston Is a very sick
nun, though t Is the opinion of his at
tending physician, Dr. McMurdo, that
the danger point has been passed and
that his patient will fully recover In
due course of time.
It has been about three weeks now
since Mr. Huston, while trimming up
the bcrrv bushes on his place, ran a
small thorn in the Index finger of his
Icht hand. He gave the matter nut
little thought at the time, but the In
jury caused the finger to swell badly
and the result was a serious case of
lnod poisoning. The case was taken
In hand by the pnysician arier mr.
Huston had put In more than a week
of Intense suffering and siecpiess
nights of floor walking, and the doc
tor Is of the opinion that had the prop-
treatment been delayed for another
twenty-four hours It would have been
too late. We are pleased to state that
Mr. Huston Is Improving, though his
progress seems slow.
Firemen Will Hold Meeting
For the Election of Officers
A meeting of Hcppner's volunteer
flro department Is railed bv President
Notson for next Monday evening at the
ounril chambers. This meeting Is of
mporfanco as It Is the time for the
nnual election of officers of the com
nny, and President Notson insists that
all those who are anxious to have an-
ilher big fire In lleppner come out
We presume that he means all those
who are Interested In having an em-
lent Are fighting force in the city
should attend this meeting, and this
means practically every cltlien of the
ommunlty. Let there be a good at
As I have sold my battery business
lleppner to I. 11. Clabough & Sons,
I would be very thankful to anyone
owing me to mnuiy mase sememem
f account as quickly as possible. I
wish to tnke this opportunity of thank
ing my friends for their liberal pat
ronage during the two years that I
have been In lleppner, and hope that
my successors will be accorded the
same liberal treatment at your hands.
County Agent Hunt Is In Spokane
tills week, attending a district Farm
Bureau meeting. F. It. Howard, presl-
lent of the natlonnl Farm Bureau fed
oration Ir In attendance at this meeting
and was Ihe principal speaker on Wed
ncadnv. and today thoro Is to be a
wheat marketing meeting.
Tursdnr, April 13 Is the Day Set and
a Thorough Cleaning of Yards, Va
rant loin, Alleys and Streets Is Or
dered. (H) to Haul Oil All Trash,
Mayor Eugeno G, Noble --et Tu
esday. April 12 ns clenn-up day for
lleppner, and he Is looking forward to
a complete nnd unanimous response
by our citizens to his proclamation.
All front and back yards, alloy ways,
veennt lots and streets of the city
should be thoroughly cleaned of all
rubbish. Ash piles, rock piles, o'd tin
cans, boxes, mnnure piles and every
thing of this sort Is to be disposed of
nnd Ihe entire city cleaned.
Such stuff nB can be burned shall
lie Inken care of by the property own
ors and occupants of the premises, and
permission will be granted to make
fires for this purpose. All other rub
bish Is to be placed In sncks or boxes
at the edgo of tho sidewalk In con
venient shape to bo gathered up by
the. ilrnynmn, and this will all bo re
moved at the expense of the city.
Mayor Noble is looking forward to a
clenn lleppner, nnd It should not be
neiessnry to await the clean-up da o
to begin tho work. Those are good
days to be getting at It and have all
tho work dono so that by the 12th of
April our little city will put on ItB
bright clenn attire. Let everyone get
busy now.
At Ihe Arthur Dykstra sale on Satur-
day, April 2nd. there will be offered cMc purposes, visits tho school (same , ( rn)tll,, stlltoa ,,,.,,,( nttorJhlm vcrv much as a scholarly Chrlst
n nddltlonal IB head of mixed cattle, Bs now) reports to tho superintendent y )( ()i M b(i'an ...deman.
an Item that was omitted n the blllsj , progress and needs of the school r or f 0ntnrio. As a mem. .
and other advertising Tl,l bu"(-h 'nnd wishes of the people concerning , p nallagher Pete Prophet is down from Tlardman
cattle Is good stuff and should Interest , lnlfli nn(, recommends Improvements fiia(ol,nil , s.n,BM t ,,ftot b,u. 1 to,,v. It Is reported that he contem
a:rro".do;ftanm "" (Cont.nued on Page 6, . -Pendleton I, O. piatcs opening up a store here.
By M. H. 8JUNS.
Oregon's new school district law au
thorised by the passage of House Bill
No. 215 is characterized by prominent
educators and editors as the best school
district law In the United States.
There was a time many years ago
when "the little old red school house"
served the purpose of the then isola
ted communities very well, and there
are some who think It Is still good en
ough. The demand for secondary education
was for .many years supplied by relig
ious and private academies, but these
ere in the main fee schools and did
not serve all the people. Then came
slowly but surely the free public high
school. For awhile these were mostly
located In towns and cities, but the
consolidation idea has been developing
and there are many rural high schools,
and yet with all our advances Out a
small proportion of the children of the
land especially those In the rural com
munities are adequately served: this
condition being due principally to poor
housing and equipment, untrained
teachers and lack of funds. Every child,
poor or rich, city or rural, should have
an equal chance, under equal conditions
to get an education that will rnnke him
a first claBs citizen, able to sntisfnetor
11 y perform the ordinary political dut
ies of civil life; make him economic
ally Independent self-supporting; and
so train him that he will know how
to Bpend bis leisure time profitably
without Interfering with others.
The Idea back of the new law Is to
supply these equalizing conditions and
influences, to raise the standard of rur
al education, nnd to secure efficient su
pervision of the same.
This act applied to Morrow county
would put all the schools of the county
under the jurisdiction of the county
board of five members. Since there Is
district In the county unless it
would be lleppner, that would have 500
pupils on the census. If they have
they would be a town district and
would retain their present organiza
tion. All the other sclinols would be
under the county board. The theory is
that It is far easier to secure from
the county five very able men than
150 or more as at present required
The county district board assumes con
trol of all school property and all in-
debtedness against the same, within
the district. The first county board
would be made up of five chairmen of
existing boards and at the next an
mini election a new board would be
elected. Thero would be a regular
meeting place.
The duties of the new board would
To employ a school clerk, fix his com.
schools, fix his term of olllee and com
pensatlon Including necessary thavel
ling expenses. (Present superintend
ents would serve out their terms.)
To employ a school clerk fix his com-
penBatlon, bonds, etc.
To employ all ncessary assistant su
perintendenta, supervisors, teachers,
Janitors, and assistants and tlx their
To lease and build school houses, buy
and lease lnnds for school purposes,
furnish all supplies, etc.
To prepare annual budget, levy taxes,
make annunl printed report to tax pay
ers, connolldato schools and arrange
for transportation of pupils, fix tuition,
and determine boundaries to be served
by each school house, etc.
It will be seen thnt provision Is made
for efllcient supervision of all schools
that consolidation will be encouraged;
that economy in management ana i.
the purchase and distribution of sup
plies will be secured, nnd that the
blnnket tax covering the whole county
will lessen the tax for 75 per cent of
the districts, which are now paying 10
to 20 mills or more. Umatilla county
has figured that a six mill blnnket tnx
will supply all the money now required
to run the schools. Even tho increased
supervision charge would not raise the ;
tax more than two mills. I
Other features of bill allow for the
election of a local school committee of
three the Bame as now. (Present j
boards serve until the next annunl el- j
eetlon.) This committee cares for the,
,.hool property, detonnlnes Its use for
Varied and Interesting from begin
ning to end,1 the program of the Uni
versity of Oregon's Girls' Glee club to
be given in the auditorium of the school
building in Heppner on April 1 under
the management of the high school.
promises to furnish the cities of the
Cascades a rare treat, according to In
formation carried in the University
j'Ublieation, the Oregon Daily Emerald
of a recent date. The girls, have been
practicing constantly for many months
and Leland A. Coon, director of the
club, says he would have no fear to
stage a concert In any city in the
John Stark Evans, assistant dean ofimunitv in Ms efforts to thus eliminate
me scnooi or music at tne siaie unlver-
siiy, in a criticism or me giee ciud col-i
lowing the home concert In Eugene on
February 25 says, "Playing to a crowd
ed house in Eugene theater Saturday
night, the Girls' Glee club under the
supervision of Lend A. oon of the
hool of music gave the best concert
that the organization has given In sev
eral years. The program, which was
varied and interesting from beginning
to end, showed most excellent training.
meticulous care In phrasing and a high
degree of finish throughout The per
formance does credit to them, to Mr.
ion, the director, nnd the university."
The program to be given on the
tour of eastern Oregon Is well bal-
inccd, containing songs never before
used In the west. Soloists who have
studied under some of the best artists
of tlve west have been given prominent
places in the concert. The feature,
"When the Clock Strikes Twelve," was
conceived by Miss Letcher, who will
appear with the club as accompanist.
The girls have made their own cos
tumes for tills stunt, a surprise feature
which aroused much favorable com
ment on the campus and In the univer
sity town following the performance.
The soloists of the glee club are Gen
evieve Clancy, soprano; Laura Rand,
contralto: Imoeene Letcher, pianist:
and Margaret pheips. violinist. The ,
gins nave many unique encores, one
of these encores being a Btunt fori
which the girls have undergone exten
sive military training for several
The twenty two girls, Professor
Coon, and Manager Don Davis will
leave for the tour of the eastern coun
ties immediately after the term exam
ination on March 25. The first per
formance will be staged In Hillsboro
and then the club will take the long
jaunt to Enterprise. From Pendleton
tbe organization o4 singers nnd musi
cians will come to Heppner for their
scheduled concert.
Following is the program:
Part I.
I. Carmena Wilson-Smith
Glee Club
IT. Piano solo Romance, Op. 24, No. 9
Miss Letcher
ITT. Quartet "Mammy's Ll'l rigeon"
Misses Clancy, Zink, McPherson
IV. "Forever and a Day" Rlschoff.
"Friendship" Harris.
V. "Come Down Laughing Streamlet"
' Spross.
Glee Club
l'nrt II.
T. "Senotlla" Dessnuer-TTonsaley.
Glee Club
II. Violin solo "Ave Maria"
'Miss Phelps
III. "The Pnsk Witch" Ambrose
"De Coppnn Moon" Shelley
Glee Club
v ,.,, solq..A 0B(I
in the
Miss Rand
When the Clock Strikes
V. Stunt-
VI. Oregon songs.
Glee Club
Asa Thompson Favoreil
Asa Thompson, mayor of Echo and
one of the prominent citizens of Uma
tilla county
Is the personal choice of
Senator U. N. Stnnfleld for United i to be able to continue ami win nave
,n,l,l thnnl.1 SnMntn- Rton.ito SCCk a lower altitude. IIP will gO
Hold be given the right to appoint the
marshal. As vet. Senators Stnnflold
M(,X!lrv havp ot v(1, at(;Mt,A upon
........... .i.,i i. o,,,i.i
i ' ct.,ni,i i,,. the Hcht "to n.
FAIR SEPT. 15-11
Local Talent to Replace Former Claaa
of Kntertaianeat Old TIbm ObJ
Ilea. hie Features tfc Be Eliminated
Vnder w Plnn.
The dates for the coming Morrow
County Fair have been set for Sep
tember 15 to 17, according to arrange
ments completed at the meeting of the
newly organised fair board recently
held. At this meeting Oscar Keithley
was chosen president, A. Henriksen.
vice-president Lena Snell Shurte, su
perintendent of children's- department
and W. W. Smead, secretary-manager.
Manager Smead will take full charge
of the arrangements for the coming
fair, and he states to this paper that
there will be some radical changes
made regarding the entertainment fea
tures. Heretofore It seemed Impossi
ble to get some of the necessary and
Innocent amusements without taking
on a lot of stuff that was not clean,
and there has always been a complaint
because of many features that were
presented. This is to be entirely elim
inated, and features of a local nature
will be added and mostly local talent
will be used. Manager Smead an
nounces that this plan Is to be tried
out, and the large amount of funds
heretofore paid tomanagers of attrac
tions coming from the outside will be
retained at home.
Mr. Smead is able to state at this
time that one day of suitable enter
tainment is already provided. The
Farm Bureau has taken it upon them
selves to furnish the attractions for
this date, and it Is expected that ar
rangements can be made with the Am
erican Legion to supply the features
for another day. In connection with
what other towns and communities of
the county can supply, and the co-operation
of the local schools. It Is fully
expected that sufficient entertainment
of a high order will be provided. The
manager Is going to give It a thorough
tryout and hopes to be able to get
the hearty support of the entire com
the objectionable features of former
New Manager for Tri-State
Company Named at Heppner
B. G. Sigsbee has been made local
manager of the Trl-state Terminal
company at Heppner, W. D. Hayden,
who has been holding down thnt posi
tion since the company opened for bus
iness In this city, having been trans
ferred to the head office at Portland.
The chance was made at the end of
1 lie week. Mr. Hayden and wife going
at once to Portland.
Mr. Sigsbee has been bookkeeper In
the office of the Farmers Elevator Co.
and the Tri-State Terminal Co. for the
past two years, and has acquired a
thorougli knowledge of the business
that fits him to take charge as man
ager, and so far as the Heppner public
is concerned, no better and more sat
isfactory selection could have been
We also congratulate Mr. Hayden
upon his advancement to a better po
sition with the company at headquar
ters. Heppner Girl Candidate for
May Queen at Willamette U.
Willamette University. Salem, March
19. Three girls of the sen. or class
were selected from the school at large
as candidates for the office of May
Queen. Sybil McClure of Portland,
Mary Notson of Heppner and Charlotte
Crolsan of Salem. Thirteen girls re
ceived votes.
The nominations will be balloted up
on Wednesday the winner becoming
May Queen nnd the others maids of
honor. Edward Notson of Heppner
is May day manager. 'The May Queen
will be crowned at the annual May
day' festival. May 6 and 7 .
Irrlgon to Have Ferry.
Trrigon people are rejoicing over
news from ratterson, Wash., that Gor
don Holmes has closed a deal for a
ferry boat to operate between Holmes
landing on the Washington side and a
point suitable for a landing place about
two miles west of Irrlgon. Tho boat Is
known as the Snake river ferry, prac
tically new, 52 feet long, 18 feet beam,
50 horsepower, a stern wheeler capable
of carrying five large or seven small
automobiles. It will be put into opera
tion within 30 days. This will give di
rect connection with Central and Nor
thern Washington with the Columbia
river highway on the Oregon side and
with the Trrigon-Hoppner road south,
saving tourists hundreds of miles of
rough roads. East Oregonlan.
Dr. Stephen P. Phelps, who has had
charge of the work as p:stor of the
Federated church for the pnst several
months, is compelled to give up his
place here because of falling health
Or. Phelps, who Is past S2 years of age.
Is n very vigorous man for his years
nnd puts n great deal of energy and
enthusiasm Into bis work, and he finds
that largely on account of tho high
i altitude of lleppner ne is not going
to Vancouver, Wash., we understand,
I where be has a daughter residing
i Heppner people will be sorry to learn
i in,it Ur I'bclns Is compelled to leave
our cltv, ns they have learned to love
A meeting of Heppner Commercial
club is called for tomorrow, Friday
evenng at the Hotel Tatrck. Some
matters of Importance are to be pre
sented and It is the desire of President
MrMenamin that there be a goodly at
tendance of the members.
Sunday, March 27, 1B2I.
Bible school at 10:00 o'clock and fol
lowing the Bible school will be given
a very entertaining Easter program.
Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
Christian Endeavor service, 6:30, and
evening song service and preaching at
7:30. Welcome to all.
The county high school records at
the meet held in lone In 131S were as
follows: 50-yard dash In 6 1-5 seconds
by I'atttson of Heppner; 100-yard dash
in 12 1-2 seconds by Notson of Hepp
ner; shot, 31 feet and & Inches by Or
son of lone and Peterson of' Heppner,
tie; running broad jump. 16 feel and
6 inches by Peterson of Heppner; jave
lin, 111-6 by Lowell of lone; hurdles by
Warfield of lone; S0-yard run by Keys
of Eoardman; standing high Jump, 4-2
by Pattison of Heppner; running high
jump, 5-2 by Corson of lone; relay race
by Notson, Aiken, Crawford and Paul
son .of Heppner.
The records for the high school girls
for the same year were as follows: 50
yard dash by Brown of Heppner; bas
ketball throw by Reitman of lone;
baseball throw 160-10 by Groshens of
Heppner; Indian club race won by
Heppner girls.
The county high school records at
the meet held in Lexington In 1920
were as follows: 50-yard dash by Pat
tison of Heppner; 100-yard dash by
Pattison; 220-yard dash by Pattison;
440-yard dash by Chidsey of Heppner:
half mile run by Chidsey, half mile re
lay won by Heppner; 120-yard hurdles
by Ward of Lexington; 12-pound shot
by P.urchlll of Lexington; diBcuss by
T. Blake of lone: pole vadlt by Patti
son of Heppner; running high Jump by
K. Blake of lone; running broad Jump
bp Peterson of Heppner.
The records of the high school girls
for the year 1?!0 were as follows: In
dian club race won by Boardman: bas
ketball throw by Balslger of lone;
baseball throw py Reitman of lone.
The grade records for division "B" of
last vear were as follows: 50-yard
dash by Page of lone; 100-yard dash
bv Bovd of Heppner: 220-yard relay
won by lone; 100-yard hurdles by Tay
lor of lone; girls' 50-yard dash by Dev
In of lone: Indian club race won by
Tone; girls' basketball throw by Lun
dell of Tone; baseball throw by Sigs
hee of Heppner; pole vault by Boyd of
Heppner: running high ujmp by Reas
oner of Heppner; running broad Jump
by Hatch of Boardman.
The grade records for division "C" of
last year were as follows: 50-yard dash
by Samples of lone; 100-yard dash by
Samples; girls' 50-yard dash by Tount
of lone; Indian club race won by Hard
man: basketball throw by Thompson of
Heppner; baseball throw- by Hughes of
Heppner: pole vault by Lundell of lone;
running high Jump by Balsiger of lone:
running broad Jump by Samples of
The winners In the declamatory con
tests last year were as follows: Reci
tation in "C" division by Thelma Stark
ey of Heppner; recitation in "B" div
ision by Ruth Shimm of Lexington;
oration in "A" division by Wilma Leach
of Lexington.
The oratorical and declamatory con
tests will be held in Tone this year on
Mav 13th. The track and field meet
will be held In lone on May 11th.
At the last reading of the snow
stakes stake No. 44 at the head of Big
liutter creek registered 23 Inches and
No. 31 nt the head of Ditch creek reg
istered 3$. The snow contained a largi
amount of moisture. The large amount
of snow nnd the excessive moisture
content insures plenty of water for
mountain forage and for irrigation in
the lowlands next season.
The Willow creek sawmill, Moore and
Hasmussen. proprietors, have about
completed the moving of their mill to a
location farther up Willow creek and
expect to begin sawing in a short time.
They have nbout four hundred thou
sand feet of logs in the yard.
The Ely sawmill at the head of nig
llutter creek has over three hundred
fifty thousand feet of logs on the skids
and expect to begin sawing about the
first of April. The heavy snow during
the winter was quite favorable for log
ging. The Five Mile Cattle and Horse asso
ciation have awarded to Albert Peter
son of t'kiah the contract for construc
ting about twelve miles of new drift
fence on their range in Gurdane dis
trict of the Umatilla national forest.
The association has decided, also, to
reconstruct the old drift fence extend
ing north from Squaw flat to the for
est boundary, a distance of about three
miles. Specifications were recently
drawn up by S. Tt. Woods, forest ranger
at Gurdane, and It Is expected that ad
vertisements asking for bids will soon
be out. When completed this will make
about fifteen miles of fence on the Five
Mile Cattle nnd Horse range nnd will
fence part of the north, nit of Ihe west
and a part of the so.ith boundary of
the range. It will stop cattle from
drifting onto tho sheen allotments. The
forest service Is supplwrg the wire and
other material nnd the association does
the constructing.
l ight Opera by High School la Kallre
Soeeeaa. i'aalla lover TkemaelTra
Ultk (.Ini-T and Hrpparr Public
Shows Apre'latloB.
'Two splendid audiences greeted the
presentation of "Love Pirates of Ha
waii," a light opera In two acta pre
sented by the pupils of the high school
at the Star theater on Tuesday after
noon and Tuesday evening.
The opera had been prepared for pre
sentation to the Heppner public after
more than three weeks of work under
the ' direction of Miss Bernice Dafoe,
and the final performance of the pupile
wan ample proof that the work had
been well done. Miss Dafoe demon
strated her ability to handle so many
young folks, and while the operetta
is not considered to be difficult, yet It
was out of line with the ordinary work
of music in tbe school and contains
a large number of special parts that
required work and ability to get It In
shape for presentation. Both pupila
and Instructor worked hard and each
participant had thoroughly memorized
every line and part
Eefore the curtain the band gave a
couple of numbers, and one number
between acts. This being followed by
a beautiful solo by Mrs. Chester Darbee
entitled "The Swallows." Mrs. Darbee
was at her best and this selection waa
rendered In a very delightful manner.
The Scotch sketch by Velma Case, Le
ola Bennett and Mary Clark was good
and brought forth rounds of applause,
while Master Kenneth Merrltt demon
strated his ability as a coming soloist
by two selections on the saxophone. Ted
Toung gave some words to the wise in
his usual entertaining fashion and Eli
nor Cohn and "Pat" Mahoney did a
beautiful song and dance. This was
a part of the program that filled In be
tween the acts and added much to the
A capacity house filled the theater
in the evening and we are sure that
none came away disappointed with the
performance of the high school boya
and girls. They could not be otherwise
than delighted, and on the other hand
the faculty and pupils are highf pleas
ed with the splendid appreciation
shown by the citizens of the commun
ity In giving them such a splendid
hearing. The financial results were
nearly 1300 and the student body treas
ury has been greatly strengthened. We
are all proud of the showing that la
being made by the pupila of the school
this season; proud of the faculty for
the good work they are doing and
glad to know that many of the pre
sent force of teachers will remain for
the coming year. Miss Dafoe, who Is
getting alone so well with the music
the school has decided to remain and
carry on the good work already under
way, and we feel assured that if she
undertakes another entertainment ot
the nature of "Love Pirates of Hawaii,"
she will receive even greater honors
than those bestowed upon this present
The following is the program as pre
sented: Charaetera
Dorothy Dear, daughter of plantation
manager - Velma Case
Miss Primer, teacher of private school
of girls -..Bernice Sigsbee
Lehua, Karnlanl, Lilinoe and Maile,
Hawaiian girls, daughters of rich
plantation owners
Coramae Crawford, Mary Clark. Le
ola Bennett and Florence Cason
Billy Wood, Lieutenant U. S. Cruiser,
Tennessee Elmer Peterson
Pirate Chief, heartless pirate (may
he) - lvin Boyd
Scary, a pirate Raymond Ferguson
Personnel of Choruses
Hawaiian girls: Dorothy Tattison,
Violet Hynd. Violet Merritt, Mary Van
Vactor, Mercedeth .Tames, Agnes Boyd,
Audra Grogan. Pearl Hall, Bernlce
Franklin. Iris Winnard.
Pirates: Jared Aiken. Ed Chidsey,
Roland Humphreys, Paul Aiken Paul
McPuffee Miller Huston, Carl Cason.
Garden of Miss Primer's
Ilefore the Curtain
fa) Booster Roy March
ib) Tw ilight Overture
Musical nmbera
Act I.
Overture Mary Clark
Opening Chorus,
Whisper Aloha Chorus
Yo. for Pirates Bold
Pirate Chief and chorus of Pirates
Why I'm single Miss Primer
Vou Need a Goo,! C-ok Bo.'k
T'irate Chief and chorus
We Were Crooks Now We're Cooks
Chorus of Pirates
How th
M mienls Prag Dorothy
Tell Me W
Dorothy and Rlliy
Oh. Is That So' .
Dorothy, roily
Pirating -. Porotuv. Billy
Finale Principals
Apple Blossom Reverie
am! chorus
an-1 chorus
and chorus
. .. Kathleen Roberts
s Cowen
st,-r larbeo.
i.O Tbe Swallows ..
(hi And Vet
Mrs Chest, !
,al U.otnie Heather .
1 1.1 Highland Fling
Vvl'urt C ', T.i'"U It.
Sa.ipiior.e solo .
V Vo., to the W!.
Song and I'ance
. .. . Elinor Cohn
i-'-tt, Mary Clark
Kennet'i Merritt
. T-'d Young
ami Pat M.ihonov
American Legion Dance
Fair Pavilion, 1 1 j f nt t
Saturday -:-March 2Cth