rr,r. nrrxvE THE G.VZETTE-TtMKS, HEPPNER, ORE., THVRSDAV, IKC. 18, 1019 A Christmas Morning Breakfast : - I bn- lis : ; Fpcrwjd - Heppner Boy Enjoys Trip to State Fair ill, COUNTY LANDS OFFER Heppner, Ore., Pec. 10, 1919. Editor Gaiette-Tinis, Heppner, Ore. Dear Sir, Will you please publish this story of my trip to Salem. When I enroll ed in the Club work I did not think I was going to win a trip to the State fair. 1 left Heppner the 22nd day oi September and arrived in Salem that night about 10:30. My bed did not get there until a day or two later, but I slept with one of the other fel lows. Two or three of the boys' beds also failed to arrive on time. The first day I spent looking about the grounds. The next day I went over to the forestry department and saw all the tools and instruments used to prevent forest fires. The next day we all went up to the peni tentiary and other state buildings. Saturday I packed up my things and started for home, thinking, that after all, the Club work is a good thing for the State. Yours truly, OR EN HILL. Mill! TO TIE HOME SEEKER By E. M. Shutt. Editor Gazette-Times: Responding to your request, I am herewith submitting a few off-hand observations of my own, concerning Morrow County real estate values, and the future prospects of enhanc ing the same. In the first place I will say that the railroad gateway into this rich and diversified belt of wheat, alfalfa, pasture and timber land (consisting of some 57 townships, or 2000 square miles) has been one of the chief means of retarding our development. There is no remedy apparent for this, but the fact remains. The home seeker from the East, or from the Willamette Valley, or from Canada is not very likely to go wild over the scenery and the agricultural possi bilities at Heppner Junction. Judging Morrow County by its river frontage, it is the natural thing for the stranger to pass on in dis gust, never stopping long enough to learn of the broad, rich fields of the former bunchgrass prairies, the fer tile and beautiful valleys, the well watered stock ranches and the vast timber belt lying immediately South of this rough exterior. Morrow County as yef has received but little exploiting, and its intrinsic merits are not known much beyond its own confines. To Illustrate: The writer person ally knows of an outsider with plen ty of money who recently came into Morrow County looking for a safe investment in wheat land. He was shown several tracts of our best land and was offered one fine tract at $33 per acre. This land had not' been farmed intensively and the buildings were not modern by several degrees. The adjoining farms were very much in the same fix, and not know ing what he was actually passing up because of exterior appearances, this gentleman went over to Sherman county and paid $125 per acre for a large farm of which the soil was pre cisely the same quality and the an nual rainfall just the same as the Morrow County farm which he pass ed up at $30 per acre. There you are. This man got a farm that will not produce a bushel to the acre more than will this tract of Morrow County soil when farmed in like manner, but the buildings were good, the farm itself had been kept up and the neighborhood look ed inviting. Here is a hint for the man who wants to make his farm pay the maximum revenue while he is operating it and who will get the top price for his farm when he gets ready to sell it and retire. Morrow County wheat farms are now selling at from $25 to $50 per acre; pasture land and timber land at from $10 to $12.50 per acre. Our alfalfa land is usually embodied in a larger tract of wheat or pasture land so it is a hard matter to determine the value of the alfalfa land, exclu sively. Suffice it to say, however, that the same rule applies as in the case of Morrow County wheat and pasture land It is being sold at from oue-third to one-half what exactly the same class of land is being sold at in Umatilla, Sherman and Wasco counties, and the Walla Walla and Palouse countries. This condition of course cannot long exist. In spite of our isolation homeseekers and safe investors have learned and are gradually learning of our diamond in the rough, and are headed this way for cheap land. The writer is willing to be quoted as pre- dieting that within the next five or six years present land values will be doubled in Morrow County. While the majority of the Morrow County wheat farms have not been made to produce what they are cap able of producing, yet we pioneer cltltens In traveling over the county are gratified to see the large and growing number of fine farms clean eummer-fallowed fields, big white houses and spacious red barns,, good outbuildings, good fences, water pip ed to the house and barn, and many other evidences of a higher standard of agricultural life. Add to these the telephone, the auto, the truck and the coming roads, and is not the farm the best and most independent place on earth to live ? From such homes as these the boys and girls have little desire or temptation to leave and rush to the cities as in times gone by. And right here I want to say that if the bright, husky, wide-awake farm boy would only make up his mind to stay with Dad a few years longer and learn the farming game perfectly, and then later on acquire a farm of his own, and pay no atten tion to those who would encourage him to seek a professional life, he would, in the great majority of cas es, be ten times better off, and this would soon be a land of universal prosperous, contented rural homes the foundation of the government it self. I. W. W's, Bolshivists and an archists generally receive mighty few, if any recruits from men who have acquired and who live upon a good piece of Mother Earth. The pros perous farmer has no patience with the agitator, and is usually found the most earnest and consistent de fender of the flag of his country. One more thought briefly: Ob servation will prove to anyone that farmers in this semi-arid belt can operate too many acres and that oth ers make an equally bad mistake by farming too small a tract, for either to succeed. The man who is making the velvet has struck the "happy middle." In spite of what high collared and long-haired theorists claim, this is not a small-farm coun try, unless one happens to have an irrigated tract on a creek bottom or in one of the government projects. For wheat raising and stock pur poses a larger acreage is demanded. The man who is trying to scratch in all outdoors is not as a rule suc ceeding. Neither is the man who has buckledTlown to a quarter sec tion or a half section of wheat land. It is just enough to keep him poor. He must have a large enough tract to keep him and his horses and his machinery and his hired man busy. He ought to have at least 250 or 300 acres sowed in good, clean summer fallow ground every year, and this requires of course about one section of land. Spring sowing and volun teering should be completely aban doned. They are a waste of effort. Morrow County farm land is com posed of the same ingredients as the volcanic ash soil of Sicily land that never wears out but actually im proves with intensified cultivation and conservation of moisture. Hun dreds of farmers, the ones who are succeeding, are complying with Na ture's demands, and when their ex ample becomes more universally em ulated then will the Morrow County soil command the same values to be found in the other communities above referred to. Thanksgiving Program A Thanksgiving program was giv en Nov. 28th by the teachers and pupils of the Gooseberry school. A copy of the program prepared and presented, was appreciated by all. The pupils rendered their parts in a very pleasing manner, which shows there is some talent in Gooseberry. After the program there was a pie sale. The (proceeds from the sale will be used to buy pictures for the school. DRY SLAB WOOD A car ot Dry Slab. Wood is being shipped out from the lone yard for Heppner and also one for Lexington. Those wanting good wood will do well to put their orders In early. The price will be regulated upon arrival of the wood, vPhlch is now being loaded out of lone. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. F. E. FARBIOR DENTIST Office upstairs over Postoffice Heppner, Oregon DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in the Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and S. Heppner, Oregon DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Permanently located in Odd Fel lows Building, Rooms 1 and 2 Phones, Office 762, Residence 523 Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. Physician A Surgeon Office in Patterson Drug Store Heppner, Oregon I Auto Owners 1 ATTENTION Auto tops built in Hepp-1 ner for all cars. j 1 Select Your Own Material 1 I REPAIRING OF AUTO TOPS I j A SPECIALTY Estimates Cheerfully Given Experienced Trimmer . H I STONEY I H The Harness Maker 1 . ALL WORK GUARANTEED g llllllllllllllllllIIIIIW DR. C. C. CHICK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office upstairs over Postoffice Heppner, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Office in First National Bank ' Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Office in Court Honse Heppner, Oregon Office Phone, Main 64S Residence Phone, Main 665 FRANCIS A. McMENAMLN LAW 1' Kit Roberts Building, Heppner, Ore. F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER . IONE, OREGON DR. M. M. JOHNSON Veterinarian Calls answered promptly at all times. Interstate Inspector ot Livestock and Sheep. -Office Patterson Drug Store Phoae 123 Heppner, Oregoa ROY V. WHITEIS Fire Insurance writer for best Old Line Companies. Heppner, Oregon DR. J. a. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon. Regular monthiy visits to Hepp aer and lone. Watch paper for dates. E. J. STARSET ELECTRICIAN House Wiring a Specialty Heppner, Oregon , Phone 872 DR. A. HENNIO Chiropractic Phyaieiaa Office at E. O. Blocum Residence Heppner, Oregon DR. D. N. HAYDEN Phyaldaa Smrgeoa Hardman, Ore. Day or night calls premptly attended. "Some Men Don't Know It Yet" says the Good Judge ' This class of tobacco gives a man a lot more satisfaction than he ever gets out of ordin ary tobacco. Smaller chew the good taste lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real To bacco Chew will tell you that Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco I 1 f iv:Wnir r A h Meps bahyvdini J;tP andhappy 1 Pearl Oil in a good oO heater keeps dampness and chill from the home. Warmth and cosiness without dust and dirt Heater la easy to carry about Lights at the touch of a match gives In etant heat No smoke, no odor. Economical Pearl OH is refined and re refined by oar special process which makes it clean burning. For sale In bulk by dealers everywhere the sams high quality kerosene as the Pearl OQsoldinnTe-galloncsns. There is a saving by buying In bulk. Order by name Pearl O0. We recommend Perfection Oil Keatera. PEARL OIL (KAAOSLNS) HEAT AND LIGHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY Ksbira s N im Geo. W..Milholiand, Special Agent, Standard Oil Company " Heppner, Oregon. II Cbriftmas Savings Accounts rHE Fanners & Stockgrowers National P L Bank will permit the opening of V SAVINGS ACCOUNTS for Christ mas Gifts. Anyone can open such an account for anyone else by depositing any amount. We'll provide the Savings Passbooks to which you may attach your 'Merry Christ mas' wish. A FARMERS 6c STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK Heppner Oregon Transfer and General Hauling We do a transfer and general hauling business of all kinds. Let us figure with you on that next job. We will GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. BARNARD & EMRY The Crystal Swinging Wringer Tb. elolb.t C Inm (V 1 (hen Iron I f wr.nf rtBiewfl vT I ll blilng I fB ffofli lb. bm "r (o Ux .UlM 'I I wuef Into lb. I ebiu Inlo lb. f 4 V-j wWf' Lil U dotbet buket, E. J. STARKEY, Agent GUman Building 1 Heppner, Oregon L. MONTERESTELLI Marble and Granite Works PENDLETON, OREGON Fine Monument and Cemetery Work All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders All Work Guaranteed Why Worry About Fuel When the Izard Gas Heater will do the work. See us for recommendations from Heppner people who are now using the Izard heater MERRITT & AKERS, Local Agents C. H. MERRITT A. 8. A K KItS G.-T. WANT ADS ABE SURE RESULT GETTERS. Use ther This Space Reserved For Leach & Scott Warehouse Lexington, Ore.