PAGE TWO THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPXER, ORE., THTRSDAY, TCXE B6, 1919. GREAT!, (J J White Star Flour A home product that stands in the lead of all other brands Is now becoming the standard for this section. Get it of your grocer. Whole Wheat, Graham, Mill Feeds, Cream Middlings Our Elevator and Warehouse furnish facilities for hand ling grain, both bulk and in sacks. Wool Forwarding. SEE US ABOUT YOUR GRAIN BAGS. Heppner Farmers Elevator Company HEPPNER MAN BUYS GIDEON BROWN HOME The Gideon Brown residence, 503 .Madison street, was today sold to E. L. Kirk of Heppner, for a considera tion of $6500, the sale being made through E. T. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who have been in Portlaad arrived home last night and the deal was consummated this morning. They expect to return to Portland, where they left their automobile, and will spend the summer touring southern Oregon and visiting Crater Lake, and expect to spend the winter In the east and south. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk' and their three children will arrive! in July to make their borne here. j Pendleton E. 0. To Washington, I). C. E. P. Dodd leaves Sunday for the national capital, where for a month or more he will mingle with the Ore gon delegation In both houses and confer with the heads of the recla mation service with a view to se curing favorable consideration of an appropriation for the building of the McKay creek reservoir. On the way east he will stop at Denver to visit the reclamation heads there and se cure the balance of necessary data needed on the reservoir site for pres entation on reaching Washington, D. C. He was selected for this duty by the Pendleton and West End county people. While away his real estate business will be looked after by J. H. Strohm. Hermlston Herald. Rink Much Improved, J. B. Sparks, lessee of the Rink, has made a great improvement in it since he took charge. The floor has been surfaced, and the whole interior renovated and a new coat of paint applied. The place looks much bet ter, and the removal of the accumu lated dirt and dust adds to the pleas ure of dancing in It. Condon Olobe-Times. Land Plaster Helps Clover. Land plaster, 76 pounds per acre, greatly increased the vigor and stand of clover in a series of cultural trials on the agricultural college station farms at Corvallis. This advantage from use of land plaster held good either with or without nurse crops. Crops Fair In lone Section. "The crops are In general fair in the country about lone and In some instances exceptional when the sea son of drough which has had to be contended with, la taken into consid eration," said Chas. B. Sperry, grain grower and well known business man of lone when in Heppner recently. Mr. Sperry pointed out that (he large acreage will account for an immense amount of grain however short the acreage yield may be. Mr. Sperry the lone representative for the North ern Orain ft Warehouse Company. His ad will be found in another col umn of this paper. Alfred Anderson and family spent Saturday In Heppner from their home in Eight Mile, Young Farmer Buys Eight Mile Ranch of 1000 Acres Ray Toung closed a deal the past week with his father. J. S. Young, tor the transfer of 1000 acres of land, the old home place on Eight Mile. The consideration was $30,000. The ranch is considered one of the best in the Eight Mile country. The younger Young will take possession in the fall. He is now farming in that section and has a good equip ment of stock and farming imple ments. The elder Mr. Young expects to go to Portland in the near future. Buys California Orange Grove. W. E. Brown of Walla Walla, who formerly farmed in the Black Horse section, was spending a tew days in I Heppner the last of the week on bus- has recently purchased an orange grove near Redlands, California, and will go down there to live. His fa ther, John Brown, has been making his home In California for the past several months. College roultry rays Profit. Profits of $1300 ware netted by a Lebanon poultryman who used O. A. C. stock. His 600 hens, half of which were pullets, averaged 150 eggs a year. Another with 35 leg horns sold 214 dozen eggs, set 24 ft dozen, and used 83 V4 dozen on the table. His feed cost was $52.60, leaving his net gains $102.07. Oregon Jerseys Beat Sale Record. Thirty-eight Jerseys brought an average of $1007 at the Jersey sale held by Ed. Carey at Carlton, June 16. Mr. Carey had bred all but six on bis farm, and these 32 brought an average of $1132. Three cows went to the Hood Farm, Mass., where a certain well advertised brand of sar saparllla Is made. Two went to Cal ifornia. "The best of it is," says Prof. E. B. Fitts of the O. A. C. dairy department, "the others were grabbed by Oregon breeders and dairymen who refused to let some high eastern bids by wire deprive the state of these high-producing cattle." Bnys Home In Heppner. W. L. Copenhaver ot tiand Hollow hat, chosen Heppner for a home tor his family. Mr. Copenhaver has Just I'Urchased the N. E. Wlnnard prop erty in the western part of town and will take possession at once. The children have been attending school in Heppner and they will find it more convenient by having their own home , here. O. A. C. Holds Military Rank. Distinguished college rank has been bestowed on Oregon Agricultur al College the third time by the U. S. war department. This is granted tor excellence in military science and drill. This high honor is accorded only 10 colleges in the United States. Willis Ward and family came in from their farm home in the Black lorse section Saturday to attend the ilcnlc. ykFzzII powered J Red Crown" is straight-distilled, I S all-refinery gasoline. Look for the I f f Red Crown sign before you fill. f STANDARDOIL COMPANY Jhe Gasoline f$l Quality GEO. W. MILHOLLAND, Special As ent,. Standard OU Company, Heppner Plllllllllllllilllllllllllll I The Universal Car I 1 (DDL 0IWE "INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU BUY" Free Information on oil companies and promotions to subscribers for the TEXAS OIL CRITIC One Year ESTABLISHED 1915 One Year $1.00 Sample Copy Free $1.00 THE TEXAS OIL CKITIC is an independent publi cation issued every Saturday at Fort Worth in the inter est of the investors in oil securities. It is not a house organ and is not affiliated with promotions of any kind. THE TEXAS OIL C&BT2C F. & M. Bank Building, Fort Worth, Texas. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford cars are important servants everywhere. They help the family enjoy life, bring the pleasures and advantages of the town within reach of the farmer and give practical service every day in country and town. They require a minimum of at tention ; any one can run the Ford and care for it, but it is better to km taken care of by those who are familiar with the work and have the tools, and genuine materials, and skilled men to do the work promptly. We pledge Ford owners the reliable Ford service with real Ford parts and standard Ford prices. There is a Ford for every purpose for which a car can be used. The Ford Roadster It is no longer necessary to go into the details describing the precticil Eirits of the Ford car everybody knows all about "The Universal Car." How it goes and comes day after day and year after year at an operating expense so small that it's wonderful. This advertisement is to urge pros pective buyers to place orders without delay. Buy a Ford car whet you can get one. We'll take good care of your order gel your Ford to you as soon as possible and give the best in "after-service" when required. Morrow County Wheat i Farm i EE j Contains 800 acres. 700 acres in cultivation; 100 EE EE acres pasture. One of the best producers of the EE EE county and well situated for market. Good 7-room EE EE dwelling, also 4-room bunk house. Good barn, 2 EE EE granaries and other outbuildings. 200 acres of sum- EE EE merfallow. ' EE U $35.00 PER ACRE. EE $15,000 will swing this deal and balance payments EE EE on easy terms. A proposition well worth investigat- E EE ing. 1 E SEE E 1 Smead & Crawford m FORD CARS are more useful today than ever before; a necessity in vil lage, town, city and country; the utility of farmer, merchant, manufacturer, archited, engineer, contrador, sales man, dodor, clergyman; a profitable fador in the life of the nation. The Ford Coupe The Ford Coupe, with its permanent top, big sliding windows, generous seating capacity, splen did upholstering, is surely the ideal, as well as the most practical and profitable, motor car for travel ing salesmen, physicians, stockmen, etc. It means quick transportation without fatigue. It means comfortable transportation regardless of weather conditions. It means good, long service at the min imum of expense. Wise to give us your order now. Price f. o. b. Detroit, $650. Immediate Delivery Can be Made. Heppner Garage , Authorized Ford Agents The Ford Truck Every fanner should have one or more Ford Trucks because of the profitable results that will fellow their use. There is not any guess work about this statement. It has been proven on thous ands of farms. If you farm, come in and let us tell you more about the Ford Truck's value to you in sure dollars and cents saving. It is a personal matter to every farmer. The Ford Truck is a busi ness necessity. Orders should be left with us at once in order to get early delivery. Price $550, without body, f. o. b. Detroit. Heppner ipillllllllllllllllllllllllllH llllllillllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH r