MOF. EIGHT THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPEtt, Ofc.. tfifBSDAV, AtU 3, 10JIO. REVERE MEM CRY CF VtCEO Nfgre Pitnct SJ'tf to Ho d the Chief P'ice m tf Heart cf Cuean I . S. PEPARTMFXT OK ACRICVX Tl KK l"ROP REPORT i (Continued from First Page ) G-mes In tlie cwton' ! Cula nrv fi ." nrTa oenent sn-1 s x or eM no that !:' oo'luis a:-t trip nihi-r, as !tio:r jMTftvt chrt'ii-'!- Hurry A. Enm.-k l:i iimt tin- tj. 0. trinn' or fur fit1! a! U14 hwizv stone si murMe, with Imuien: of Sant.ajx -v i.iv't oi irii s" '.ot-p. t sm t re atv tiltie Ml!!es, ID .r ir. ri:e i' t'i -iur-. e :1 crass, is t, prvferiil'ty of lirs or tiiokel rlnta at eoh corner hy uliioli to lift It and on lis top for a poetic i epitaph to eaoh -smvivilini: oooupatit. I As In all Sin!sh countries, the tomlis of all l-nt the wealthier In mate are rvtiteii fur a torn of years, at the eml of which tin;e. If tt-.e ite acenilnnts fall to renew t lie contract, the bodies n' tossej Into a common (rrnveyanl, to make room for those of preener metnory. Marti, the Cuban "Father of Lib erty." is hurietl here, ami Estrada Palma. promottvl from humble peda popie In an American school to firs: president of Cuba. Rut neither nobis the chief place in the heart of the Cuban masses. That is re-erved for Maceo, the necro peneral killed bist before the dawn of independence dur ing i foolhardy wonting expedition in the woods of CachuaU In company with a bare half-doien soldiers. Cuban "Memorial Pay" Is observed throughout the Island with much spouting of poetry, and laying on of flowers, on Ptvembor T, the anniver sary of Maeeo's death at the hands of the Spaniards. els. The total United States wheat crop for 19-0. based on August 1, condition. Is estimated at 794.147, 000 bushels, compared with tie final 1919 estimate of 941.000.000. Oats: July weather conditions were favorable for the development of the oat crop, and the August 1 con dition figure as reported by field aids, (SS per cent) indicates an average per acre yield for the state of about 41.0 bushels. With an estimated oat acreage of 350.000 the 19!0 crop should amount to about 14,360,000 bushels. While very little threshing has so far been done, the heads are well formed and well filled and the prospect is very promising. Cutting is practically finished, except of some late sown fields. The 1919 Oregon oat crop was estmated at 11,104,000 bushels. The United States oat crop for 1920 Is now estimated at 1,40:,000, 000 bushels as compared with the 191S estimate of 1,3:2,000.000 bushels. HAS SUPERB WATER POWER That of British Columbia Is Said to Equl Fivt Niagaras in Its Possibilities. The potential water power of Brit ish Columbia, experts declare. Is equal to that of five Niagaras. Pouring down from the mountains conies enough wa ter to develop S.OOO.000 horsepower. Xlarara falls, when all the water that Is available on the Canadian side has been harnessed will produce only fi.W horse power. Only 12l,0ft0 electric horse power Is now developed by the plants supply ing Vancouver, New Westminster and the towns in the vicinity. This power rorns the wheels of mills and fac tories, propels the street cars of Hties and provide lights for the streets and homes. If-the entire wealth of Brit'sh Co!mbia In water power were harnessed It would he suflieietit to provide power, light and heat for 40 cities the sire of Vancouver and New P.runswlck combined. AVIfh this cheap power available, economists predict that some day the province will become one of the ttreatest manu facturing centers of Canada. Harvesting the Crop. When the German Army broke into Belgium and swept through the coun try one detachment was billeted in a farm house. A private, wandering through the fields, came upon a young girl sowing seeds. "Yah!" he sneered. "You shall sow, but we shall reap." "I shouldn't be at all surprised," she replied sweetly. "You see, I'm sowing hemp." American Legion Weekly. such a craft was in Heppaer, that he did not think it would pay to bring a machine here now. We have plen ty of gasoline and the landing field is about two miles from town on the hills. Just w hat the company will decide to do after getting Mr. Richardsou's reply, remains to be seen. let a man that can shoot and like him get awav from the cow country. He could be boss of the range ana ne sure would keep them You can't beat Bill Hart Wastes Time Avers Cowpuncher An old punhcer, griziled and gaunt, drifted into the set at the Hollywood ranch of William S. Hart, where he was working on "The Money Corral" an extraordinarily thrilling Artcraft Western drama which will be shown at the Star the ater next Friday. The puncher wat ched Bill shooting and doing other stents for a while and then shook his head. "That feller's wastin' his time in pictures," he averred. "But he makes more money than lie could punching cattle," suggested ! a cowboy. ! "Sure, but it's a dura shame to j chups hustltu Hart." "Dont you like his pictures?" "Sure I like 'em. But after all thy're pictures. Now up at the Bar Q ranch they need men like him. I wish he'd come up there a spell and try his hand at the real thing." And they couldn't convince the old chap he was not entirely right. Jane Novak is Mr. Hart's leading woman In his new photoplay. ride! son left Heppner for Wallowa county l dfiitm ttt-rt months wtfo Mrs Johnson being sent there by the association to take charge of this work. Ar rangements are blng made which will assure her of a permanent position in this work in Wallowa county, and for which she Is well qualified. Mrs. Lulu Johnson, formerly of this city, is now filling the position of county nurse under the auspices of the Red Cross and Tuberculosis As sociation, for Wallowa county, hav ing entered upon her duties the first of this month. Mr. and Mrs. John- The editor of this paper enjoyed a very pleasant visit with our old time friend, Green Mathews, on Sat urday last while coming up on the train from lone. Mr. Mathews, ac companied by his son. Earl, was on the way to. Boise to look after some business affairs, and meeting with car trouble was compelled to lay over at Heppner for a few days. He now resides in Portland, having lately closed up his sheep business in Ida ho at a good profit. Mr. Mathews and family left Hepner 21 years ago and went to Idaho. "MADE GOOD" WITH CAMERA Kermit Roosevelfs Photographs, Ta ken In Africa, Are Looked on as Masterpieces. Tn 1009, when the Roosevelt expedi tion went to Africa on the greatest of all safaris, by the dropping out of the professional photographer. Her mit Roosevelt suddenly was thrust Into the position of official photog rapher to the expedition. viewed this arrangement with many misgivings because It was a task for maturity and long experience but the young man made good. He made good 100 per cent, not only with the big game rifle, but in wild animal photography as well. Mr. Kermlt's masterpiece Is his best picture of a whole herd of elephants in a high but rather open forest, Wil liam Hornaday writes in Scribner's The light was none too good, but for tunately it was good enough. This real achievement was scored from a perch on a low limb of a tree, conveniently placed to drop the Intervening brush out of view. Five tuskers appear in the front line, and the elephants are massed together In the composition as neatly and perfectly as If the hand of man had grouped them to get all the flankers into the picture. Col. Theodore Roosevelt was ver proud of this picture, and so were the editors of Scribner's magazine and the "African Game Trail" book. Splendid Musical Revue Coming. Crist and Costa's delightful musical revue, "The Dancing Kewpie Dolls" will be the offering at the Star thea ter Saturday. This company is a de parture from the ordinary run of musical shows that have been tour ing in these parts and their offering is the odds and ends from all the principal musical comedy production now appearing in New York City and is the same calibre, of acts that are featured over the Orpheum Circuit and the Pantages' as well. The prin cipal players who are appearing with the "Dancing Kewpie Dolls" are such well known and versatile entertain ers as Merrill La Velle, Albert Mac- Donald, Misses Lillian Leslie and Dorothy De Vere. The company carries a most sumptuous production and the costumes are all of the latest design and lend class to their offering us well. There is much fun and laughter throughout the entertainment with comical situations that cause no end of laughter and trie song numbers are all direct from the big show's and are new and catchy. "The Dancing Kewpie Dolls Revue" is entertain ment worth while and is playing to full capacity houses in every city which it has visited this season, and this rule should also prevail here. Washing Made Easy with Electrically Operated Wringer Attachment Come in and let us demon strate Eden superior qualit ies to you. E. J. Starkey Agent Oilman Bldg. Heppner Returns From Portlnnd. ' Mrs. L. G. Herren has just return ed from Portland, where she went some two weeks ago to take the fin isbing work in the Gossard School of Corsetry. This school is an innovation in that it accepts only women who have had practical experience, and who are ready to take the flnshing work. The Gossard School of Corsetry is the oldest and foremost Institution of its kind in the United States, and its graduates are accepted as expert au thority in modern hygienic corsetry. The women of Heppner may well deem it a privilege to have the ser vices of Mrs. Herren at their disposal. EDUCATION PAYS VitH THK IMHVIDI AI, AM) FOR TI1K STATU A ptrson with No Education has but One Chance in 150,000 to Render Distinguished Service to the Public With Common School Education 4 Chauces With High School Kducatoin . 87 Chances With College Education SU0 Chances Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOSI STATES ARE WEALTHIEST THAT HAVE INVESTED MOST IN EDUCATION , Oregon Agricultural College Through a "Liberal and Practical Education" pre pares the Young Man and Young Woman for Use ful Citizenship and Successful Careers in Agriculture Engineering Mining Home Economics Commerce Pharmacy Forestry Vocational Education The Training Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MUSIC, ENGLISH, MODERN LANGUAGE, ART and the Other Essentials of h Standard Technical College Course K ILL TF.RM OPENS SEPTEMBER SiO, 11120. TUITION IS VRKK. FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Or. A Bitter One. M. R. Morgan has offered to do- Sergeant: "Muh goodness Sam, ' nat to the lone school district suffl conie you to lose your thumb!" . c'"t ground adjoining the lone high Sam: "Well, surge, hyah's ho it school building for the erection of come. Out in this hyah Nobody's Lan' Ah fouu' a 111 black thing with a screw in it and Ah thought it was one of dese hyah brick-ettes, so Ab pushed the screw and bam! off went niah thumb. Lordy. Ah nevah was so disappointed." American Le gion Weekly. two or more residences tor the ac commodation ot the teacher in our school. There is a crying need for suitable facilities for them and if the school board sees fit to accept this offer and comply with Its terms It will prove a great boon to the teach ers and should be a good investment for the district. lone Independent. Lloyd Fell Ford and Fordson Repair Station, Heppner Partial Factory Price Schedule of Ford Repairs, Labor Only Overhaul motor and transmission . 325.00 Overhaul motor only 20.00 Overhaul transmission only, or repair or replace magneto 14.00 Install or retlt one piston or one connecting rod.. 4.50 Install or relit two or more pistons or connecting rods -00 Tighten one connecting rod bearing - . ..... 2.60 Tighten two or more connecting rod bearings 4.60 Replace transmission bands (Sedans and Coupes, $1.00 extra) (with starter, $4.00) S.4S Replace transmission cover gasket......... 2.60 Grind valves and clean carbon . 3.00 Repair cylinder head bolts stripped one or two.. 3.60 Clean out oil feed pipe 3.26 Clean crunk case or install gasket under lower Repair leaky carburetor 1.00 Adjust clutch Augers and transmission bands . .80 Overhaul rear axle and rebush springs and perches when necessary . . . 7.00 Adjust transmission bands only. ..... .40 Tighten all bolts and nuts on car - . 3.00 Overhaul steering guar Including replacing of quad runt or gear case and rebuahlng ot bracket. ..$ 3.50 Replace radius rod - . .76 Straighten front radius rod and line up front as sembly 1.00 MATERNITY HOME I have arranged to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure the very best attention and cart to all pa tients. For full information writ or phone MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Heppner, Oregon. Box 143. Phone 316. PHONE all orders for ice and soda to 824. USED BARGAINS Would Come to Heppner for Flights. Postmaster Richardson received an inquiry by telegraph yesterday asking him If it would pay to bring a pass enger carrying airplane to Heppner, how long since such a machnle had been here, and how about a landing field and gasoline. The inquiry comes from the Webfoot Aircraft Co. of Salem. Mr. Richardson replied that it had been about a year since Dorothy Gish in "Boots" At Star Theater Sunday it you were a slavey in a London boarding house, and your Job was to take orders from every one who had lodging there, and if one of the boarders ordered you to feed her pet mice, and you did, and one of them got out of the cage, and ran right at you ! Well, now, just what would you do? That 1b the situation that con fronted Dorothy Gish when "Boots" her newest Paramount picture, which will be shown at the Star theater next Sunday was being made at the Hollywood, Calif., Btudlos. And to muke matters much worse, Miss Gish knew that the horrible camera was being turned every second and that all the attempts she might make to get away from that mouse would be indelibly registered on the film. That had not been arranged for in the Btory, and it wasn't quite fair. Of course, the didn't think that all out during the moments when she was threatened by this tiny rodent running around loose on the stage because she was trying to listen to Elmer Clifton, her director, and at the same time save herself from the ferocious beast that insisted on get ting right under her feet every time it had the opportunity. There were tables and chairs and other things in the room and Doro thy made good use of them. The mice, by the way, have a lot to do with the story, and when the scene was finished Miss Gish consented to go through a little more of the ordeal in order to have the whole thing in the picture. Miss Gish is splendidly supported in thin photoplay. 1917 5-passenger Buick, complete ly overhauled. Excellent mechani cal condition. Cheap at $860.00. 1917 5-passenger Dodge. Over- haued ana in good condition. A bar gain at $650.00. Terms on above to responsible par ties. GASOLINE BARRELS We have on hand 10 steel drums, capacity 50 to 65 gallons. Price, $7.60 each. 1-ton Republic truck with pneu matic equipment. A genuine bargain. Almost nelw. Price new $2450.00, our price $1600.00. . HEPPNER GARAGE. STAR THEATER FRIDAY :- AUGUST 13th THOS. H. INCE PRESENTS FRIDAY WM. S. HART in THE MONEY CORRAL AN ARTCRAFT PICTURE They overpowered the new watchman, battered in the huge door and thought the coast was clear. But when they tried to touch the money they found someone waiting for them someone who could shoot the date out of a dime in mid-air. The police came but "Big Bill" didn't need them finished the job before they got there. Come to see that fight. Buy Your Clothes With Both Eyes Open My clothes staml for the ik-n that the only real economy in clothes is in quality. Now is the right time to select your Fall suit. I also carry a few Ladies' and Men's Overcoats. Very practical because they give confort in all conditions of weather. Ladies' and Men's Overcoats $35.00 My experience as Tailor and Cleaner is 27 years. Ladies' and Mens' Suits cleaned and pressed $2,00. Dresses, $1.75 up, Skirts $1.00 up. Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Shop Main St. G. FRANZEN Heppner Saturday, Aug. 14 Christ & Costa Elaborate Musical Revue The Dancing Kewpie Dolls i Odds and Ends of the Big .Musical Show, featuring Merrill Lavelle, Albert McDonald, Lillian Leslie and Dorothy Devere, and a chorus of Nifty Girls Who are shapely, graceful beauties. Also Mrs Sidney Drew's adaptation of "THE GAY OLD DOG" Admission 30 and 50 Cents. All Children MUST Buy Tickets. SUNDAY : AUGUST 15th -: NEW ART FILM COMPANY PRESENTS SUNDAY Dorothv Gish m A "Boots" PARAMOUNT PICTURE Lots of people keep money in their boots but who ever thought that romance, thrills and Intrigue could be found in them? See what Dorothy Gish's boots hold. It's the same funny Dorothy Gish who play ed in "Hearts of the World," "Battling Jane" and"The Hope Chest."