The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 25, 1920, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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Till r.Sl V, M VI!. 2. Ifl'JO.
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i to slMi'iMin.
'':n-i:.n. l.-.:tu- it
!i:rv :m phnnirr :rt
,tf luxury po'!ls,
ilu- v'r;r wh.-i! tl.i-ir
!KI Is em ol
Yuilot Mtxn-e IlLi11-
"I'm the un-fusy-,-st porson in tho worl.l.
if yo-. know what 1 ru'.in hy that," t.ays Kthl
01;iton. rarai'.iount-Artcraft star. "I neu-r
(-Oiiipiam if t!u coffov isn't scalding hot at ai:d I never trouble people to open
windows i'i trains because the place is sj
stufty. Indeed I'm never even ruffled by
those- little matters.
"Hut there's one thing over which I'm
simply a fanatic, and that's the care of my
clothes. My motto is "One hanger for every
garment and every garment on a hanger
when not being worn.'
"AH my light-colored frocks have dress
bags of their own. too; nice. big. all-envelop-'
ing affairs that slip on over hanger and all."
And in Miss Clayton's wardrobe room,
where are kept in the most apple-pie order
all her lovely gowns, every little slipper has
a shoe-tree all its own and every hat its box.
"It's Just those little things." she says,
"that enable one to get returns on every
cent Invested In elothex
Miss Clayton's latest pletor hi "The
Thirteenth Commandment," an adaptation
of the novel of tike same name by B apart
Ernest Reitmann. a resident of the ,r ,r ,..,e s...,,. t0 prev,T.t overfeed
lone section passed away on Monday, ini. An sit' was also nuu'.e for
heart failure being the cause of death. nM and homesteads thj.t appear
The funeral was held in lone on Wed-'"'p" enn d for.
nesday afternoon. Deceased was a Good ns were the immediate results
brother of Paul Reitmann, .wellinf ,n' oampaiSn. it is believed that
known farmer of that section.
Ralph Crego, local phone manager
has a big job on his hands w iring the
new hotel building. The hotel will
have a complete switch board and
there Iwill be phones in thirty rooms.
Dr. McMurdo reports the arrival of
a 9 pound son at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harve G. Coxen at their
home in Sand Hollow on Wednesday,
March 24.
John Viegas, garage man of Mon
ument, is in Heppner receiving medi
cal treatment for kidney trouble fol
lowing an attack of influenza.
Born in this city on Thursday,
March IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.
Brookhouser, a 9 pound son.
TOR SALE 1920 model Marwell
touring car. Run less than 2000
miles. Guaranteed to be in first class
condition. Will accept Liberty Loan
Bonds at 'face value. For further in
formation inquire at Gazette-Times
Canary l!and Natives Said to Hold
Conversations With E;h Other
by Musical Sounds.
Australia. It Is said, cr.n !.n;-ot nf
whistling spiders, whlstllnt: -as
and whistling moths. Rut ha any
body ever heard of "whittling" lan
guage? It Is recorded thnt In the Cnnnry
Islands the natives are expert whis
tlers and hold conversations with each
other through this medium. Tnvel
ers who have been to these l!and
tell how they have learned the s'ninze
language, and also of how long arid
complicated conversations have been
held by whistling with s neighbor t
mile away.
The New Guinea whistling wake li
very dangerous and many deaths have
been reported. It rushes to an In
truder with a whistling noise nnd the
bite causes almost instantaneous
The United States has "whistling"
caves and "squeaking"" sand. A
whistling well In Kansas has been
known to give notice of coming
storms, the rushing wind over It caus
ing a loud shrill warning of approach
ing squalls. Singing sands are well
known In the United States, but In
south Colorado "wiueaklng" ones ere
found. The cause remains a mystery,
but the sand only "squeaks" la dry
Hants, caves and trees are recorded
among the "whistlers" of the earth
and It Is Interesting to find that In
Nubia and the Sudan there grows a
specie of acacia which the natives call
the "whistling" tree. Its "whistle" is
not that of an ordinary blowing of the
wind through its branches, but It
arises from the air playing on some
holes of a bladderlike formation, be
ing the work of Insects.
Novel "Drive" Inauflurated for lm.
provement of Farms, Both in
Value and Appearance.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
With a view to effecting a pnictl'
Improvement In the value and the ap
pearance of the forms, a flve-dny
"boy-a-fence" campaign was recently
conducted throughout the rural dis
tricts of Mississippi. This novel
"drive" was Joined In by local repre
sentatives of the United Stntos de
partment of agriculture and the state
agricultural college, and other or
ganizations and agencies. Kliibornte
plans for promoting the campaign
were worked out In advance, Includ
ing the organization In each county of
committees whose duty It was to
spread the gospel of better fences.
The big saving to forage crops result
ing from better fences was pointed
out, likewise the labor saved In car-
the permanent henrfits will be equally
lorce. in that it concentrated a'Vntion
on the fence question and is expected
to promote greater interest in th.-s im
portant feature of farm Improvements.
Manuel Loiado Made Huns'r Hit
Chief Recruiting Sergeant and
Thersby Rose to Power.
Manuel Lozado, the Mexican bandit,
whose remn'ni now lie In the cemetery
near Teple, in the newly mm!i state of
Nnyarit. pave the key to th whole
Mexican problem hy his strategy In or
ganizing armies, declares Charles
Johnston, In The Atlantic. Lozndo
w-as notable because he waged war
sgainst three presidents. Denlte
Juarez, Lenlo de Tejada and I'orflrlo
Diaz, nnd because he raised nnd
equipped armies of peons stroni;
enough to attack great cities like Tepic
and Guadalajara. In a struggle lasting
from 1STO to 1ST".
It was I.ozado's custom, when a new
campaign against the central authori
ties was in contemplation, to send his
bodyguard down from their lairs In the
high Sierras to the fertile plains, with
orders to cut down all banana plants,
thus destroying the chief food supply
of the native village
The peons starved for a while, and
Why E:e.enfi CV.y cf Noven-Ler Is
known in French Hi.tcry as
the Day cf Dupes."
Pew people know that the whimsical
?!'V. 1 in- IVy of lHipes" has been
g'.n to the Mth of November. X
:'iid licit it was so named on the oc
casion i f the triumph of Cardinal Kioh
' e',1 oor his cne:nies, who imagined
t'! had cast him to the ground, nev
er to r:se again.
Marie lie Med.d had prevailed upon
her weal. ling son. I.ouis XIII, to dis
miss Iii u from office as prime minister.
this srhemlng woman had no dlili
culty In peivcaillng the tickle and
e eak -minded king to carry out her
wishes, and. furthermore, to raise to
M.::t dignity Klcheliett's mortal enemy,
the Marshal IV Merillac.
Itieheliou was prevailed upon by his
fr'ctnls to make one last effort to pre
vent the ruin which seemed ready to
fall on him. With this view he pro
ceeded to Versailles, then only a small
I i.mirig lodge recently purchased by
I ouis. where he had an Interview with
hi . sovereign.
The res-nit was that the king again
surrendered himself Into the cardi
nal's hands, nnd Richelieu succeeded
in binding the chains on I.ouis more
firmly than over, establishing himself
with a sway which was absolute. He
did not fall to take vengeance on his
enemies, and among others the Mar
shal Pe Merrillne was brought to the
Football Language in Britain.
Flowever the ordinary journalist may
have to curb his pen, the descriptive
reporter of football can still give rein
to his fancy nnd his rhetoric with little
fear of the sub-editorial blue pencil.
To him a match Is usually n "tour
ney," nnd the ball lends Itself to such
varied description as "the leather."
"the oval," "the globe." or even the
"bounding sphere." If the players hall
from Shetiield they nre "knlfegrlnd
ers;" from Northampton, "cobblers;"
from Luton, "strawhatters ;" f mm
Rending, "blsculters ;" from Devon
shire, "elder drinkers," and from West
Ham, "hammers'."
The swift runner Is "twlnklefonted."
or has "brilliant hoofs." If a player
Is skillful In head play, he "uses the
cranium with brilliant effect." or does
"good brain-box work." If the ball
hits n man on the nose, he "receives
n smacker from the spheroid on his
Brother Cctton's Noble Work.
The American secretary for the Mis
sion to Lepers estimates thnt there are
not fewer than S.ihhi.i.XV) lepers in the
world. 6.0HI of whom have been con
vened to Christianity. Apropos of
this, the Hawaiian legislature has of
fered to pension I'.rotber Joseph Hut
ton, who succeeded Father Hainlen at
the leper settlement on Molokal.
I'.rother Dutt m has not been IT the
leper island fur 38 years, and has spent
$10,000 of his own money to relieve
Continuing the Business of the Fanners' Exchange
Agents for
Guaranteed Low-Cost Life Insurance
Accident, Health, Fire and Hail Insurance
Candian Lands
I Buy Grain Sell Realestate EE
Heppner, Oregon
ydur car and our board,
of fabrication engineers
Correct Lubrication is t science. Our Board of
Lubrication Engineers has determined the correct
consistency of Zerolene for your car. Their rec
ommendations are available for you in the Zero
lene Correct Lubrication Charts. Get one for your
car at your dealer's or our nearest station. Use
Zerolene for the Correct Lubrication of your au
tomobile, truck t tractor.
A grade
for each
type of
GEO. W. MILHOLLAND, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co.,
IIi'lipiK-r, Oregon
per .Team-. - .i c"i g whom he
Hut he r. ' - I the pension.
iWs;ng tie r,':r.i ai.'l ep,vtin.; to
vv, on to the i 1 in ii'e ui'is.. to
which lie long a,-- devoted bis I!;.-.
The world has heroes cf hi m it ratv
'.V bears; ni.,1 jf e:;':i:ot be otherwise
than that s,.,-h sacrlthv must w-n
a h glier revar! :!cin novernmects or
the plaudit- oi peoples can confer.
Jewelry Awaiting Purchasers.
A note of nitei est from London con
cerns a pear! necklace, mi! tied at
."xHViHHl, whhh is in London awaiting
sale. It Is probable that the necklace
will be offered by public miction. The
pearls are remarkable not only for
their size, but for t heir delicate tint
ing. There Is at the present time much
very valuable Jewelry In process of
realization on behalf of Uuian and
other owners, who have no option but
to convert it into cash.
Why man
we made this
cigarette for you!
Some Cheese.
Tillamook county, Oregon. exp,cts to
iimlte and sell oer .000tioo pounds of
cheese this year.
Fashions Always With Us.
In nothing Is custom more riirid or
relentless In its minute exactions than
In woman's dress. It has been so from
the year 1, and If It were possible to
compute time hi the pivh'storic era,
one would doubtless learn that some
fifteen thousand or so years ago there
was rabid Jealousy between rival style
leaders of the stone ae. As fur back
as the reign of Cleopatra, woman's
dress and style tendencies were mat
ters of Knive concern to husbands and
lovers, not to mention a means of
welcome revenue to silk weavers and
makers of expensive cloths.
Plouses are definitely known to be
some 5,000 years old. records going
back as fnr us the fourth, fifth and
sixth dynasties In Kftypt (2457-S1S0 IV
C), when Memphis was the capital of
the then known world.
Unitrd States Wireless Stations.
The i;overnmcnt shore wireless sta
tlons niuaiiered 133 on June 30, I!1H.
of Hlreb eighty -eleht were In conti
nental IMted States, twenty in
Alaska n neteen In the Philippines,
three in the canal mne, two In Hawaii
and one each In Porto Itlco, Ounm
and Samoa. The government ship 8tu-tioie-
total i?i.
1 1 e-t m a . .-
11 X:iy!frKM4
vlpi 1 '
tl tmM - . ...
'OAT .
0 I
CAMELS fit your cigarette de
sires so completely you'll agree
they were made to meet your taste I
Unique flavor, fragrance and mellow-mild-body
due to Camels qual
ity and expert blend of choice Turk
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
are a revelation ! You will prefer the
Camel blend to either kind of tobacco
smoked straight!
With Camels you can go the limit
without tiring your taste. They
leave no unpleasant cigaretty after
taste; no unpleasant cigaretty odorl
To get a line on why Camels win
you so completely compare them
puff-for-Duff with anv cigarette in
s.mmiB mrw toiatvwrywhmr in o
5ftS&r2ST the world at any price. You'll pre
ZZVZZZiZZSZXZ fer quality to coupons or premiumsl
m2l?& SKSSSSrT.S.i J. Reynolds tobacco co.. win,ton-s.i.m. n.c
Star Theater
Thursday, March 25th
; DOLORES CASSINELLI, the Beauty with the Soulful Brown Eyes and Superb Fiamre, in a six-act dramatic
i . j. ; t i 1 1 i ... . .... .... .
uidswrpjece aaaptea ana airecrea oy Aiuert Uapellam from Pierre Wolf e s famous play "The Gutter."
I They thought him an easy mark, but he out-bluffed the bluffers, out-rode the riders, out-drank the drinkers and
mastered them. For
SATURDAY, March 27th, D. W. Griffith's Supreme Production I
30 and 50 Cents
Monday, March 29
Dorothy Phillips
Brilliant star of "The Heart of Humanity" in her
wonderful big new masterpiece
She fell in love at first sight yet she thought she
could control her own fate. And the man in her !
great drama thought the same and lost. Did she,
too, lose? In this picture is all you've always longed p
to know about Fate and yourself. Don't miss it.
Tuesday, March 30th
"The Mystery Girl"
Adapted from the Htory "Green Fancy" by George
Uarr McUutclieon. E,
Oh, Boys! Never judge a girl by her clothes! The
beautiful ambulance driver, so girlish and innocent
in her uniform, may really be well, something quite
different from what she looks. See "The Mystery
V ". , t Atmib f
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