r.K two THK GAZKTTK-TlMfS. HEPPNER. OKF., THIIWDAY, At'O. 5, 1920. PRQGEED1KGS OF JULY TERM COUNTY COURT County Court met in regular ses sion on Aue;t 4, 1920, &t the Court House in Hi'ppni-r, Oregon, with the following ortuers present: Hon. W. T. Campbell. County Judge; E. L. I'siiberg, Commissioner; G. A. Bleak man, Commissioner; Geo. McDuffee, Sheriff; J. A. Waters, Clerk; when among others the following proceed ings were hail, to-wit: Various claims presented to the County Court at this time and after due consideration of the same, claims to the amount of JS991.46 were al lowed and ordered paid out of the General County Fund; claims to the amount of $4215.21 were allowed and ordered paid from the various road funds; and claims to the amount of J16.02S-96 were allowed and or dered paid from the Morrow County Road Bond Fund. List of claims follows. ) (k'neral bikinis Allowed State Industrial , Accident Commission,' gen. rds. 119.62 V. P. Trophet, bounty 6.00 A. Irvin. bounty., 4.00 J. V. Gibbs, bounty 8.00 Chas. B. Orai, water master 11.4C W. E. Wigleswortb, Road No. 4 and & 114.00 Margaret Crawford, clerk's exp. 19.50 Claude A. Murray, bounty. 4.00 Jesse O. Lower, bounty S.00 C. C. Chick, health officer 6.25 Dr. Clyde Walker, health officer 2.00 E. M. Leathers, bounty 4.00 W. T. Campbell, salary 75.00 Geo. McDuffee, salary 166.66 T. E. Chidsey, salary 125.00 J. A. Waters, salary 166.66 Gay M. Anderson, salary. 115.00 T. J. Humphreys, salary 41.66 J. J. Wells, salary - 133.33 Mae French, salary 60.00 Lena Snell Shurte, salary. 100.00 W. M. Avers, salary 70.00 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, salary. 10.00 John Garside, salary 25.00 Harriet Baird, pension 10.00 Sarah F. Sperry, pension . 10.00 Sadie Morey, pension ' 32.50 Daisy Pearl Becket, pension 25.00 Gladys M. Gibbons, pension 10.00 G. A. Bleakman, road Dlst. , No. 8 11.25 Marion Gillespie, road Dist. No. 8 6.37 Standard Oil Co., gen. road 366.34 road No. 9 5.7 Market road 15.40 Central Meat Market, mar ket road 86.95 road No. 9 38.80 H. E. Instone, bounty 11.00 Jas. Carty, road No. 4 25.00 Chaa. B. Cox, road No. 5.. 11.88 Clarence Hickey, road No. 5 11.00 W. O. Minor, road No. 5. 5.00 J. H. Gentry, road No. 5 5.00 Lloyd Wallgren, road No. 5 2.50 J. C. Bellenger, road No. 2 14.87 Adam Knoblock, road No. 7 56.50 R. MoJKxk. road No. 7 47.60 H. II. Quackenbush, road No. S 57.35 Cecil I.ieuailen, road No. 8 10.25 Martin Reid, road No. 8 90.67 general road . 509.94 Hodson Feenaughty Co., gen. road 26.49 Gilliam & Bisbee, court house 22.93 general road 105.05 Minor & Co..poor account.. 14.00 court house - 1.10 general road ... 28.50 Heppner Garage, gen. road 10.66 E. 1. Dupont Co., gen. road 120.76 Road Builders Eq. Co., gen, road 11.00 W. L. McCaleb, gen. road.. 18.55 Glass & Prudhomme, treas. ' 47.50 Superintendent... .. 42.65 Assessor 21.22 clerk 184.10 S. W. Speneer, tax rebate 184.60 McRoberts & Kirk, tax re bate 184.60 Prohi. Acct. 108.00 sheriff 10.00 McRoberts Auto Co., School supt. 16.00 Elkhorn Restaurant, Jail ac. 11.20 Swanson Bros., court house 789.30 Eastern Oregon State Hos pital, insane exp . 14.01 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., cur rent exp. 24.60 C. C. Patterson, agent, in surance on court house. 330.00 W. W. Smead, county (air exp. 116.00 Phil Jones, road No. 9... 10.50 T. J. Humphreys, court house ins. . 110.00 Roland Humphreys, treas. exp. 16.00 Oscar Davis, bounty on cou gar 10.00 bounty on coyote 3.00 Gazette-Times, county court 16.10 county clerk 30.80 current exp. . 36.52 Heppner L. & W. Co., court house ... 33.20 Kllham Stationery & Print ing Co., current exp. 21.07 Oregon Agricultural Col lege, ounty agent exp. 1,000.00 Case Furniture Co., court house 17.55 Patterson & Son, court house 1 1.00 A. E. Perry, water master. ' 16.50 H. B. Glaysier, Heppner- Grant Co. road 1.60 Pyle & Grimes, H-G Co. rd. 6.36 H. B. Glaisyer, gen. road. 1.31 Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co., court house . 33.00 First National Bank, road No. 4 461.22 road No. 5 255.20 road No. 7 61.75 road No. 8 140.35 road No. 9 621.00 pad No. 3 109.25 Market road 65.05 Special No. 2 42.38 general road .. .. 33.30 road No. 2 3.00 Farmers p Stockbrokers ' Nat'l Bank, road No. 1 . 6.06 road No. 5 156.25 road No. 8 141.57 road No. 9 217.27 C. R. Burns, et al. Hopp-ner-Grant Co. road TOTAL $8,991.46 Claims Paid from ltmd Funds " " ty eg" "fir1 g" """"" v" y p "Tay n ji tW 1 when sturdy pioneers were hewing out noma and an existence in the West, the manufacture of PAINT was begun. Today the name FULLER rtaads u the sturdy pioneer ta paint manufacturing- on the Pacific Coaai name that haa kept faith with quality for 71 years. Made for the Pacifie Northwest, FULLER Paint U the best to your house or building. ij paints I W. P. Fuller & Co. 1849-1929 Northwest Branches at Portland, Seattle, Tacoau, Spokane, Boise. Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Tour Town sr. Willard Service Station BATTERIES RECHARGED The Lexington Garage FEEDEEICKSON BEOS, Props. We Sell Goodyear and Racine Tires Repair Work Oils Greases Hew USKay Officer TOWS lutf fiv rkinif for f amcmff. Mnar trim or PUvkatlMI for tK children. Genuine U. S. Nvy Ou'icw Tenu, md fiom bett quility II Of. Whnt Cur no. Com UncU Sam tlmou twice u much u our price. Complete wok hardwood wako, piici and rupei. Size 99 feel and every foot a teal tent. HillOrieri Promftly filllJ. CAMP LEWIS WIRELESS 4,1 MCIITOX P'lil'lr-T,. POKTf AND, OREGON First National Bank, road Special No. 2 '.. 402 Special No. 4 414 lone-Gooseberry road 1,088 C. R. Burns, et al, Special No. 4 653 Farmers ft Stockgrowers Nat'l Bank, Special road No. 4 10.00 K'ad No. 5 - 5.00 road No. 9 7.55 Army Retail Store, Spwi.u road "o. 4 26.70 gonnal road 67.50 V L. MCaleb, salary ... 200.00 Standard Oil Co., lone- Gooseberry road 657.21 Special road No. 2 SI. 67 Central Meat Market, Spe cial road No. 4 13.98 lone-Gooseberry road 241.60 Standard Oil Co., Special road No. 4 - 5.93 Brlstow ft Johnson, lone Gooseberry road 1S6.54 Phelps Gro. Co., Special road No. 4 166.98 Leach Bros., Special road No. -4 8.63 Universal Garage, Special No. 4 13.70 H. B. Glaisyer, Special No. 4 3.86 1 Nat'l Bank, lone-Goose- j 00.01! berry road 132.87 jc. li. Burns, et al, Lexing- j ton-East road 345.65 i Army Retail Store, lone- Gooseberry road . 26.70 Universal Garage, Lexington-Sand Hollow road 15.20 Martin Reid, L?xiugton- Sand Hollow road 21.62 H. B. Glaisyer, Lexington Sand Hollow road 3.23 V Total from road funds M.215.21 Claims Allowed from Morrow County Road Bond Fund State Industrial Accident commission, lone-Gooseberry road 93.00 First National Bank, lone Gooseberry road 1.654.50 Oskar Huber, Willow creek contract 13,735.89 Farmers ft Stockgrowers TOTAL 818,028.96 County Court made an order aus transfer. 65,566.13 from the Market' Road Fund to the General Road Fund. I County court took up the matter of 1 condemnation proceedings against I Fred J. Ely for right of way over' and across his property at Morgan for Oregon-Washington Highway, 1 and after due consideration of the! matter, the court instructed District Attorney to bring condemnation pro-, ceedings in the Circuit Court of Mor-j rew County, Oregon. County Court took up the matter I ijljjlj! ot the road viewers report on the matter of the road petition of Earl ; Hunt, et al, (or the establishment of jEi a county road. Viewers report was , i unfavorable and In their opinion Bala road should not be established for the following reasons: that the start ing point as described In said petition Is not on the road as described i.nd is an Impractical point as It Is 376 feet above the present road. Report was accepted by the Court, and peti tion denied. There being no further business court adjourned for the term. One of the nicest -little homes In Heppner for sale at $2800. Inquire Gazette-Times office. FOR BALE Several pieces of good furniture including piano and Perfection oil range, almost new. M. CARTER. FIRST CLA89 COOK with one or two helpers, wishes position on ranch. Mrs. Lydia McCleand. See J. C. O' Neill at the Central Market. .where no :aEAT The Question Is Settled DINE WITH US Our New Big Dining Room Is not exclusive to transient trade. It's for the folks of Heppner First, Last and All the Time. Give the wife a rest and a treat a Sunday dinner here. SHORT ORDERS, TOO Elkhorn Restaurant WUlow Street HOW TO GET THAT WHEAT TO MARKET? A question that has been on the mind of more than one fanner the past few weeks. Scarcity of transportation facilities makes the problem a difficult one except that farmer can buy a good truck and save enough on'the sea son's hauling to pay for that truck. When we say "a good truck" we mean the U. S., one of ' the five standard trucks on the market today. Fear & Jennings Local Dealers Heppner, Oregon 1111 1 1 iniii 1 nn 111 11 riiKinim tiiiimniiii iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiniitni nmiiuiiiM I F. R. BROWN H Life Accident Health Fire Insurance Three Good Heppner Residences For Sale j J FARM LANDS CANADIAN LAND j jjE I Buy Grain Sell Realestate 1 UP STAIRS IN ROBERTS BUILDING Heppner, Oregon Frank Shively Practical Horseshoer Lame and interfering horses carefully attended to. SCRIVNER'S BLACKSMITH SHOP OUR PRICES RIGHT-OUR PRINTING THE BEST-G.-T, ' 1 Holeproof Everywhere NO matter where you go you find Holeproof the favorite Hosiery among well dressed people. You leave Hosiery troubles behind when you wear Holeproof on a trip. Holeproof Hosiery for men and women comes in fine Pure Silk, Silk over Lisle r and Lusterized Lisle, but only in one qualitythe best, Sam Hughes Company ST S1ES We are closing out our McCormick Line of Cutting Machinery and are offering at greatly re duced prices McCormick Header, Bind ers, Reapers, Hay Rakes, Side Delivery Rakes, and Stacker. If you are in need of any of the above, it will pay you to see us before buying Peoples Hardware Co. FOR ! PRINTING THAT HAS REAL CLASS SEE THE G.-T. 1 Pure White j I Flour I illllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIil iifniiif intiitiiiiif 111111111111111111111'. IIIUIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Co. Mfgra. SEWER AND WATER PIPE IRRIGATION PIPE CULVERT PIPE CEMENT PRODUCTS HOLLOW SILO BLOCKS PHONE 467 1003 N. 10th Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. II Blacksmithing In all its branches, including Wagon Work, Horseshoeing and ; Repair Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Give a 5 Percent Discount for Cash , J. B. Calmus. i Formerly the Ashbaugh Shop G.-T. WANT ADS ARE SURE RESULT GETTERS. Use them