r.M.v, si vn : A Christmas Surprise you haven't liked or changes you Bhould like made get your stock and have a voice in the policies of the association. Morrow County has the products, hich if rightly shown will make an exhibit worth going miles to see. With this as a foundation and the booster spirit of live people to build with there Is no reason why we cannot make the Morrow County fair the magnet with a drawing power that reaches the Inland Empire and an argument to strong that many will become convinced of the oppor tunities still open here and remain to become in turn strong boosters for Morrow County and "OUR FAIR." Sale of Timber oa the Santiam National Forest THE GAZETTE-TIMES, KEPPXEB, OREL, THUISDAT, DEC. 18, 1919 lit MORROW COUNTY FAIR WILL LARGE UNDER PROPOSED STOCK COMPANY Bjr F. R. Brown, Secretary of the Morrow County Fair Board. The Morrow County Fair as it has been for the last five years would hate been more correctly named had It been called the Annual Harvest Carnival or some similar name. It has been, In fact, little more than an annual carnival or three day picnic. It has furnished the people of the County an opportunity fur getting together, visiting and enjoying them selves. There have been times dur ing the past five years when the ex hibits entered have, perhaps. Justi fied the title of County fair but for the greater part It has been little mora than an exhibit of garden and orchard products. Although livestock raising Is one of the principle Industries of our Coun ty, the showing made at most of the fairs has been decldely weak. One of the main reasons for this is inad equate buildings. Stockmen cannot be expected to bring valuable animals to expose them to the weather, the risk of in Jury and poor care which must go with temporary sheds such as have been provided in the past. Under these conditions it has not been pos sible for the County fair to take a leading part in the development of the livestock industry. The wool and grain exhibits have been made up largely by one person going out, collecting, preparing them for show, and placing them in the ex hibit hall. Thus while they repre sent the best stuff In the County they could not be looked upon as a fair representative of what is produced In the County. In a section where two of the principle Industries are woo. and wheat there should be keen com petition for the first prize. This, as a rule has not been the case In the past. Many of the best growers are more or less Indifferent towards the competition and have made little or no efforts to enter their products in competition with that of their neigh bors. The producers of wool can find many lessons In an exhibit. In very few products in Its history as well written as appears In a fleece of wool. Close observers can Bee where the sheep had been poorly fed, another place in the wool shows where the sheep has been improper ly housed, while breeding is plainly shown In every fleece. The wool grower ought to find at the County fair the extra quality fleeces and learn how they were grown. The wheat grower has not found the samples of wheat especially help ful and has gone on year after year thinking his sample of mixed wheat is Just as pretty and Just as valuable as that of the other follow who has ' kept his seed pure. The entries of threshed grain have been such that the visitor would be Justified. In think Ing this was not such a wheat scc lon as reports indicated. The one section' of the fair which has always brought more competition than any other one department is that of the fruit and vegetables. In this department there has always been a keen rivalry for individual honors. The result has been that visitors at the fair are always pleas antly surprised at the variety and quality of the garden and orchard products which can be produced in this County. Although not a fruit county the ex hibits have always compared favor ably with that of other fairs. Op portunity has also been offered for the community making a specialty of those products to advertise its products. The ladles' division has genorally been one of the prominent foutures of the exhibit hall. The showing made In this division would be a rrertit. to anv fair and has always affordod an opportunity for the ladles of the county to spend many pieasani hours in comparing the various ar ticles placed on exhibition. There has been little variation in the amusements and entortuinment features during the five years of the County fair. With grounds entirely too small to care for even the ordin ary sports and entirely unsulted for holding horse races and similar sports, the entertainment features have consisted almost entirely of band concerts, dancing, and the us ual street carnival features. Each year the fair board has presented some free entertainment features such as airplane flights, and acroba tic stunts. Naturally with little to offer for the entertainment of the visitors our fair has drawn very few outside of the County and many with in the county spend only one day on the grounds and feel that there Is nothing to Induce them to return a second or third day. In spite of the many handicaps It is generally agreed that the Mor row County fair has been very suc cessful. In addition to furnishing the people of the County a real play time it has been an important factor in stimulating interest in the Count ty's products. Credit must be given the County fair for showing to the outside Counties and to the entire Northwest some of the possibilities of our own county. At the time the first fair was held the people of Ore gon generally, and to those living west of the mountains particularly, Morrow County was little more than a name. Few people outside of the County itself and perhaps a few ad Joining counties realized the wonder ful possibilities for development that were open in this County. Dating almost from the time of the first Morrow County fair we find an In creasing interest in Morrow County and Morrow County industries. Each year the products from Morrow Coun ty are taken to the State fair and have been able to hold their own In open competition with the other counties, In fact, the record of the Morrow County products at the State fair and Land Products shows has been a very": enviable one. The time has come, however, when our County fair has outgrown its present grounds and has reached the limits of ltB developments under the present plan. If it is to continue to play a leading part in the develop ment .of our Industries it must bo carried out on a larger and more comprehensive scale. If the Morrow County fair is to take the lead in en couraging better livestock it must provide suitable grounds and build ings for the showing of much live stock. It must Bet its standard tar ahead so that as the county develops the County fair will still be the lead ing factor in blazing new paths and encouraging progress along the var ious lines prominent in the county. New kinds of entertainments and sports must be provided in the future so as to get away from the old rut in which we have been traveling for the past five years. Good clean whole some sports are necessary if we are going to keep the interest of our own people and draw from thoBe outside our County. The entertainment features must be such as will furnish amusement for everyone. Such as will allow the crowd to leave the grounds looking forward to the next day and Its pro gram. Such that we will want to In vite friends from outside the County to share our good times. And such that the finish of the last event will find us tlrod and happy but enthus iastic over the Morrow County fair. One of the first changes necessary to Improve our fair is to get a larger number actually interested In it see ing that It Is made a success. Anoth er Is to place it on a definite basis so it can be run in a business like manner. Ana a intra important me tor is adequate grounds. The peo ple of Morrow County can etfffect these changes by forming a Joint Stock association, buying new grounds where a good race track can be maintained and then put up permanent buildings. Plans tor this are already underway and shortly af ter the beginning of the new year the residents of Morrow County will be given an opportunity to boost for our fair by subscribing to stock in the association. If you have enjoyed the County fair In the past, and believe In It as an Institution Just remember that with your help it can be made better Btill. It there have been features Seventy million feet of timber on the Breitenbush River within the Santiam National! Forest has Just been put up for sale by the District Forester. This is the largest tract of National Forest timber to be put on the market for several months in this dlstict of the Forest Service. The timber lies oa both sides of the Breitenbush River a short dis tance above Detroit, Oregon, large ly within the drainage of two small creeks known as Canyon and Hansen Creeks. The tract contains sixty million feet of Douglas fir of med ium size and fair quality, and about nine million feet of sugar and west ern white pines, noble fir, western red cedar, hemlock and silver fir. The minimum prices named In the invitation for bids are $1.60 per M board feet for Douglas fir, noble (Ir and cedar, $3.00 for the pines and J0 for the other species. The tim ber is full nature and, like a erop, is ripe for harvesting. Since the Breitenbush River is a tuvorite for fishermen and vacation ists, the contract for the sale of the timber will contain special stipula tions to prevent the logging opera tions from marring the natural beau ty of the banks of the stream or des troying all the splendid virgin forest which the scenic road sometime to be built up the north bank of the (lv- tr will traverse. It is the established policy of the Forest Service In granting permits to log nature within the National Forest to do so with the least pos sible injury to the natural beauty of these localities which may be visited by tourists and recreatlonists, that the National forests may attract tour- is'.s snd function as National play grounds. A There has nevef been a better chance for an eastern Oregon boy to win an appointment to West Point or Annapolis than there will be this month, at the competitive examina tion being held for Congressman N. J. Sinnott by the U. S. Civil Service on December fifteenth in the fol lowing eight cities: Baker Lakeview Bend Ontario Klamath Falls Pendleton La Grande The Dalles Congressman Sinnot writes us that he will have an opportunity to des ignate from the successful candidates at this examination two cadetships and four alternateshlps tor 1920 va cancies In the Military Academy and tor the Naval Academy he will have the designation of three principals and nine alternates. These designa tions will be made on the basis of the grades made in the competitive ex aminations held at the post office in the eight cities named beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. December 15th. Those who compete for the Mili tary Academy will be examined in the following subjects: Algebra: Covering ground of first year high school Algebra. Geometry: Covered by first five books of Wentworth or Hills Plane and Solid Geometry. Grammar and Compositions Cover ed by eighth grade grammar school work, also composition of one hun dred words on one of two given subjects. United States History: Covered by eighth grade school histories, such as Barnes, Montgomery or simitar works. General History: Covered by any high school history, such as Myers, Swlnton, Barnes, or similar works: including Ancient, Mideval and Mod ern History and English History from 106$ to 1800. Candidates for the Naval Acad emy will be questioned on Algebra Geometry, Grammar and Composi tion and United Slates History, as above, and In addition on the two fol lowing subjects: Geography: Covered by any eighth grade school geography. Arithmetic: Covered by any eigh th grade school arithmetic. Prob lems, in fractions, decimals mensura tion, percentage, interest and propor tion. Time allowed for Military academy examination five and a halt hours, tor naval Academy, six and a quarter hours, or for combined examinations seven and a half hours. tA Senator's Lunch. Being addressed by a smirking head waiter as "Senator," means nothing to the gsy life of Senator McCumber of North Dakota. Instead of dining at the senate res taurant, where senatorial dignity and flitting white-apron garbed waiters predominate, when night sessions pre vent him from going home, the sena tor repairs to a nearby cafeteria, col lects tray, napkin, knife, fork, spoon and other Implements of table war fare, nestles his liver and bacon and other seasonal delicacies on the tray, walks over to a table and lays out kls spread. BUY YOURSELF A XMAS PRESENT and something that will be a gift to the entire family as well. A Creek and Grain Ranch, 827 Acres, two miles from town. Price $35.00 per acre. I have a number of good buys for a short time in alfalfa, wheat and grazing land. Now is the opportune time to buy Morrow county land. It will never again be as cheap. With Greetings of the Christmas Season Roy V. Whiteis GREETINGS rTO MY MANY PATRONS of the past year and all the years I take this time to thank one and all for their kindness. My. best wishes go out to you for a Very Merry Christmas and a Most Happy and Pros perous New Year. Oscar ROtto 111!