TUT- GATETTTVnMT:, HTTPNF !: op.f, TfrTRDAT, OCT. lfl, 1B19. F A 0 t FIT FN LIVE CECIL M ilfflS I Julm McEntire was a buslneni man In Cecil on Thursday. Roy Sttnder, accompanied by Miss J. Crabtree, were It Cecil Sunday I ! Mrs. T. H. Lowe Bpent Friday with J Mrs. Ben Karnes at "Poplar Grove.". Ilulph Winters of Fouriinle left on Thursday for a short visit in Yakima. J. M. Melton of "The Lookout" spent Saturduy withh J. W. Osborn of Cecil. j Joe Marcus of "Falrview" spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Nasli of Ewing. Miss Elizabeth Blahm of Cecil spent the week end with friends in Ileppner. Mr. and Mrs. E. Simpson of Pendle ton made a short stay in Cecil on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henriksen re turned to their home on Willow creek Thursday. Miss Violet Hynd spent Sunday with MIb8 Georgia Summers at "The Last Camp." Mrs. H. V. Taylor and Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Rhea spent Friday call ing on their fricndB In Cecil. J. W. OBborn and Clarence Winters of "Shady I)cll" were business visit ors In Arlington on Friday. Jack Fenwick, the lone painter,' made a trip to lone Friday, having finished his work at "Butterby Flats." George and Henry Krebs of "The Last Camp" left for Heppner Thurs day, where they loaded a car of poles for their Cecil ranch. Miss Vivian Logan returned from Heppner on Sunday and commenced teaching In the Fourmile school on Monday. I Mrs. M. VanScholack and children returned to Lexington Monday after spending the week end with Mrs. Dennett. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and family of lone spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth of Kheas Siding. A large bunch of cattle belonging to Stanlleld Brothers, arrived In Cecil on Saturday to be wintered at the Henriksen ranch. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nash and daughter Ruth left for Portland and other places during the week, where they expect to visit for some time. Fred Pettyjohns, who have been on the Ellis Minor ranch near Cecil, left during the ui:k for lune to assist Mr. Minor on his nindi near that place. . Mrs. Jack Fenwick and daughter Miss Hena Belle spent the week end with Mrs. C. li. Winters at "Shady Dell." ! Mrs. Sarah Nutler of Portland ar rived in Cecil an Thursday, where she will kerp house for J. M. Melton at "The Lookout." Mr. and Ms. W. 0. Palmateer and daughter Miss Cleoto of "Windy Nook" spent Sunday with J. M. Mel ton of "The Lookout." Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. V. Gentry of Heppner, were looking up their Cecil friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ross of "The Bungalow" autoed to lone Thursday to consult the doctor about one of their children who la on the sick list. Charles Thomson and family, ac companied by Miss Black and Miss Bristow, spent Sunday afternoon at the Jack Hynd home on "Butterby Flats." Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shane and family, accompanied by his brother Milton, arrived in Cecil Tuesday, leaving on Thursday for San Fran cicsco. We hear that Jack Hynd is serious ly thinking of donating a piece of land to the county, to be used as an aviation landing Held for Morrow county. Jack Hynd of "Butterby Flats" ac companied by his nephew Russell Shaw, spent the week in the moun tain ranches looking over his stock. Jack reports the sheep in fine condi tion. He is making arrangements to bring his sheep to winter quarters. O'Connell and Kennedy Will Wrestle at Star Saturday Eddie O'Connell, for many years wrestling instructor at the Multno mah Club in Portland, and a champ ion In his class, will meet Jack Ken nedy of Condon at the Star theater in this city on Saturday night. The time set for the match Is 9:45. The main event will be precded with a preliminary In which Bauman of Lex ington and CroBhen of Heppner will participate. Both of these lads are amateurs of no mean ability. Knitppenbergn Buy Home In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knappeoberg of lone have purchased a home at 451 Jessup street, Portland and will live in tnat city in the future. Mr. Knap penberg was In Heppner on Monday attending to some business affairs and while here, announced that he had sold the Knappanberg ranch known as "The White Dairy Farm" to A. C. Allison. The ranch is situated on Willow creek just below lone and Mr. Allison Intends to make exten sive improvements and build a per manent home. Until recently he was engaged in farming on Butter creek. WANTED By man . and wife, charge of ranch. Experienced In general farming, irrigating and care of stock. Ira Pilkington, Heppner, Ore. ltp. Is Taking Thorough Course In Music. Mrs. Mary Barton is in receipt of a letter this week from her grand daughter. Miss Gladys Lane, who is majoring in music at the U. of O. Miss Lane writeh that she is taking vocal muBic, together with elements of musical science and public school methods of teaching music. To this course is added French and English. Miss Lane writes that she is taking uated at the University and is great ly enjoying her work. FOR SALE Two hundred and fif ty one year old ewes, line wool, and 1000 two year old ewes, quarter blood Lincolns. Address McEntire Bros., Cecil, Ore. 2tc. FOUND on road between Hepp ner and Lena, lady's fur. Owner have the same by calling at The Gazette-Times office. . ry it on pie plaaaa "ki"'Vr aanrtat frail pU Hk Vofut tUnhatUe Whip. CHaajw mM whiffd aum. H k ikbar ul M U7 " at aw. .Ym an Utf a mil tia saH 4V-4I tkara la u; lafil Orlar Jar today ut try U rTW5?Jk Canifxmy Pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillll Mrs. Housewife H Are you having trouble with our hard water? If so j g we think we have found the solution of the problem. SOPADE J 1 Is its name, and it is a Soap-aid, not a washing powder. j 1 It's surely fine for making water as soft as rain water g 1 out of our hard water. Try it. Guaranteed or money m back, if used as directed. 35c. package. Ik Engineers Examination Will Be Held in Portland , Oa December Fifteenth.1 An examination .l .11 be held on December 5th, 191 'J at 620 Corbett Building, Portland. Oregon for all professional engineers who are unable to meet the requirements, without examination, of the Act of the Legis lature of the State of Oregon, 1919, Chapter 381 requiring all profession al engineers to be registered after January 1st, 1920. Necessary blank? for application to take the examination may be had up on request from A. B. Carter, Secre tary State Board of Engineering Ex aminers, 650 Corbett Building, Port land, Oregon. All applications to take the examination given on Dec. 5th, 1919, must h- filed with the State Board of Envir.eering Examin ers at ltast tl IX'';IIiblT 5th iity !?,) (..)( b-furfj Tomato-iile M.inuaUtle. 1419. S.'x tounds tomatoes, ail of aotilee and nine of suear are um-tl with a 50 Walter Drum aas In the city Mun- cent Jtr of prerved gin per to make i'uv from his fountain home near tomato-apple marmalade, by O. A. C. Parkers Mill. He made the best of cookery specialists. his short stay here by dropping in and leaving bis order t,.f,r make lade. t.ik;i,ic fr.. 1-' p-.nti of to Cook the toroa- putthrough strainer. Mrs. Mai Church t:i Yakima t!.e past seek bv th. of her f.t!ier, (leorne S:.i.k. soft and fm The C.a- Cook tli" apples as lor sauce, coil m ii mi i lette-Tirres to be sent to the Drum tomatoes, arples ana sugar to eon- """ nom. sistency of jam, adding ginger just for a number of yarj. Do Your Washing with i I I jfraJaaMEaPaW j SEE IT TODAY E. J. Starkey Agent Gilman Bldg. Heppner. IS cent3 a package Sell Your Wheat Having arranged to repre-1 sent the H. W. Collins Grain Agency, we want our friends and clients to know we are in the market to buy. FARMERS' EXCHANGE F. R. BROWN, Manager Heppner, Ore. Cmes are sold everywhere in ecicnttfo ally sealed packages of 20 cigarettes; or ten packages (200 cigarettes) in a glass-ine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or oBcn supply, or when you travel t J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Wutoo-Sutm, N. C. CAMELS' expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had 1 Camels give such universal delight, such unusual enjoyment and satisfaction you'll call them a cigarette revelation! If you'd like a cigarette that does not leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor, smoJte Camels! If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has all that desirable cigarette "body" well, you get some Camels as quickly as you can I Camels' expert blend makes all this delightful quality possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes are the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet your taste ! You will prefer them to either kind of to bacco smoked straight! Compare Camels for quality and satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price 1 PHELPS GROCERY COMPANY 1 piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM I CITY OF PORTLAND RECEIVES SIX I Gary Tracks , 1 -For Fire Bureau I liri TAYLOR MADE CLOTHES If you knew as much about them as we do you'd come to us on the run. Some people hold back when it comes to a question of buying "made-to-measure" clothes. They think because they are specially made they must be higher in price. Nothing of the kind. You'll be surprised. Come and get your measure Thomson Brothers if) f . 1111. J B .. -J i.M ... Gary Trucks Purchased by the City of Portland for the Fire Bureau Factory Guarantee ONE FULL YEAR THE passing of the horse proves the economy of operating by trucks; twelve horses to be disposed of by the city of Portland for the twentieth century fire equipment. The fire fighting apparatus will be installed at the Municipal Shop of the City of Portland. The City held competitve tests for trucks that would be best suited for strength and hill climbing under loaded conditions and speed on the level and the GARY won. This was a decisive victory for GARY trucks for the competition was open and all dealers were invited to compete. The GARY "Ten Point Test" truck is composed of Standard unit3 Bnda Motor, Brown-Lipe transmission, Tuthill Titanic branded springs, Parrish and Bingham cold pressed steel frame. Gary Coast Agency, Inc. 71 Broadway PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Bdwy 2162 .1 I i:fl Mr. rru l.ero