The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 10, 1921, Image 1

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Volume 37, Number 46. IIEPPNER OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921. , Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Imalllla Hanlda Power Site Aaaoela
tloa Haa Large Attendance and the
Mrrllos Man Katauaiaatle.
At the meeting u( the Commercial
club last Thursday evening a delega
tion consisting of A. S. Akers, F. A. Mc
Monunihi, J. W. Fritsch, Win, llaylor
and Chas. Thomson was appointed t-j
go to Pendleton on Saturday to repre
sent the club at the meeting of the
Umatilla Hupida Power Site Association
In that city. Mr. Akers went over by
train and was there early Saturday
morning when the Association con
vened. The other memberB of the dele
gation went with Mr. McMenamin by
car, and did nyt arrive until a little
past 1 o'clock. However, they were
there In time for the completion of the
orgunizution -and to take part in the
hnal dellbeiutlons.
Morrow county fared well as we have
a vice-president of the Association in
the person of Ham Boardman, of Hoard
man, and F. A. McMenamin of this cltv
was placed on the executive committee
Mr. Akers was also a member of the
resolutions committee.
A very large delegation of people
were present from many different
points In Oregon and Washington.
Members of the house and senate of the
Oregon legislature were present, and
men representing the railroads and
other Interests. In fact, the Pendleton
commercial club lost no time In getting
some big men present and the Heppner
delegation feel that much real woik
was accomplished at this meeting.
Things wll hum from now on. The ex
ecutive committee meets In Pendleton
on Saturday, and then on the 19th Inst,
a big meeting will be called to be held
In Walla Walla, Saturday's meeting be
ing called primarily to prepare for this.
At the Walla Walla meeting the forces
of Oregon and Washington will be more
thoroughly organised and amalgamated
and from then on the Umatilla Haplds
Power Site Association will be In shape
to do actual work.
The Heppner delegation all returned
full of enthusiasm, as they had Imbibe!
freely of tho Pendleton spirit, and they
are glad that our city and its commer
cial organization will be counted In on
this big movement, which goes hand In
hand with the John Day Irrigation
Doric Lodge No. 20 Will Pre
sent Play Damon and Pythias
In commemoration of the 57th annt
vcrsary of the order of Knights of Py
thins, Doric Lodge No. 20, of this city
has arranged to have the great drama
Damon and Pythias, presented at the
.Star theater In this city on the evening
of February The anniversary od
ours on .Saturday, the 19th, but the pic
ture could not be obtained for that date
so it will bo presented next Tuesday
evening Instead. This Is a wonderfully
dramatic and historical play and haB
been filmed at great expense. An ad
mission fee of 3(1 and 60 cents will be
Everybody Come.
A meeting will be held In the I. O. O.
F. Hall, Saturday, February 12th, at 2
p. m. to discuss the details of the Ore
gon Cooperative drain Growers. At
this time we will have Dr, Hector Mc
pherson and other prominent speakers
who have been actively engaged In tho
organization. This will he tin oppor
tunity for all the farmers and business
men as well to ask questions upon this
big movement. Kverybody Invited to
attend. Hcmembcr tho date and be
A. HUNT, County, Agent.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Grant Olden of Tthea
creek woe visitors In Heppner today.
They were accompanied by O. B. Par
low, uncle of Mrs. Olden.
KOIl nl. Pure bred Barred Hock
cockerels, $2 nnd up. Mrs. Grant Olden,
lone, Ore. fl0-5t. .
MINT On the streets of Heppner, s.
pearl necklace, Finder please roturn
to this office.
Farmers' Market Meetings
To discuss the details of the Ore
gon Co-operative Grain Grow
ers Association Plan.
lone, Walker's Hall, Friday, February 11th, 2 p. m.
Heppner, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Saturday, Feb. 12th, 2 p. m.
Hardman, Groshens Bldg., Monday, Feb. 14th, 7:30.
Gooseberry, Schoolhouse, Tuesday, Feb. 15th, 7:30.
Rhea Creek, Schoolhouse, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 7:30
Lexington, Star Theater, Thursday, Feb. 17th, 2:00.
Morgan, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Friday, February 18, 7:30,
This is your opportunity to ask questions.
All farmers and business men are invited to attend.
Executive Mansion, Salem, Oregon,
February 5, 1921.
To the People of the State of Oregon;
The prune Industry in one of the
greatest horticultural with
in the State of Oregon. Nearly forty
thousand acres of our fluent agricul
tural lands are planted with prune
trees. Last year, despite adverse
weather conditions, thirty million
pounds of prunes were harvested In the
late. Of this number but eight mil
Hon haye been sold. The twenty-two
million pounds unsold represent an
enormous aiwet to the fcUate of Oregon
if they can be moved and placed In the
hands of consumers. The fact that they
ate lying idle jeopardizes this enor
nuus Industry. The people of the State
of Oregon should give widest coopera
tion to the prune growers to meet the
grave situation. ,
I hereby designate the week from
Kebrurye 14th to February lyth in
cluwlve, as 1'rune Week within this
state. I calj upon the good spirit of
our people to Join In a movement to
attaint this great industry, not only for
the good of the Industry Itself, but for
the good of the people of the Btate as a
whole. I urge that every home In Ore
gon take advantage of the opportunity
which is presented by the prune, grow
ers to become well stocked with this
nourishing and healthy fruit. I ask
cooperation from hotels, grocers, res
taurants, or from any other source
which may give assistance, and I also
bfspeak the hearty cooperation of the
press, which is always freely given in
the furtherance of every proper and
beneficial movement. This la ft serious
situation, involving the welfare of
thousands of our best citizens. Prompt
and hearty response from the people of
Oregon In tho purchase of one of our
greatest home products will relieve the
situation and bring about a quick bet
terment of conditions. I arn certain
the appeal of the prune growers will
not be In vain.
Very sincerely yours,
The ladles of the II. P. O. Elks of
Heppner are preparing to give an en
tertainment during the first week In
March, the object of which Is to raise
funds to buy dishes and kitchen equip
ment for the new Elks temple. Watch
for further announcement.
Heppner High School Notes.
This week has been one of activity
for the members of Heppner High
School, The basket ball team, after
being defeated by the Lexington team,
ate spending extra time on practice, in
preparation for the Condon-Fossil trip
Friday and Saturday.
The student body election was held
Tuesday afternoon. The results were
as follows; Elmer Peterson, president;
Raymond Ferguson. vice-president;
Mary Clark, secretary, Relta Neel,
treasurer; Edward Chidsey, sergeant-at-arms.
Athletic Counci: Mr. Heard,
Elmer Peterson, Hieta Neel, Ellis Ir
win, Mercedeth .lames. Tell leaders:
Carl Cason, Atfnes Boyd.
Friday evening a double header bas
ketball game will be played. The big
game of the evening will be played be
tween the high school girls team and
the town girls team. The preliminary
gnme will be played between the Bed
bugs and the Cockroaches. The game
will be called at 7:00 o'clock sharp.
Admission 10 and 15 cents.
The Senior class wns delightfully en
tertained on Monday evening at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Cordon by
Mrs. Gordon and Miss Pearl Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gordon vill leave
Smirlny to take up their residence In
Pendleton. Mr, Gordon has accepted fl
position there with the Koeppen Prut?
Co. ns n pharmacist. Since his gradu
tion, Mr. Gordon has been with the firm
of Patterson & Son in this city. He h
a fine young fellow nnd will mako good.
Fred Ashbaugh was down from his
place, nt Toll Itock yesterday.
""Cashier W. P. Mahoney of the First
National Bank, spent tho week-end In
Portland on business, returning home
on Sundav.
L cut-'
Heppner, Oregon, February 9, 1121.
Kditor, Gaeette-Times:
Keeling that the taxpayers of thi
John Day Irrigation District are en
titled to an opportunity to Judge for
themselves as to the accuracy or Inac
curacy of any statements made by me
relatice to Its organization, I submit
for their inspection the following re
port rendered The First National Bank
at the request of the officers of the dis
trict, on the tenth day of September,
Hepuner, Ore., Sent. 10, 1919.
Mr. W. P. Mahoney,
First National Bank,
Heppner, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
In the matter of the validity of cer
tain warrants issued by the County
t'lerk of Morrow County, on what is
specified therein ps "John Day Irriga
tion District Fund," I beg to say, that I
have given the matter careful consid
eration, and find as follows:
That the proceedings in the creation
of the District are suiticient, and that
the District was legally created up to
the point of the order of the County
Court declaring the result of the elec
tion called for the purpose of determin
ing whether or not the District should
he created. All of the petitions, orders
and notices apparently being substan
tially copied from the proceedings in
he recently created District, known as
lite "West Extension District."
The statute under which this Irriga
tion District was created provides that
the order of the County Court declar
ing the creation thereof, shall be imme
iialely filed for record in the office of
the recorder of conveyances of each
County in which any portion of the
lands of the District is situated, and
also that there shall be immediately
forwarded to the County Clerk of each
County In which any portion of the
lands may lie, a certified copy of such
order and recites Mnnit from and aftrr
the dote of Milch II linn the nrgmilxntlon
of Kiii'h IHntrict Hhnll bp complete, and
the n nicer thereof Hhn.ll he entitled to
enter Immediately upon the duties of
their renpeetire onlcen upon duly quali
fying as provided by this law."
The statute further provides that at
the election called for voting unoii the
question as to whether or not the Dis
trict shall he created, there shall be
elected three Directors, and at this
election, M. D. Clark. Clay C, Clark and
Ichn Kilkenny were elected as such
H further provides that these Directors.
shall provide a bond for the faithful
performance of their duties as such,.
ml which shall be approved bv the:
County-Judge, and recorded in the nf-
lice of the County Clerk, together with
their official oaths. '
The statute also provides with rela-1
tlon to assessments, that the Hoard of i
Directors shall, on or bofnre the first!
Tuesday in September of each vear, !
money to be raised for the coming year
which shall be apportioned so that each
tu re of irrigable land shall be assessed
und required to pay the same amount
;is every other acre therein, except as
otherwise provided in the act; that the
"lend shall determine the number of
irrigable acres of land owned by each
land owner in the District, and the pro
portionate assessment; that it shall
prepare a list of record of said assess
ments and apportionment in duplicate,
Riving n description of the ownershin
or holdings of each poison, firm or cor
poration therein assessed or apportion
ed, one of which shall be a permanent
record in the otliee of said Hoard.
That on or before tho first Tuesday in
September of each year the Secretary
shall give notice of the time that the
Hoard of Directors, acting as a 1?ni.l
of KquallzaUon, will meet for the pur
nose of reviewing and correcting Its
assessment and apportionment of tnxes.
t he time of such meeting to be the first
Tuesday of October following, nnd that j
inr iiMNesMini'iiiN Mian in i ne mean timet
remnimin the otliee of the Secretary of
Hie Hoard for the Inspection of all per
sons inieresuMi.
From an inspection of the records In
the office of the County Clerk and the
records In the office of the Secretary
of the Hoard of Directors elected for
this District, I find that two of the Di
rectors have filed their official oaths.
and that neither of the Directors have'
tiled their official bond, as required by I
the statute and the order creating the'
District, I
I further find thni mo far nm tho rep- '
itrd illseloMet, no certified ropy of the
order creating the DlMrlet hum been,
forwnnleil to the recorder of the diner-
ent Counties, to-nltt l.lllinm and Vm-;
ntlllii. or reeorded In the records of
Morrow County, or to the County,
Merits of the nhovc named Counties. I
it appears that nt a meeting held
by two of the Directors elected, at Ar
lington, Oregon, on the 2nd day of Sep
tmber, l!H!t. that an assessment of sev
en and one-half cents per acre on
each Irrigable acre in the District was
made, however, no- attempt was made
to prepare tho assessment list of the
different land holders, nor of their re
spective apportionments, neither does
it appear that the notice required to
he given by the Secretary of the Hirel
ing of the Hoard of tfqnnlization, was
or is being given, or that n. list of the
assessments and Apportionment is now
in the ottlce of the Secret nr of tho
Hoard for the inspection of the respec
tive taxpayers.
Several other mnterlal Irregularities
nnd omissions appear, however, I am
convinced from the irregularities above
mentioned that the assessment nnd tax
levy Is void, nnd that tho warrants now
being issued by the County Clerk upon
this fund, if question should bo raised
by nny interested person, or the prn
ceodtngs or levy should be nttacked by
(Continued on Page Six)
Lexington high school's basketballers
Invaded the floor of the local high
school team Friday evening and handed
the home team a neat trimming to the
tune of 20 to 12. The visitors were in
unbeatable form, with little Dallas
Ward shooting them In from all over
the floor, while it would be hard to
.imagine a more hopeless exhibition
than that put up by the home team.
Heppner entered the contest with the
bearing of would-be champions, who
were taking a few hours off to show
the visitors how to play the game. They
encountered a hunch of fighters who
were Intent on taking home a half
dozen scalps, no matter what the op
position. Lexington has been working this
season under the handicap of lack of
competition and the necessity of irregr
ular practice on an open air court while
the local team has had the advantage
of weekly games with outside teams,
in addition to the daily scrimmage. In
stead of the expected mid-season form,
Heppner displayed a woeful lack of
speed on their own court with ragged
flonr work and weak passing. Every
attempt to serve, including a last min
ute rally, was promptly checked by the
strong defense of the visitors.
In a preliminary game the Lexington
girls team defeated the Heppner girls
by a decisive score.
We hope to see our local high school
team keep up on their mettle, and stop
this "laying off" when they think they
have an "easy" game. The good sport
always does his best.
The score in the boys game:
Heppner Aiken, f, 6; McDuffee, f,
2; Peterson, c; Irwin, g, 2; Ferguson, g;
Chidsey, sub. g, 2; Young, sub. f.
Lexington Allyn, f, 5; D. Ward, f,
13; Hill, c, 2; E. Ward, g; McMillan, jr.
The first regular meeting of the
Hrotherhood will be held on next Mon
day evening at the hotel, beginning
with a luncheon at 6:45 and followed
with nn interesting and helpful pro
gram. The question to be discussed Is,
"What Are Heppner's Five Greatest
Needs?" President H. M. James will be
given ten minutes in which to open the
discussion. He will be followed by F.
A. McMenamin and E. L. Berry as lead
ers, and E. M. Phutt and A. M. Phelps
will act as seconds.
Ten minutes will be given for the
opening of the discussion, twenty min
utes to each of the leaders, and ten
minutes to each of the seconds, all
others wishing to join In the discus
sion will be giwn five minutes each.
Tn closing the leaders will be given ten
minutes each to answer any arguments.
Every man will be held strictly to this
time limit.
Tn addition to "the discussion, Instru
mental music will be furnished by the
band nnd vocal music by the High
School quartet.
We should have one hundred and
fifty present nt this meeting. Be sure
nnd plan to attend, and if you have not
united with the organisation have your
name presented at this meeting, for the
Hrotherhood is going to be one of the
big things of this community and we
want you to share its benefits.
He very sure to purchase your lun
cheon ticket not later than noon of
Monday next; you cannot be promised
admission unless you do this, as the
hotel management must know thus far
in ndvnnco the number to be served.
Don't forget, the Brotherhood, at the
hotel, Mondayevenlng. February 14, at
fl:4! o'clock. "
Sunday, IVbrunry 13. 1021.
Services will lie hold nt the accus
tomed hours. Bible School, Communion
nnd preaching service In the morning.
The morning theme will be "Repent
niK'O." Tho Rible School will be in
teresting nnd helpful nnd the Junior
Choir wll stnR. The Christian En
deavor Society will meet nt 6:80, nnd
nreachlnK service will follow nt 7:S0
The evening sermon will be to younjr
men, nnd the theme will bo, "The Mnk
Iiik of n Mnn." Everyone Is cordially
Invited to attend nil of these services.
In District No. 9, through the efforts
of the teacher, Miss Ruth Van Vactor,
a live Parent-Teachers Association has
been organised, and through thia or
ganization a much needed barn ha
been erected on the school grounds
In District No. 16, Miss Margaret
McDevltt, teacher of the Ella achool,
gave a box social which netted the dis
trict 166.00. With this fdnd the fol
lowing articles were purchased for the
school: recitation jieat, clock, bell,
pictures, blackboard, teacher's desk and
chair, besides sufficient pajnt to paint
the Interior of the schoolroom.
Miss McDevltt has two pupils. She
was obliged to ride a fanm nvor thft
country to advertise the social. The
schoolhouse was too small to accomo
date the people so Mr. Rictmann's
grain-bin in the district was borrowed
lor me occasion. There were not suf
ficient baskets to go around so sand
wiches and coffee were sold to the
amount of $22.00. Twenty-five baskets
brought (144.00.
These things show what can be done
by a wide awake teacher, who h ih
school board and community back of
District No. 31. Miss Margaret Ward
teacher, has been serving hot lunches
in her district. The school house was
painted on the inside and will have a
coat of paint outside soon.
A certificate will be given to all the
schools that standardize this year. Fol
lowing are the 1921 reoulrement. fnr
Flag must be flying on all school
LIGHTING The total amount of
window space must equal at least one
fifth of the floor space, and the light
must only come from the lefr n, frmn
the left and rear of the room.
substantial, large enough for books and
records, fitted with locks, mouseproof;
chair, substantial, adjustable. For pu
pils: desks properly adapted and placed,
suitable blackboards. Window shades
in gOOd Condition. Each BchnM mint
have a Beacon Phonic chart and a Cur
tis Cabinet with a suddIv of nractice
pads and a teacher's manual.
stove properly situated, or
standard school heater, Waterbury,
Smith or equivalent, or basement fur
nace, thermometer hanging in the mid
dle of the room.
ROOMS Attractive at all times.
one, unless four are already In the room
framed. A standard picture must be a
copy of a picture listed in the state
course of study, and should contain at
least one hundred square inches in the
body of the picture, or one hundred
and eighty square inches including the
GROUNDS To be clean, free from
paper, etc At least three features of
play apparatus, as given in the Oregon
Recreation Manual, pages 25 to 32, in
clusive. Walks if necessary.
SANITATION Pure drinking water,
either drinking fountain of covered
tank and Individual drinking cups; in
dividual family or paper towels.
OUTBUILDINGS At least two good
ones, to be sanitary at all times and
free from marks. Standard chemical
toilet preferred; Kaustine or equiva
lent. TEACHER Must maintain good or
der at all times; supervise playground;
have her work well prepared; follow
state course of study; take at least one
educational Journal; have daily pro
gram, approved by county superinten
dent, posted in room within first month
of school; keep register In good condi
tion: he neat In attire.
LIBRARY Good selection of at least
one hundred books from state list, part
1; excluding duplicates. Case for
books. Books kept In good condition,
and recorded according to rules speci
fied by the Oregon State Library and
required by law. A set of standard
maps, nt least four In number; a good
map of Oregon, a globe and an Inter
national .dictionary.
ATTENDANCE Average 92 per cent
for the year and not to exceed 2 per
cent In tardiness per year.
SCHOOL VISITS Visits from mem
bers of the school board during the
school yenr must number four and to
tal nt least four hours.
School library must contain sufficient
sets of supplementary readers to sup
ply the members of each class from the
first to the fourth, Inclusive. Supple
mentary readers must he selected from
the official adoption.
One new requirement is added each
yenr. The eountles In the tnt win
be graded nnd st.indnrdlzntlon Is to he
one or the points.
When a school has hcen standardized
for three years in succession an outside
sign will he posted on the building.
School boards, please aid your teachers
nnd thus make your school a standard
Disposes of His Interests In
Peoples Hardware Company
A. S. Akers this week disposed of his
Interests In the Peoples Hnrdmnre Corn
pany In this city to w. O. MeCarty,
nnd has retired from nny active service
with the business. Mr. Akers was one
of tho original stockholders In the
company nnd has been holding down n
position In tho store ns one of the
clerks. He has nothing In view Just
at present nnd will await developments
In tho business world before deciding
upon a future course. Mr. MeCarty Is
also one of the original promoters of
the hardware company and has thus
Increased his interests In the business
by buying out Mr. Akers.
Informal MASQVK.UAIlrc Dunce at
l'.lkn Trntule Salurtlav. hviimnri 12.
Elks and their ladlra only.
! ,
Joha amtlia Aady Hood ChM
Prowlrr Through Imperial Hotel Cor
r!dorn aad Capture Mat.
(Wednesday's Oregonian)
George Clarke, alleged hotel thief,
was arrested by the police early yes
terday after an exciting chase through
the corridors of the Imperial hotel,
while several patrons said they missed
minor articles as a result of the al
leged nocturnal visits of Clarke.
Clarke waived preliminary hearing in
the police court during the afternoon
and was bound over to the state grand
Jury under J 00 bonds on a charge of
J. F. Vaughn of Portland and A
Rood of Heppner were awakened dur
ing the early morning hours by a
prowler In their room. They leaped
from b&tLand gave chase, and with the
assistance of the house detective cap
tured Clarke. Purses, Jewelry and oth
er articles which had been taken from
I other rooms during the night were
found scattered along the halls and in
I an ash can on the fifth floor.
Police detectives made a thorough
search of the hotel for another man
thought to have been an accomplice.
but were unable to locate him. Cloth
ing belonging to another man was
found in Clarke's room.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Hall of Willow Lodge No. 66, L O. O.
F., Heppner, Oregon.
Whereas, The hand of death has re
moved from our midst our beloved bro
ther, Andrew J. Stevenson, and,
Whereas, Willow Lodge No. 66 has
thereby suffered the loss of a faithful
and honored member, and the coramun
ity at large an upright citizen.
Therefore Be It Resolved, That this
lodge extend to his family our sincere
sympathy In their bereavement That
a copy of these resolutions be spread
upon the minutes of the lodge, a copy
sent to the family of the deceased, and
a copy furnished to the local paper for
Heavy rains thia week have caused
the waters of Willow creek to rise un
til the stream is running bank full at
present. Round about Heppner the
rains have been exceptionally heavy,
and the ground Is thoroughly soaked.
We understand that heavy rains have
visited all parts of the county. The
general weather conditions are good
for growing crops.
By L. A. HUNT.
There Is' now a clearly recognized
country-wide demand for some better
marketing plan for agricultural pro
duce. This Is generally recognized and
widely commented upon by men of na
tional standing. In a recent address
by Governor White of Kansas the
statement of the dissatisfaction among
the farmers of the state Is followed by
the declaration that unless some rem
edy Is feund for the present deplorable
condition of our grain marketing sys
tem, the farmers of Kansas would turn
with open arms to the Non-Partisan
League. We hold that this organiza
tion cannot be counted upon for any
sane system of advancement and In tho
state of Washington the Non-Partisan
League is standing opposed to the
Washington Wheat Growers Coopera
tive Organization. As every one knows
the Non-Partisan League is an ardent
advocate of the principle of state own
ership and control of agricultural com
modities. In other words, a socialis
tic, political scheme. We believe it
would not succeed.
The president of the National Farm
Bureau has hit the nail on the head
when he said, 'Three things are neces
sary to put agriculture upon a sound
financial basis: better credit and bank
ing facilities, a protective tariff on
farm products, and the development of
cooperative marketing." No thinking
n-.nn can expect agriculture to depend
upon the present Federal Reserve re
discount system and prosper.
The incoming Secretary of Agricul
ture has made very clear that the pol
icy of the Department during the next
four years will favor a systematic de
velopment of co-operative marketing
organizations. His policy will bo to
put agriculture upon a paying basis as
a policy of national preparedness.
President Harding himself has come
out with several decisive statements
upon this subject. In his St. Paul ad
dress, after briefly sketching the his
tory of agriculture for the last century.
his conclusions were summed up in the
statement that we have been going
through a system of agricultural ex
ploitation during which tho farmer has
foil the country on cheap food without
profit to himself save in the increased
value of his land.
In the December Journal, some time
after his election, so that the charge of
playing for votes couhl not be made.
appeared over the written signature of j
the president-elect, tho article from
which the following is chosen: "An i
Important part of my plan to help the I
farmer Is 'cooperation.' I nm firmly of1,
the belief that tho American people, j
through their government and other- !
wise not only In behalf of the farmers :
but In behalf of their own welfare, and !
the pocketbooks of the consumers of,
America, will encourage, make lawful ;
and stimulate cooperation, cooperative
buying, cooperative distribution and co-j
operative selling of farm products !
This will be done In the name of no ;
class but In the name of the people of
America." !
Tn advocating the formation of the
Oregon Grain Growers Association, then
tho farmers nre proving themselves In
lino with the best minds of the country
nnd, If that Is any addition, good Hard
ing republicans ns well.
(over. Are Laid For About a at Oai
t lllu-n. ;oo4 Mn.l. al l-rosraai Pre
aeatrd. Spwhrs Are Made.
In order that the member! of the
Commercial Club, as well as many oth
ers of our citizenship who do not be
long directly to the organization mlgat
be brought together for a good time
and fraternize around the festive board,
a banquet was prepared and given at
SL Patrick's hotel on last Thuraday
evening. The response was liberal and
about S5 of our citizens, both men and
women, gathered about the table.
President Thomson presided, and
during the meal there waa music by the
band and singing by the Mixes Gladys
Lane and Zelrna Engleman and Mr. Car
rol Morrison.
S. A. Pattison was called on to report
Ms meeting some time since with the
.State Chamber of Commerce and tha
State Secretaries. Other speakers were
to have been present, but President
Thomson announced their Inability to
u-! here, so Dr. Conder. waa called to
speak for them and to make a reoort
on the recent meeting of the Irrigation
Congress in Portland. He covered a
lot of ground and spoke for one hour
and forty minutes.
Following this there was some rou
tine business and the meeting ad
journed. Another meeting of the club
is called for tomorrow, Friday, evening
to take up matters of business, chief
of which will be the election of officer
for the coming year.
Lexington High School Notes.
Heppner met with defeat In the two
games played with Lexington Friday
night. Up until this time Heppner had
been victorious In every game played.
The girls game resulted in a score of
36 to 3. The Lexington girls deserve
much credit for their fast playing and
good team work.
The game between the boys resulted
In a score of 20 to 12. The boys from
the Wheat City are now In good trim
and hope to win more games before the
season closes.
The students are now practicing on
a play, "Safety First," to be given In
the near future. This is a first rats
comedy and will afford good entertain
ment for the evening.
Mr. Nestor Francois, a photographer
from The Dalles, has been busy for sev
eral days taking pictures for the Lex
Sunday, February 13.
At the regular morning service Dr.
Phelps will deliver his lecture on Ab
raham Lincoln. In early manhood, Dr.
Phelps was personally acquainted with
Mr. Lincoln, who, of course, at that
time, had not come into prominence, as
it was before he became president of
the United States. The life of the mar
tyred president has been closely fol
lowed by Dr. Phelps and his lecture has
been delivered in many places and be
fore various schools and societies. This
being the day following Lincoln's birth
day, the discourse Is timely and Dr
Phelps should be greeted by a large
audience. Other services are Sunday
School at 9:45 a. m. and Christian En
deavor at 6:30 p. m.
Ladies Guild Entertains.
The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.
Emmet Cochran on Court street was
thrown open to the ladies of the Epis
copal Guild on last Thursday afternoon
and those present were entertained at
eleven tables of bridge. This was sup
plemented by Mrs. Cochran and her
assistants by delicate refreshments.
Those present were: Mesdames M.
Curran, Shurte. Lucas, Irwin, Ayers,
Sweek. Spencer. Pruyn. Hager. Parker,
Ward. Daibee, Karl Gilliam. Conn, Nys.
Pattison, Borg, Her. Black, Dick WelK
I A. Anderson, Kate Vaughn, Chick.
Crego. Goodman. Geo. Thomson, Ma
honey, Bob Thompson, c. C. Gilliam,
Paul Gemmell, Cook, Nora Hughes,
H.inna Jones, Josie Jones. Jus. Gentry,
Prank Moors, Vivian Ball. A. E. Hall.
Sims. R J. Vanghan. Hen Patterson,
Orval Rasmus. Jake Wel'.s, Stone, Van
Marter. During the refreshments the
ladies enjoyed solos by Miss Gladys
Lane and Miss Zelma Engleman. The
prize was won by Mrs. Osman Hager
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