THE GAZETTE-TIMES, IIEPPXER, OREGON, TIin.'SDAY. NOV. 11. 1020. PAGE Til I.T.I : DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST Office upstairs over l'ostolllce Heppner, Oregon DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DK.NTIST Permanently located in the Odd Fellows building, Hooins 4 and 5. Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHVBKI.W & Hl'ltUEON Office in Patterson Drug Store Trained Nurse Afwifltant Heppner, Oregon C. C. CHICK, M. D. ; Physician siimjeon Trained Nurte AxsiNtunt Office upstairs over Pontofllce Heppner, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOK X K YH-AT-LA W Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTOHXEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House Heppner, Oregon Office I'hone, Main (43 Residence Phone, Main 665 FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts DulMlng, Heppner Ore. F. H. ROBJNS0N t LAWVKK IONK. OHEGON ROY V. WHITEIS Fire Insurance writer for best Old Line Companies. Heppner, Oregon E. J. STARKEY KLFCTIUCIAN House Wiring a Specialty Heppner, Oregon Tlinne 872 E. E. MILLER "The Old-Time Auctioneer" Ho Sticks and Stays IleuNonable Hales (or Bales lone, Oregon IIEI'I'NEIt HAXATOKIUM HOSPITAL DH. J. PEIUIY CONDER, Physlclan-ln-charge Plume Main 02 Treatment of all diseases', Isolated wards tor contagious cases. UHK IX81HANCE WATERS & ANDERSON Successors to C. C. Patterson Heppner Oregon LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. In the matter of the estate of JOSEPH- STRIXNER, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, Administratrix of the Es tate of Joseph Strixner, deceased, and hiving qualified, notice Is here by given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, vfithin six months after the first publication of this no tice to said Frances Wilson, at Red mopd, Oregon. FRANCES WILSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Joseph Strixner, deceased. W. B. DAGGETT, v Attorney for Administratrix. NOTICE OK" ADMIMSTIIATOK'S SALE OP HKAI, ESTATH. Notice la hereby given, that the un dersigned, as administrator of the es tate of Quy N. Corey, deceased, by virtue of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, duly made and entered on the 4th day of October, 1820, authorising and directing the Bale of the property hereinafter described, I will, at my place of resilience in Irrlgon, Morrow County, State of Oregon, from and after the ltith day of November, 1020, proceed to sell for ensh, at private sale to the highest blddor the following described real property belonging to the said estate, te-wlti NR14 SW14; and that part of the NW SE14, SW14 SI514 and SE SW(4, lying North of and under a line parallel with and one huiulitil feet distant northerly from the center line of the Main Canal of the Went Kxten.slon of the Umatilla Pro Jert, Morrow County. State of Oregon, all in Township 4 North. Itange 25 E. W. M. containing 4.35 acres, more or less. BUbJert to the contract of pur i hse with It. S. Howard, Jr.. Receiver of the Title lluarantee Ic Trust Com pany. Dated this 14th day of October. 1920 U A. DOBLE. Administrator of the Kstate of Guy N. Corey, Deceased. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE KTATK OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTT. In the Matter of the Estate of Nlnna N. Lundell, deceased. MI1K K OP ADMlMVI'llATOH'S SALE OP HEAL IMIOI'KKTV. Notice la hereby given that the un dorsigned, aa administrator of the above entitled estate, has been by order enter ed herein October 9. 1920, duly author ized, empowered, licensed and directed to sell the following described real property, to-wit: An undivided one-seventh (1-7) In terest In and to the North Half and the North Half of the South Halt of Sec tion Twenty-three (23) Township Three (3) South Range Twenty-three (23) E. W. M , in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, at private sale for cash tn hand to the highest and best bidder and that I will, as such administrator, proceed to sell said real property at private sale in the manner above described, pursu ant to said license from and after the 13th day of November, 1920, subject to confirmation of the above entitled court Rids will be received at the office of reterson, ISlBhop & Clark, Stangler, Building, Fendleton, Oregon. Dated and first published this 14th day of October, A. D. 1920. AUGUST, W. LUNDELU Administrator of the Estate of Nlnna N. Lundell, deceased. 10-14-5 MII'K K OP 1IOND RALE. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the 17th day of November, 1!20, and Immediately there after publicly opened by the County Court Morrow County, Oregon, at the otlice of said Court In the County Court House In the city of Heppner, Oregon, (or the purchase of bonds of said Coun ty, issued for the buldllng of permanent roads therein in the sum of 160,000, the same being In denominations of $1000 each, said bunds to bear date Novem ber 1, 1919, and to mature absolutely without option of prior redemption November 1, 1929, said bonds to bear Interest at not to exceed 6ft percent per annum payable semi-annually on May and November first, principal and Interest payable In United States gold coin at the otlice of the County Treas urer or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon In New York City. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check of 5 per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for and must be unconditional. The npproving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal. Minor & Wlnfree, of Portland, Oregon, will be furnished the success ful bidder. The Court reserves the right to re ject an; and all bids. The assessed val uation of the taxable property of the County l.i $14,582,795.28. J. A. WATERS, Clerk. First publication, October 28. 1920. Lust publication November 18, 1920. CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATU OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. In the m&ttor of the Estate of H. 8. English, deceased: ','0 Charles Slappy, David Slappy, Alex Slappy, Guardian of Charles Slap py and David Slappy, minors, Olln En glish and V. T. English, Guardian of Olln English, a minor, and to all per sons whensoever Interested in the es tate of the said H. S. English, deceased: In the name of the Slate of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby com manded to appear before the Honorable County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, at the County Court House In the City of Heppner, on Mon day, the Cth day of December, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, to show cause, If any you have, why an order Bhould not be grant ed to the administrator of said estate authorizing and directing him to sell all the Interest which his estate now has In and to the fallowing doacrlbed real property, to-wit: Lot 17 in Mock 37 In the Townsite of Irrigon, Morrow County, State of Ore gon, according to the recorded plat thereof. Attract of land containing 5 acres, more or less, described on the maps of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company as Lot 6 in Illock 15 West, in Section 25, Tp. 5 N., U. 26 E. W. M. A tract of land containing 10 acres, more or less, described on the maps of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company ns lot 6 In Illock 33, East, In Section 21, Tp. 6 N., n. 27, K. W. M. This citation is published by order of the above entitled Court, made and en tered on the 21st day of October, 1920, once each week for four consecutive weeks, the date of the first publication being the 2Sth day of October, 1920, and the last publication being the 25th day of November, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court afllxod this 21st day of October, 1920. J. A. WATERS, (SEAL) County Clerk. NOTICF. OF FtXAl, SICTTLKMR1VT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Frank E. Hell, deceased, has filed his final account In the said estate and that the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Mor row County has fixed Monday, the flth day of December, 1920, at the hour of in o'clock in the forenoon of said day im the time and the County Court Room in tho Court House at Heppner, Oregon, ns the place, of hearing and settling sold flnnl account. F. A. McMENAMIN, Adtninlsthatnr with th will annex ed of tho estate of Frank E. Roll, deceased. CLASSIFIED AD. COLUMN Nl'.Wl.Mi I do plain sewing and will go out by the day. Anna Cork, Ayere Rooms, corner Chase and May ste. LOOK THIS OVFU. llulck flva-passongcr light six, over hauled, now tires, ropalnted. Looks like new. A real bargain at $1000. HEPPNER GARAGH. l'Olt SAM: Piano and household furniture. Inquire at once of Mrs. R. J. Vaughan. Phone 744. At TOMOllll.K for trips out of Hop nor. Also saddle horses for hire. Dal- poll SALIC Throe and a halt ton O. M. C. truck In A-l running condition. For terms and price call on or write to K. A. Zochert, Lexington, Oregon. STHA1KD There came to my place, 7 miles north of Lexington, 1 bay horse weighing about 1 400. branded OP or OF on left shoulder, left hind foot white owner may have earns by calling at my ranch and paying accrued charges. G. R. WHITE, Lexington. Or. DAY WORK I do day work at fifty cents an hour anywhere In town. Mrs. NelBon, Browning residence. POSTMASTER WANTED Small stock groceries In connection, for Bale at bargain. Good business proposition. Address E. H. Carpenter, Eight Mile, Ore LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. One brown mare, branded A 1 on left hip, weight about 1200, 1 bay mare, same brand on left hip, 1200 lbs, t bay horses, branded same, with bar over it, bay Alley, same brand, gray 2-year-old mule, branded croas on left shoulder. Suitable reward for information lead ing to the recovery of these animals. 2t C. N. ENGLERT .Heppner, Or. NOTICE. From this date on I am compelled to ask that all my customers pay me cash. Conditions have forced me to go to a strictly cash basis. Don't ask me for credit FRANK 8HIVELEY. FOR 8 ALB lill Ford In A-l condi tion. See Chaa. Oiten, Heppner, Ore. ed hay for sale. Red Front Livery Stable, McRoberts k Kirk, proprietors. FOR SALE One t-paaaenger Over land. Guaranteed to be In first class mechanical condition. A good bargain. Either cash or approved notes. In quire Qasette-Tlmes' office. The early rains will sprout the weed seed. Get your weeders from OIL LI AM ft BISBEE. You can get a Revolving Rod Weed er on trial from GILLIAM BISBEB. When the summerfallow has been cleared of weeds, get yeur grata drill from GILLIAM ft BISBEE. The ground is thoroughly soaked and if you are ready to plow don'e buy before you see what GILLIAM ft BIS BEE have to offer. FOR SALIC One dwelling with roll ing mill at $5000.00. New residence ad Joining $1500.00. New house for rent until sold. Terms $4000 down, balance 1 to 1 years at I per oent Interest Phone 7S6 or call on Geo. Schempp. U. R. Flahel strain of White Rock Cockerels for sale. Now le the time to order your cockerels for the coming season. There are Just a few left, so order early. A. O. P1EPER, Lexington, Ore., phone 44FII. Several second hand Ford cars for sale at attractive prices. See Lalourell Auto Company. FOR SALE. Good house and two good lots. Addreaa box 161, Heppner, or Inquire at Qasette-Tlmes. 1 LOST On streets of Heppner, snap shot book, nearly full of photos. Find er leave at this office It FOR SALE Sixty-five H. P. Holt "Cat," 8 -bottom Mogul plow, 10-foot double disc, at a bargain. Address W. T. Wheeler, Box 521, Heppner, Ore. COMPETENT OFPICB GIRL wishes position in Heppner. Best of references. Phone Main 622 or write P. O. box 148, city. 2tp. FOR KALE A Ford touring car In first class condition. See Snyder, Hepp ner Soda Works. ORDER your winter apples early. Good cooking Newtowns and Spltien bergs at $1.25 per box, F.O.B. Hood River, Or. Send check with order. PERRY E. WELLS, Hood River, Ore LOST t 82-4 Goodyear Diamond Tread tire, also tire rack and tail light and licenae tag No. 97440, between Heppner and Arlington. Notify Cohn Auto Company or Ed Buschke, Hepp ner, Oregon. Two Mammoth Bronse Turkey Toms for sale before Thanksgiving. Thoro breds. T. J. MATLOCK. 2t. POTAIRO By SADIE 8TULL. I, mo, by McClurs Newspaper SndlcsW. 1 "Jane Emma Lane, what be you doln' In thet rubbish heapT Jane Kniina strulghtened up so sud denly she almost dropped her precious "find." "You threw Potalro away I" she ac cu1 with quivering Hps. "Land o' love I Wasn't It time? Th' old honthen has dlsflgger'd th' parlor mantel since yer Gran'father Jared's lust voyage!" "Thnt's why I loved him why I believe In him!" "Stuff an' nonsense!" Aunt Jane's angular form disappeared from the porch. A moment later her tart voice reminded from the kitchen: "Them pons ain't shelled yet an' It's nigh 10 o'clock !" , June Emma gave Potairo's ugly bronze visage a final nib with the corner of her apron. Then, with a quaint little obeisance she placed the ancient Idol atop the gate-post. The Incongruity of It made her laugh aloud. From (he temples of Iris and Osiris to prvslilktg oracle of Aunt Jane's prim New England garden was Indeed a far cry I As she surveyed the effect from the porch steps Jane Emma laughed again this time more softly. The spell the strange talisman had cast over her since early childhood seemed more po tent than usual this bright June morning. As though touched by a flower ma gician's wand Aunt Jane's prise holly hocks became queenly Iris bordering the sluggish Nile. The rattle of the pirns In the brightly scoured pan seemed the echo of tinkling cymbals, while nhore the weird strains of Egyp tian music sounded a voice of beloved memory "Superstition and Jared Lane never sailed the same course till th' day a pnrcel o' sllck-tongued natives spun their 'good luck' yarn about Potalro, Though one o' ttie lesser gods' they vowed ho wus a mighty powerful one pcrtlck'ly In affairs o' th' heart." A chuckle Invariably punctuated the old salt's narrative at this. Juncture. "Ye see, there was mighty Important FRED WELSH PLANS COMEBACK LIKE A BEAR ( vr- "i X -" l xi Qs rxjnw tfea i. l-Mmtmmm:' ..m iiseM 1 1 ..-n f Freddie Welsh, former lightweight champ, plans a come-back. ni h hopes It will be "like a bear like a bear." At least this new picture from his training camp Indicates such, for the champion, who lost his crown to the present title-holder. Denny Leonard, has this young bruin as oue of his sparring partners. question I wus goln' ter ask a certain lass when we reached th' home port so I up and shipped the queer little cuss at their own price." A big black touring car had stopped directly In front of the gate. Its oc cupant, a handsome woman Just past middle age, beckoned to Jane Emma. In her haste to respond the latter nearly upset the pan of peas. "My dear, how came you by this ancient Idol?" The voice was the sweetest and sad dest Jane Emma had ever heard. It Impressed her even more deeply than the stranger's somber dress. It In spired her to tell Potairo's story as she had never told It before. When she had finished there was a reminiscent light In her listener's eyes that banished years from their pain shadowed depths. "My dear, I was reared 'mid Just such surroundings. That's why your Idol Instantly caught my eye. In my girlhood home was a very similar one which my dear sailor father brought from a far Eastern port Despite scoffing relatives I regarded It In the same romantic light as you do, Pota lro" : The lady smiled as she concluded softly: "My faith was richly reward edas I now pray yours may be! Ah, Is there someone already?" The telltale color deepened In Jane Emma's cheeks. Ere she was aware, she had confided to this kindly stranger, her heart's most guarded se cret; the homely little romance of which Neighbor Peter Wayne was the hero. "He Is twenty-six you say?" The misty blue eyes rested on the mourn ing band on the chauffeur's arm. "Just the age of my ewn dear boy !" When the evening shadows brought respite from household duties, Jane stole away to her favorite garden re treatto live again the scene of the morning. Came the sound of a familiar step and Neighbor Petcr.stood before her. With the old teasing laugh he shook the flower-laden boughs above her head. Before she could brush the clinging petals from her hair he caught her dose In his anus. . "It's come, girl the turn o' for tune's tide! I've found a buyer for that shore property or rather" his merry voice growing serious "she found me. It's (he dear lady you gave the flowers to. Slip's to build a bunga low where she snys her heart has always been nenr the sen. Further. mHPys a Part In pfpg) the Preparation g , - 2gjj0 When the trimmin's you're a-fixin' I "foremost Cg A I -"se Olympic for the mixin' 1 19 frlfe? OLYMPIC Flour more than "serves , H kl I il the purpose". Its smooth uniformity li fU J insures extra -ordinary results even Jjid VS 1 1 ISa VM-aj A-: at your neighborhood grocery ; sf'Xtfl Jp f'f.'J If mm.t,t.-min...., ... ......... r she says to watch our growing happi ness will give her a new Interest In life." "We'll have a wedding the old town will long remember, eh, lass o' mine? What's that I must properly thank Potalro? Sure. I will ! No lover of old Egypt ever paid hlra more willing homage !" They had taken but a few steps Not All Land Is High FOR INSTANCE-Here is an A-l wheat ranch of 1017 acres. FOUR MILES FROM RAILROAD This ranch has good house and barn and water piped throughout from reservoir. Over 400 acres of fine summerfallow. $33.00 PER ACRE Ohe-third down, balance on long easy terms at 6 per cent. How would a nifty creek ranch strike you? 40 acres-under ditch, 60 acres tillable land on the hill. Modern 7-room house with hot and cold water. Complete lighting sys tem. All farm equipment thrown in as well as 40 tons of hay. $16,000.00 Arthur R. Crawford Heppner i uttiTi"! a iry r.f di ...t IO"i:.i-l i!:irk and .- little hrori7e end had VHtii-hr'K r'c!l'i'-l a 'i-nse moment. Tln-n Aunt .fai!"'s voire ra-p'l out of th darkn : "If you be lookin' tT th' old lieailH'ti jo'i'fl find him baik on the parlor n..iritel." Jane t'.mma laiiirhod f : ) y at the new tone o( apolotry: M. l.i.e I wuz a bit hnsfy In throwini' him erway conslderln' hat's h.-iptii-hfl !" POVERTY IN CRIMEA Million Rubles Go for $25, but Meal Costs 60,000. Newspaper Correspondent Finds No Real Money and Little to Pur chase In Sebastopol. Sebastopol, Crimea. One million Don rubles were purchased for f.3 here by a correspondent, but after ward he paid GO.mjO rubles for a meal. 10,000 more for a short cab ride aud at the close of the day was a bank rupt millionaire. Crimea Is In an un happy condition. It has 24,OjO,0oii.OOO of rubles, but no real money, aud there Is little to buy here. The harbor Is filled with Idle and disabled warships and merchantmen. There are no cargoes on the docks, strwt cars have been stopped because REAL ESTATE wh.'fi .I:tli" fniiv. T!i' mmd'Ti:.-.!, T -.1 for :m ,rr.hiA :-!-'!."'. o woim!,-.l sol. I or or in;., -1 j ifrn'-i1, -i. T!ie only life l ro U on il.o !:o !,. at the f';i rk at th enTmce to the linr bor. There bather, for the most purt women and wounded oiVe ers ntol so! diers, pas the time whet. r,ot rending bulletins from the varimis seith Kiis iiHi fronts at the olfi!,iI news bureuii. These bulletins nfT.'nl ib'ires,M Crimean niueh eioouni cement. Most women here have no tints, but wear veils or kerchiefs shout their bends. Many are without stockini:, but are charming, nevertheless In bright. In- I eijieuM,; gowns wiiien iney utunuy with erect and Independent carriage, Euccestlve of American women. Six years of war have not broken the spirit of south liusslun women. They "carry on" with the slight means at their disposal without com plaint, and give whatever eneourae ment they onn to men battling with bolshevik! along the 'n'eper river and In the rvn arid Kuban territory. Se!.ntopd. with Its Idle dockyards and railways operated only for mili tary purposes, has not. In spite of Its Kt.Ono inhabitants, the dummies of a city one-tenth its size. The old Rns Inn naval base has lost all Its bril liancy, most of Its arMp are rust ing at the docks and Us industries are closed. The civilian population Is awaiting resumption of export trade, which Is necessary to the exchange situation and the restoration of nor mal trade conditions. Oregon