rv.r two TRK GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPXER, CUE.. THVRSDAY, AlO. 3, Rem Bureau News (From the Morrow County Farm Bureau News.) SUCCESSFUL SHEW FARMERS GIVE ADVICE Victor Smith of Wasco : "Cull your seed wheat until you discount at least 20 per cent ot the light (wheat berries. This will insure strong, vig orous plants. "To kill the lire weed sow early, and harrow the ground after seeding and the weeds have started but be fore the grain comes up. Don't har row the grain in the spring. ' Saw Tukey Ked but sow it in the dusk, but if you sow in the dusk don't sow any deeper than one and one-half inches under any circum stances. "Plow early and harrow down soon after using the rod weeder frequent ly during the summer. "Cultivate the summer fallow from five to six times during the summer season allowing no weeds to grow either before or after plowing." Supt. D. E. Stephens of the Moro Experiment Station: "No packer has ever proven of real value on this station. "Harrowing weeds gives an aver age decrease in yields of two bushels per acre covering a period of about seven years. "June plowing gives seven bushels less per acre than April plowing. At two dollars and a half a bushel the farmer who plows in June Instead of April penalizes himself by so doing, seventeen dollars and fifty cents per acre. "June plowing does not improve. wiih good cultivation. April plowing with good tillage improves five bush els per acre, on an average. "Every week you delay plowing until April first costs one bushel per acre If you till your summerfallow. "Yellow-berry Turkey is grown on ground deficient in nitrogen. This condition of the ground is caused by dry pltfwlng, allowing the weeds to grow before plowing, or poor, sum merfallow tillage, or by all of these, and they all tend to decrease the val ue of your wheat. "In order to create & greater am ount of nitrate for the plant it is necessary to increase the holding ca pacity of the land for moisture and keep down the weeds." COST OF ALFALFA HAY Figures Show $16.50 Per Ton. In Morrow county there are a number of acres of highly product ive alfalfa land, and we hear every price from (5.00 to $25.00 as the cost of hay production, however, we have very few figures upon this matter. Due to the fact that "we have not really the consent ot the farmers in terested for the publication of these figures, the counties from which these figures are taken will not be given. However, the figures were taken by a representative of the Agricultural department and were of sufficient ac curacy and completeness to receive the credence of the State Public Ser vice commission and so may be ac cepted as authentic. More than a hundred farmers in the county are keeping careful records this year with the idea of checking 1920 against 1919. In this particular county which is one ot the most productive alfalfa counties in the state of Ore gon, a survey was made of sixty-two farms. The average number of acres under cultivation on these farms was sixty. The average price per acre for the land was (230. Average yield a little less than 4 tons an acre. The average price received on the farm for the hay, which hay was also fed on the farm to the cattle belong ing to the buyer, Iwas $15 per ton. On these farms 75 per cent of the in come from the farms was received from the sales of alfalfa hay. The average water rental each year was $6.75 per acre. The average value of machinery and equipment was $780.00. The average value of live stock maintained on the farm $ S 50. With this as premises the following is the cash expense Incurred: Farm labor $790.00 Water 600.00 Interest and taxes actually paid 150.00 Depreciation in machinery and hor ses 125.00 Miscellaneous expense 275.00 After carefully figuring out what each farmer actually paid tor the pro duction of each ton ot hay after de ducting from this the incidental in comes from a number ot matters it gave a total real cash outlay ot $5.60 per ton. The average interest at 7 per cent on the valuation ot the farm Iwas $10SO.OO. The average amount of time each owner applied personally towards the crops at or dinary wages without allowing spe cial rate tor supervision was $884.00. The average number of tons ot hay raised on these farms Iwas 184 tons. The extra cost due to owners labor and Interest on investment amounted to $10.70 per ton. This added to the $5.60 per ton cash outlay made a to tal cost per ton actually proven by figures ot $16.30. We would like to have every alfalfa owner carefully compare these figures with what his own bill of expense shows. These are figures that are worth real consider ation. However, in order to be ot real value every farmer Interested must aso keep a set of figures that will enable him to know exactly what his hay does cost him. Unless you can prove just exactly twhat your hay cost you will have no complaint at the price that you receive. Whether hay can be sold this year on a basis of these figures plus a reasonable pro fit remains to be seen. Many herds have been reduced because of the weakness of the beef and mutton market and also because ot the tact that breeders feel at the present prices for livestock they are unable to feed the hay of this price. However, the dairy market really pictures to a very large degree the price of hay. No man can read the future. Howell Visits Morrow County. Henry Howell, that well known tractor farmer who has made such a tremendous success ot improved farm methods around Wasco, last year raised 1600 acres that averaged 40 bushels per acre. This year he plowed 1100 acres 11 inches deep. Has any Morrow county farmer any thing to say about this, and that on soil very comparable with that near lone. He says, "disk your land sometimes before pldwing, either fall or spring." To show his faith in deep plowing, this year he plowed eleven hundred acres, eleven inches deep. This was done with Best tractors. In his opinion a two ton truck is the heaviest practical truck for dirt road and is strong tor pneumatic tires. To show his faith in tractor farming he has experimented with a number of tractora and now has five ) Best Sixty's on his land in Sherman county. He says that a Best Sixty will pull a Holt twenty-foot combine with ease over any ordinary ground. One big advantage that the Sixty has over some of the others is that it is not necessary to have a regular plow man with the Sixty caterpillar. He makes a practice of allowing the en gine man to handle the plow as well, this saves one man. The Hariss com bine Is preferable in his opinion to the Holt as it saves the grain a little better. When asked by Morrow county farmers bow much wheat tc sow, he says that he sowed all the wheat that his drill would let him, (but he thought that for shallow ground It is possible to sow too much. Turkey Red wheat adjusts itself to the amount ot seed sowed per acre (with greater adaptability than any other known variety. If you have no I rains before October 15th sow your I grain in the dust. When this Is the lease sow as shallow as possible if it is covered only half of an inch deep (flan ennA ileal better than when covered an men ana a iiau, uecause Turkey wheat springs up Just a slen der, splndilng stem until it reaches the surface of the ground. Harrow after you have seeded In the fall as soon as the weed sprouts are an Inch long. Willard Service Station BATTERIES RECHARGED The Lexington Garage FREDEBICKSON BEOS, Props. We Sell Goodyear and Racine Tires Repair Work Oils Greases Hew USNctvy Officer TENTS lu d thine for Ctmptnn, Mot trip or PUyhoujw for th children. Grauint U. S. Nivy OWri 7 ena, mid fiom bt quality I J oz. White (.Mr vw. Cott Uncle Sm almow twioi u much out pre. Complttt witk Urdwood luket, polo ui ropet. Sue 99 feet and every foot a real tent. MmI OrJerl Promptly FllUA. CAMP LEWIS WIRELESS 4,i WII.COX BI'tlDtNO, PORflAr'D, owrcoN 7777K Many Acres of Seed Wheat in Morrow County The Farm Bureau was fortunate in getting the assistance of Trofes sor George R. Hyslop to select seed j wheat fields in Morroiw county Sher man county began this work three1 years ago and some ot this wheat. ! certified the first of the year is now locally known as the Doak strain of improved Karkoff Turkey. Some of this same (w heat was this year exam ined and found to contain only .13 of 1 per cent mixture. This is splen did. It proves that a good start of clean seed is worth getting for it can be kept clean. Not a field of good forty-fold seed could we find in the county but If in terested send us your order for what you want as we can get a car-load of splendid forty-told from Condon at five cents above the market price in Condon. The following haw seed wheat cer tified for purity as listed: Tom Boylen, Echo Hybrid 128 E. M. Hulden, Heppner.-Hybrid 128 C. E. Melville, Echo Coppiri E. H. Miller, Lexington Bluestem Harry Duvall, Lexington Turkey Red R. W. Snider, Heppner-.Turkey Red E. M. Hulden, Heppner.-Turkey Red Hugh Berry, Lexington-Turkey Red Earl Warner, Lexington-Turkey Red A. W. Nelson, Lexington-Turkey Red Amos Straight, lone Turkey Red Jeff Jones, Heppner Turkey Red Rood Bros., Heppner Turkey Red Ed Reitmann, lone Early Baart Will Stickler, Heppner Blue Barley Dwlght Misner, lone Six rows White Spring Barley Roy Campbell, Lexington Turkey Red Roy Tyler, Lexington Turkey Red Chas. Cox, Heppner Turkey Red Wightman Bros., Heppner Turkey Red Chris Brown, Heppner Bluestem John Padberg, Lexington Turkey Red A. W. Lundell, lone Early Baart Len Ashbaugh, Hardman Spring Barley Plan to get some good seed this fall. Last year several crops were held over because of mixture and fi nally sold this season tor less than $2.00 per bushel. GOOD SEED yields more bushels and gets a better price than poor. It pays to have the best. Full certificates will be published In next month's NeJws. Watch for it. We tried to get a good field in every neighborhood. Sometimes it did not exist and the limited time that we could keep the professor prevent ed a more complete canvass and we are reasonably sure that several fields would have certified If we could have gotten to them but this is all that we could find in a four and one half day hunt over the county. Taylor, and his accomplices, Jim! Hart, Owens aud Rathie, heavily 11' Owens and Jack Ratliie, the ring chained, were stationed in a passage- j leaders in the Jail break of over ajway between cells, where they could j week ago. be viewed front the jail entrance, I nimmmmiimr lilillii!!!! IPS We Clean Them Suits, Dresses, Gloves and in fact Everything We specialize in Ladies Wearing Apparel. Don't send your old clothes away to have them cleaned. We do the work here and guarantee complete satisfaction. Prices Are Reasonable v Lloyd Hutchinson Main Street Heppner, Oregon HOW TO GET THAT WHEAT TO MARKET? A question that has been on the mind of more than one farmer the past few weeks. Scarcity of transportation facilities makes the problem a difficult one except that farmer can buy a good truck and save enough on the sea son's hauling to pay for that truck. When we say "a good truck" we mean the U. S., one of the five standard trucks on the market today. Fear & Jennings Local Dealers Heppner, Oregon F. R. BROWN Life Accident Health Fire Insurance Three Good Heppner Residences For Sale FARM LANDS CANADIAN LAND I Buy Grain Sell Realestate UP STAIRS IN ROBERTS BUILDING Heppner, Oregon Hundreds Passed Through Jail to View Slayer of Taylor The doors of the Umatilla county jail were thrown open by Sheriff "Jinks" Taylor the first of the week and for several hours throngs of peo ple passed through the office and took a look at Neil Hart, the jail breaker who has admitted that he shot Til Frank Shively Practical Horseshoer Laine and interfering horses carefully- attended to. SCRIVNER'S BLACKSMITH SHOP OUR PRICES RIGHT-OUR PRINTING THE BEST G.-T. J& m II ill a -'-' r 'Mis WW Holeproof Every wh ere NO matter where you go you find Holeproof the favorite Hosiery among well dressed people. You leave Hosiery troubles behind when you wear Holeproof on a trip. Holeproof Hosiery for men and women comes in fine Pure Silk, Silk over Lisle and Lusterized Lisle, but only in one quality-the best. Sam Hughes Company ffoleprwf lllllllll!llllllllllll!l!!llllllllllll!ll!lll!llilllll!l!M We are closing out our McCormick Line of Cutting Machinery and are offering at greatly re duced prices ' McCormick Header, Bind ers, Reapers, Hay Rakes, Side Delivery Rakes, and Stacker. If you are in need of any of the above, it will pay you to see us before buying Peoples Hardware Co. FOR PRINTING THAT HAS REAL CLASS SEE THE G.-T. Pure White 1 - Flour I ii? "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Co. Mfgrs. SEWER AND WATER PIPE IRRIGATION PIPE CULVERT PIPE CEMENT PRODUCTS HOLLOW SILO BLOCKS PHONE 467 1003 N. 10th Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. Blacksmithing In all its branches, including Wagon Work, Horseshoeing and . Repair Work ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Give a 5 Percent Discount for Cash J. B. Calmus Formerly the Ashbaugh Shop G.-T. WANT ADS ARE SURE RESULT GETTERS. Use them