IRK CUFt rK-TtMKS. HTTPNER OKI THVHSIMY. OCT. lfl, 1019. THE GAZETTE-TIMES lit l : t t!. Kiabhah4 v . 13 H '- ; -' T t t siabUjhei O. - - ' ,; 't ,1 i - uhtx ij, 9t ; ' J U"trr an4 v ir r Crawford a-,' ;it !bf P.i1ve t Hvp- r ' .. i i iss matter. (IHKHKMM. H TV I. i V K !) OH AITI II I ION. sriORiPT10S RATE: j ' t . Vcsr . $2 0 S' M-fth - i oo ! "h tr M..!.th .7$ ' S.'K ''! - .01 j MKHV 1TY OFFICIAL PATER ! he as milling to try the system per- haven of rest and a hcaxen ef joy." -.uwss of the great undertaking, sonaily. The marriage as declared Did ever a trusting bride and a hope- Two hearts embark on a venture, and to have been solemnized on a dem- fu! groom faee the parson with any it is doubtful whether eounsel, ad- ocratie basis. There as no "obey" lesser intention in mind? vice, resolution or theories have clause. .Man and woman stood equal. Lovers in all aces, under all relic- much to jo with their subsequent as they are. and by rights ought to be. ! ions and customs, have aspired to happiness or lack if it. The declared purpose of this mar- beauty and to joy in their parfher- The elusive chemistry of human riage was to found a home which ship. The form of the ceremony nature is this fateful combination is should be a "bourne of beautv. a makes little or no difference with almost totally beyond human control. 100 X YES. October 2$:h, 191i will be a red letter day in Heppner's history. It is on that day that the legal voters of the city will go to the polls and cast their votes for a bigger and bet ter water supply for the town. It will be one of the greatest privileges accorded to loyal Heppnerites in many days. In fact the entire fu ture of this municipality hangs by that single hair of yes or no. We believe the people generally are pretty well informed as to the object of the election. It has been called for the purpose of submitting to the voters, the proposed charter amendments which will provide the funds for taking over by the city, the water plant of the Heppner Light & Water Company and the putting in of pipes and other necessary equipmnt which will make up a gravity water system for the city. It is proposed in order that Heppner may have an adequate supply of water for all time to come to vote bonds in the sum of $100,000, said bonds to be in denominations of $500 or $1000 each and bearing interest at the rate of 51 2 percent payable semi-annually. The bonds are to be matured in twenty years. Hence the ballot title will read: CHARTER AMENDMENTS. Sub mitted to the voters by the Common Council. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the City of Heppner, sub mitted to and approved by the legal voters thereof at a special election held therein on December 20, 1918. and to amend all other acts providing a charter for said city, or amending same by adding thereto Chapter X, providing for an issue of City of Heppner bonds, in the sum of $100, 000, for procuring funds for the pur chase of the Heppner Light & Water Company Water Works System and for making additions, betterments and extensions for adequately supply ing the city with water. Vote 100 X Yes. Buildings with an estimated cost of $200,000 are now under way or will be started within the next few weeks in Heppner. Looks like building activity may become a real ity. Highway work will start before another month rolls around, and with the farmers all busy putting in their crops there wont be any chance for the bolsheviki bug around here. Everybody too busy to listen to the propaganda. o-f Oregon citizens at large are offer ed the opportunity to subscribe mon ey to a fund which will give Portland a new hospital. Its alright. But speaking as a Heppner citizen we want to say that if there is any town in the State of Oregon needing a hospital any worse than Heppner, we have yet to hear of it. And when Heppner gets a notion to construct a new hospital, Heppner money will Let's look to our own doorstep awhile. o Morrow county has got the finest looking lot of school teachers in the state. They are here attending to a part of their official duties. Let's show them every courtesy and make them feel at home. o A traveling man said the other day, "If 1 was a young fellow starting all over again, I would go down to Boardman and buy every acre pos sible, raise hay, milk cows, turn off a few hogs for market each year, and in about fifteen years I figure I could sell out my holdings and have enough money upon which to retire." The way some of the Boardman farmers are building up their bank . accounts leads us to wonder if it would take fifteen years to accom plish what the traveling man had in mind. o THERE WAS NO "OBEY" CLAUSE. A man in Boston was married the other day by a minister who used a ritual that the bridegroom himself had devised. ..rliiEflmrt Hi.. mm (1,113.1. 'j 1 . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 II .T i. in I WIT. pq I i E?' 1 3 r'yj! HI EXTRA TEST For Frictioning "Frictioning" is the process by which rubber and fabric are milled together. This extra test insures, by micrometer meas urement, the exact thickness and precise proportion of rubber to fabric A 3 i,v; V r the national joy smoke makes a whale of a cigarette! MIS HERE we reveal another of the extra tests that make Racine Tires better tires. Each of these extra tests is vitally important Combined, they promise the utmost in mileage for Racine Tire users. Racine Country Road Tires are speciallyvbuilt to resist the wear and tear of country road service 6000 mile guarantee. Let us show you this tire triumph. MARTIN RIED, Local Dealer For Your Own Protection Be Certain Eretf Racine Tire You Buy Bears The Nam RACINE RUBBER CO.,. Racine, Wiscoism Copyright ltd by IL J. Kyiiultl Tobacco Co. Awaitini your yo, yom'B ftns, hand omm pound and half pound fn humidoru- and that claaty, practical pound cryntal glanw humidor wtth apon( mawtnrr top that kta Prtnc Albert M ui.7i pcrccf condjfiun JOU certainly get yours when you lay your Smokecards on the table, Y call for a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a makings cigarette ! You'll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count of vour smokestunts! Why, you never dreamed of the sport that lies awaiting your call in a home rolled cigarette when it's P. A. for the """a" $$m Talk about navor! Man, man, you naveni got me hsicu ui nun i smokecareer until you know what rolling 'em with P. A. can do for your contentment! And, back of P. A.'s flavor, and rare fragrance proofs of Prince Albert's quality stands our exclusive patented process Lhrt cuts out bite and parch ! With P. A. y our smokesong in a makin's cir.a rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard i Prince Albert is a cinch to roll. It's crimp cut and sfays put like a regular pal! Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a jimmy pipe can be I It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke pipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nation to the joys of smoking. fc. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. Are You Interested in a Truck Bargain? An attractive proposition on a new truck of standard make. Inquire at The Gazette-Times. Stock and Wheat Ranch A Bargain 16 miles from Heppner. 800 acres good tillable land, balance grazing land. Plenty of water, good fences and out buildings. A Bargain if Taken at Once. ROY V. WHITEIS Real Estate and Insurance "Ever Occur to You?" says the Good Judge That it's foolish to put up with an ordinary chew, when it doesn't cost any more to get real tobacco satisfaction. Every day more men dis cover that a little chew of real good tobacco lasts longer and gives them real contentment. There's nothing like it. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put uf in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tooacco rril Tjl sjiijljo mm -- MORE POWER Zerolenegivesbet ter compression, therefore, more power to your car. It burns clean and goes out with ex haust. Deposits least carbon. Get a Correct Lubrica tion Chart for your car. STANDAED OIL COMPANY (California) Geo. W. Milhaliand, Special Agent, Standard Oil Company Heppner, Oregon. Star Theater Saturday, October 18 "The House of Intrigue" FROM ARTHUR STRINGER'S POPULAR NOVEL. WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST.. Wrestling Match Jack Kennedy vs. Eddie O'Connell The best match ever put on in Heppner. Fast preliminaries between Harry Groshen and Harvey Bauman. Sunday, October 19 "The Amateur Cracksman"" Monday and Tuesday, October 20 and 21 . KITTY GORDON IN "Playthings of Passion" New Price Li at Star Theater Commencing Wednesday, Oct. 15, our prices are as follows: On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Adults, 20 Cents; Children 10 Cents. On Saturday and Sunday: Adults, 30 Cents; Children 20 Cents. Extra Special Features, Adults 50 Cents; Children 30 Cents. This change rather decreases than increases" the price and is made solely to facilitate printing of tickets and rendering of tax statements to the government. Tn our advertisements we will try to have the price of every picture so that you can know the price before you go. That man was fair enough, since!