The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 05, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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rA(.E 8KYK
Willie (Jeo. Wilson is sponding a
few days around Heppner.
W. G. Palmatecr of "Windy Nook"
waii a Cecil caller on Sunday.
Edmund Briatow of lone Is visit
ing with Jackie llynd for a tew dayi.
Walter Pope left on the local for
Prescott, Wash., where he will visit
for some time.
Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Ewing
spent Sunday with Mrs. Jack llynd
of 'Butterby Flats."
Miss llernice Franklin of Ewing
waa the week end guest of Miss
Doris Logan of Fairvlew.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Lowe of the
Highway House left on Wednesday
for Portland and other points.
Miss Kathleen Slocum of Arlington
(pent the last week with Miss Geor
gia Summers of "The Last Camp."
Misses O'Neill and Case of Heppner
were the guests of Miss Violet Hynd
o! "Butterby Flats" during the
John and Henry Tannler of Port
land arrived at "The Last Camp" on
Thursday, where they will spend a
few weeks.
Miss Ruth May arrived in Cecil on
Sunday from Wasco and will spend
her vacation with her parents at the
"Lone Star" ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker and family
and Mrs. M. L. Van Scholack and
children of Arlington, were callers on
their Cecil friends on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd left "But
terby Flats" for the Hynd Bros,
ranch, "The Pines" at Ukiah on Tues
day. They intend to rusticate awhile
before returning home.
(Ico. U. Melton of "The Lookout"
left for The Dalles on Tuesday to visit
with his brother Ed who Is receiving
treatment at the hospital. We hear
Ed Is Improving nicely.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Krebs and Henry
Krebs of "The Last Camp" and Miss
A. C. Lowe of the Highway House
were the dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Brady of lone on Sunday.
Mrs. E. J. Logan,' who has been vis
iting friends around Cecil for the
last few weeks, returned to her home
in Portland on Sunday, accompanied
by her son, Boyd Logan, of Four
llwight Mlsner and friends re
turned on Sunday from Portland
where Mr. Mlsner Invested in a fine
Reo truck. The "Mayor" of Cecil
was amongst the party and declares
Mr. Mlsner gave him the biggest
treat he has had for some time by
bringing him over the Columbia
Highway to Cecil.
Alaskan Facts
The warm Japan ocean current
does for Alaska what the Gulf stream
does for Great Britain, Ireland and
Norway. ,
The lumber Industry of the United
States now has Its principal produc
ing center in the Pacific Northwest,
where the timber resources are locat
ed; it is predicted that the pulpwood
producing center of the future will be
In Alaska and the Pacific Northwest,
for the same reason.
Secretary ot Agriculture Meredith
believes that the development of the
forest and hydro-electric resources
ot Alaska Is a practical means of in
creasing the supplies ot newsprint
available for the United States, and
therefore eventually lessening the pa
per shortage, now so acute.
Western hemlock and spruce art
the standard mechanical and sulphite
pulpwoods for the United States mills
in the Pacific Northwest, the hem
lock being consumed in greater am
ounts than any other single species.
Hemlock forms 60 per cent ot the
merchantable stand of timber on the
Tongass National Forest, Alaska.
Aside from newsprint paper, only
a tefw grades of building 'and mill
wrapping paper are made at the Brit
ish Columbia pulp plants, but hem-lock-Bpruce
sulphite fiber is shipped
to outside mills for production of
bond, mantla, tissue, pure fiber, print
ings, and other high grade papiyg re
quiring a strong, tough, white liber;
this same Bystem could probably be
followed with pulp plants located In
Within the last ten years the For
est Service has brought about the
"Yours for Real Tobacco"
says the Good Judge
Men are getting away
from the big chew idea.
They find more satisfac
tion in a little of the Real
Tobacco Chew than they
ever got from a big chew
of the ordinary kind.
Costs you less, too the
full, rich tobacco taste
lasts so much longer.
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT Is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT. is a long fine-cut tobacco
Red Crown gasoline
has a continuous chain
of boiling points. It is
an all'refincry gasoline.
GEO. W. MILHOLLAND, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co.,
Heppner, Oregon
An Extra Fine Stock Ranch
Plenty of good farm land to produce nil the liny
needed. Several fine springs and creeks on the place.
Fair improvement and only 10 miles from town.
Roy V. Whiteis
Real Estate and Insurance
Heppner Oregon
sale of 420,000,000 fi-et of timber In
the National Forests of Alaska, for
piling, sawlog.i, and shingle bolts.
The National Forests of Alaska
contain 100,000,000 cords of timber
suitable for the manufacture of pa
per, according to estimates made by
the Forest Service. Under careful
management these forests can pro
duce two million cor'ds ot pulpwood
annually for all time, or enough to
manufacture one third of the pulp
products ncrw consumed in the United
The commercial trees of Alaska are
western hemlock, 8itka spruce, Alas
ka cedar, and western red cedar.
Cottonwood, birch, lodgepole pine,
and white fir are also found in small
In 1918, 145,583 cords ot hemlock
pulpwood and 35,385 cords ot spruce
were consumed In Washington, Ore
gon, and California.
Work In the open is possible at all
times of the year on the Tongass Na
tional Forest, Alaska, but logging
operations are not profitable In the
short days of winter. ,
An Old Timor Returns for a Visit.'
A. M. Kelsey and wife arrived this
week and are -visiting with their son !
Claude Kelsey at John Day. Mr.!
Kelsey lives in Imperial valley in
southern California and near the
Mexico line. He made the trip with
his car. Long years ago, or In the
nineties, Mr. Kelsey lived In Wheeler
county. While living there he broke
into the stage business and had some
experience with the line from Can
yon City to Heppner. George W.
Miller of The Dalles was the contrac
tor, and Mr. Kelsey was one of the
bondsmen. Some one told him one
day that the line had gone broke.
He said that It did not bother him
any and he was Informed that it
might as he was one of the bonds
men. He had forgotten that he had
gone on this bond, but he remembers
it now, for it cost him 114,000. That
was his experience In the stage bus
iness In Grant county. Canyon City
Blue Mountain Eagle.
ftp, dasl . irrionaHlu -whnt u',a lull! The t':l!l
whn hui'r it y, il moli ful, ,t;lr Itf A.IUu
planum tu n,fj, anil i It wiirr "tUinli" urt nmrt
tltjvliiilr ut-ui yt,u w ar il- fanu,ut
The construction oi thece suits
permits perfect freedom of action
and speed. They make it possible to
attempt the (eats of the Hawaiian
boys, who aqua-plane so wonder
fully and swim without suits of
any kind.
Jantzen Bathing Suits are built
along the natural, graceful iines of
the body. The elastic Jantzen
stitch makes them fit perfectly and
permanently. They never sag, they
never bind they do rot hold water
between the body and the suit.
They make swimming easy, speedy
and joyous. ,
Those people who look so well in
their bathing suits who look per
fectly at home in and near the
water eight chances cut of ten
are wearing "Jantzens!"
YouU find "Jantzens" at the good
(tores of your city.
the Olympic Liit
Good Baking
Is in Good Making
J Bread made with Flour
jL is tasty and tender to the last crumb.
If the folks appreciate good baking and
we know they do it is worth while to
insist on getting
"Easy to make and easy to bake" are hot
cakes made from JEZSEJE Pancake Flour.
Breakfast is the favorite meal wherever iHEJ2EB
Wheat Hearts are served.
jy There it an (nETSETJS Feed scientifically balanced
TO. to meet the requirement of each variety and of
every condition of your livestock or poultry.
Far Better Bread!
Here It Is!
Heppner bread is a FULL, FLUMP loaf, with the
same BODY to it that MOTHER used to make!
Does it go down EASY?
Better BELIEVE it does! Greatest domestic
bread in the world!
22c the large size; 11c the small
Heppner Bakery
Wheat $3 Per Bushel
Alfalfa Hay $25 Per Ton
Those are about the figures for wheat and hay the coming
fall. Think also ot the prices paid for cattle, sheep, hogs,
dairy products, etc. When yon acquire a rich piece of
Mother Earth you Immediately become a producer in
stead ot a consumer. Your garden, fruit, meat, eggs you
raise yourself, thus side-tracking the H. C. L. to a great
I am here for the purpose of helping you acquire anything
in the shape of land from a tdwn lot to a 7,000-acre wheat
ranch or stock ranch, on easy terms. You will never get
this land any cheaper and right now for the next five
years is the time to make money. Come in and look over
my list. ,
The Real Estate Man
Upstairs in Court House
When in THE DALLES Stop At the
Motor Service Company Garage
Vulcanizing, Auto Supplies. WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT.
Elgin King Eight Oldsmobile Oakland
A Real Suae
Land at Twenty-Five Dollars Per Acre
480 Acres in Gooseberry
12 miles to market, one mile to school. Good build
ings and improvements.
$12,000.00 Takes It
One of the best wheat ranches in the north lone
section for sale at $35.00 per acre. Nearly 1000 acres
in this ranch. Price includes this year's crop.
Low Prices for High Grade Land
Arthur R. Crawford
- ; s U M
I Canning Time Needs j
I Have you plenty of Jars and j
i Rubbers for your Canning ?
H If not, you will find us well equipped to supply
H your needs, as a visit here will prove.
E Since assortments are now complete, an early 5
visit is advisable.
Phelps Grocery j
Company j