THE CAZETTE-TDirS, irnrrxnii, ORE., TnTKSDAY, DEC. 18, 1010 r US. MM TI I V 0 A 4 . reeim g to All WHILE goods in many branches of the Jewelry line are not to be bought in the Jewelry market, and some lines oversold one year, still we have been able to secure a fairly good general representation of the line, in the following articles. In glancing over the list you might find something suitable for a Christmas gift. For Ladies and Misses Diamond Rings' CO ! $6.00 to $441.00 Diamond LaValliere $24.75 to $94.50 Diamond Brooches $10.00 to $24.15 Diamond Ear Screws. , $10.00 Up Solid Gold Brooches $3.50 to $33.60 Gold Cameo Brooches $12.00 to $55.00 Solid Gold Beauty Pins $2.50 to $3.60 Solid Gold La Valliers $3.15 to $14.70 Solid Gold Hat Pins $2.00 Solid Gold Emblem Pins $2-50 to $7.60 Solid Gold Thimbles.... $4.50 to $5.00 Solid Gold Bracelets $11.00 to $24.65 Solid Gold Set Kings $2.50 to $35.00 Solid Gold Sipet Rings $1.50 to $6.50 Solid Gold Band Rings.. $3.50 to $11.50 Solid Gold Watches $39.50 to $57.25 Solid Gold Ear Screws $2.60 to $8.40 For Ladies and Misses Gold Pierceless Ear Drops $3.15 to $8.56 Gold Filled Bracelets $2.00 to $7.55 Gold Filled Thimbles .25c to $2.75 Gold Filled Lockets $1.35 to $6.30 Gold Filled Beauty Pins 50c to $1.50 Gold Bar Pins $5.55 to $6.50 Gold Filled Brooches $1.00 to $3.00 Gold Filled Fobs $3.75 to $6.50 Gold Filled Bracelet Watches . .$19-95 to $35.00 Gold Filled Umbrellas $15.00 Gold Filled Silk Fobs... $2.00 to $4.50 Gold Filled La Valliers $2.60 to $8.40 Gold Filled Hair Barettes $1.25 to $1.50 Gold Lingerie Pins. '. . $1.35 to $2.60 Fountain Pens $2.50 to $10.00 Stylographic Pens..... $1.75 For Gentlemen Solid Gold Set Rings $10 00 to $20.00 Diamond Tie Pins - $8.00 to $58.00 Solid Gold Tie Pins $2.50 to $9.00 Solid Gold Tie Gasps $2.00 to $2.50 Solid Gold Cuff Links $3.00 to $8.00 Solid Gold emblem Pins & Buttons $1.00 to $4.00 Solid Gold Emblem Rings $8.00 to $18.50 Solid Gold Signet Rings $12.00 to $13.50 Solid Gold Vest Chains $12 50 to $22.00 Gold Filled Tie Pins 50c to $2.50 Gold Filled Cuff Links 80c to $4.00 Gold Filled Tie Clasps 75c to $2.00 Gold Filled Fobs $5.00 to $6.75 Gold Filled Waledmar Chains... $2.50 to $4.50 Gold Filled Vest Chains $2.50 to $14.75 Belt Buckles . $2.75 to $3.75 Watches $16.00 to $60.00 Fountain Pens $2.50 to $10 00 Gold Filled Dickens Vest Chains. .$2.60 to $9.00 Gold Dickens Vest Chains $16.80 For Children Solid Gold Pin Sets $2.60 to $5.25 Solid Gold Band Rings 75c to $2.75 Solid Gold Signet Rings $1.00 to $3.00 Solid Gold Set Rings $1.00 to $5.00 Solid Gold Pendant Keck Chains $2.00 to $5.00 Gold Filled Bracelets $2.00 to $4.00 Gold Filled Ring Chains 75c Gold Filled Pin Sets $1.00 to $3.00 Silver Sets.. $2.50 to $4.00 Bib Holders $1.75 to $2.10 Silver Thimbles 25c Novelties Fancy Scissors, Pocket Knives, Band Bags, Match Boxes, Elk Card Cases, Napkin Rings, Sugar Tongs, Individual Salts and Peppers, Souvenir Spoons, Etc. Some Useful Pieces and Attractive Patterns in Cut Glass and Hollow Silverware OREGON MYRTLE WOODWARE AND A LINE OF THE LATEST THING IN NIPPONESE WARE May Your Christmas Be Merry HEPPNER Jp- And the NeW Year a HapPy ne MAIN STREET OREGON 9 Dr. A. D. McMurdo extends the Greetings of the Season to his friends and wishes them a Very Happy New Year. Jos. J. Nys wishes for his many friends a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Greetings May your Christmas be filled with cheer and the coming new year filled with happiness and prosperity. DRS. VAUGHAN & BUTLER Dentists Dr. Harold Bean extends Greetings of the Season to his friends and patrons and best wishes for the New Year. May Yours Be Christmas Cheer and All Good Health Throughout the New Year. S. E. Notson GREETINGS OF THE CHRISTMAS TIME Dr. Fred E. Farrior Dentist CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and Best Wishes for the New Year to My Friends. F. A. McMenamin Attorney-At-Law Dr. C. C. Chick Wishes for his friends a Merry Yuletide time and a prosperous New Year. THE SEASON'S GREETINGS from Sam E. Van Vactor Lawyer Woodson & Sweek extend greetings to their friends and clients, and W best wishes for continued prosperity through- tout the years to come. Christ Is Born by Louise F. Elmendorf The world, late racked with pain through bloody years, Has climbed its weary long-pathed Calvary, Where millions died, as Christ, that they might free Others from wrong and black op pression's tears. Once more now through the world comes to our ears The song of all the ages, "Christ is born." Mute tongued to notes of joy have been the bells, And only childhood and old age j dared try To sing, so near the threatening battle sky, The song that told, though dulled by shrieking shells Whose bursting turned a thousand homes to hells, The wonder of the ages, "Christ is born." Our faith in God has brought to us the goal; War-weary lands have peace on earth again; And in the scarred and fire purged hearts of men, Made sweet and strong by suffering of the soul, , Through travail of a world once more i made whole. Anew in human hearts the Christ is born. Dear God, the Christmas songs are fraught with prayer That Thou, wilt be with those whose tears still pay That we may hare the glory of this day; That men may live their thanks; that lives may bear Eternal witness for Thee, every where Proclaiming that in its the Christ is born. Volcano That Emits Lava. The following Is reported by an oN server Id Hawaii: Tremendous changes are In progress at Kllauea, and there Is no Indication whatsoever of any cessation of the monumental rising of the entire vast lava column. Over the southwest brink a wide . stream of glistening lava Is sluggishly flowing In the direction of the Knlu desert, not with the spectacular cas cading torrents of the southeastern flows of last March, but with a steady, ateallhy gliding, which gains ground slowly nt Its base, but which piles up Into trer s masses from Us ' source fo NOTICE OF STOCK HOLD ERS MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the regular annual stockholders.' meeting of the Lexington State Bank, will be held at its banking rooms in the Town of Lexington, Oregon, at two o'clock P. M. Thurs day, January 8, 1920, The purpose for which this meet ing is called is to elect a Board of directors for the .ensuing year ant for the transaction of any other business which may properly come before it. W. G. SCOTT, President. Attest : W. O. Hill, Cashier & Secretary. Dated at Lexington, Oregon, member 3, 1919. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Officce at The Dalles, Oregon, December 3rd, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Joseph g. Musgrave, of lone, Oregon, who, on January 26th, 1917, made Home stead entry additional, No. 018227, for NW14SEU, section 27, town ship 5 South, range 25 east, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, befrre J, A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on the 27th day of Jan uary, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Ernest Cannon, Charles M. Hast ings, W. A. McCarty, Geo. W. Chap in, all of Hardman, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. NOTICE OF 8.VLE OF ESTRAYS. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of E. J. Merrill, Jus tice of the Peace for the First Dis trict of Morrow County, Oregon, made and entered on the 14th day of Nov ember, 1919, 1 will at my ranch near Hardman, Oregon, sell at Public Sale to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described estray ani mals, to-wit: One white faced steer, branded F on left hip, aged two years, ear marks crop off left ear and underslope and split in right ear; one roan steer branded S P on right hip, age two years, ear marks, crop and split in left ear and split and under slope in right ear: one black cow about five years old, ear marked with hole in left ear. Said cow has a young calf. Said animals taken up October 1, 1919. The date of said sale shall be Dec. ember 6th, 1919, at the hour of Two o'clock P. M. of said day. Said ani mals may be redeemed by the owner prior to said sale by paying damages and costs of proceedings. C. G. WRIGHT, Hardman, Oregon. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLM ERS MEETING The annual meeting of the Gallo way Telephone Company will be held Dec, 27th , 2 o'clock at the Humph reys Drug Co. for the purposse of electing officers for the coming year and the transaction of business. T. J. HUMPHREYS, Sec. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Guardian of the person and estate of Clarence Clayton Wells, a Minor will on and after Saturday the 10th day of January, 1920 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of Wood son and Sweek in the City of Hepp- ner, Oregon, offer at private sale to the highest bidder for cash in band, all of the right title and interest of Clarence Clayton Wells, said Minor in and to the following descrcibed real property situated in Morrow j County, Oregon, to-wit: The South halt of the Northwest quarter and all of the Southeast quar ter Section IS in Township 1. S. R. 23 E. W. M. This sale is made under and in pur suance of a license and order of sale granted by the County Court of Mor row County, State of Oregon on the 24th day of November, 1919 in the matter of the guardianship of said minor authorizing this guardiau to soil said real property. JENNIE WELLS GRANT, Guardian of Clarence Clayton Wells, a minor. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that the County, Oregon, will hold the regu lar examination of applicants (or day, Dec, at 8:00 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, Decem ber 20, 1919, at 4:00 o'clcok p. m. Wednesday Forenoon U. S. History, Writing (Penman ship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Coursso of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Education, Physiology, Methods in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art, Tliursudy A f Utiumju Grammar, Geography, Steno graphy, American Liturature, Phy sics, Typewriting, Methods In Lan guage, Thesis for Primary Certifi cates. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, Eng lish Literature, Chemistry. Friday Afternoun School Law, Geology, Algebru, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afti riioon General History, Bookkeeping. Very truly, yours, " J. A. CllCUCUU.L, Superintendent ot Public IrntruKUm.