rxt.v: 111 w Tilt: (,i;tii:-timi.s, iikit.nkr, hihniw, mm:. 2.-,, mo. II CECIL NEWS ITEMS Ralph Winters of Four Mile made a business trip to Arlington oa Fri day. J. H. Miller of "Boardless Bare" in a busy man these days drilling wells. Miss Davis, iwho has been visiting around Cecil left for Spokane on Wednesday. Wayne Sperry of lone Is now work ing with the state highway engin eers around Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ross of "The Bungalow" left on the local for Hepp ner on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Henriksen of Wil low creek ranch were calling on their Cecil friends on Friday. Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Rhea visit ed with Mrs. L. V. Tyler on the Cur tiBS ranch on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brady autoed to Arlington on Wednesday to meet Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor. J. H. Franklin and Hanson Mont gomery of Rhea were doing business in Cecil during the week. Mrs. Bryant, who has been visiting around Cecil, returned to her home In North Yakima on Wednesday. Mrs. McFadden and daughter, El len of Eight Mile were calling on their Cecil friends on Sunday. T. W. Lowe left on Monday for Band Hollow where he will resume his duties on W. B. Barrafa ranch. Miss Hazel Winters of "Shady Dell" who has been visitlne frlendu STATE ENGINEER SAYS WATER HOST BE SAVED (13y 1'trcy giueer.) I he supply of Mater fur lrrlnatlun I ., ,p,i, 1., .....,.( 1... ,.. i uuu mu courts. wwv.u.ua hut, y.vocut lUllulllvil ' 1 ... j ; I, ..,,, rr, .,11,, ill be far below normal this season. Ul:rs,"1"1'ng or dispute wun me water ; mat. iieras uUue.s'"6 -1u.., master, it is urgeu uiai me matter oe mu3i pass a iuuuiuctu icoi lu tact, It will not be surprising if H2U proves to be the dryest season on record for irrigatlouists. The hea- y snows of early December seem not to have reached to any marked de gree the higher altitudes, und most of the suow seems to have already dis- ppeured. In suine sections, it fell on unfrozen ground and was almost entirely absorbed by the soil, while other sections the reverse was true and unusual floods followed the melting of the snow. Reports from various sections of the Slate indicate a very light snuw fall in the higher altitudes upon wick e must rely to maintain our irriga tion streams and till our reservoirs. It seems, therefore, not too early to heck up on our available supply and to take such practical precautions as may to avoid undue shortage for the irrigated crops. The use of water early in the season serves a double purpose, it saturates the soil, much which remains to supply the plants, and also serves as a reservoir, the water gradually returning to the Artcraft release featuring "Ameri i's Sweetheart," found typical Lon don atmosphere In San Francisco, Cal., one of the most cosmopolitan of our American cities. Many of the stream as seepage and maintaining " of "A Little Princess" which its flohv for the benefit of those below, in lone, returned home on Thursday. Geo. D. Anderson arrived at "But terby Flats" on Friday from Hynd Bros, ranch, "Rose Lawn," Sand Hol low. Claude L. Murray, from the Ellis Minor ranch, lone, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bed Barnes of "Poplar Grove, Mr. Peterson of The Willows ac companied by Hugh Van Scholack of Umatilla, were callers at Cecil on Sunday. W. Beymer, who has been winter ing his Bheep at Karl Farnsworth's, left Iwith his sheep for John Day on Friday morning. G. A. Miller of "High View" and It. E. Duncan of "Busy Bee" ranch were calling on Leon Logan of Four Mile during the week. E. L. Vinton, State Engineer, took In the St. Patrick's Dance In Hepp hit on Wednesday and declares he had the time of his life. The county road men, after work ing on the Cecil roads for a couple of weens, left for Irrigon on Monday and will commence work there. M. V. Logan and his sister, Miss Olive, arrived in Cecil on Monday from Portland and twill spend some time visiting their friends before re turning home We hear there is to be a big dance in Cecil liall oh March 27. Arlington Band will supply the music. Mrs. T. H. Lowe will serve supper at mid night. Everyone welcome. W. E. Ahalt left on Saturday for Heppner with a fine bunch of ewes and lambs belonging to Minor ft Mat lock. Another bunch left about the middle of the week for Heppner in charge of Ed Comlskey. Geo. H. Marks, one of the State Highway Engineers who has been working with the surveying crew at Cecil, has been transferred to Mlnain, Wallowa county and left on Friday for that place. Mr. Marks made many friends while In Cecil and many good wishes go iwith him J. J. McEntlre of Ewlng autoed to Arlington on Saturday to meet a par ty of young men from his native town in Ireland. After the glowing des cription Johnnie gave his friends of Morrow county and Cecil especially, we are sure they will all decide to settle In our midst, and hope they twill all prosper In their new homes. which in turn enable the upper ap- i.rnni-iatnp In lnnirur rilvAff WHIftr 0w U...UII VUlun fithout infringing upon prior rights.;""" The time when irrigation can be "ler u...- . HontDO- rfnnrt nn. me most appropriate sireeio m iu on the condition of the crops and soil, ' rancisco. a numoer 01 . v- and Is far better known to the irri-jwn or ne uoemen uaie gator in each particular locality than :""''"""' lv" "D -- Tho faot rmiinfi. Picture into, regular nuguou however, that the irrigator Iwith hisies" and during the filming ol me usual excess of spring work does not A. Cupper, State K11- atiou of the water uwrs, these prob- tnal and at l-at s.-vea sw.n f'-r the It-uis become simple, ahd it is the de- lst. tn the intradermic. method in sire or the Stale engineer to at all hf.r,j(in jg nKlJe belw,-.-n tU- layers of limes work in close cooperation with , , . , . i t, i . Ihe watr users. : ,lie 8k"' tt,ld wWle Mi m' U""1 K' The water wasters, who have 1m-1 Muires a greater degree of skill in the mediate charge of the distribution ol operator, only one later iiifpeetion of water under the direction of the State the animal may be sufficient to indi Lugiueer, are required to distribute cate the presence or absence of the the water strictly in accordance with ' disease. the decrees of the State Water Board j The Federal rcognition of the in- la case of a misun-, tradermlc method provides, however, l-rn.ii t'.-t has b-n r-i:oirn!7'-d also hy about three fourths "f the 4 5 S'at-s now cooperating with the Fed eral Government in the TB work. Texas recently became the forty fifth Slate engaged in the cooperative campaign. The three States not yet engaged In it are Arizona, Colorado and California. Arizona and Color-, ado are expected to receive authority ; to enter the work at the next sasions of thir legislatures. W. B. Finley, north Morrow farm- not immediately taken in the courts, but referred to the State Engineer. Every effort iwill be made to adjust the matter with due respect to the rights of all concerned. Even though the water supply should be as short as present conditions indicate, much can be done to relieve the situation by foresight, precaution and cooper ation, of which we trust we may have a full measure the coming season. In any event, let us not overlook the fact that now is a good time to begin. a year before they can be accredited er, was in the city on business lues as free from tuberculosis. The intra- day. G.-T. WANT ADS ARE SURE RESULT GETTERS. Use ther Frisco Takes Place of Old London Town In Movies Mary Pickford's company, produc ing "The Little Princess" for the will be seen at the Star on Sunday, occur in London, and the location man of the Pickford company, to- always appreciate until It is too late, that there may not be an ample sup ply of water to raise a full crop unless "bob- l.iAn" iA Arnr lha filmin? fl ' onanoii thai ftntiaa uinr flivided be- uween actually appearing in the pic ture and marshalling the crowds of San Franciscans who flocked Into the he starts In early. It Is particularly "reeis to see me ceieurateu n..m.r. that irriainr. with tha star at work. The screen adaptation later rights take warning gnd make was made by Frances Marlon from the beBt possible use of Iwater when trances noagson curnens mo., the same is available. " Ditches should be cleaned out and; prepared for use as safely as possi-l liia an thut Svntpr tnav he sunnlied .n0n r-nnriitlonn in the resDectlve ! nietnoa Ol applying me ur i. v. Will Speed Up TB Work. Recognition of the intradermic localities will permit of the beneficial use of water. Under the statute, the State Engin eer has charge of the distribution of the waters of the various streams of the State to those entitled to their use as stablished by the State Water Board or the courts. Extreme shortage of water often brings about unforeseen conditions, which render the equitable distribu tion of Iwater a difficult matter. How ever with the confidence and cooper- paratory to accrediting a herd free from tuberculosis, has just been announced by the Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. The more general use of the intradermic test is expect ed to "speed up" the Federal and State cooperative campaign against TB. In the subcutaneous method heretofore generally used, the tuber culin is inserted beneath the skin and it is necessary to take three prelim inary temperature records of the anl- 1 UP passed MORGAN ITEMS A large band of Indians through here last week. , Sixteen hundred of Ellis Minor's sheep are pasturing around Morgan. R, E. HalberBon of Hillsboro Ifc here reviewing his Eastern Oregoa farms. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wade of Olex were here visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Halforty. James Stephens of Portland was here tuning pianos. He is totally blind but is a good tuner. Mrs. F. J. Ely left here for Port land last Friday, where she (will visit a few days with her friends and re latives. H. C. Witzel and family are re ported to all be down with the flu. These are the first oases in the dis trict during the last ttwo years. A Lot of Owe in Operation Government eration of Railroads Pennsylvania AUTO TUBE "TON TESTED ! - With every Vacuum Cup Tire bought at our store we will give ABSOLUTELY FREE one "Ton Tested" Tube of cor responding size an indispensable com bination for the motorist who demands absolutely highest quality, Thit is done to give our customers every advantage of economical early-season buying and to give prospective customers an opportunity of proving for themselves what our regular customers know the supreme wearing qualities of Vacuum Cup Tires and the guaranteed effectiveness of the Vacuum Cup tread on wet, "skiddy" pavements. This offer is LIMITED. Orders placed now in anticipation of Spring and Summer re quirements mean a very sub stantial saving in your tire equipment. Adjustment basis per warranty tag attached to each casing: Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires 6,000 Miles Vacuum Cup Cord Tires 9,000 Miles Universal Garage Hill & Johns Heppner, Ore, El1 jrfj Yift&sg? U "I've Freed Myself Of The Old-Time Wash-Day Grind" AND you, too, can bring a Httte snnshlne into your doom on "Blo Mon. A day-'-escape the drudgery ol wash-day-wiOi tha Crystal Electric Washing Machine. Let the Crystal shoulder the bordan. It will do your washing more qukkly-more cntaply than any laundry Washing even the finest, delicate linens without the alighwet lnjory-tbe Crystal makes certain the sanitary cleansing ol all clothes. Let demon strate exactly what the Crystal will do for your home. Let ns tell yon how the Crystal removes the dirt without resort to tha eoav plicated and unnecessary mechanical appliances that art to evident isotbat washing machines. E.J. STAEKEY, Agent Oilman Building, Heppner, Oregon iintiititiiiiniiiitiiiiittttiiiiiimitMnMiiiMniaiiiiHiilwilllWIIIIUtliniiniintiniig I i FOR PRINTING THAT HAS REAL CLASS SEE THE G.-T. "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Co. White Star Flour Its a Home Made Product and leads all other brands IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIIUUIUIIUIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHII WHITE STAR is the standrd flour in this Bection. Your Grocr Hm It Complete Elevator and Warehouse Facilities. Both bulk and aaok grain handled. WE BUY WHEAT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini liiiiiiintHHUiiuuiiiiuuutuuuiHuuittiiiiiiitii HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. MiiiiMiiiiiiiii.iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJmmniiiiiiiiitr.Hiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- MfgTS. SEWER AND WATER PIPE IRRIGATION PIPE CULVERT PIPE CEMENT PRODUCTS HOLLOW SILO BLOCKS PHONE 467 1003 N. 10th Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliU L. MONTERESTELLI Diamond CHICK FOOD The Sorbian Tamburlca Orchestra, consisting of six young Sorblans, ren-j dored a very high class muBlcal en tertainment at the Star theater on Monday evening; Their playing and Hinging was of a very high order and It Iwas a rare musical treat. The In struments used were new to Hepp ner people, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ashbaugh ei pect to leave either Friday or Satur day for Rltzvllle, Wash., where Mr. Ashbaugh will look over a business proposition. He just closed a deal this week for the sale of his black smith and repair shop In this city. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Freund of The Dalles are here on a visit of a week or ten days to Mrs. Freuntl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steven son. They arrived Sunday. Marble and Granite Works PENDLETON, OREGON Fine Monument and Cemetery Work All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders All Work Guaranteed SAVES LITTLE CHICKS and helps them to grow into big, atrong, healthy birds. A den, wholetomi, natural food no duat no wate. Kcapi tho chicks healthy and makes them grow taiU SfLook for our Name and Tmle Mark on Cctrv Original Packaft OUR 1920 CATALOGUE Of "Diamond Quality" Poultry Supplies, listing everything necataary lor the profitable production ol poultry mailed free on rtquast. Ak for Catalog No. Chlcka nt and Eggs "BUCKEYE" Incubators and COLONY Brooder Stove U. S. Trucks HTHE UNITED STATES M0-J- tor Truck Company does not boast, but we call your attention to size as proof oi performance. People do not build big plants on small achievements. The Uni ted States Motor Truck Com pany is one of the biggest in the business because they are build ing the Best Trucks. It pays to do business with a concern that can deliver the best product in a dependable manner. United States Motor Trucks are built in 1 1-2 to 6 ton capacity. We offer them to you as the best. Let us prove it. Fear & Jennings Local Dealers UNITED STATES MOTOR TRUCKS