THE GAZFTTE-TrMTS, RFPPNFI5 ORE., Till RSDAV, OCT. 30, 1010. LIVE CECIL HEWS ITEMS John Troedaun of Ella was a busi-l nesa man In Cecil Tuesday. j Carl Troeduon of lone was a busi-1 nesa visitor at this place Saturday, j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd were look ing up their lone friends Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell were! calling on their Cecil friends on Sun-' day. Miss Vivian Logan of Fourmile was the guest of Mrs. Jack Hynd for the week end. George Miller of "High View" was looking up his friends on Fourmilo Tuesday last. F. Thompson of Ella left Cecil on the local Sunday for Portland to be ubsent a few days. E. J. Bristow and family of lone spent Sunday afternon with Mrs. T. H. Lowe of Cecil. Bert Mason of lone made a short stay in Cecil on Tuesday on his way home from Yukinia. Clarence and Ralph Winters of "Shady Dell" were business callers in Arlington on Monday. A. llenriksen of "Willow Creek" ranch left for Ileppner on Monday returning home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fenwick and daughter of lone spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Winters. Karl Farnsworth and Robbie Wil son were lone callers on Wednesday. We hear that Karl has invested in a band of sheep. C. A. Minor spent Saturday at "The Last Camp" and left on Sunday, ac companied by Geo. Krebs, for their homes in Portland. Harold Ahalt, who has been in Portland returned to Cecil Tuesday and Is now trying his hand at herding sheep for Karl Farnsworth. Melvin Logan arrived from Arling- ' ton Friday and will visit among his friends here for a few days before returning to his homo in Portland. Geo. A. Miller and son Alvin ac companied Mrs. Miller to Arlington whero she took the train for Battle Ground and Vancouver and other points in Washington to spend a tew weeks In visiting among her relatives. Marlon Van Schoiaik came in from Waltsburg, Wash, and spent Tuesday evening with his Bister, Mrs. Bennett, leaving on Wednesday for his home in Arlington. He :is accompanied by his wifw and family who have been visiting at "The Last Camp" for some time. Roy Scott, who has been attending camp for Jack Hynd, arrived In Cecil Wednesday, leaving Thursday accom panied by E. A. Ross, going to lone, where they received a fine band of lambs for Mr. Hynd and started on the trail with them to the ranch of Hynd Bros, at Freeze Out. Fifty Citizens Meet to K.ffeot New Or ganization and W. ). King Is Fleeted President. About fifty citizens of the Umatilla West Extension met at Boardman on Sunday, October 19, to perfect a Farm Loan Association. The meeting waa called to order by A. W. Cobb, presi dent of the Boardman Commercial Club, who introduced Mr. Camp, who explained tho plan of the gov ernment in lending money to farm ers and those about to become such. Subscriptions were taken in the following amounts: C. C. Paine, $5,000; A. Skoubo $1,000; W. A. Price, $1,000; S. II. Boardman, $2,000; E. Cramer, $1,000; C. Han go, $1,000; S. C. Shell, $1,000; L. Kutzner, $3,000; W O. King, $2,000; L. A. Doble, $2,000; W. N. Hatch, $1,500; Chas. Dillabaugh, $2,000; E. K. Mulkey, $2,000; R. C. Mitchell, $1,000; Joe Curran, $1,000. The subscribers proceeded to elect the following board of directors; M. E. Doble, Irrigon; C. H. Dillabaugh, Boardman; S. C. Shell, Boardman; and Mr. Clasco, Irrigon. The bo:ird of directors convened and elected W. (). King president, M. E. Doble, vicc- president, and A. L. Larson secretary treasurer. ! The name adopted for the organi zation Is The West Extension Farm Loan Association. The action of the meeting was confirmed by a second meeting on Monday afternoon. Mr. John McIIugh spent Sunday . at M. Marshall's farm. Scott's barber shop is taking shape ; excellently. It will be open inside j of a week. ' j Mr. Mike Marshall, a well known , farmer of Boardman, went to Hepp-1 I Thursday. ': Mr. II. Hueston, Charles Marshall ; and Mike Marshall went to Hermiston Monday on business. j Lyle Blayden, who has been in ! Idaho, just returned expecting to be ! gin work at one of the Government camps. i Vaughnan Keys, who has been working at the saVmil in Cosmopo- lis, Washington, has returned to his home in Boardman. The Parent-Teachers Association met Friay in the school house. They were entertained by the seventh and eighth grade with a Whlttier Day program. Mrs. J. R. Johnson was elected secretary. Kennedy Will lleit Portland Man in Finished Match Here Chat. Bartholomew nf Bu'f-r crw-S: f was a Ileppner bmines-i v.s.t jt on Monday. !y ll-i. :iry Knights of Pythias Take Notice. Grand Chancellor Julian Hurley of Vale will make an official visit to Doric Lodge on Tuesday evening, Nov. 4th. All members of the order, whether in good standing or not, are requested and cordially invited to attend. This will be an open meet ing. W. W. SMEAD, K.R.S. Kastcrn Oregon's premier wrestler will meet Henry Jones of Portland at the Star theater in this city next Sat urday evening when these two grap plers will try out tlnir mat science for two falls in three. Jones is not known in Ileppner at all, other than that he is being brought here by Eddie O'Connell. Kennedy succeeded in getting two straight falls out of O'Connell here a week ago last SaturJay and at the conclusion of the roatch O'Connell announced that he harl a man in Port land who he would like to have Ken nedy meet. Jones is the man. There is a side purse of $50" as well as the gate receipts which ti.e winner will take home with him. Jack Kennedy has made a record for himself, In that he has been matched in recent months with seven good men, some of them exception ally good, as Thye and the Montana Wonder, and has won every match and at no time has he been thrown. His last bout was won in Condon last Saturday night when he took two straight falls from Anderson, a man who made a big reputation wrestling while with the American Expedition ary Forces in France. Kennedy will weigh in at 160 and Jones at 162. The match next Saturday will b& gin promptly at 9:4o and 40 ringside seats have been reserved, at $1.50. The general admission will be $1.00. Miss Muriel Cason, popular Hepp- (;iirc..., , ner young lady, has resigned her ,.Xp,.t,,.,,, .. ii... , ,. . J j . y r i !. i ca r ' -c C" t : ' A ., nor Hill. T!. dr::-' ,, ; ' ", . rs upon his oan .!;t n. l-f when the storir.s ir ( and man landed at the b . ail ra'her a novel hill and irs:.!. of a f.. hr er day when lie Wilson escaped uninjii John V. Bennes, Portland archi ! tect, who drew the plans for the Elka building and new hotel, arrived In Ileppner Sunday to spend a few days on busines. Jack H. Mulligan, piano salesman, left laBt Saturday for Condon after spending Beveral days in Heppucr and vicinity. IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll i GEO. V. BKOADLEY FRANK VAXDEEPOOL I BROADLEY & VANDERPOOL Asli fo? HILUS FIVE MILLION USED IT LAST YEAR HILL'S I CASCARA General Blacksmithing and Auto Repairing We are agents for the "Safety" steering gear for Ford cars. LEXINGTON, OREGON Reliable Service :.lllllllllIllllllllWllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll QUININE tablet form sale, lure, m tes Drears up B com in t irs relieves grip in 3 flays. ioney dick ti u lain, ine genuine bo hai t Red p wiiu Jar. nui picture. At At! Drag Sior v :h " S i ;.. 1 I 1 -. V " ; , I. Cigarettes made to meet your taste! Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely out of -the ordinary a flavor and smoothness never before attained. To best realize their quak ity compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will win you at once it is so new and unusual. That's what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco gives you! You'll prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight ! As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence of any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un pleasant cigaretty odor. - And, you'll be delighted to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! Take Camels at any angle they $urely supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced. They're a cigarette revelation! You do not miss coupons, premiums or gins. You'll prefer Camels quality! 18 cents a package, Came 'a are sod every when m Kitntificafly tested peck ea of 20 c garrziei or ten peckajee ' 300 ci(arettet) me flisswe-peier tovered carton. We etrortgy recommend tl Jt carton for the home or office supplyor when you travel R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Wimton.S.lem, N. C. J tj r Mrs. Housewife Are you having trouble with our hard water ? If so we think we have found the solution of the problem. SOPADE Is its name, and it is a Soap-aid, not a washing powder. It's surely fine for making water as soft as rain water out of our hard water. Try it. Guaranteed or money back, if used as directed. 35c. package. Illil!- CITY OF PORTLAND RECEIVES SIX ! Gary Tracks 1 For Fire Bureau PHELPS GROCERY COMPANY Mill! ESESSS&t! TAYLOR MADE CLOTHES If you knew as much about them as we do you'd come to us on the run. Some people hold back when it comes to a question of buying "made-to-measure" clothes. They think because they are specially made they must be higher in price. Nothing of the kind. You'll be surprised. Come and get your measure Thomson Brothers Gary Tmcks Purchased by the City of Portland for the Fire Bureau Factory Guarantee ONE FULL YEAR r THE passing of tho horse proves the economy of operating by trucks; twelve horses to be disposed of by the city of Portland for the twentieth century fire diuipincnt. Tho fire fighting apparatus will be installed at the Municipal Shop of the City of Portland. The City held competitve tests for trucks that would be best suited for strength and hill climbing under loaded conditions and speed on the level and tho GARY won. This was a decisive victory for GARY trucks for the competition was open and all dealers were invited to compete. The GARY "Ten Point Test" truck is composed of Standard units Buda Motor, Brown-Lipe transmission, Tuthill Titanic branded springs, Parrish and Bingham cold pressed steel frame. Gary Coast Agency, Inc. J 71 Broadwaj r PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Bdwy 2162 5 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllll