r(.E TOO THK t! AZKTTK-TIHE3, HEPPSER. ORE.. THURSDAY. JIT.Y 1, 1920. REM BURE4U MWS , (From the Morrow County Farm Bureau News.) About the County Wigiitn.an brothers are building a flume airos-s Wilow creek lo carry water to their alfalfa field because of the loss of their concrete dam dur iug the winter. Frank Moore and A. I. Traylor have put in a new dam near Lexing The sheepmen of the county axe feeling keenly, the fact that there is a great drop in the price of wool. The president of the Idaho Wool Growers slated that if the iwool was turned over free to the manufacturers that clothing would be just as high as it is with wool at jo cents per pound. Rugg Bros, shipped a carload of sheep to Spokane, which they sold this month. Earl Warner has some splendid Turkey-red w heat from the seed ship ped from Sherman county last year. His neighbors report that it will yield nearly 4 J bushels per acre. Wm. B. Finley of Sand Hollow was in town this week showing some splendid grain from his place. Crops are looking unusually well in his lo cality. George Peck of Lexington sold a bunch of beef which he wintered on stubble and stram and fattened this spring on extra grass. This is a good way to farm the waste acres. Evans brothers, Wm. Campbell, and Creed Owens who used sulphur upon their gardens this spring report splendid growth and an entire ab sence of worms. This is good news. Grimm Alfalfa seed sowed on Wighlman Bros, and Cliff Rugg ran ches has been inspected and a splen did stand is apparent. Prof. W. L. Powers of 0. A. C. was in Morrow county last week looking over the alkali and irrigation proo lenis of the valley. Iks report will be published next issue. The Chautauqua has come and gone and left its host of pleasant memoies. We hope they are as good next year. jThe engineers of the U. S. Recla mation service made a survey for the drainage of wet spots near Boardman. The Boardman Farm Bureau gets results. j Immediately following tha John Day Barbecue and as a partial result of the same the directors of the Dis trict entered into negotiation with John H. Lewis and have since let the contract for the survey of the entire project to Lewis & Clark, consulting engineers of Portland, Oregon. Cultivate Your Wire Worm Mr. C. E. Melville of Alpine, while in town the other day, gave his views of the wire-worm in the County Ag riculturalist's office, which we have hrard seconded by other farmers. We repeat his observation here for the consideation ot the farmers at large and we would be glad it any farmer who has seen evidence sim ilar to that which Mr. Melville cited or if he has a different opinion we would be much obliged if he would! call or write to the County Agent i stating his view upon the matter.! In the multitude of council there is) much wisdom. He says that he has noticed that in new land where the; land laid up loose and where it was impossible to cultivate with a bar weeder or farm the ground or the ground was tuU ot crevices that the following year the wire worm was considerably worse than in landi iwhich was well tilled the preceding! year. He also says that his observa-j tions, prove conclusively, that where: the ground is worked down and at good firm seed bed is developed with the clods upon the top and the dust underneath that a great deal bettor i yield is received the coming year.! He also says that in his experience harrowing wheat in the spring has proved of no benefit only to kill weeds. We mould like to hear from some other farmers on these three points. Please let us know. New York Doctor Discusses Worms In Younsr Children Writing in the Journal of Auierl cnu Medical Association on "The In frequency of Intestinal Parasites In Young Children' Pr. Stafford Mc Lean of New York says the follow ing: "Examinations made by two young women ot Hunter College found that a history of symptoms commonly as sociated in the minds of the laity with the presence of intestinal para sites or worms' could be elicited fre quently from parents of children over 12 months of age. The symptoms which the parents most commonly attributed to the presence of 'worms' are restlessness at night, grinding of teeth, picking the nose and lips, loss of weight, capricious appetite and ir ritability." These are not symptoms, according to Dr. Hunter, as it was found out of a total of 308 cases only two out of each hundred had "worms." Sand Hollow Fanner Receives Bad Injuries When Horse Falls Dan Hanshew, prominent Sand Hollar farmer, received a compound comminuted fracture of his left leg just above the ankle last Friday af- Oregon Wool Growers Those sheepmen and fa'rmers who attended the meeting of the Morrow County Wool Growers association will remember that it was planned that the "Oregon Wool Groiwer" would be mailed to them every month. In this we have so far been somewhat disappointed, and the let ter from Mac Hoke, the secretary of the Association will be of interest, we hope. "You have probably been wonder ing "why the "Oregon Woolgrower" has not reached you and I wish to state in explanation that we have been unable to secure necessary co operation from other County Agents which rwould justify our taking a step in putt'ng out this paper. We have therefore hesitated and are still hes itating about publishing the first is sue. The Wallowa county organiza tion and the Heppner organization are the only two that are giving us support at this time and for that rea son iwe have not felt justified in mak ing any advances until we are sure we are going to secure further as sistance." As soon aB these details can be overcome the paper will be Issued according to schedule. Russia's Warning Many well meaning and thoroughly patriotic Americans, are today feel ing a desire for a betterment ot con ditions in this country. We hope the time shall never come when we shall say no improvement is possible for then, indeed, there will be little left to live for. But in our anxiety for more perfect freedom let us take Russia for only what she is worth. We have It from the lips of Count Tolstoy that only 30 per cent of the people ot Russia can read or write. That the government of Russia is us we aU know in the hands of the in dustrialists ot the cities, who num ber but 15 per cent of the people of the country. This statement is borne out by other observers. He also said that the Government of the Bolshev ists is the rule of the lowest class of Russia's rif-raff as to this we cannot say. There is an old addage, "A stream can rise no higher than its source." How can a government es tablished by at least only a minor ity and that an Ignorant minority serve for the models ot an enlighten ed world. Let the example of Russia serve for what it really is, the picture of the condition we should flee farthest from copying. "By their fruits ye shall know them," and their fruits have all been of destruction, and no doctrine of de struction can ever make for higher civilization. Better Bargains at Bowers' OUR SPECIAL SHOE SALE at reduced prices found many buyers. We still have a few pair of men's dress and work shoes that should make a big hit with your pocketbook. C. M. BOWERS SHOE SHOP Main Street Heppner, Ore. - ternoon. The accident was a result of his horse, which he was riding ut the time, stepping into a badger hole. Mr. Hanshew was thrown violently to the ground. It was necessary for him to get back on the horse and ride a considerable distance to th? house. He Iwas brought to town by Jess and Sam Turner and Dave Hvnd and under the doctor's care the frac ture has been reduced and the injur ed man is recovering as rapidly as lo spend the summer with his par could be expected. " S "l;ls- Vr a,ul Mra' S" E' N',,:son- j I'ohcrt was a prominent student In Robert Notson returned Monday I it: 1: schuol iind wus editor of the from Salem where he graduated from . Clarion, school paper, and also took the Salem high school. He expects a leading part in debate work. tntt!!;nt!nt5tutti:un!sttnj: ttuuuuti "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Co. Mfgrs. SEWER AND WATER PIPE IRRIGATION PIPE CULVERT PIPE CEMENT PRODUCTS HOLLOW SILO BLOCKS PHONE 467 1003 N. 10th Street, " WALLA WALLA, WASH. ll!lll!l!!lllllillllllllll)lllilllllllllllllltlll!llllllllll!llllllllllllillllll!IIIIIIIIHIIUIII Farm Bureau Corn Shipment The sheepmen and some of the grain farmers are considerably inter ested in securing corn for this fall for feed in place of other expensive feed and twe are glad to announce that we are in touch with a number of places where this corn can be had at favorable prices. We will not be able to quote prices ot course until the market price be established tor this year's crop. However, the pos sibility of securing this corn and the places where it can be had have al ready been definitely determined o stockmen need not worry upon this point. Lexington Farm Bureau Meets; Saturday, July 3 j The local committee has consider able important business to attend to and several vital questions of local; interest to discuss. A good attend ance Is desired. Labor, Roads and farm practice will be on the bill ti fare. Blacksmithing In all its branches, including Wagon Work, Horseshoeing and Repair Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Give a 5 Percent Discount for Cash J. B. Calmus Formerly the Ashbaugh Shop Stylish Pumps Featured in our line of women's hot weather footwear you will find a most attractive array of pumps. Each and every pair is the result of the most expert workmanship-so designed as to please Milady's every whim and comfort. They give a certain distinctive appearance to your feet that is most pleasing. $9.00 to $13.50 Thomson Brothers PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) FOR OIL HEATERS C00KST0VES AND LAMPS STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) Suits at 15 St Reduction If You Act Quick All Work Guaranteed First Class HEPPNER TAILORING & CLEANING SHOP The Utmost Clothes Economy for Men and Women i ..mm. - fc-a&sfw a Jiu - iff I - if f X 4.Jv41 HKT-VAl 5f f ' Holeproof Every where NO matter where you go you find Holeproof the favorite Hosiery among well dressed people. You leave Hosiery troubles behind when you wear Holeproof on a trip. Holeproof Hosiery for men and women comes in fine Pure Silk, Silk over Lisle and Lusterized Lisle, but only in one quality-the best. Sam Hughes Company ffoloprwf mdt As sure as you are a foot high you will like this Camel Turkish and Domestic 523 blend! MIMW YOU never got such cigarette eontentment as Camels hanc you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible andmakeyou prefer this Camel blendto either kindof tobacGQsmokedstraightf Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation! Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigarptfy pdorj Give Camels every test then gompare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world I C.m.i ara toJ vryri,,,, in .ri.nf,fc.,r MM .r,,(rt of 30 CH.rett.. ft, id .,. or(.np.rln.,(i00cir,(i.J (??' WJ ''n!r KMomm.niJ l carton for lb, hom, or o pea tlippj. or wh,n yu ,,,,. P. J- REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wlmton Salam. N 0. i I ' BLEND fl. I --1 i ' T ' ' Jrft