The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 12, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I.OHT Fralprnlly pin. Finder re
turn to Charles Chick, Heppner.
Bulck light truck for gale cheap
Heppner Oarage Machine Shop. tf.
Ora Adklns, Eight Mile turner,
was a business visitor in Heppner
J. L. Yeager returned home from
Portland Saturday after a week spent
in the city.
Jake Young Is up from Newberg to
louk after property interest! he has
in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Theordore Anderson
of Eight Mile, were visitors in Hepp
ner Saturday.
IX)8T Child's coat on road lead
ing out from Heppner. Finder pleas
leave at this office.
We get your work back on time.
Lloyd Hutchinson, cleaning, dying,
pressing and repairing. tf.
John McHugh was married In Ire
land on July 25. Mr. McHugh for
merly farmed at Board man, selling
his place there to Alex Wilson.
Mrs. Lena Bnell Shurte went to
Arlington Monday, returning Tuesday
accompanied . by her mother, who
will spend the balance of the sum
mer with her daughter here.
One of the young daughters of G.
Franzen was operated on by Dr. Mc
Murdo Tuesday, for the removal of
tonsils and adenoids. The child Is
doing well since the operation.
Claud Coats was an Incoming pass
enger for Heppner on Saturday. Mr.
and Mrs. Coats are at present located
at The Dalles, but are unsettled as
yet. He returned to The Dalles Tu
esday. Mrs. Clias. Vaughn and little
daughter went to Portland Saturday.
There they will Join Mrs. Carrie
Vaughn and Mrs. Kate Vaughn and
daughter and go on to the coast for
a tew weeks outing.
W. B. Jenks of Monument was
brought to Heppner the last of the
week, suffering from sunstroke. He
will be taken on to Portland as soon
as he is able to travel, where he will
receive medical attention.
Miss Edith Weatherford, little
daughter of Earl Weatherford of Ar
lington, is visiting this week at the
home of Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte In
this city. She came up from Arling
ton with Mrs. Shurte on Tuesday.
Carrol Morrison this week took a
position as bookkeeper In the First
National Bank, taking the place of
Joe Kenny, resigned. Carrol is a for
mer Heppner lad and his friends here
are glad to have him among us again.
Mrs. Henry Gay had the misfor
tune to slip and fall on the walk at
her home on Uhea creek Monday
morning, with the result that she suf
fered a broken arm. Dr. McMurdo
was called and reduced the fracture.
John Kelley, young sheepman of
this section, departed for Thompson
Falls, Montana, Tuesday, where he Is
summering a band of Bheep. Before
returning to Heppner he expels to
make a shipment of some 2500 head
of his sheep to the Chicago market.
Arthur Crawford, editor of this
paper, Is now taking his summer va
cation by taking on the Job of Bew-
ing sacks with the Andy Rood ma
chine on Heppner Flat. A good op
portunity to work oil a little surplus
flesh as well as serving a good cause.
Percy Jarman and Willie Howard
were prominent Butter creek farm
ers and alfalfa raisers doing business
In this city on Wednesday. The hay
crop on Butter creek Is a heavy obi.
this season but the price outlook IS
nofvery encouraging Just at present.
Miss Gertrude Urton, engaged as
teacher of English in Heppner High
School for the coming year, has re
signed to accept a like position In
Santa Barbara, California, her home
city, at a salary of $1800. Miss Ur
ton was teacher of English in Lex
ington High last year.
Mrs. Percy Hughes and Mrs. Ella
Vale were visiting in Heppner Wed
nesday from the Hughes home on
Butter creek. Mrs. Vale has been a
guest at the home of her sister for
the past two weeks. She comtem
plates making her home on the coast
for the coming winter.
EHIb Minor and family were up
from their home near lone on Tues
day. Mr. Minor has about finished
his stock shipments for this season
and contemplates making but one
more. From shipments made to Port
land the past week he did not real
ize very satisfactory returns, finding
the market pretty badly off.
Mr. James Dunn, of Pboenlx, Ari
zona, and sister, Mrs. Paul Grlener,
of San Diego, California, are guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bres
lln of Heppner, this week. These
people were once residents of Con
don and are well known by many of
the older residents of Heppner. They
are uncle and aunt of Mrs. Breslin
and are making a visit to their old
home and seeing the country by auto.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Carter were In
town Wednesday and closed up the
deal for the Pete Nelson lot of one
half an acre in Mt. Vernon addition
to Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Carter
have a place In the foothills south
of Rhea creek which they are Im
proving and it is also their Intention
of building a house on the property
acquired In Heppner in order that
they may have a place to stay when
they come to town. Mr, and Mrs.
Nelson are preparing to leave Hepp
ner. I
Vawter Crawford, of the G.-T.
force returned home on Saturday af
ter an absence of tour weeks. Mr.
Crawford left Heppner on July 10
Bolng out with a shipment of cattle
and sheep which were delivered at
the Omaha market, and from there
he went south to Fort Worth, Texas,
enjoying a two weeks visit at the
home of his brother, J. O. Crawford.
He reports a very enjoyable trip and
found the people of Nebraska, Kan
sas, Mlsourl, Oklahoma and Texas In
the midst of general prosperity, crops
in all these states being excellent this
year. Some of these states are enjoy
Joylng considerable booms In the oil
industry and many new fields h-
Ing opened. Fort Worth and Dallas
are two very beautiful and lively
ernes on me plains ot Texas, the for
mer being a great oacklne anil mn.
ufacturing center while the latter is
me enter aistrinutinr nnint i,
Southwest for merchandise and farm
Chilton Wilson of lone, was dolnz
business in Heppner yesterdnv. Mr.
Wilson recently disposed of his farm
on Willow creek below lone to Ellis
Minor and then bought a wheat
ranch on the hills adioinlnz. ' He Is
closing up his affairs In the lone sec
tion and expects to leave with his
family for Huntington Beach. Cal..
In about two weeks, where he ex
pects to make his permanent home.
Mr. Wilson reports some very fine
yields ot grain In the lone section,
some of his neighbors getting as
high as 30 bushel yields.
neral services were conducted by the
G. A. R., W. R. C. and Masonic or
ders, of which he was a member. He
is survived by his wife and two
daughters, Mrs. Chas. Dezell, of Spo
kane, Wash., and Mrs. Bert Mason,
of lone.
We wish to express cur sincere
appreciation ot the kindness and
sympathy shown us by our friends
and neighbors during the time ot our
sorrow in the loss of our little son.
Earl Francis. The floral tributes
I too, cannot be forgotten and are
keenly appreciated.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G Haverstick
service in the City park. Good sing
ing and Got pel messages will be th
! order of these services. Seats will
; be provided, also auto room, and
tuosft wlshint to do so mav remain
'in their cars. Christian Endeavor
! service at the church at the usual
hour. You are cordially Invited to
attend these services.
W. O. LIVINGSTONE. Minister.
v w i a?
Former lone Resident Dies.
Dorr E. Godfrey, formerly engaged
in the hardware business at lone.
died at his home In Portland, Thurs
day, August 6th, aged 74 years. Fu-
KT had a little Ford,
4 she was very YY.
A ride a day afFORDed EE
And sights to feast her II.
All the JJ did NV her
And often triea to TT.
But XT spurned their MT talk
And called tbem NMEE.
KT says that Fords XL
And she Is very YY; '
Says they R EZ 2 UU
And she does not tell lies.
Sunday, August IS, 1920.
The usual services of the church
will be held on Sunday, consisting of
the Bible school at ten o'clock, fol
lowed by the Communion and preach
ing services at eleven o'clock.
Until further notice It has been de
cided to hold the evening preaching
Marble and Granite
Fine Monument and Cemetery Work
All parties interested in getting work in my line
should get my prices and estimates before
placing their orders
All Work Guaranteed
Dr. A. D. McMurdo reports Dan
llanshew to be improving nicely at
his home in Sand Hollow. Some two
months ago Mr. llanshew suffered a
badly broken leg when the horse he
was riding tell with him.
FOB HALF One 6-passenger
Overland. Guaranteed to be in first
class mechanical condition. A good
bargain. Either cash or approved
notes. Inquire Gazette-Times office.
THE FREIGHT We have for sale at
Heppner, 25 sections of the Jones
Weeders, the last to be manufactured
here. Mr. Farmer, after, they are
gone you will not -be able to bo
Jones Weeders without paying
freight. Better buy yours today. 4tp
FOR BALE One 3 1-4 wagon; one
cook house for IS men; one Nelson
straw stacker, hood guaranteed not
to waste straw; one Garden City feed
er, guaranteed not to slug, a machine
used but 25 days. F. E. Mason, Lex
ington, Oregon.
THREE good fresh milk cows tor
sale. Ora E. Adklns, Eight Mile.
An ideal home fuel for oil
cook-stoves, oil beaten and
oil lamps. Get it at your
Healthy Horses
Require Less Care
TCppnincr Horses healthv is simDlv a s
I matter of care in feeding balanced rations. And one
1 of the best methods to secure the proper food elements
is through the use of . I
Dr. Hess' Stock Tonic
jj DR. HESS' DIP AND DISINFECTANT Deordorizes Hog Pens, Barns, and Poultry
S Houses. Excellent for treatment of Mange, Scab, Ring Worm, etc. 3
DR. HESS' POULTRY PANACEA for your laying hens.
DR. HESS' INSTANT LOUSE KILLER kills lice, sheep ticks, fleas and mites. j
1 Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. )
Homely Remedies
For Economic Ills
Many persons have given much advice
on how to increase the supply of necessities,
get rid of waste, and bring the nation back
to a universally prosperous condition again,
but all of it can be reduced to this old for
mula: WORK
to produce more goods and de
velop natural wealth, and
to build up a reserve fund for
yourself and for your commun
. ity to use to further ligitimate
A savings account will help you to build
up the reserve you need.
Fir& National Bank
Special Prices
At Minor & Company
. ii " :
r -
LSD (3111) Cr
Mcn'c flarm.
a KJJ XT XI, 11 U VJV11U
ine Panama
' Hats
Reg. Price $5.00
Special $1.50
50 Flat Brim
Reg. Price to $2.50
Special $1.00
Men's Extra Quality White Shoes, rubber soles and heels Men's Tennis Oxfords, whlteRegular Price $1.65, Special $1.35
Regular Price $6.00, Special $3.05 Boy's Tennis Shoes, white Regular Price $1.75, Special $1.23
Men's Extra Quiility White Oxfords, rubber soles and heels Boy's Tennis Oxfords, white Regular Price $1.50, Special $1.10
Regular Price $5.50, Special $3.45 Youth's Tennis Shoes.white Regular Price $1.50, Special $1.10
Men's Tenls Shoes, white Regular Price $2.00, Special $1.45 Youth's Tennis Oxfords, white-Regular Price $1.40, Special $1
Boys Two-Piece
Summer Un
derwear Per Garment 25c, Per Suit 50c
Sport Shirts
Sizes 10 1-2 to 14
Special Price 75c
Good Goods Minor & Company Good Goods