The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 10, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    pa on six
Alpine Farm Bureau Holds
Von" Eniovable Matins'
! i it 1 . .!.; ( ;. t I V , r
i i-K i .r r : :; : 1 . -:...;!.. ,;m- i-:.
Kij.1x r r ; ..: T!..
pi '.(;' air. war i !. . -1 -: t T irs -
(riK r,l .r.j.t t, jhool .'h:K'.:rn
lift tt;.ts in p f; I H.V.i. h Ki!.
Iy, Mm i.m. M r j.r.j titMr.ia M.-r-y
S-cil t- i urif Mit r t y the
! .Int.. after fc L A Hunt p.ive
a I'lcndi-! taik -v. f.'.'verat ive haruiUr.i:
of fif-at. h.n u p the l'r fits to le
drriv-d fri.iit n r,V,;or, explain
Itir ihe farm prt'Rram of the wheat
(cror. After Mr Hunt s talk the la
dten perve'1 !.r.i w irhes. rKe nvA cof
fee til fvfv. re seonetl to l-e perfectly
atifieJ. ,v-rve ten f:irnier(i p.pned th
wheat grower rennet. Kvcryone en
Joyeil the meet inc.
liepular n.eetnij; nirht is the first
Saturday in ea,h month.
His Enthusiasm for Umatilla
Power Project Bubbles Over
Spencer Akers wan anions those who
rep re ne n t e.i t t: e Hep ;mi e r Oo m m e re i a 1
Club fit the hip meetinc in Pendleton
lat Saturday, and naturally he im
bibed freely of the 'Temlleton Spirit
kb it ta dispersed there, and came
home all burM:nc over with enthus
iasm. He was so thoroughly innocu
lated that he just had to "break out'
and the following is the result:
Columbia Grand! Columbia Great:
Why sleep so lone in dormant state?
Awake thou from thy sunken bed
And show the world thou art not dead.
Your mighty strength the West doth
And measured by the faithful steed,
A million times as great they say,
But still you while your time away.
Aa human power is very weak.
Tour atrength at last he s come to seek
Though long your might has been con
cealed. He says it soon w ill be revealed.
He 11 hitch you to a mighty dam
Assisted by our Uncle Sam,
And check you in your natural flow
And make you serve us 'fore you go.
It may be wrong to treat you thus.
And let you foam and rant and fuss.
And laugh at all your antics, queer
Just like a wild awakened deer.
Oh River, of the sunset land!
Thou mighty river of the sand!
These two great things I ask of thee
Before you gallop to the sea:
That you will furnish power great
To all your farms, your towns, your
And have respect for those who toil
By soaking well their sunburnt soil.
Please pardon me, Columbia, while
I turn my face Just once to smile.
It won't, I'm sure, this mighty scheme
Revert into a Piper's dream.
- . '-a ;l e J " i : . oun-
- - - : a ' ' : ' ; .is in-
r .- 1 , : k -: .! . : t.' estab- '
-f. -1 u-t, on
' i ; 1 . . 1 , i . ; ., and on
- 'fit!" ' - ' no o:'e
, c .:;,.; i : the pro-
ls. . k) i . : :' :: any way,
lit f.r.i'.i : .s u-::.. enter-
i tht-:v:n a.i; .: U c tht : c.inixatuv.i
o t e leu .il. j
On the ft -st Jay of .r.e. at the:
,;';ost of the o:V.oers f District,;
made another ex:mi:uO as to the:
.ii..;.it of the w.i:-:i:its being is
ue-1, ar.d rendered to the lanl of Pi
ectors ihe fillowinc repcrt;
. .1
is :tri'ointed and
0;lS'l . t" ."-.o and
Oi, ik his bond,
tl.o i!:d---snje5:t
to ,i;i':o tin-
lU"orr.o-. 0
To tVo a-d f Hi
Pay Irrigation I1
o t. ls2tV
.f the John
h.-oMirg on the ;ih!ity of the war
;.:.:s issued 1 o-.n H.ard. 1 beg to
,i 1 h, m l , rn t-o matter my
.st o.tri'ful ox.r.Mtuv-iitioii, and tind as
it tne election of
o: s three members
v.c John Kilkenny.
:,;. e w as declared
: that he had failed
nd Kenny was ap-
It appears
That at the t'
our Hon rd of I'm
t-re eU'Cted, iv. 1
T:iat thert-aft r h
vat ant for the rea
to ijualifv ;r.d Mi
red to nil lie Mr Konra tiled his bond but noih-
:: t further appears from our records at a mt'etir-t hc!d on the 2ml dav
f IVcember. I:-;?. Mr. M. P. Clark
:.o,d that Mr i:ietm:tnrt be appointed
to till the vaoanov i" the Hoard of Pi-
-re tors caused b the resignation of
!,ohacl Ke;-n The record discloses
-m 'i s'nat.or. whiii-'viT on the part of
Mr. Kenny, nor does it disclose any res-
Thc statute re.j-.nt t-s that the bonds
of d -evtots shall be ;;p;-roVv i bv the
Oiuintv Judte ai d recorded m the orluo
. f the Ooi.-n Ole'k and tiled with the
Secretary ,.f the Hoard of Onectors. It
ve.'Tr.s that the onl attotui't to comply
Hith the statute was to have the Ooun-
Judte approve Mr. C. t. Ola: k's and
M M P Clark's bonds and tile them
n th.e otVioe of the County Clerk, as
re of the bonds have ever been re
corded i; the oihce vt the iVunty Clerk.
The statutory com pen sat! on for the
r;o:nher of the Board of Pi rectors is
as follows. "The directors shall each
leceive S;l iM per dav and nnleate at the
late of ten cents per iv.ile in attending
meetings, and actual and necessary ex
pense while engaced in otheial business
under the order of the Hoard.
It appears to have been the practice
f some of the Directors to charge com
pensation for each day while engaged
:?i any matters connected with the Pis
tiat. It appears that mileage was al
lowed for all the Pi rectors in attending
; n Irrigation Congress, as well as a
lary of a stipulated sum per day. The
t itute appears to be clear on this mat
:e" and the Inroetors were not entitled
to mileage or a salary while attending
.-n Irrigation Congress. It is extreme
lv doubtful whether they are entitled
:o their actual or necessary expenses,
as I am of the opinion that this would
not constitute "orh'oial business" as
contemplated by the statute.
It appears to be the custom also of
the Pi rectors when attending a meet
ing of the Boa rd to charge f o r two
B. Tessler, who has been conducting';
a sale of army and navy goods at the
Gilman Building in Heppner for the
past month, shipped out what stock he
had left on Tuesday, going from here
to Portland.
C. D. Morey was in town from lower
Sand Hollow on Tuesday and reports
that many of the farmers in his section
are now busy plowing. Much rain has
fallen In that locality and the present
crop outlook is good.
Roy Neill was in Heppner from But
ter creek Friday. He found it pretty
hard traveling by jitney over the slop
py and muddy roads in getting to town
and on account of the storm Friday
evening was compelled to remain ove
Two heifers branded TH connected on
left hip; ear marks, crop off the right
and a round hole in the left Informa
tion will be appreciated by H. J. Hay
ward, Monument. Oregon.
In a communication to this office this
week. Mrs. C. C. Haynie states that the
Haynie family are very pleasantly sit
uated in their new home at Fairfield
Idaho, where Mr. Haynie has charge
of the Security National Bank of thar
city as cashier.
W. H. Cronk, resident manaer of the
Tum-A-Lurn Lumber Co., who has been
on the sick list for the past couple of
weeks, is able to be about again, tho
not quite himself. Mrs. Cronk was also
quite indisposed at the same time, both
of them being sufferers from the epi
demic of grip that has been passing
As usual about this time of the year,
we got a communication this week from
our good friend, "VV. C. Lacy of Portland
which was accompanied by a couple
of dollars to "move my subscription up
a peg" the letter .a:d. Mr. Lacy ex
pects to be absent from Portland for a
while, and will go to Sunny California,
we presume, to recuperate, for it is a
strenuous life V. C. lives these days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Nys were called
to ML Angel, Oregon, on last Friday on
account of the death of Mrs. S. R
lirown. a sister of Mr, Nys. Mrs. Brown
passed away at her home at ML Angel
on last Thursday and she was buried
on Sunday at "VVoodburn. She was Mr.
Nye oldest sister. Joseph returned to
Heppner Monday evening, but Mrs. Nys
remained for a short visit with relatives.
E. O, Neill. Butter creek sheepman,
was in Heppner Tuesday.
Mr. Van Vactor's Statement!
(Continued from First Page)
any tit the respect ive land holders with
in the Pistmt, wulud be held by the'
Courts t not be an enforceable, obliga
tion againbt the Pistrict: that the or-
ganlzatiun of the Pistrkt has never
been completed as requited by the slat- ;
ute. and that the PI ret tors have never;
qualified, and have no authority to or-j
der an Issue of warra nts ;t gainst the
PiKtru't or to create or enter into any;
vnlid or binding obligation uj-'anHt the
i regret very much that this condi-;
tioit exists, an 1 realize the necessity of
early and immediate action with re
spect Ui the promotion of this Priga-
linn PiMtrin. !
The statute, however, provides wpec- i
lit I proceedings for the continuation of'
Pie acts of the Patriot and the PoarrJH
of inrertoi m may by petition, commence 1
proceedings in the Circuit Court of this '
County for the purpose of having a Ju- j
die in I adjudication and Judgment of the
court as to the regularity and legality)
of tb proceedinitu in connection with)
the oi ion of the pint net, and i
the proceeding s of the Board with ref-i
ereiu'i to contrite ting indebtedness or
directing the issuance of warrants ;
Hgainut the Pistrn l. Thl? proceeding ;
could be instituted and carried through j
without any ureal delay und would e-
tuhliadi the exitcl legal status of the
piesvnt u)Kuniutin.
Very truly yours.
The contents of tho foregoing opin
ion being to the ohVen of the
Tfarflr the order mentioned bav-
New Location
I have moved my office from the Sloeum block
to th e new hotel building where I will be pleased to
greet my old and new friends.
Real Estate and Insurance
i.,s when traveling, the extra day to
i-U'ensate for the extra day required
; t .n.Sinc. This is not permissible
Moder the statute.
It is plain that the compensation
provided by the Legislature for Intect-o!-;
i attending meetings, is tS 00 per
d.; while attending the meetings, and
ten cents per imle. They are not en
t tied to hotel bills nor other expanses
rthile attending meetings. The purpose
of providing for ten cents per mile us
mileage is to cover the necessary ex
pense incident in the traveling.
The approving, recording and filing
of the bond as required bv the statute
is a necessary qualification nf e:u,n wf
;he On ectors. and it is mv opinion that
neither of the Directors have ever
properly qualified. 1 am further con
vinced that in Mr. Hietmann s case, he
has never been a qualified Director of
the Board, and that in the meetings
wherein he and one other Director con
stituted the acting Hoard that the pro
ceedings of such meeting were of no
In the bills allowed for attending the
Irrigation Congress, I find where Mr.
Kietmann has apparently bv inadvert
ence, been allowed bv voucher No.LM,
live days at $3.00 per day, per diem,
which your Secretary informs me is
meant for expenses, at $4.00 per dav.
JiMOti, and 3y miles at ten cents,
amounts to $39.40 and I find bv voucher
No. 25 where he is again allowed this
identical claim. Mr. Kietmann never
haing qualified a- a Pireelor, I am of
the opinion that all sums allowed him,
'ven to the v.tlarx for attending meet
ings, was illegal.
Theie appeals to be no record books
of j our meetings, and the records of
the Pistrnt aie meager to say the
least. This p what is termed a public
corporation, and record should be kept
to all intents and purposes as near as
possible in conformity w iUi the records
of the Couuiv Clerk. That is. suitable
bound books should be kept and in
which should be recorded the minutes
of your meetings and the claims befoie
being allowed should be presented,
properly itemized, and should be pre
served as a part of the records of the
Koard, as this will become a permanent
Those warrants not Issued to the Pt
rectors and not allowed and ordered
paid at the meetings at which Mr.
Hietmatm ami one other Pirector con
stituted the acting Hoard. 1 am of the
opinion, the Courts would sustain as a
valid claim against the District, but
the defective organization as herein
stated leaves many questions open, and
I could not recommend any of the war
rants in their present condition as a
desirable investment.
1 would suggest that Mr. M. K Clark
and C. C. Clark proceed to qualify as
required by statute by having their
bonds propery recorded in the othoe
of the County Clerk, and tiling the
same with the Secretary of the Hoard
f Directors, and that they then, at n
egular or special meeting called for j
such pin pose, pass a resolution declitr-1
.tm the i. thee held by .Mr. Kenny va
cant, i first tuning had Mr. Kenny tile
a written resignation), and that they
then appoint n successor.
That after having re-oi gantied, you
call in the warrants issued up to the
present lime, as I understand they can
! e located, and b pi opei ly passed res
olutions issue new warrants in lieu
iliei eof. The tn-w w ar rants issued to
the Directors to be issued In the proper
amounts as indicated herein.
Kespect fully submitted.
In the minutes of the Hoard at Its
regular meeting held June 1, 1920, It
appears that it was voted to follow the
suggestions contained in the foregoing
The -tendering of the foregoing re
port was my last connection In suiy wav
with the board of directors or District,
except that I refused employment as
Associate Counsel.
Kecently I was retained by a number
of the taxpayers to contest the action
of the Hoard of Directors in the late
election, and I expect to be paid some
thing for my services.
and then compare them
Here for Real Values
Is It Groceries?
Is It Dry Goods?
Bring Your Money Here.
Sam Hughes Company
Friday, Feb. 11
tf 'h Samuel Goldwyn presents
iV; ti v.. t 1 i
rammer reaencK
Sweet in
'The Loves of Lettie'
An adaptation of the well known stage
success of Sir Arthur Wing Pinero
The Cetobiiited
Stafof Tartan
ot the Apes'
Sunday, February 13
"Help Wanted--Male"
A Merry Romance
She had cut in on romance and adventure on a busy
wire before. But now her heart wires were tangled.
She had "wrong number," "busy wire," and "call you
later." So, brave heart, she sent out the S. 0. S. to
all males. Could she beat Cupid ?
Blanch Sweet is most magnetic in "Help
r Mrt-i-oM iriUlCi
Monday, February 14
The Cheaters"
Tuesday, February 15
30 and 50 cents
Pythias, the Conqueror f
returns in glorious triumph
The triumphant return of Pythias from (he battlefield whither
he was sent by the tyrant king Dionyitius, is most
gorgeously portrayed in most elaborate
and picturesque scenes, in
Damon and Pythias
Hundreds of these exquisite scenes, lavish in the extreme, as
only old Rome could have them, are faithfully depicted in '
this sublime spectacle. Battle scenes, conflicts on land
and sea, unending columns of gorgeously arrayed
Roman warriors, in full battle regalia.
Wondrous Roman senate scenes, Roman streets, Roman build."
ings with every detail carried out to the very Inst degree '
of perfection, are faithfully reproduced in this
pictured presentation of Damon and Pythias.
HERE i3 a really BIG picture. A rousing,
ture. A story that sweep you up out of
your hum-drum life and carries you off to sea and
marvelous adventure of the kind that thrills you
through and through. To fight with strong, silent
Elmo Lincoln against the perils of mutiny on the
high, seas to fall in love with a beautiful woman
A IrlhlnoddDi-Airid and sacnflce hbertv for her sake to make a mir
widMP&SSjQ aculous escape f rom a f etid dun?eon of a southern
jAPSPrrft?7nuc "public and become master of a colony of wild
avamainnKxwvvs beach.combers and conquer them by might of
O A TT TT?D A Y brain and fist and then"t0 8ave the one woman
VV rT from a terrible fate in the midst of a red revolu-
FEB. 12 tion.
ings with every detail carried out to the very Inst degree '
of perfection, are faithfully reproduced in this
pictured presentation of Damon and Pythias.
No lesson of life half so noble as this one. No screen pro
duction half so colossal, so wonderful, so supremely
alluring. It teaches to all who view it the finest
example of true friendship.
Don't fail to see it
Presented under auspices of
Knights of Pythias
The Buying Power
of Your Dollar
jN Penney stores
at least, the
long looked,
hoped for per
iod of lower prices has fi
nally arrived. Here the
American dollar has again
assumed its rightful value
and purchasing power.
The prices quoted here
and those you will find
marked in plain figures on
the goods in our 312 stores
are the lowest it is possi
ble to put on the kind of
merchandise you want to
buy. Every article will
remain as priced until sold
or forced by market con
ditions to change.
Coat's or Clark's 150-yard
spool sewing thread,
spool , 5c
Coat's Crochet Cotton, ball 10c
27 inch Outing Flannel,
good quality, checks, sol
id coolrs and stripes, yd.. 19c
27-inch Daisy Cloth, yard . 1 9c
30 inch Outing Flannel,
good quality, white only,
yard 23c
27-inch Dress Ginghams,
standard quality, yard...... 19c
27-inch standard quality ap
ron checks, yard 12c
32-inch high grade Dress
Ginghams, yard 39c
27 - inch Canton Flannel,
good quality, white only,
yard 19c
9 - 4 Pequot Unbleached
Sheeting, yard 57c
9- 4 Pequot Bleached Sheet
ing, yard 59c
10- 4 Pequot Bleached
Sheeting, yard 09c
8 - 4 Pepperell Bleached
Sheeting, yard 45c
9- 4 Pepperell Bleached
Sheeting, yard 55c
10- 4 Pepperell Bleached
Sheeting, yard 59c
10-4 Pequot Unbleached
Sheeting, yard 59;
9- 4 Pepperell Unbleached
Sheeting, yard 49c
10- 4 Pepperell Unbleached
Sheeting, yard 55c
30-inch Coronet Cambric,
yard 19c
Berkeley No. 00 Cambric,
yard 23c
Berkeley No. 100 Cambric,
yard 29c
30-inch Bleached Muslin,
yard I2',;C
30-inch Phillipinc Nainsook
extra tine sheer quality,
yard 39c
30-inch Shadow Nainsook,
pink or white, yard 49c
27-inch English Nainsook,
yard 33c, 25c
30-in. Pliss Crepe, fine for
gowns, undergarments,
etc, yard 25c
3fi-in. English Long Cloth,
yard 25c, 29c, 39c
3G-inch Mercerized Batiste,
yard 49c, 59c
Barber Towels, dozen 90c
Cotton Huck Towels, 10x32 15c
Cotton Muck Towels, 19x38 29c
Cotton Huck Towels, 18x30
2 for 35c
Bath Towels, pure white,
17x32 29c
Bath Towels, good weight,
18x34 23c
Bath Towels, good weight,
20x40 : 39c
Bath Towels, good weight,
22x44 49c
Bath Towels, good weight,
24x48 79c
Cotton Sheet Blankets,
54x74, pair $1.69
Cotton Sheet Blankets,
64x76, pair $1.98
Woolnap Blankets, 72x80,
pair $3.98
Wool Mixed Blankets, 06x88,
pair $4.93
Eor the Men
Men's Pay Day and Under
bill Bib Overalls, heavy
quality, pair $1.19
Men's Stiff'el Stripe Bib
Overalls, pair 98c
Men's Chambray Work
Shirts, good quality, blue
or gray, each 79c
Men's Rockford Sox, pair . 1 5c
Canvas Gloves, knit wrist . 10c
Jersey Gloves, knit wrist. .. 1 5c
Leather Faced Canvas
Gloves, gauntlet style 29c
Leather Faced Canvas
Gloves, knit wrist, pair....29c
Men's Dress Shirts with or
without collar, each 93c