The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 10, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Greater Farming
Better methods in farming in
clude the system of Harvesting.
Get 100 per cent efficien
cy from your harvesting
machinery by using
The McCormick Line
of Mowers, Reapers, Self
Binders and Headers
New headers being assembled now. We
carry a complete line of header extras.
Peoples Hardware Company
Heppner, Oregon.
Marble and Granite
Fine Monument and Cemetery Work
All parties interested in getting work in my line
should get my prices and estimates before
placing their orders
All Work Guaranteed
Pearl Oil in bulk
costs less
Pearl Oil that you buy in bulk at
your dealer's is the same high-quality
kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five
gallon cans. There is a saving by buy
ing in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil.
For year 'round kitchen comfort use a
good oil cookstove and Pearl Oil. Bakes,
broils, roasts, toasts -economically. Lights
at the touch of a match. No waiting for fires
to come up, no unnecessary work, no waste.
Concentrates a steady heat on the cooking -leaving
the kitchen cool and comfortable.
We recommend New Perfection
and Puritan Oil Cookstoves
Every day at the Buick Motor Co.'s
plant at Flint, Michigan, finds many
new employes, soldiers and sailors,
back at work. Already 1400 return
ing fighters have been re-employed,
averaging nearly 300 per montb or
15 per day. A total of 3003 employes
were in the service of which nearly
40 are back at their old or new po
sitions. Promotions have been fre
quent among a large number of re
turning soldiers and sailors for the
policy of the company Is so broad In
this respect that enlisted men are
taken care of and placed in positions
where their ability is best suited. A
personal welcome awaits every sol
dier and sailor who applies for em
ployment. All employes who are still
In the service In this country or
abroad will be assigned to old or new
positions upon their return to Flint,
Michigan. Not only is this policy be
ing applied at the Bulck Factory, but
It has been adopted by every Bulck
branch and distributor throughout
the United States. No manufactur
ing organization is more proud of
their list of fighters than the Bulck
Motor Company, which takes partic
ular consideration In seeing that each
enlisted employe is taken care of In
every way.
GEO. W. 1HLHOLLAND, 8pecUl Agent, Standard Oil Company, Heppner
J. A. Waters, county clerk, left
Tuesday tor his old home in Kansas,
where he will make an extended visit
with his mother. Mr. Waters expects
to be absent from Heppner until the
first of August and will visit Salt
Lake and Denver while away.
Woodson Family Start Auto
Trip To Washington Points
The C. E. Woodson family let,
Monday on a two-weeks vacation autt
trip which will take them to Seattle
Tacoma, North Yakima and cities ol
Eastern Washington.
Big" Shipment of Sheep and
Cattle Left Heppner Tuesday
A large shipment of sheep and
cattle left the local yards last Tues
day when 10 cars, of sheep, all spring
lambs, were shipped to Omaha Ne
braska. The shippers were Ellis Mi
nor, R. J. Carsner, Matt Hughes and
V. Gentry. Mr. Carsner also shipped
15 cars of prime beef cattle to the
Chicago market.
Shipped 3900 Head Of Sheep
To Range In Washington
Anson Wright and son Clyde of
Hardman shipped out from the local
yards Monday, 3900 head of ewes and
lambs to Eastern Washington, where
they will be put on summer range
Clyde Wright and three of the Mc
Daniel boys of Hardman went over
with the sheep. Mr. Wright says that
this part of the Northwest is not the
only section which has been hit by
the long spell of dry weather, for he
finds similar conditions existing in
Washington and Idaho, where he re
cently visited.
Hulden And Bruer Buy More
Morrow County Wheat Land
E. M. Hulden, Black Horse farmer,
was in Heppner Monday to close up
a deal for the Frank Moyer ranch,
one of the best wheat farms in this
county. . Mr. Hulden Is associated in
the farming business with Dr. Bruet
of Portland and this latest addition
gives these gentlemen a large body of
wheat land, as they had previously
purchased the Dan Hanshew and W.
C. Lacey ranches In the same district.
Mr. Hulden believes farming in Mor
row county holds a big future and
he is backing his judgment in a most
material way. The Frank Moyer
ranch is being farmer at the present
time by D. M. Ward.
A. Henriksen was an Arlington vis
itor Tuesday.
James Farley of Heppner was a Ce
cil caller Monday.
Miss Etta Barnes of Poplar Grove
visited with Mrs. Hynd Tuesday.
Willie George Wilson left on the
local for. Heppner on Tuesday.
Clarence Winters and family of
"Shady Dell" spent Saturday in lone.
Misses A. C. Lowe and A. C. Hynd
were Arlington visitors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe left on
the local Thursday for Portland and
other points.
Mrs. Ben Barnes and daughter of
"Poplar Grove" returned from Hepp
ner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J .Mclntire, accom
panied by Mrs. Tyler, were Cecil
allers on Friday.
J. H. Franklin and Mr. Lewman
of Mosler were doing business in
Fourmlle Tuesday.
Geo. and Henry Krebs of "The
Last Camp" were business callers in
tone on Wednesday.
Miss Juanita Crabtrce of "Dothe-
boys H1U" accompanied Rcy Stender
o lone on Wednesday.
Miss Ada Nash of Ewing and Miss
Bernice Franklin of Rhea visited at
Butterby Flats on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and
.'amly spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. Lindstrom.
Leon Logan, Mrs. Boyd Logan and
.'amilies and Mrs. Peter Nash visited
.vith Mrs. John Nash on Sunday.
Geo. R. Melton of "The Look Out"
and Oscar Nash of "Falrvlew" were
Arlington callers on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller and son,
.Ir. and Mrs A. Henriksen and son
Clifford spent the'Fourth at Parken
Jack Hynd left Cecil on Monday
.'jr Ukiah, returning heme Filday,
iccompanled by Will Hynd of Rose
David Bradley of Butterby Flats
3i' for Sand nohow where he will
.vork on the Hynd Bros, ranch for
a time.
Mrs. T. Dempsey of the Willows
a as called to Springfield during the
.veek, owing to the Illness of her
Eric Waldo and Cecil Phillips, who
lave been working around Cocil for
the past few weeks left for Arlington
-n Sunday.
Miss Violet Hynd, who has been
.isitlng friends In Portland and other
points for the past few weeks, re
turned home Sunday.
David Hynd, Miss A. Hynd of Rose
Lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hynd and
.'amily of "The Pines," Ukiah, spent
.he week-end in Cecil visiting their
Dwlght Misner has finished har
vesting and reports nothing less than
IS busheU per acre. Mr. Misner left
tor Portland on Sunday, returning
home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Minor, Miss Minor
and Mr. and Mrs. Shlppey spend Fri
day evening at the "Last Camp," leav
ing for their homes in Portland early
Saturday morning.
Miss M. H. Lowe returned home on
Sunday from Portland where she has
been attending the Franklin High.
3he was accompanied by Miss Nellie
Doney of Yamhill.
"The Last Camp" was the scene of
a rousing Victory celebration on Fri
day, the 4th. About thirty neigh
bors gathered and participated in all
kinds of races and sports until a late
1 our. A fine lunch and ice cream
were served during the day. All re
port having a good time.
Lads Took Car At Lexington
And Road That Led To Jail
Taking a car without leave from
Taylor Brothers at Lexington and
driving it up to Heppner .thence east
up Hinton creek over Freeze-out
ridge, back down Willow creek and
.nto Lexington again brought one
Lexington boy and two Portland boys
Into the minions of the law last Fri
day. It was Thursday that Cecil McCor
mick, 17, of Lexington, Rufus Ester,,
16, and Arthur Snow, 15, both of
Portland, appropriated to their own
use a Ford belonging to Taylor
Brothers. The car was lator returned
with slight damages and It was
through tracks left by the boys that
the officers were able to get a clue as
to who had taken the car.
The boys were rounded up Friday,
two of them at lone on the train and
one, young McCormick, at Lexington.
They were held in the county Jail by
Sheriff Shutt until the parents of
Snow and Estes came up from Port
land The boys were later fined the
costs, which amounted to about $7.20
apiece and turned loose pending their
good behavior.
"AVING leased the mechanical Department
of the new McRoberts-Cohn Auto Company
Garage, we are prepared to assume the care
and upkeep of your car in a satisfactory manner.
The shop is being rapidly equipped with the latest
models of machinery and no job will be too intricate
for us to handle.
We have had years of experience
in this work. Will make prompt
The season is fast approaching which permits the
use of your car. Bring it in and let us look it over.
' We will tell you what it needs and you can rely upon
our advice.
We stand behind our statements and guarantee
our work.
Welch & Lininger
Mr. Inman representing the Covey
Motor Car Co. of Portland, spent a
few days In Heppner the first of the
Motor Trucks
For Farm, City or Interurban
A Gary Truck Is the Truck to Buy because there is a size
for every requirement, and because every truck represents the high
est degree of perfection as exemplified by the best balanced truck
built, composed of units of the highest order obtainable.
Gary Motor Trucks are made in six models: Model F, 1
ton; G, 1-ton; H, 2-ton; HU, 2 -ton; K. 3V4-ton; V, 6-ton, and
all are equipped with the war-famed Buda Motors. The motor
adopted for government work in France. The HU or YU with the
force feed lubricating system through a drilled crankshaft In all large
The Sheldon Worm Drive Axle is another important fea
ture of construction of Gary Motor Trucks. It is the costliest, the
oldest and highest priced worm drive axle built. All Gary Trucks
use Sheldon axles.
The Springs The Tuthill Springs titanics fronts and
banded rears. The rear springs which carry the load are guaranteed
for the life of the truck against breakage in the center.
The Built Up Cast Tank Radiator. The Gary built up
cast tank radiator with oval tubular core, finned for radiation, is the
last word in radiator construction. It is invincible In strength, over
size In capacity and 100 per cent in cooling efficiency.
Gary Motor Trucks are of the same high class in every
other unit and detail of construction and are warranted for one full
For Gary Truck Factory Information for the northwest
territory call on or address the Portland Agency, and secure our
terms to doalers and agents if considering a line of trucks or desir
ing a selling agency.
Drivers With Demonstrators Will Cover the Territory
and Call on Interested Parties.
Gary Coast Agency, Inc.
71 Broadway Phone Brdwy 2162 Portland, Ore.
Have you tried either?
1 "Hip-o-lite"or"Pennant 1
I Marshmallow Desert" I
The same preparation used by noted caterers and chefs for
Prepared in absolutely READY-TO USE form for home use.
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