r(.) i rm: c. u.ytvt. txmys httpvtr, orf.. tiu kspat, jax. is, 1020. result 1T1I parts 1 a.- b-rn tii.. r,..i.l h t! ' I is. of Acri nr.-. tV of f'iaiit lndv.-try . WHAT IHECEFI.CF AGRICULTURE IS DOING W ' 'I V ..netie. '.::' r : ,r.. :. ' If. of i. .,: . t '. :. w s'.r t. - :; . ' : !.: h !.! vime ;ir: ; i ,.v kmn u'-ir.iry. This ; .,;Me ly a . , V i f V.lfU lie 1 Si.tO- IVp't. : r-;r.':,u : I'u' Hurt .ill of i ii-k-itp in coop-. fr:i 1 1 1 -n . StVediiUs were s lit to about 65.000 crop n porters to determine the di'ir-.biition of ul r.it varieties. the source from whi. h tV.ey came. , the date of their jntr4ation into the coir.uniiy. the po;v r.!ai:e eae'.i represents of the total ivheat aereace in the community. The retnrr.eJ schedules h.ave been s'.iulieii, and about a t'.iousan,! Irtt.-r of inquiry ' have been sent asking for luU'.itional , information ami samples. ! rWtroeution for Injects. j Kleetrocution of insects intestine; packed cereals will resnit in great j savings to producers ami consumers; if expectations are realized, says the' Bureau of Kntotnoiocy of the United 1 States Department of Agricultural which has been carrying on work of; this nature. A commercial machine j for sterilizing cartons of cereals after, the latter have been sealed has been j installed in a large cereal factory, with every promise of practical value, j Kxperimental work to determine j the usefulness of fumigation in less-1 ening or preventing the enormous waste taking place through insect at tack to stored goods in warehouses, though as yet extending over only a short period, has yielded practical re sults of great value. The value oi cold-storage temperatures in prevent ing insect damage has already been proved. Detailed data regarding the effect of low temperatures upon var ious insects attacking stored products are being secured. Why Plant Corn Early? Earlier planting of large, product, ive varieties of corn is frequently much more profitable than the nor mal planting of early maturing vari eties. Proof of this has been obtain ed in many instances, announces the Chief of the Bureau of Plant Indus try, Vnlied States Department of Ag riculture. r. r.-portii:j cn the results of experiments cnr.d'.i'-t' d to demon strate the prac!ic.:lii':ty and value of the earlier p'acttr.s of corn. By much earlier than the normal planting it has been found ti.at larger varieties can be prof tally grown for ensilage in northern localities with ruuui bet ter yields than can be Sud from the smaller native varieties planted at the usual date. In the South, by planting small short-season varieties earlier than normal, much earler maturity can be secured, affording a supply of corn for very early l'eed.r.g. .Many rather soft varieties that rot badly when planted late produce sound corn when planted early in southern localities. The planting of short and long sea son varieties in alternate rows has in creased yields where moisture is a limiting factor. Varieties differ, it has been found, in their ability to adopt themselves and their grain production to varying stands. Prolific varieties, when giv en increased space, have shown abil ity to increase their grain production much more satisfactorily than have the single ear varieties, because ot their ability to make up for deficien. cy in stand. The studies made by the depart ment specialists have resulted in iso lating uniform types within a van ety. It has been found that so-called varieties of corn are largely conglom erates of many distinct types, and to arrive at basic facts in breeding work it is necessary to segregate these uni form types. May firow All Our Figs. It is not improbable that this coun try will soon produce all the figs it needs. This statement is made by the Chief of the Bureau of Plant Indus try, United States Department of Ag riculture, in his report on the pro gress of Smyrna fig culture in Calif ornia. Much of the success of this enterprise has been due to the fact that the department has been able to maintain a capfrifig orchard at Looin- CCLI-5 breed and Spread INFLUENZA KILL THE COLD AT ONCE WITH URL'S cascaraKPquinin StmdjrrJ cold rem? fof 30 y . in UMct term ate, iure, so Mite breaks up cold in 24 hours relieves jhp in J dtn. , Money back it it fail. The pename box has a Ke4 with Mr. Hillt picture. At Attth Stmm W 7 mi -A is. from which capfrifigs have been distributed free to growers. Before this distribution was arranged for many small growers of Smyrna figs became discouraged and some even ' dug up their orchards. The relation. ' .-hip between these two varities is that the Smyrna fig is fertilized by j an insect which lives on the capri- tig. When Smyrna figs and caprifigs j are planted together the caprifigs do j not bear enough fruits to caprify the j crop properly until several years af ter the trees begin to bear. For this reason a young orchard is dependent on importing the needed caprifigs during the first few years. It was to supply this need that the fig orchard at Loomis was leased by the depart ment. Many new varieties of capri figs have been brought to light, some of them very important in commer cial Smyrna fig culture. Many thou sands of seedling figs have been dis tributed to cooperators in the fig growing regions of California, Ariz ona, and Texas, and some promising new varieties have been originated by a proper selection of male pollen. In the fall of 1917 the fig insect was established in some old seedling eaprifig trees in Brunswick, Ga., and since then a number of eaprifig trees have been similarly treated. The re sult is that it has been possible to caprify and bring into bearing many sterile Smyrna fig trees growing in the Southern States. Some of these trees bear a very high grade of fruit, promising for use as fresh fruit for canning. It is still doubtful whether figs can be grown in the southeastern Uuited States to advantage in a com. mercial way, but it is a matter of interest and of some economic signi ficance that many old sterile fig trees in this region are really Smyrna seed lings. Approximately half of the trees are Smyrna figs and the others are eaprifig varieties. Ruiishing Animal Diseases. Victory over most of the destruct ive diseases of animals is in sight, and in a number of cases eradication is nearly complete. This statement is made in the annual report of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Indus try, United States Department of Ag riculture. Cattle scabies, which in 1906 was prevalent in nearly one-half of the United States now appears only as outbreaks in limited areas. These outbreaks are being suppressed. Eradication of sheep scabies, which in 1906 existed in more than one-half of the land area of this country, is now about nine-tenths complete. The cattle tick, which causes splen ic fever among cattle, and which has been the greatest obstacle to the de velopment of the 'uesto, k industry in the south, has had its domain reduc ed from more than 7'i."i'0 square miles in li'i'S to :tJ.;Sl square miles on December 1. If 19. Pro gress has been continuous year after year, and the tick should be extinct in this country in 194. Kradiration of animal tuberculo sis has progressed as fast as the work could be handled by the veterinarian force employed; in fact, there has been a waiting list of herds to be test ed. Animal TB probably will not be banished from the United States in the life of this generation, but it has been proved that the disease can be eradicated from small areas, and there is little doubt that eventually it will disappear from this country. Meanwhile the Bureau of Animal Industry continues its vigilance to prevent the introduction from foreign countries of such dangerous animal scourges as foot-and-mouth disease, surra, rinderpest, and other malad ies slightly known or unknown to the farmers of the United States. Hotter Seed Potatoes Needed, Seed stocks of Irish potatoes com monly available to growers contain many mixtures, not infrequently dis eased and as a rule not as productive as they should be. The Chief of the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, makes this statement in reporting on the progress of work in developing improved seed stocks. It is a recog nized fact, he says, that the yield of potatoes in this country is far below that secured in some other countries. NOTICE There came to my place about June 1, four miles southwest of Hardman, the following described animals: one brown horse, white stripe in face, branded with spear on right hip; one black yearling horse, no brand. Owner may have same by paying all costs. j.-j 2 2 LOTUS ROBISGN Hardman, Ore. Mi SYSTJy How to Save Your Teeth The quickest way tn make bad teeth worse is to leave them alone, and the quickest way to save them is to go to a good dentist and have them cared for right away The advantage of V,,-inir vnnr dental work done by Registered Dentists using the E. R. Parker System is that particular attention is given out-of-town patients, and you don't have to make so many calls. Another advantage is that you need have no Tear of pain, for every safe method is used to do the work without hurting. Nothing but fine dentistry is done in any of the twenty-four E. R. Parker System offices, and while prices are moderate, every patient is guaranteed full satis faction. Examinations and advice are free. The nearest E. R. Parker System office is at 735 Main Street, Pendleton. 32 Washington Street, Portland. "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Co. Mfgrs. SEWER AND WATER PIPE IRRIGATION PIPE CULVERT PIPE CEMENT PRODUCTS HOLLOW SILO BLOCKS PHONE 467 1003 N. 10th Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. Before Buying Your I 'MM Winter Shoes v "i I Step in and look over our &ock I'. ZJ of heavy, hand-made work " v vvi shoes for men. Vl -sf "'-.! " "" "' I f "ft -j We also have in slock the well known I '; , O'Donnell Shoe for men. tfi CM. Bowers : 'C 4'':jy''y Shoe Shop Zl'TfI Main Street Heppner and the difference is commonly attri buted to tne use ot relatively inferior seed stocks. Seed-improvement work is being carried on by the department in cooperation with agricultural ex periment stations in practically all of the important potato-producing sta tes. The best seed stock of the lead ing varieties in different regions ia being grown in the various stales. During the progress of the season the various plats are inspected several times for the purpose of eliminating liseased plants and those which art not true to name or to type. At har vest time carefully studied selections are made for the purpose of obtain ing the best strains of the different varieties. These potatoes in turn will be used for seed purposes with a view- to developing stocks that are true to name, true to type, free from disease communicable through the seed, and that possess high-yielding proclivities. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Stephens of Hardman returned home recently from a visit to Mrs. Stephens' par ents, Mr. aud Mrs. J. T. Hue at Monument. TACOMA GUN STORE, INC. Tacorna, Wash. Largest stock of Hunters' and Trap pers' Supplies in the Northwest. Ks. pet-inl attention to mail orders. Send one cent stamp for catalogue. The Crystal Swinging Wringer TW elMtM t rii torn lb bui chitM Into tfct Md(M( W>a E. J. STARKEY, Agent Gilman Building Heppner, Oregon Our Extraordinary Announcement With tlic bogiimini,' oi the New Your we are pleased to ajinouiu'e (lie faet that we are exclusive agents for John Deere Plows and Oliver Chilled Plow Works "THE LINES THAT LEAD ' ' We feel that we are very fortunate in securing the exclusive sale of the above lines, as each item lias been thoroughly tested tuid tried out and therefore we know beforehand the success that such lines must meet in the hands of any dealer. We shall endeavor to merit a continuance of your patronage by selling nothing but lines that we know are without (juestion a success for the purpose intended. Peoples Hardware Company Heppner, Oregon G.-T. WANT ADS ARE SURE RESULT GETTERS. Use ther- llllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllSlllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIlllllIllllllIltllllllllllltlllllllllllliltlllllllijlllllillllllllllltllilllllllllllll How to Guarantee Spring Delivery of Hudson and Essex Open Models No large Money Outlay Required. Make Your Choice Noiv. We Will Store It For You and Insure You Against Disappointment In the light of the year just closed, it is not conjecture to assert that a shortage of Hudson and Essex cars is sure to recur this Spring. More than 22,000 Essex cars were sold in the past twelve months. The factory capacity was increased time after time. Beginning with a daily production of 30 cars, it reached 125 cars daily. Yet we were never able to overtake advance orders. A similar condition was true with re spect to Hudson. You remember how scores waited in vain for delivery. Perhaps you were among those disappointed. Practically our entire quota of both Hudson and Essex cars were sold weeks ahead. Few were able to get delivery who had not placed their orders ahead. Settle the Delivery Worry Now This year we have arranged a special plan to guarantee you delivery, during the acute rush of orders. It will require no large outlay of mon ey. You can place your order now. We will have your car ready for you on the day you want it. Thus you dispose of all concern about getting your Hudson or Essex when you want it. It will be a source of satisfaction to know you are insured against having to accept some less wanted car, when the season for open types crowds the market with more buyers than we can supply. If your preference is for a light car what choice equals the Essex? It represents a new, unexpected value. It brings to the light car field such qual ity and fine performance as was hitherto found only among large costly cars. Note the Quality of the Essex If speed is your requirement see if the Essex does not meet it. Where luxury and finish are demanded compare the Essex with any car. It is needless to speak of the Hudson. All know what it has done. Its records, which prove supremacy throughout the range of performance, are confirmed by the satisfaction that more than 80,000 owners know in theii Super-Sixes. The supply of Hudsons and of Essex has never been sufficient for the demand. You can only insure yourself against disappbintment in getting either of these popular cars, by placing your order un der the convenient plan we have set forth above. Vaughn & Sons