The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 19, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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y aoa
The increase of our business has compelled us to
enlist the sen-ices of two more expert auto mechan
ics from Portland.
We are now prepared to take on more customers
without that troublesome delay.
We are striving to give you quick, intelligent ser
vice at a moderate cost and are now prepared to do
so, more than ever.
All of our work is absolutely guaranteed, with no
"ifs" or "ands." A guarantee that is everything
the word implies. Ask our many more than pleased
Remember, we do Ford repair work at contract
prices, also, no job in the auto repair business is "too
tough." That's our business.
L. P. Davidson. extensive farmer
and stockman of lone, was a Heppner
business visitor on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vaughn left on
a motor trip to Portland today, Mr.
Vaughn being called there on bust
Yours for complete satisfaction
Universal Garage
The Frank W. Turners are visiting
with relatives in Grant county. While
in the interior they will spend a part
of their time at the home of Mrs.
Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Cochran near Monument and Mr.
Turner will take a course of treat
ments at the Ritter Hot Springs. Up
on their return to Heppner Mr. Tur
ner will take up his position with
Gilliam & Bisbee, having completed
the 1919 shearing season in Morrow
Celsus Keithley of the Forest Ser
vice has returned to Heppner after
spending ten days in Pendleton,
where he had charge of the head of
fice during the absence of Supervisor
W. W. Cryder.
Work on the basement for the new
Gilliam & Bisbee bulldln on the
southeast corner of Main and
streets is progressing.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs
Mike Healey at the Heppner Sana
torium on Wednesday. Mrs. Healey's
condition is not of the best.
Misses Irene and Ruth Saline of
kstacada, Oregon, have arrived In
Ma I -onaucior Lew s hnV ,
I Heppner run after a short vacation.
I Chas. B. Sperry. lone business man
WO was in Heppner Tuesday afternoon.
The Misses Ruby and Zelma En-
rlemnn nf Inn no.. .
. -v., nti tiatiurs in nepp-
ner Wednesday.
Lieut C. J. Osten has ennp In Tul-
8a. Oklahoma, to accept a position
with a hardware firm.
John J. Kelley was in tnwn Tnog.
day from his Rock creek ranrh tn .
tend the Farley funeral.
Mrs. P. A. Anderson Went tn Pnrf.
land Tuesday to snend a wwk r ten
May I days visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill of Rntter
creek spent Tuesday in Hennnur at
tending to some business matters.
WANTED Engineer for
thresher outfit during harvest. '
J. B. CARMICHAEL. Lenin rtnn
Frank Cramer and son, prominent
Heppner to visit with their grandmo-l ,1 , tV T' prom,nent
ther, Mrs. Marv A. Barthnlnmnw. resldent8 of the Boardman section,
were Heppner business visitors nn
ther, Mrs. Mary A. Bartholomew.
Henry Blackman exnects to leave
Saturday for his home in San Fran
cisco after spending the week in I
Heppner attending to business mat
R. F. and Victor Wielp worth
prominent Butter creek sheepmen,
were transacting business in Heppner
Emmett Cochran, one of the bis:
sheepmen of Eastern Oregon, ia at
i ha Tmnnvtfol M J it. i
iuiuci tat iui a-iew uuvb. no u
registered from Heppner. Portland u"ng' movm8
W. C .O'Sullivan, who was former-
I call for you. take your haei?
ana irunKS to and from train. Gen
Phone 736.
W. F. Barnett, prominent Lexin?.
ly engaged in farming near Cecil and . usme8s mai and farmer, trans
later at Stanfleld, writes The Gazette- !clea DUBlnes in Heppner on Tues
ti, ji . . . .... Idav afternnnn
iiuicb iu uireci nis paper in ine iu-
ture to 528 Stone St., Flint, Mich.
C. W. Acock, one of our progress-
i -
A clean, comfortable kitchen
all year 'round
With a gopd oil cookstove and Pearl Oi!
- you will cook in comfort all year 'round.
Gives all the convenience of gas, without
the dust and dirt of coal or wood. Bakes,
broils, roasts, toasts economically.
Lights at the touch of a match. No waiting for
fires to come up, no unnecessary work, no waste.
Concentrates a steady heat on the cooking leav
. ing the kitchen cool and comfortable.
Pearl Oil, the Standard Oil Company's kero
sene, is a most convenient and economical fuel.
Easy to handle. It is refined and re-refined by our
special process which removes the impurities., It
is clean burning.
Pearl Oil is for sale in bulk by dealers every
: where. It is the same high-quality kerosene as
the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a
, saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl
We recommend New Perfection
and Puritan Oil Cookstovea
David Hynd of the firm of Hvnrt
Among the graduates of the North! . 8- bantl Hoow farmers and
Pacific School of Pharmacy at Port-I . pmen' transacted business, in
land this year is Earl Gordon, well HePPner Tuesday,
known Heppner boy. Earl has taken N. F. Lawson was in town Tiinarinv
position with Patterson & Son. I from his ranrh oh
. WTW wwauau kJlUlUg,
urussisw. iwnicn he nurchased a fw month-
Frank Fratas was in the city today ag0 rrom Glenn Boye-
from his Eight Mile farm to get some I In the official !... i
paint for his new house. Mr. Fratas I A. E. F. published June 16, the name
jb ma spring gram is sun green I or James R. Breeding of Spray is list
uuu mil uiu&e a iair yieia h conai-iea as ha vine- riioH nt Hin
- I o v uiatwc
...u.iuii. , ,
i ""so uumuer ot candidates were
fciwood Orr. son of Mrs. Lillian I Initiatnri intn th t,..
n-, i i... oi....... - ;.,r:: . . u,uci ui y
... .on ust oamruay lor jauiornia. tiennner nripn Nn 9KB - t,i
H. ,m j, ,u. - I. " - " su
wv ..... opcuu iub summer vismngiiar meeting Thursday evenlne
mouth and San Francisco. He will J B Carm,chael, pioneer Morrow
return in the fall in timn tn ntr county iwmer who is now retired
srlinnl land makes his home in Lexin Ertnn
I was a Heppner business visitor Tues-
JJurmg the past week Frank Mon. day.
anan closed a deal with Erb Kirk for
creek, known ... t. m ouu '"""S "rmers residing a few
' hu vi.u uau uuiiLu iiini n. ii .
Mr. Kirk is still undecided as to vhat t " "epp'!er' was ln town
h will do. but mav en 1 . i. on business Wednesday. Mr. Acock
Malheur country to ain .n i s.ays Braln Is. 8tm look'ng good but
farmlnc -..-- -- mai rain wnicn didn't come would
' I h Q I'd httltA (lltnn. 1 . 1 .
uoicu iiiiuga wquaeriuny.
Mrs. W. E. Davis of Snokane haa
I arrived In Heppner . and will snenrt
the summer with her daughter, Mrs.
1 1. J. Matlock, at the Matlock home
Ion Hlnton creek. She was accom
I panied by her grandson, Ora Matlock,
iwno bas been attending high school
in spoKane during the past year
Among the many Oregon bavs who
nave arrived ln New York from over
seas service are Benjamin R. Wiin
and James Mollahan of Heppner.
wiiiis is witn Battery B, 148th Field
Artillery and Mollahan is with Bat.
tery D, 148th Field Artillery. They
i expect to arrive Home in the near fu
Miss Jean Black met with nainful
ana serious Injuries last Friday when
she caught her hand In the rollers of
an electric clothes wringing machine
une nnger was taken off and the en.
tire hand was badly bruised as well
as some tendons being injured-. The
accident occurred at the Chas. Thorn
son home, where she is housekeeper.
A number or members of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft gave Mrs. A
J. DeVore a' pleasant surprise last
Friday evening when thev called in
Ion her at the DeVore home to spend
la few enjoyable houre. Refresh
nients were served. Those Dresent
were Mesdames Mike Curran, Mattle
Aiken, Celsus Keithley, R. Thornton,
J. Handy, E. Bennett. V. Crawford.
A. J. DeVore an'd the Misses Loye and
Cedle DeVore,
Painting Garage Interior.
Painter J. H. Lock has a force of
men busy this week naintlne the in
terior ot the McRoberts-Cohn Gar
age. The paint is put on the high
walls and clellng by means ot a high
presure spray and the paint which is
light in color, adds much to the in
terior appearance of the garage.
a i. t r r xr t a
GEO. W. MILHOLLAND, Special Agent, Standard Oil Com pany, Heppner, Oregon.
I. O. 0. F. HalL
Sunday at 11:00 a. m. Subject:
"God, the Preserver of Man." r
Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at Mrs. Gene Slocums.
Everybody is welcome.
The Federated Church.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Inter
national Lesson, "Love."
Morning Service, 11:00. Sermon
theme "In the Mountains 'With
Union Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.
m. Topic "Tollers of India." Lead
er. Jasper Crawford.
Evening Service, 8:00.
H. A. NOYES, Pastor.
N- u.-w'w. iwaraai
A man can borrow money
on what he puts into a home.
He can't do it on what he
pays out for rent.
The. (First National Bani
is deeply interested in the fu
ture welfare of each individ
ual in this community his fi
nancial success, personal in
terests and social comfort.
Heppner, Oregon
THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Your Home Paper. $2.00 Per Year.
era i
Jl A Flavor for 1
every taste
! All seated air-tteht and
HI 1 impuritv-prcof. In th3 wsx
p I wrapped safety packages.
A$jf I Bs zmz to get i
In 3
Be Flavor Lasts 11