IM,I TWO THE tJAZKTTE-TIMES, HEFFXER, OKK., THl IISUIY, IKK. 2(1, lJ'. WHINE CI II N York. Ktb i3. "Schoolboys l. r don't know the 'spanking ii. in Ij.l b;u k room of the city l.dil is a barrel stave with a handle i.irn.i on it.' said Major Whitaker nl HriJ(.-eii'n, N. J., over the tela l'ium. iu response to a query, the public not having beea infor n.ed bffurv een ot the existence of the l.iaihme. "That is," he continued, "the mi dline is three or four barrel staves ol various sizes designed to meet th various exigences that arise. ' It has Beea very successful since 1 established it about six years ago. 1 should say that between si) and SO boys have successfully undergone treatment. And 1 have never noticed any lad who has tried it once hur rying back for more." The mayor made it clear that no one who was officially waving a stave over that part of a lad's anatomy where reform starts in Bridgeton these days ever has tried to get away with that famous old recitation: "This hurts me worse than it does you." He explained that he laid In the staves with the idea that many boys might be propelled by them along the path of rectitude, who might other wise go to the state reformatory and from there to a life of crime. The mayor said that one lad wore padded football pants under his reg ular trousers when he was brought in to be formally introduced to the "spanking machine." The padded togs were removed, however and then Only one adult has been spanked. He chose a spanking to 10 days in jail. According to those who know, he still is inclined to be chair shy and for a lony time was noted for his po liteness in a streetcar, never taking a seat even when ladies were not riding. Oregonian. Why Not An Airplane Land ing Field For Heppner? "One question which is receding '! e attention of nearly every section of the state today is that of a'rpUno landing fields." says George Quayle. secretary of the Oregon State Chani j ber of Commerce. "For your infor mation, 1 will state that a route is now being established from New York City to San Francisco via Salt Lake and it is the plan that a branch from Salt Lake City shall come north west to Portland and Seattle. This w ill bring one of the principal land ing fields at Baker, La Grande, Pen dleton or Heppner." , Heppner needs a landing field. Such a field Is needed whether Hepp-i nr is made a station on the trans continental air route or not. There i will eventually be a strong local de mand for such a field. It has been suggested that this landing field; might be provided for in the new fair grounds, as there will be a consider- i able open space Inside of the half, mile track. It strikes us as a fine suggestion and one that might well 1 be given a great deal of considera-' tion. Concrete Pipe Company Puts Up Building Here Minor Hays Land. C. A. Minor has purchased a tract of land consisting of SO acres and situated on the head waters of Wil low creek, from Mrs. Walter Kilcup. Therejs valuable timber on the land. The deal was made through the office of "Roy V. Whiteis, local real estate dealer. The Walla Walla Concrete Pipe company, which was awarded a con tract for ten miles of pipe for H-jpp-i ir's uew gravity water system, will manufacture the pipe here. The com pany has secured land from the O. W. U. & N. company and has begun erec tion of a large building near the tracks where all the machinery and other equipment will be installed just as soon as the building is ready to receive them. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid for all kinds of (ir.tlu and Krod. I will sell you Corn, Hay and Barley in car load lots at prices that are reasouable. I will be in the market for wool this Spring. If you want to consign your wool, why not send it to the real wool market of the United States- BOSTON. I am ready to advance you as much if not more than you can get elsew here. I KeprrM-M an Old ltelialile 1 Inn. X)MK AM) SEE MK W. W. S M E A D Hides Bring Money To Dobyns the Trapper Judge Thomas Hughes Has Tied The First Knot Five mink hides and three coyote hides brought Harold Dobyns, gov ernment hunter and trapper, the tidy sum of $127 when he sold them to Phill Colin, local fur and pelt dealer in this city on Tuesday. This does not include the bounty which was paid on the coyotes by the state of Oregon. Mr. Dobyns has been put ting in the winter down on Butter creek, where a number ot sheepmen have had him employed to hunt and trap predatory animals. He Is one of the most successful hunters in the Northwest. Judge Thomas Hughes, city recor der, officiated for the first time In the capacity of "marrying parson" on Tuesday afternoon, when he pronoun ced the ceremony which made Jess E. Brown and Miss Orpha Hogeland man and wife. The wedding took place at the home of Mr. Brown's mother, Mrs. John Brown, In this city. Walter Drumm and Dora Howe were witnesses. Local Sheepman Married Last Week In Pendleton Hinton Creek Road Improves. The county road grader is working the Hinton creek road this week and as a result, a drive up this highway ( if closes one of the most enjoyable rides to be found in the vicinity of Heppner. The Hinton creek road bed is of substantial quality and offers a Stood foundation for hard surfacing. Ralph R. Justus, well known local sheepman and son of Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Justus of this city, was mar ried on Tuesday, February 17 in Pen dleton to Miss Hilda Helgesson. The bride is a Portland girl. Mr. and Mrs. Justus will be at home to their many friends on the groom's ranch cast of this city. Leap Year Ball. Once in every four years the fe male of the species has her chance. That chance comes once more when the Leap Year Ball will be held next Saturday evening at the Fair Pavil ion. Cochran & Arthurs will fur nish the music and lady floor man agers will keep good order and see that the ladies are supplied with partners at all times. It is said that every bachelor in the county will be present. New Theater For Condon. Salem, Ore., Feb. 20. Condon is to have a new theater, according to articles of incorporation filed here today. The company will be known as the Condon Amusement corpora tion and the capital stock is $25,000. The incorporators are J. B. Sparks, Lila Cross and Dan Thouvenel. Oregonian. ONLY "QUALITY PRINTING" PRODUCED AT THE G.-T. Transfer and General Hauling We do a transfer and general hauling business of all kinds. Let us figure with you on that next job. We will GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. BARNARD & EMRY EXPERTS AGREE that Zcrolenc holds better compression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts, deposits least carbon. There is a consistency of Zerolene scientifically refined tf meet exactly the needs of your car. Get a Cor rect Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Geo. W. Milholland, Special Agent, Standard Oii Company Heppner, Oregon. FOR PRINTING THAT HAS REAL CLASS SEE THE G.-T. George W. Dykstra, who made a business trip to La Grande! the past week, stopped off at Umatilla on his return home and had an enjoyable visit with his son, Ressie G. Dykstra, who is principal of the school In the railroad city. Ralph Justus, who last week be came a benedict, is starting married life off in the proper manner. His name is among the new ones added to The Gazette-Times' ever-growing subscription list, this week. Chas. Erwin of lone spent Tuesday evening and Wednesday in Heppner. Mr. Erwin is extensively engaged In growing wheat on his big ranch In the lone section. MAX WITH 8-HORSE TEAM wants job on ranch for summer or by the year. For full particulars In quire at The Gazette-Times offie. 2tp. I. F. Bedsaul, who makes ten bush- els of wheat grow where but one 1 grew before, was down from his 1 ranch near Hardman on Tuesday. A Genuine TRACK-LAYING Tractor I HAVE secured the agency for the Trundaar Tractor, a genuine track-laying tractor, now running every day near Lexington. Come and see what it is doing. Pulls four 14 inch plows 10 inches deep or live in light work, or two Walla Walla discs. CAN MAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF A LIMITED NUMBER. Specifications for the TRUNDAAR TRACTOR KXtil.NK: Bore and stroke i in. x 6 in. EX(ilXK: Special Buckeye four-cyliuder tractor type. TRACTOR RATING: 20 horsepower on the drawbar, 35 horsepower on the belt. Governor: Patented type, enclosed. TREAD: Endless belt type. No lubrica tion. 5,160 sq. in. ground area. Front wheels 27 in. diameter. Rear wheels, 36 in. diameter. Width of tread, IB in. Length on ground, 72 in. Turn ing radius within 12 ft. circle. KTEKRIXG: Multiple disc drive clutches running in oil. One for each tread. H'HRICATIOX: Constant level splash. Force pump. TRANSMISSION: Spur gear type. 5 inch face on driving gear. Designed for 20 per cent margin of safety. IGNITION: Bosch high-tension magneto with impulse starter. l'l'KI, TANK: 30 gallons capacity. Sys tem for low grade fuel. COOLING: Force feed pump and fan. ENGINE PROTECTION : Double three point suspension of power plant and tread units. llltAKES: Expanding type. 24 inches in dluineter. Lined with Thernioid Hy draulic Compressed Brake Lining. ri'lXEY: 10 inch diameter. 8 Inch face. Belt can be attached from front or rear. AIR CliAKIFlKH: Air intake ot carburet or protected against dust. Price $3625.00 F. 0. B. Lexington Speeds the Busi ness of Farming KARL L. BEACH, Lexington, or. Asflto Repair Ww tetly Cash On and After MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16th the Undersigned Auto Repair Shops of Hepp ner Are on a CASH BASIS. All Bills Will be Due and Payable on the First of Each and Every Month. If Forced to Carry Accounts Past the 30-Day Period An Additional Charge of 10 Per Cent Will Be Made. Nine Hours Is the Working Day for Our Mechanics Work Done Before or After the Regular Nine Hours or on Sunday Will Be Charged for on the Overtime Basis. The Following Schedule of Prices Is Now In Effect and Will Be Strictly Adhered to by the Undersigned : First Class Mechanic, labor per hour .... $1.50 Welding, per hour $5.00 Mechanic's Helper, labor per hour $1.25 Electrical Work, per hour . $1.50 Machine Work, per hour $2.00 Battery Work, per hour $2.00 Sunday and Overtime Work, $2.00 The Universal Garage -:- Heppner Garage Machine Shop The BatteryElectric Service Station -: .7 -:- Welch & Lininger