The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 17, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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local I
fUH MI.K-Sii room houne with
lot. In ll.ppner. well sltuati-il. For
terms and prlcex, lnquira this ulfla
I have aome 1S. anil rj-lnch horse
rnllurs that 1 ilvxire to rxi hanee for 20
and 21-lnt-h slzrs. MATT T. HL'IIHKS.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Tash are down
from Walla Walla for a week s viult at
the hoir.. of their son, Fred Taah, In
thli city.
J. E. Maxwell left for Dayton Wash.,
the last of the week and expects to be
absent for a couple of weeks visiting
wljh old-time friends In that portion
of the state of Washington.
Messrs. Clay C. Clark of Arlington
and Kdw. llletmann of lone, directors
of the John Dny Irrlxation district,
were In Ileppner Monday evenlnic for
a short meeting of the irrigation board.
Dr. and Mrs. F. K. Farrior, accom
panied by their young son, went to
Portland Sunday, the doctor returning
Tuesday. Mrs. Farrior and the boy will
spend the week in the city visiting rel
atives. J. C. Murchlson of Portland Is the
new desk clerk at holed Patrick. He
arrived In Ileppner Friday last and
assumed his duties at once, taking the
place formerly occupied by Miss Alma
LOST About Heppner or between
Heppner and my place on Willow creek,
pair of new chaps, long black hair and
having brand diamond LP burned In
leather. Finder leave it this oiIhtm oi
notify A. P. PA UK EK. mlTtf.
Mrs. Maud C. MoMcn, mother of J.
W. Frltsch, la here from her home at
Spokane and will visit for a month with
her son and family before returning
north. Later on Mrs. Mublen may de
cide to return to this city to reside
I. E. ClabaUKh and son James Ar
rived from Halem on Hundny driving; to
Heppner in their car. Mr. Cluliaugh
has closed a deal with J. W. Frltsch
for the llattery Electric Service Sta
tion and will move his family to this
city within a few weeks.
Dr. McMurdo reports the arrival of a
son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kilkenny on Hlnton creek early Tues
day morning. Robert Russell Kilkenny
Is the name assumed by the young man
and he will assist King John In run
ning this part of Ireland.
Robert Frailer, a young man who has
been 111 at Heppner for the past couple
of months, was operated on Monday at
the Moore hospital by Dr. McMurdo for
an abscess on his lung. The operation
has given much relief and his physician
Is hopeful that he may soon be re
stored to health.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Farrens of lone,
were visitors In this city on Monday.
Mr. Farrens owns a Ann wheat farm In
the Oooseberry section which has been
In charge of Wm. and Henry Clark for
the paBt three years. He states that
the crop prospects out that way are
ery fine at present.
J. F. Cook, resident manager of the
Standard Oil Co, accompanied by Mrs
Cook, motored to The Dalles on Friday.
Mr. Cook was called to the Wasco
county seat to attend a meeting of the
agents of the company from the East
ern Oregon district to discuss matters
of business and plans for the year. He
returned to Ileppner Sunday.
Attorney F. A. McMcmimln went over
to Alderdnle, Wash., Friday last to look
after his Interests there. The big
sheep ranch of MrMonamin & Ward Is
located at that point. From Alder
dale, Mr. McMenamln went on to Port
land to attend to business matters and
take in a gathering of Irish rltltens In
that city on Saturday evening, where
he listened to an address by Miss Mr
Hwinney. He returned home on Mon
day afternoon, ncconipanleil by C. C
Clark of Arlington.
Representative It. J. Cnrsncr was In
Heppner on Friday and Saturday last
looking after business affairs. Accord
ing to all reports, Hob made a line
record for himself at the recent ses
sion of the state legislature at Salem
and no doubt the people of his district
will show their appreciation by send
ing him back again should he desire to
serve In that capacity another session
Those who followed him closely feel
that Mr. Carsner wns usually right In
Ms voting on all mensures that came
Augustus J. Rlalter, one of the early
pioneers of the Ileppner country, but
who for the last six years or so has
been making his home nt linker. Is in
Heppner this week and enjoying a good
visit with his old-time friends. He
expects to remain here for a couple of
weeks, at least, and kind of get himself
squared up with the surroundings
again. So much has happened to
Heppner slnco he wns here last that he
scarcely recognizes the city at all.
nevertheless he la well pleased to note
the susbtantlnl Improvements that have
come ahout as a result of the big Are.
The pnst summer Mr. Stalter spent sev
eral months visiting with numerous
rclntlves In tho slates of Indlnna, Ill
inois and Nobraska, and had a splendid
Phlll R. Rates, for many years editor
of the raelnc Northwest mngnxinc al
Portland, but who retired from the
game about four years ago when he
sold out his Interests to tho Western
Farmer, was In Heppnor on Tuesday.
Mr. Ratos was salo tho genial secretary
of the Oregon Rtato F.ditorlal Asso-
Do you know
you can roll
50 good
cigarettes for
lOcts from
one bag of
t't;.t HiSi t-'T ma ! yc.irw a i il It) w t-fl
known to all tlie newspaper boys of the
Mtati Ijei-aiiso f what ho lias done for
t lit in. He iii now Ks.soclaU-tl with Col.
Hoftr of Salfm ur:. assitH with th ex
tniMve linti of work that publisher Is
pursuing, his visit to Hi-h.iner at this
tiiin' hcinir to look up tux mutters. Col.
liofcr 1m makiiiK a pernlstent ami von
siMent fight on matters and measuri'8
afftTtitiK taxation and ap read in g a
propaganda tending to educate the peo
ple away from tho idea of adding bo
many tax burdens. Mr. Hates ts ansist
in this work and Is a Rood man for
the Job. We acknowledge a very pleas
ant call from Mr. Hates.
Notice Is hereby given, that the un
dertdKned will at a regular meeting: of
the Common Council of the City of
Ileppner, to be held on the 4th day of
April, 11)21, present to the said Common
Council a petition requesting the vaca
tion of a portion of Willow Street In
Mt. Vernon Addition to the City of
Heppner, Oregon, and more particular
ly described as follows, to-wtt: That
certuin portion of the Southeast end of
Willow Street In the City of Heppner,
Oregon, lying between and adjacent to
lots IT,, 1G, 17, IS, and 19, and lots 10,
11 and 12 In Mt. Vernon Addition to the
City of Heppner, Oregon.
Dated and first published this 10th
day of March, 1921.
I hereby give notice that I will sell
at private sale at my place of business
in Heppner, Oregon, on and after the
1 Rth day of March, 1921, the following
goods: Two gray worsted suits, one
dark coat with stripes, one black over
coat, and any other garments and work
that has been In my shop for six
months and over. Such goods were left
with me for repairs and cleaning and
have not been reclaimed.
SHOP, G. Franzen, Proprietor.
Dated nt Heppner, Oregon, this 26th
lay of February, 1921. 3m3.
The most perfect and beautiful
thoroughbred In the Northwest, will
make the season of 1921 at the East
ern Oregon Htock Farm.
for season with returning priv
ilege. The White Hulless Hurley Is kept for
sale here.
Also clean Itlueatem wheat this at
Uuigoyne's warehouse in Lexington.
I have also a few tons of good rye
need at the farm.
in head of fresh milk cows.
20 head of fine saddle and racing
2f head of Jacks for sale. Will lease
Jacks fur the season to responsible par
ties. II. P. 8 WACifi ART
Lexington, Oregtm
A limpw f tkt Cktan
It Try I itft
r 11
m m i 1mm
;w -- -r ' "
le jomy Pines
found only within a very
limited area near San Diego
and Del Mar, California, and on
Santa Rosa Island. They are
unusual because of their pecu
liar cones, their very large
needles and their picturesque
The motorist traveling the
Coast Highway between San
Diego and Los Angeles passes
through this interesting spot
which the city of San Diego
has protected by an extensive
municipal park.
Good roads abound in South
ern California, and at conve
nient locations may be found
service stations and garages
where you can get Red Crown
Gasoline the uniform gaso
line with a continuous chain of
boiling points.
Look for the Red Crown sign
on service stations and ga
Jhc Gasolim
of Quality
- an . !,.
I I.
5 -t "r n,v n-i. nt 1 J p-i
!i'.ri i;t state, ;t 1! -,;, ;n I " -1 f
'r tf.":e (titv (."in: -tr:fwl Sf-r.d v-
nil! t n tL : w i f ii k',t Tii ' ir u-n V:
Ci , M-.r.'i l:!:, I'.,rt !ur:-i. Or
I hae at my place rr.ites west of
H.', one 2-year-old heifer, rel
ith white spots. No brand visible,
i! n t ked with r r"p o-Jt ritrht ear also
fi rer Mt in rtcht ear? Been at my
place since middle of Sept. last. Own
er can have animal by paying pastur
aire and settling for this advertisement
J. E. CP.AHEK, Hardman, Ore.
"DUILDS strong bodies and JijM
lessens breakfast costs.
The OL YMPIC Line includes your
The Question
Is Settled
Our New Big Dining Room
Is not exclusive to transient
trade. It's for the folks ot
Heppner First, Last and All
the Time.
Give the wife a rest
and a treat a Sunday
dinner here.
Elkhorn Restaurant
Willow Street
$ .r ; n I I ,,4' t
. i : Wm mm m im mm
k.i III I I 4- SM " mm. mm
i Ui.lilll IU II M I i I :
If You Have business
That ilffy solution, we may be
able to suggest the proper
course to pursue.
At least, we'll be glad to try.
Whether you are a customer or
not, come in and tell us your
You may be able to increase
your profits or business effi
ciency through the advice of
some of our experienced offi
cers and directors.
Fir A National Bank
THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Your Home Paper. $2.00 Per Year.
r -------
and then compare them
Here for Real Values
Is It Groceries?
Is It Dry Goods?
Bring Your Money Here.
Sam Hughes Company
Spring Is Here
and with it the new merchandise that you
have been wanting to see.
Our first shipment of Spring Coats now here.
More coming.
High Shoes, Low Shoes, Pumps
Let Us Show You the Goods
Minor & Company
Lower Farm Implement Prices
some time prices paid for your farm
products have been low. It is but nat
ural for you to want lower prices on the farm im
plements used in producing your crops.
fa SFV
Announcement is made by the Oliver
Chilled Plow Works of a general
price reduction in their lines that
brings prices to the basis of 1918.
They are first to make this reduction
and are taking the loss that the move
brings for there has been little re
duction in labor or material as their
contribution in hastening a return to
normal conditions.
This is your opportunity to secure
new, up-to-date Oliver quality imple
ments that will help you produce a
full crop, and get them at a price in
line with the reduced prices on your
farm products.
Peoples Hardware Co.