Jwr.E SIX THK GAXKTTLMIMES, 11EITXER, OK EG ON, TlIl'KSlUY. NOV. IS. 1920. aiummi MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiii luiummimiimmiiimmiiiiiiiimiiimiiiimiiniiiiimiiiiiiHiiiim STATE NEWS - - - SPECIAL FEATURE SECTION j Under this Heading Each Week Will be Found TJp-to-the-Minute News of the World in Picture and Text, Showing the Doings of the Great, the Near- Great and Those Who Are Striving to Become Great. Items of General News Interest Gathered From Over the State at s S Large. Women's Activities and Fashions. Humor From the Leading Humorous Papers. 71 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tMlllllllimiMlllHIIIIIIIIIlllllllUiMlllUIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiniim -lis ' ..i l a THRIFT with every stroke of the brush when you paint with HARDING PARTY ABANDON ALL CARES ON SOUTHERN TRIP . 0 hmmmw- I Look tp 1 tn tro 1 x t: ,-'. KL,i. e .?u. i"""J J". I I FULLER paints 71 YEAR EL -FULLERS CO. PAINT If there's a food reason for any thing, then it's painting your house with food paint. FILLER Paint is GOOD Paint. It saves a great deal more than it costs saves you money in up keep and adds to the value of your property. Invest in FILLER Paint right away. W.P.FuIIer&Co. tM-I$29 N&rthwett Brmnchea mt Portland, Stmtttt 7a- UaHave The YOU can always find what you want in Meats here-and in the best cuts of the finest quality. . We are very proud of our list of customers since it proves our ability to supply the most delicious Meats to be found anywhere, at prices most reason able. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON tn -rn i$jf l- Tig 1XT I h: l,;;CaT 4j; f s& lyJ j TPy Pterident-elect Hdin.q FB Scobgy 'g'OV AkLV 1 f7T . Xw4 "The By ueov Point Ibelle President-elect Harding and Mrs. Harding with a small group ot friend are enjoying a vacation trip along the Gulf of Mexico as the goest of Mr. f. B. Scooey of Son Antonio, Tex., who is a close friend of Mr. Harding. After spending several days at Point Isabella on the gulf Shores they wiU visit New Orleans and then through the Pa nam 1 Canal and home. Those completing the party are Senators Davis Elkins of West Vlrgina. J. S. Frelinghuysen of New Jersey. Frederick Hale of Maine, Sec re- ' tary George B. Christian and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deal McLean. The scene below, Mr. Harding and Mr. Scobey, is part ot tbe country where the party will do their fishing and hunting. NATIONAL SlIIOOL DAY MEEK. FOR PRINTING THAT HAS REAL CLASS SEE THE G.-T. Willard Service Station BATTERIES RECHARGED The Lexington Garage FBEDEEICKSON BEOS, Props. We Sell Goodyear and Racine Tires Repair Work Oils Greases illllllllllHiilllllllllllillllllllllllllllM The High Cost I of Living 5 Do you care to open a personal High E Cost of Living inquiry? The United States Commissioner of Education has designated the week, Dec. 5 to 11, as National School Day week. He is appealing: to the teachers, parents, schools, churches, lodges, club3 f all kinds, parent-teacher associa tions, and other organizations to take steps to present the claims of educa tion as they now crowd upon us in the light of post-war conditions. The un rest abroad in the land, the apparent breaking- down of the moral fiber of a large percentage of our citizenship, the amount of illiteracy disclosed by the war, the lack of understanding of our institutions and the aims of our nation; on the part of the foreign born people who have found their way t o our shores, all call for a new vision of education and the need of Borne more efficient methods in "education to save our American ideals and our American civilization. It is planned to have min isters deal with the subject in the ser mons on Sunday, the 5th. Teachers, lawyers, lecturers and others will be requested to deliver addresses before public meetings, clubs, lodges, and other gatherings. The undersigned, as a member of the National Education -Association, urges upon the people of this county the desirability of properly observing the week. Respectfully, S. E. NOTSON. university and college teams will fea ture the day but by no means exhaust the attractions planned by the present students for the delight of the former ones. Club and class reunions, banquets, stunts, are some of the other attrac tions announced by the greater O. A. C. club and, the varsity O in charge. O. A. C. 1IOMK WAV, NOV. 20. O. A. C. gratis nil over Oregon are flocking to the college for the annual home coming dny, next Saturday. The annual gridiron clash between the state FARM KKMINDEKS. Plant Pathology, O. A. C Anthrac nose and fungus rots are developing on fruit to a large extent in western Ore gon this year. This is especially so in orchards which have not been kept clean by spraying. The unusual wet 1 weather of this tall has been a favor able agency for their development, but 'clean orchards will have a minimum loss from these diseases. If anthrac- nose Is bad the orchards should be ; sprayed before winter, although it la now too late to prevent the first crop 'of nnlhraenose from developing. ; Farm Management, O. A. C What does it cost to produce an acre of alfal jfit'.' LUa collected from fi2 farmers In ; Malheur county show that the cost was I $, and whole cost including interest : on ihe investment and the work, $18. J The cost of growing was $3 more than the hay was sold for. This shows that while the farmer was not losing money he was not making a fair Interest on the investment. Etomology, O. A. C. To lessen the number of injurious Insects which in fest garden spots Is the aim of many i gardeners. A good plan is to clean up land destroy all trash around the tract, DEMPSEY AND CARPENTIER SIGN THE PAPERS Are you interested in gaining maximum return for tbe dollars you spend? Are you interested in a simple form of personal bookkeeping? Then open a checking account hare. .Deposit all income at this bank and make all payments by check. You will have a complete and perfect record of all money paid out and received. An occasional tab ulation will give you cost facts by which you can control expense and cut out wast. Start a checking account today. FARMERS & STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK Heppner Oregon - rX. J&L t 'They've really done It they've signed the papers, those tatul papers ratal to one of the two, but we. can only stand by until next March and do our prophesying, as the contract read) that the bout In which Dempsey will defend his title, shall take place in the United .States. Canada or Cuba between next March and July Fourth, thn champion to pet $300,000 and Carpentler 1200,000 l)emp3ey m cettaimy giving "Carp" the "once over" as he Is affixing bis John Hancock. SECTY TO PRESIDENT, , WHICH ONE? Mi jV list 3 '," S ivi flI nail PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT Greater Heat at Less Expense A good oil heater, filled with Pearl Oil, will bum for many hours without re-filling. Lights at the touch of a match. Pearl Oil is clean-burning, without smoke or odor. Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere and by our , stations. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 7 !! .-mi iiiiiiiitiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnii i mini; I FORD j When your Ford is in need of ' repairs take it to the I FORD SHOP s mm i 1 ON MAIN STREET Phone 193 LLOYD FELL, Prop. 'imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii Richard Washburn Child and James B. Christian, one of Which Will very probably be the secretary to President Harding. Mr. Chris tian (above) was secretary to Mr. Harding during his campaign. Mr. Child Is a New York lawyer and writer. Both have been men tioned as probabla. choice. Tills will kill ninity of the IuhhcIh lit onco and exposo othrs cither to die of exposure or to be ciiteu by. birds or Rome other enemy. Farm Crops, O. A. C. Clover seed not now threshed should he stacked itnd saved for threshing next season. If the Beed Is dry when stacked it will remain In Kood condition until a hul- ler can be procured. Some of tho seed Is sprouted by this will not injure the rest if the clover In stacked dry nnd properly covered. Protection from moisture at the bottom of the stack and at the top are the main require ments for a pood stack. North Mend. The Wlllametle-T'acl-c Lumber & Box factory Is now build ing an addition to Its main bulldlnir. The plant is turning out box shooks nnd ltlmher of all kinds. 1A OS JT j HEOE IS A PHOTO CAN I O P AV SWEET ifr HOME II L P toS F' Jr THEY A DEVOTED liZ I IT LOOKS TO mTaS f feff t -E -THEY'RE ALWAYS 'f IF HE WAS AFRAID TO I HOLPm&HAttoa AiO LET GO 0F 'EM I V'-P'ij Blacksmithing In all its branches, including Wagon Work, Horseshoeing and ' Repair Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Give a 5 Percent Discount for Cash J. B. Calmus Formerly the'Ashbaugh Shop You Save Money" says the Good Judge , And get more genuine chew ing satisfaction, when you use this class of tobacco. This is because the full, rich, , real .tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. And a small chew gives more real satisfaction than a big chew of the ordinary kind ever did. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. rut uj in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Llllll!llli!lii!i:!l!!ll!I!!:illllilW 1