The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 01, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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AVING leased the mechanical Department
of the new McRoberts-Cohn Auto Company
Garage, we are prepared to assume the care
and upkeep of your car in a satisfactory manner.
The shop is being rapidly equipped with the latest
models of machinery and no job will be too intricate
for us to handle.
We have had years o! experience
in this work. Will make prompt
The season is fast approaching which permits the
use of your car. Bring it in and let us look it over.
We will tell you what it needs and you can rely upon
our advice.
We stand behind our statements and guarantee
our work.
a Lininger
J. H. Miller was visiting friends in
Klla on Sunday.
T. H. Lowe was a business man in
Arlington on Tuesday.
Mr. Gorton of Morgan, was the
srutst of J. W. Ostium on Saturday.
George Wilson left for Heppner on
Tuesday returning to Cecil on Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Matlock of
Heppner spent, the week-end at
Miss Georgia Summers spent the
week-end with Miss Esther Logan of
Four Mile.
Art Wheelhouse and Lira Butcher
of Arlington, were Cecil visitors on
Wednesday. ,
Misses Juanita Crabtree and
Flossie Stender were visitors in Cecil
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Aekley and Mr.
Rivers and party were'C'ecil callers
on Wednesday.
''Miss Bernice Franklin of Rhea,
spent Sunday with Miss Violet Hynd
of Butterby Flats. '
Mrs. Peter Nash spent Saturday
with her son Albert and family at
lie Fairview Ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Ja'ck Hynd were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Franklin on Sunday.
J. W. Osborn, Clarence Winters
nd Albert Nash made a hurried trip
o Heppner on Monday.
Garden Seeds
C. C. Morse & Co.
D. M. Ferry & Co.
Mandeville & King
Morse & Co.
Ferry & Co.
Plan now for your vegetable
garden. Beautify your prem
ises with choice flowers.
Buy your seeds of
Sam Hughes Company
li II
Miss Hazel Winters of Shady Dell
ranch, was the guest of Mrs. Hard
esty of Morgan on Saturday.
Pat Farley of the Willows, also
Joe White of the same place were
business men in Cecil on Monday.
Scott brown lott tor Condon on
Wednesday to look over some land
which he is cntemplating renting.
Mr. Munroe, engineer for the
Standard Oil Company, accompanied
by Mr. Haley of lone, were in Cecil
on Tuesday.
Noah Pettyjohn and family of
Butter creek, spent the last week
visiting with his brother, Fred and
family at Cecil.
George W. Biggs of Arlington,
stopped at Cecil on his way hom
from the tractor show in Walla
Walla on Friday. .
Walter Pope and 3. H. Miller left
on Wednesday to take in the big
tractor show in Walla Walla stopping
also in Pendleton.
Rev. Clark M. Smith, of the Amer
ican S. S. Union, and who lives in
The Dalles, made a short stay in Cecil
on his way to Echo Monday.
Mollohan Bros., of Rock creek,
brought in a band of ewes on Tues
day to lamb on the Minor rauch
having bought a stack of hay there.
A surprise party was given Mrs.
Boyd Logan of Four Mile on Satur
day evening, a host of friends gather
ing together and a very pleasant
evening being spent.
Walter Pope the obliging jitney
owner, took the following ladies in
his car to Morgan on Sunday: Mrs.
Roxy Bennett, Mrs. T. H. Lowe and
Miss Annie C. Lowe.
Miss Wynne Lake, teacher of the
Four Mile school and Miss Hazel
Winter of Shady Dell, visited with
Mrs. Bennett of the Last Camp on
Wednesday evening.
Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats,
autoed to Heppner on Tuesday ac
companied by Master Jackie, Miss
Violet Hynd and his nephew, T. W.
Lowe, late of the British Army.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor and
daughter, Miss Blanch of Portland,
and Mrs. S. W. Spencer of Heppner,
spent Tuesday evening in Cecil on
their way from Portland to Heppner.
Clarence Winters accompanied by
Leon Logan left on Tuesday for
Walla Walla to take in the Tractor
Demonstration, returning on Friday
well pleased with what they had seen
on the trip.
Miss Inez Easton, teacher of the
Cecil school for the last two terms,
left on the local Sunday for The
Dalles where she intends to visit
among friends for awhile before
going to her home In Sltkum. We
understand that Miss Easton will
take charge of the school again tof
the coming term.
Priced low for immediate saie:
380 coarse half-breod yearlings; 380
Ramboulett ewes, 6 . years, and
lambs; 130 coarse half-breed ewe
with lambs. Address, R. H.
WEEKS, Heppner. a24-2t
VOK SALE 16 head last spring
shoats and 11 winter pigs. W. A.
McCLlNTOCK, Gooseberry, Oregon.
The stock of the Case Furniture
Company is being moved this week
from the old Heppner block to the
new Case building just ncrth of the
Odd Fellows hall.
Roberts Building
Heppner, Oregon
klilllllll llllllllllllllllllilllllllilllHlllllilililiM
That's what the Victory Loan
campaign means for every true
blue American. Our hoys brought
things to a fitting climax over there
by fighting. Now let's "finish the
job" by investing all we can 'in
these war bonls.
You can place your subscriptions
or get full information here at the
Farmers & Ntockgrowors National
Heppner Oregon
Ford cars are important servants everywhere.
They help the family enjoy life, bring the pleasures
and advantages of the town within reach of the
farmer and give practical service every day in
country and town. They require a minimum of at
tention ; any one can run the Ford and care for it.
but it is better to have repairs and replacement?
taken care of by those who are familiar with the
work and have the tools, and genuine materials,
and skilled men to do the work promptly. We
pledge Ford owners the reliable Ford service with
real Ford parts and standard Ford prices.
There is a Ford for every
purpose for which a car
can be used.
The Ford Roadster
It is no longer necessary to go into the details
describing the, practical merits of the Ford car
everybody knows all abdut "The Universal Car."
How it goes and comes day after day and year after
year at an operating expense so small that it's
wonderful. This advertisement is to urge pros
pective buyers to place orders without delay. Buy
a Ford car when you can get one. We'll take good
care cf your order get your Ford to you as soon
as possible and give the best in "after-service"
when required. ,.
FORD CARS are more useful today
than ever before; a necessity in vil
lage, town, city and country; the utility
of farmer, merchant, manufacturer,
architect, engineer, contractor, sales
man, doctor, clergyman; a profitable
factor in the life of the nation.
The Ford Coupe .
The Ford Coupe, with its permanent top, big
sliding windows, generous seating capacity, splen
did upholstering, is surely the ideal, as well as the
most practical and profitable, motor car for travel
ing salesmen, physicians, stockmen, etc. It means
quick transportation without fatigue. It means
comfortable transportation regardless of weather
conditions. It means good, long service at the min
imum of expense. Wise to give us your order now.
Price f. o. b. Detroit, $650.
Immediate Delivery
Can be Made.
Authorized Ford Agents
The Ford Truck
Every farmer should have one or more Ford
Trucks because of the profitable results that will,
follow their use. There is not any guess work
about this statement It has been proven on thous
ands of farms. If you farm, come in and let us,
tell you more about the Ford Truck's value to you
in sure dollars and cents saving. It is a personal
matter to every farmer. The Ford Truck is a busi
ness necessity. Orders should be left with us at
once in order to get early'delivery. Price $550,
without body, f. o. b. Detroit.
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