The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, January 15, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    ru.r 1 it.HT
After Six Years.
Tlii Testimony Hemains I'nsliaken.
Time Is the best tost of truth. Here
is a Pendleton story that has stood ;
tlie tost of time. It is a story with;
Kidney Pills hasn't changed in the
least since I save my first recommen
dation several years ago. I know
front experience Doan's have no e
iltial for kidney trouble."
Price 60c. at all dealers. Hon t
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. MacGregor had. Fostor-Milburn
Co., Mfgrs.. lluffalo, N. V.
Engagement Announced
-Mr. "Grippe" and Miss "Flu" are busily engaged again, but the minute
you feel a cold coming on, begin to have fever or chills, dull aches or con
stipated, it may be the Flu or Grippe.
lief ore retiring, bathe your feet in hot salt water, take a good big cup
of HOl.l ISIKU'S ltlH'KY MOl'XTAlX TKA (warm) and go to bed for the
night it's a 10 to 1 shot you'll feel great the next morning.
Without fall try this but do it quick before the "Flu" or Grippe get's a
start. Buy a package today, have it in the house and use it at the very first
warning then you're safe.
Waste, Waste, Waste!
a point which will come straight
home to many of us.
-Mrs. Wm. MacGresor, 711 Lillet h
St., Peudletou, Oregon., says: "I suf
fered from terrible pains In my back
and my feet and ankles swelled. I
often had to gasp for breath and
sometimes had to bo helped around.
After everything else had failed to
help me, I used Doau's Kidney Pills
and they cured me."
gor added: "My opinion of Doan's
Notice is hereby given that all ap
plications for permits to graze cattle,
horses or sheep within the UMATIL
season of 1920, must be filed In my
ollice at Pendleton, Oregon, on or be
fore January 31, 1920.
W. W. CRYDER, Supervisor.
All makes of Batteries repaired and a new
77 1S'V
fTt ft"! f
V1 -
K3 1 Ft
It Took a Lot of Bonds for This.
It is estimated that $35,000,000 worth of automobile tires shipped abroad by the tinted States
for war use were permitted to go to rot at the motor transport depot at Verneuil, France. The above p!o
ture shows an acre of ground completely covered with tires which, according to witnesses before the
special war investigating committee of the House, were allowed to stand in this condition without any
sort of covering, for more than 12 months. After exposure to sun. rain and snow, they became cracked
and worthless except for salvage. It required 350.000 hundred-dollar liberty bonds to pay for this want.
R. E. Jones Sells Farm Tract
Below Town.
R. E. Jones has sold his farm tract,
consisting of about 60 acres and lo
cated just below Heppner, to C. W.
Lawson. The deal involves the
transfer of Mr. Lawson's town prop
erty to Mr. Jones and the entire tran
saction involved in the neighborhood
of J7S00. Mr. Lawson will take pos
session immediately of the farm pro.
perty and Mr. Jones is moving his
family into town.
burn's "Twenty-One," "Kidder &
Ko" and "The Ghost of the Rancho,"
were all excellent comedy-dramas,
but "All Wrong" is said to be the
best picture produced to date in
which Bryant Washburn has starred.
Library Entertainment.
The entire proceeds of the show at'
the Star Theater on last Tuesday ev- i
ening were turned over to the Hepp-j
ner Library Association, the same '
being given as a benefit and donated
to the Association by the theater
management. Assisting on the pro
gram, were a number of the pupils
from Heppner high school, as well as
other local talent, and Manager Sigs
bee of the theater run on a couple
of splendid films, making the enter
tainment on the whole, one of the
best offered in the city for the sea
son. The pupils of the school are
showing some fine talent, which is
being ably brought out by Miss Da
foe, teacher of music. The entertain
ment was greeted by a packed house, ;
and the result, financially, to the Li-1
brary Association, was very gratify-!
Well Known Scenarist.
Few writers for the screen are bet
ter known than Margaret Turnbull,
who wrote the scenario of "A Daugh
ter of the Old South," based on the
story by Alice Ramsey and Pedro de
Cordova in which Miss Pauline Fred
erick, the beautiful Paramount star,
will appear at the Star theater next
Tuesday. Margaret Turnbull has
many notable picture successes to
her credit, and judging from advance
reports, it is more than likely that
"A Daughter of the Old South" will
be no less meritorious than its pre
decessors from Mrs. Turnbull's pen.
Anita Stewart Is Baby Hunter
In Newest Film.
The escape of a young girl from an
Italian convent is one of the earliest i
situations in "Human Desire" in '
which Anita Stewart is to be seen
at the Star theater, this coming Sat
urday. In this feature, which is being dis
tributed by First National, Miss
Stewart plays the part of a girl ob
sessed with a desire for babies, so
that she steals out seeking a child of
her own.
An 800-Acre Wheat Ranch
Northeast of Lexington
200 Acres Summerfallow. Balance can all be plowed.
Good fences. No. 1 drilled well with abundance of water.
Good barn and 120 bead of horses. Some machinery and
seed wheat for summerfallow.
All goes in at $20.00 per acre, on easy terms.
Heppner, Ore.
Big Live Stock Show at Spokane, j
Spokane, Wash Live stock men i
from all parte of the nation will as
semble in Spokane January 2T-2S-29.
The annual convention of the Anier-j
lean National association comes to
the Pacific Northwest for the first
time since the Lewis & Clark exposi
tion in Portland. Inland Empire live
stock men are expected to take ad
vantage in large numbers of the op
portunity to meet the national fig
ures in the industry. A feature of
special interest will be the attend
ance of several of the most prominent
packers in America who are attend
ing to place the case of the packers
before the association. About lot)
reservations at Spokane hotels have
already been made for eastern and
middle west visitors.
Report from Lexington is to the !
effect that the big meeting now be-j
ing carried on at the Christian
church by Evangelist Petelle and' his
assistant, Miss May Morris, proceeds
with unabated interest. A large
number of accessions have been re
ported, and numbers of these were
baptized one day last week in the
creek above Lexington, it being nec
essary to cut the ice to perform the
Your Car In Running Order?
If not, now is the time to have it repaired, because
the Spring days will soon be here and you will want
to be out on the roads.
We wish to call your attention to the fact that Mr.
J. II. Lang, a machinist, welder and radiator repair
man of several years experience, is now associated
with us and we are prepared to handle efficiently
either straight auto repair work or the finer jobs re
quiring the skill of an expert machinist.
We will be glad to give you an estimate on any work.
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner Garage
Machine Shop
Heppner, Ore.
The largest and best equipped auto repair and
machine shop in Morrow county.
There Is A Place At Lexington For
Your Car, At
The Lexington Garage
Repair Work
in stock for your car, if you need a new battery.
The Battery Electric Service Station
J W. Fritsch, Heppner
Phone 83
This Space Reserved For
Leach & Scott
Lexington, Ore.
Oils Greases s
I I ZZZ 1111111111111 IIHIIII IT "
H -i I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM
mi n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Squaw Man"
Superb '
Ocil B. I)e Mille's Production a No
table One.
Whenever Cecil B. De Mille, mas-'
ter of screncraft who lias produced
many famous Artcraft picture suc
cesses, takes up the details of a new
production, not the slightest of these
is overlooked. It is because of this
that "The Squaw Man," which will
be Bhown at the Star theater next
Sunday, is regarded as one of the
finest presentations of the season.
The most notable feature of "The
Squaw Man," independent of its in
terest as a human document, is the
superiority of its cast, every player
appearing therein being of stellar
magnitude. It is seldom that any
motion picture presents so fine an ar
ray of prominent screen players, and
among those in the cast are Elliott
Dexter, Ann Little, Katherine Mac
Donald, Theodore Roberts, Jack
Holt, Thurston Hall, Tully Marshall,
Edwin StevenB and many others.
The photoplay was adapted by
Beulah Marie Dix from the famous
play by Edwin Milton Hoyle, and it
Is said to be a story of flawless con
tinuity. The photography Is the
work of Alvin Wyckoff, and many of
the scenes are remarkable for their
artistry and interest.
Bryant Washburn's Latest and
"All Wrong," one of the Pathe's
Extra Selected Star Photoplays fea
turing that popular young matinee
idol, Bryant Washburn, will be pre
sented at the Star theater on Mon
day, January 19.
The producers describe "All
Wrong" as a brilliantly scintillating
farce-comedy of the hilarious type,
full to the brim with comical situa
tions, witty Hues, shrieks of laugh
ter, sustained luterest, und broad hu
mor. The three previous Pathe-Wash-
The Store
That Can Supply
All Your Wants
Grape Fruit, Oranges
Lemons, Bananas
Candy, Nuts
Pop Corn
Raisins, Citron, Figs
Dates, Mince Meat
None Such
Jellies, Jams, Preserves
All Seasonable Fresh
Phone Main 332
Louis B. Mayer Presents
Anita Stewart
in a drama of mother-love
urn i i i J i ' " t ' "
"Human Desire
The adorable romance of a
motherless waif's pur
suit of happiness
January 17th
Big Special Artcraf t Production
"The Squaw Man"
But she, his boyhood sweetheart, is another's wife, and he, "the proud
white man," is bound by law and honor to the red-skinned mother of
his boy. What would you do under such circumstances civilize the
red girl, or what?
See it Sunday, January 18
Monday, January 19th
Bryant Washburn in
"AH Wrong"
A joyous five-act comedy drama.
Nothing wrong about this but
the title and that's
"all wrong."
Tuesday, January 20th
"A Daughter of the
Old South"
Featuring Pauline Frederick
A Paramount Production worth go
ing miles to see.
Don't Forget the Date