The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 10, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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lluok, Murr Ikia Oar lluodrra Vttlf
Irara Old Kuaad Amii Famllf r.t
frta in Heart': at Uulivar, MUourL
Cherokee (Okla.) MeimenKer.
lurlHK vlait this week of M. J.
Iievln uf Oregon to Ilia cousin. F. P.
Iievln in thi city, the latter learned
niurh of hi family hintury heretofore
unknown to him. The Oregon man.
during hi vlait In Mlaaouri, helped to
compile data relating to the Devlin
and while there a family Ullile waa un
earthed which Rave them valuable in
formation. An account of the geneol
ogy of thi family taken from a Hol
Ivar paper I aa follow. E. C Devln
being a brother of K. 1'. of thi city:
"K. C. Pevln, presiding Judge of the
county court, I preparing a geneology
of the Devin family which h intend
to hand down to future generation.
"Much of hi Information ha been
obtained from ome letter he found
among hi mother' old paper at R. E.
Wollard'", outhwest of Hollar, on
Thanksgiving. l'JlH. Mr. Wollard In
Judge Iievln youngest lister, and their
mother lived with her at tin time of
her death.
"These letter were written In 1S81 by
Hubert I. Devln of North Carolina
(cousin of Judge Devln' father) to Al
fred Hnrrlson Devln of Dunncgan
Spring, (a brother of Judge Devin's
father). Robert wa Interested In the
family tree and hi letter are full of
genealogical lor.
"The progenitor of the Devln family
In America was William Devln, 8r
(They pronounced It Dlvln In thostf
day ) lie wa born In Dublin. Ireland
In 1724. a descendant of a Huguenot
family driven from France by religious
persecution. He came to the United
States in 1745 or 174, married and set
tled In I'lttsylvnnla county, Virginia
He wa the father of eleven children.
Judge Kevin is a great-greut-grandson
of William Devln, 8r.
"due of the Senior Devln chuldren
was William Dovln, Jr. He served
three years during the Revolutionary
War. The lllble that he carried In the
war 1 now In the possession of Judge
Devln. He obtained it from his cousin.
Joe Hughes of near l'lcasant Hope,
shortly before Chrlsttnns. It wa left
at the Hughes home by his grandmoth
er. Mrs. Margaret Devln, upon her
William Devln, Jr., bought the Bi
ble from John Vance at Valley Forge
In 1778. The lllble was printed in Ed
Inburg. Scotland, by Alexander Kln
cald. "His Majesty- l'rlnter," In 17GS
and I thus H2 years old. It contains
the Old and New Testament and the
Psalm of David. In metre, newly trans
lated and diligently compared with the
original text and former translations
It I In remarkably good condition
Nearly the whole book Is lntnct, and
the pages are easily readable. The
fly leaves are covered with notations
still very distinct, mostly concerning
births and marriages in the Devln fam
ily. It Is about three and one-half by
six Inrhf In slie."
f H'iphcr will face a tutul levy t,t
mills, which Is going some these pros
perous times. j
Dr. Louis A'hert Danks, who spoke in
llcppner on Tuesday evening on behalf 1
of the Antl-S.iloon league, wan greet-:
ed by a large audience at the Christian '
church. The main portion of his ad-
diess was directed to the subject of
world prohibition, and he slated that
in his opinion this miracle would be ac
complished within the next ten years.
Dr. Hank Is an orator of fine ability
and his lecture on Tuesday evening
waa well received. The school children
had worked up a lot of Interest in the
meeting by the contest over the flag
which wa to go to the grnde having
the largest number In attendance. The
fifth grade carried off the laurels with
43 vote, the eighth grade coming In
second best.
. . a. Ta
, .ii(- SiL A?,
Xcivs of Jleppner Post Xo. 87
American Legion
By R. E. C.
Oscar Keithley, president of the Mor
row County Farm Rurcau, was doing
business In Heppner on Tuesday.
PIE NOCIAIj Morgan, Saturday, Feb
19. given by the Sunday School. Good
program. Come and help us eat pie.
Horn At the maternity home of Mrs
(. C. Aiken in Heppner on Tuesday.
Feb. 8. to Mr. and Mrs. W. I- McCaleb.
an K-pnuml son. Mother and child arc
reported to he doing well.
Don't forget to attend (he dance at
Morgan Saturday night, February 12
llnnr.lmnn orchestra will furnish the
music and supper will be served by
MrB E. Carpenter. A good time prom
ised to nil who attend.
The Legion is finally in its new home
and as a result is finding that a great;
I deal more interest Is being displayed.
The boy turned out pretty well on (
Wednesday and Thursday night to
build the new grandstan j
We didn't make much noise but no
ticed that "Ken" had his family at the
hotel while we were working.
It Pay la Advertise.
A small local Inserted In these col
umns last week wanting a woman, or a
man and wife to work on ranch,
brought to his office no less than 16
inciuirie, and the position was filled In
shtirt order. It doe pay to advertise.
and It pays to advertise In The Ga-xette-Times
every time.
A nlpnunnt nartv was given at the
beautiful country hnme of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph I. Thompson on Willow creek
last Friday ovenlng. About 2H of their
friends from Heppner were present and
the evening was spent In playing cards
and dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelnmn re
turned Inst Tuesday from Tortland
where Mr. K. had been receiving treat
ment for a long-standing trouble. His
itenernl health has greatly Improved
and he looks and feels bettor than he
hns for a long while Tone lndcpenu
Tllmnn Hngue, who was engaged In
farming in the Gooseberry section for
nmnv vcars. and who still has some
Interests In that section, was a visitor
In Heppner for a couple of day the
flrst of the week, Mr. Hogue Is con
temnlnllng getting hold of a piece of
land In the vicinity of Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Devln of Heppner,
Oregon, stopped In Cherokee this week
for a short visit with their cousin, F.
1 Devln and family. The visitors are
enrouto home from a visit to Bolivar,
Mo., where they enjoyed several weckR
with relatives Cherokee, (Oltla.) Mes
senger.. Mr. and Mrs. Pevln arrived
homo over a week ago after an absence
of about three months during which
time they enjoyed a visit with rela
tives In Missouri.
C. R. Sperry went to Tortland last
Wednesday to consult ft specialist ro
gardlng hi ailment. Although he had
continued to Improve for a week It was
thought a chnngo of scone and treat
ment would prove beneficial. Ho was
accompanied by his daughter Raotrlce
and Hob Sperry.-Ione Independent.
Report reached Heppner of the death
of Mr. Sperry In Portland on Wednes
day morning, but we are not In pos
session nf further Information at the
tjme of going to press.
F. R. Rrown, secretnry of the John
Dnv Irrigation project, returned from
Portland the first of the week whore
he had been for sevoral days past. Mrs
Hrown, who hns been In Polrlnnd for
the past two weeks receiving medical
attention, underwent a minor operation
and is getting along woll. Sho Is ex
pected home within a few days.
Just about tlmo for paying .iaxes
again. The sheriff's offce have received
the roll and the extensions are being
mn,i. nv tha first of March the flrst
half will be duo, Wa understand It Is
th nnlle.v nf the sheriff not to send out
.1... .1.1. nr and If you want to
what vour taxes are to bo, you
will have to wrllo In, when you will bo
noiifled. no nronnrod for a shock as
the notice will convey the Intelligence
ii,nt vnu have tho blgKOst tax to pay
ever levied In Morrow comity. Those
who reside Inside tho limits of the city
Mrs. H. C. Ellis of Ewlng was a Cecil
caller on Sunday.
Miss Gertie Pettljohn of Morgan was
visiting In Cecil on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henriksen of Ithea
were calling on their Cecil friends on
Mr. J. E. Crabtree and children of
Dotheboy's Hill were calling on Cecil
friend on Tuesday.
Miss Georgia Summers of the Last
Camp spent the week end visiting with
friend In Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winter and
family of Shady Dell were Arlington
visitors on Thursday.
Mr. Haiel Log' and family of Four
Mile were visiting with Mrs. Weltha
Combest on Saturday.
Mrs. Dell Ward of Heppner spent
Monday and Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. Karl Farnsworth at Rhea.
T. W. Wilde of Rroadacres spent a
short time in Cecil on his return Jour
ney from Arlington, on Saturday.
Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and daughter,
Miss Helen, left on the local for Port
land on Tuesday where they will spend
few day.
Mr. and Mr. Marlon VanSchoaick
and family of Arlington visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at the Last
Camp on Sunday.
Harold Ahalt. who has been visiting
Portland for the last few days, ar
rived at Four Mile on Friday and will
work for Leon Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd and Mrs. Roy
Scott of Huttcrby Flats were the dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe of'
the Highway House, Cecil, Sunday.
Mr. Hannnh Ahalt who has been I
spending several month amongst her
friends in California arrived In Cecil.
Saturday and will visit her Cecil friends
for some time.
Hob Thompson of Heppner arrived In
Cecil on Tuesday and has got settle!
down once more at the Shepherd's Rest
and we henr he contemplates giving a
dinner party soon to the ladles of Cecil.
John MiDevitt from his ranch near
lone wns In Cecil on Monday with a
large party of ladies who had sur
vived the serenade of Saturday night.
He remained long enough to see them
abonrd tho "local flyer" for unknown
The Oregon Hassam Paving Co. of
Portland, are very busy unloading
their goods at the Cecil depot. They
will erect their campB on M. V. Logan's
ground and will occupy his cottage
Gravelling will commence as Boon as
all things are got Into working order.
MIsscb A. C. and V. M. Hynd of But
torby FlntB and Keith Logan of Fali
vlew all spent a few days at their re
spective homes during the past week
and returned to Heppner on Sunday to
resume tholr studies at Heppner high
school on Monday.
Gilliam & P.isbee are always well rep
resented at the smokers
Those Turner boys are sure there
when it comes to tossing them around
Our mayor was there as well as the
majority of the council, while Walt Ca
son, our genial constable, looked In
two or three time during the evening.
It la wonderful how that Jone boy
gets the stray quarters out of your
If any of John D' local force was
absent we didn't know it
Did you notice our shower bath on
the outh ide ot the building?
As usual we were three Jumps be
hind the crowd when It came to seating
We had some of the old timers with (
us Saturday night, among them being! Hw about a big feed at the hotel
Geo. Sperry, Frank Gilliam, John Pat-jome night.
terson and Doug. Gurdane. This being We missed the Johnson brother of
their flrst appearance at our smoker. Lexington Saturday night.
waa their first appearance at our amok
We want all you old members to gel
out and get all the ex-service men Into,
the organization. Tell them what we
are doing and get their $3. 75 for dues
thi year. j
That man Vaun of Boardrnan Is a
regular cout. Three bouts Saturday
two wrestling and one boxing.
The boy got quite a kick out of
Uncle Jack and his Y. M. C. A. bath
We missed Bert Stone and his well
known comment.
Some wk knocker circulated the re
port that we were charging a dollar,
but we are still at the old rate 20c,
and we feel sorry for the boys who
didn't investigate as they missed
I .As usual several of our member
couldn't get away from the ladles, but
the married men were all there.
Bauman and Valentine called their
affair a friendly sparring match. Roy
Wakefield say he would hate to see
them fight.
We missed Wright in action a a
boxer, although he and Hall put up an
extraordinary wrestling bout for two
boys of their age.
Harry GroshenB shows up better ev
ery time we see him. We are getting
Transfer and General Hauling
We do a transfer and general hauling business
of all kinds.
Let us figure with you on that next job.
foire r.-il tdlt'.t in th; lire
Vic Kails and Emery G'-r:try two
go-getters when it om-s to It
Jac k O'Neill and Pat Foley ..ur,.l
up the affair with a ten-minute exhi
bition (hat was fine.
Don't forg'-t that the hall ia for Le
gion members and that it is a fine place
to read and work out on the mat Sei
Gurdane, Crego or Phelps for a key.
Those Drlscc.ll boys can't be brothers,
can they?
Wait for our big dance next month.
Get a new member this month and
don't forget our next amoker.
Lexington Christian Endeavor,
Will Give Big Minstrel Show.
Next Monday evening the people of
Lexington and of the surrounding
country will witness the biggest an.
best minstrel show ever given In Mor
row county. The entertainment will
consist of several musical selections, ;
darky songs, darky dialogues, togethe.
with other amusing selection. ,
The minstrel will be given at the
Leach hall, February 14th. The "dark
ies" have been very busy for the last
few day practicing their part so all
those attending this entertainment
may be assured a pleasant evening.
Come and bring your friends. R. Ma '
First' It is sold at a mod
erate price. You save when
you buy it
Second: It has more than the
ordinary leavening strength,
therefore, you use less.
Third: There are no fail
uresit always makes the
sweetest, most palatable of
Fourth: It is used by mil
lions of housewives leading
domestic science teachers
and cooking experts.
The Question
Is Settled
Our New Big Dining Room
It not exclusive to transient
trade. It's tor the folks ot
Heppner First, Last ant All
the Time.
Give the wife a rest
and a treat a Sunday
dinner here.
Elkhorn Restaurant
Willow Street
sr. mm! ir n n s s.
It Takes solution
This matter of saving money.
Don't think about it too long
just bring along what money
you can spare, AND OPEN
YOUR ACCOUNT with that.
Once you have an account, how
ever small, you'll be interested
in adding to it.
first thing you know it will
amount to quite a sum. Then
you'll realize what an import
ant step you took when you
Fir National Bank
The Cecil country wns well repre
sented at the meeting of the Johy Pay
Irringtion district nt the county seat
A. Henriksen, J. Hynd, J. W. Osborn,
Leon Logan, Kverett Logan, Zenneth
Lognn, J. J. McEntlre nnd several oth
ers were among those who were seek
ing for sonic enlightenment on the
many subjects nf the Irrigation project.
Fifth: It is the best Baking
Powder that can be produced. Was
given highest awards at World's
Pure Food Exposition,Chicago;Paris
Exposition, Paris, France.
Sixth: It contains only such
ini,Tedienrs as have been officially
approved by the United States Food
The finest quality Baking
Powder at the most economical
cost "The Biggest Bargain That
Goes into the Kitchen Today."
Pound can of Calumet contains full
16 ot. Some baking powders come in
12 oi. instead of 16 ot. cans. Be sure
you get a pound when you want it
Nut Cooiri
cup butter,
Vi cup sugar, 2
eggs. M cup
flour, 1 level tea
spoon Calumet
Baking Powder,
4 cup chopped
nuts, 1 teaspoon
lemon juice.
Then mix in the
regular way.
Lower Farm Implement Prices
some time prices paid for your farm
products have been low. It is but nat
ural for you to want lower prices on the farm im
plements used in producing your crops.
Announcement is made by the Oliver
Chilled Plow Works of a general
price reduction in their lines that
brings prices to the basis of 1918.
They are first to make this reduction
and are taking the loss that the move
brings for there has been little re
duction in labor or material as their
contribution in hastening a return to
normal conditions.
This is your, opportunity to secure
new, up-to-date Oliver quality imple
ments that will help you produce a
full crop, and get them at a price in
line with the reduced prices on your
farm products.
Peoples Hardware Co.
1 920 is Gone!
And with it our profits as well as yours. The
past year has undoubtedly been a hard one
for everyone. The farmer and stockman
had immense losses, and so did
the merchant.
Every article in the stock has been remarked re
gardless of cost, and right down to and below
present worth on the markets of the world.
Here are a few of our new prices:
Calico 15c yd. Ginghams 19c, 25c, 35c
Flannelette 19c Outings 19c, 25c, 35c
Let's forget 1920 with its troubles and
get together and push and push hard
for a prosperous 1921.
Come in and see what we are doing to make 1921
prosperous for you.
Minor & Company