THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER. OREGON, THTBSDAY, APRIL 24, 1919. PAGE FITS June t."tli to bt ImsI Day. Orpsntzaticns and individuals gen erally are advised b Collector of In ternal Revenue, Milton A. Miller, to underscore on tlieir calendars June 15th, the last day Lit the filing of returns of information, giving the names and addresses of all indivi duals to whom payments of salaries, wages, rents, interest, commissions, and other gains, profits and income of $1,000 or more were paid during the year 191S. An extension of time from March 15th to June 15th, was granted by the Commissioner of Internal Rev enue for the filing of thesi returns. "All employes of labor, whether in large or small numbers, are required to make these returns," said Col lector Miller. "Organizations, such as corporations, companies, partnerships etc., are required to file returns show ing the salaries and wages paid to the officers and employes. A separate return for each employee whose sal ary for 1918 was U, 000.00 or more is required. Banks, trust companies, and similar institutions must make returns of information showing in terest paid to, or credited to the ac count of an individual if the amount so credited or paid was $1,000.00 or more. Real estate agents are re quired to report the gross amount received in rents or other income and remitted to their principals if such amounts for 1918 were $1,000.00 or more. The bill provides that when ever necessary the name and address of the recipient of the income shall be furnished by the person, corpora tion or partnership paying them. Returns of information must be filed with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Sorting Division, Washing ton, D. C, and Collectors of internal Revenue are not authorized to re-ilV Palma's World Sieei Kcionl ceive such returns. Form 1099, upon which reports .Made on Red lou Gasoline. must he made, may be obtained, how ever, from the offices of collectors. Returns of information must be accompanied by a letter of trans mittal otl furm 1096 showing under oath the aggregate amount of the payments. These forms also may be obtained from collectors. The penalty for failure to make a return on lime is a fine of not more than $1,000.00." MILTON A. MILLER, Collector. Weir's Eastern Oregon Trip. The following itinerary has been arranged for A. D. Weir who is ap pearing in the interest of the Victory Loan with an exhibit of war trophies, including his private collection made during service of more than a year as a "Y" secretary of the Western Front. Mr. Weir has added to this a showing of souvenirs provided from the wsr trophy train which toured Oregon recently. This exhibit has been sent out to appear at points that cannot be reached by the trophy train. Mr. Weir's western Oregon exhibit has been seen by several thousand people and has been declared one of the most interesting features of the campaign. i . Leave Portland 9:30 a. m., April 22, arrive at Madras 7:30 p. m. In Crook County 23, 24, 25, 26. Fossil, Wheeler County, 27. Condon, Gilliam County, 28. Heppner, Mor row County, 29, 30. Grant County 3 days; leaving Heppner May 1, will reach Prairie City the evening of j May 2nd and would get back to Baker City May 6; due in Portland 3:40 p. m., May 7th. j When Ralph De Palma, in a trial I lap over the Santa Monica course, I broke the world's road race record ! recently, he was running on the I Standard Oil Company's Red Crown) J gasoline. De Palma covered the! course at an average rate of 93.38 I milts per hour, the fastest officially recorded speeu ever made on any read course in the world. It is a remarkable tribute to the full and dependable power of "Red Crown" that it should have been the choice of the greatest automobile driver of the day, and that through its use he was able to set up such a remarkable record. The gasoline supplied him was not. in any way specially made for the purpose, but De Palma filled his tank from the regular gasoline wagon on the garage floor of the Packard representatives in Los Angeles. , This record again demonstrates the truth of the Standard Oil Com pany's claim that Red Crown, straight-distilled, all-refinery gas oline, with its full and continuous chain of boiling points is absolutely dependable for easy starting, quick anl smooth acceleration, full-power anl long mileage. while most of the students who were taking the special courses in com nierce at the beginning of the year are continuing in regular University classseS. Few of the students left the Uni versity at the end of the fall term and with over a hundred new regis trants then, the number of students has steadily grown throughout the year, until at present there are 135t men and women attending classes on the campus. ROOSEVELT FUND $10,000,000. The Roosevelt memorial fund which is to provide a monument in Washington, a park at Oyster Bay and an endowed society for fostering the ideals and policies of the late ex-President, may require $10,000,- 000. Col. William Boyce Thompson, chairman of the committee, said it was impossible yet to forsee how large a fund will be needed, but from the great volume of contributions steadily coming in no difficulty Is anticipated in raising the $10,000, 000 if necessary. 1350 Enrollment of University For Spring. University of Oregon, Eugene, April 16. The University enrollment is again the largest that it has ever been. A twenty per cent increase over the fall term is registered for the spring trimester. There are 2i women students entering for the first time and 16 men. Nine former students who dropped out of s the university to enter the army or for various causes, have re-entered, HIS BRIGHT IDEA. "Please can you give a poor man a little something to eat? But-1 don't want no bread, please." , Woman You don't want no bread, eh? I guess you ain't starving. You can just gat along out ot here. "Walt till I explain, madam. You see, the woman next door just now give me a piece of paving stone for bread, and as she said she was the best bread maker on this street " "The best bread maker on this street! Jist come right in here, my poor man, and I'll show you what good bread really is. Lor', how some people does brag!" Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. GARY W11NR0A MOTOR MltlS D WORK COMPETITION GMIY 3 1-2 TON THUCfiS Three Gary 3i2-Ton Trucks, purchased by Kay County, Oklahoma, for public road work after a competitive test with five other leading makes of trucks.' We now have twenty truckst on the way like those shown above, all equipped with yard steel lined bodies, with Hydraulic Hoist, that we are bringing in for road construction work. These wll be sold under the factory's abso lute guarantee for the full period of one year. GARY steel products lead the world. GARY Trucks are in the same class. Don't chance an unknown quantity. REPORT OF W. C. NORRIS CO. Here is the report of the W. C. Norris Motor Sales Company, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the three trucks shown above, and covering their experience with motor trucks in general and GARY trucks in particular. ;- , -'im'MUISl "We have just closed the deal with the County Commissioners of Kay County for three GARY 3 -ton trucks. We competed with five other makes and outpulled them all. The performance of the trucks we frankly state is marvelous. The "H" and "HU," 2 and 2-ton models with four speed transmission outpull, overpower and outclass everything in their rated capacity; while the 3 ton is even greater in pulling power and load carrying capacity. We consider your worm drive, semi-floating Sheldon Axle as the only safe and sure form of construction for hard usage and to withstand the strain and abuse to which a truck is subjected in the oil fields and kindred lines of work. Our observation, experience and knowledge of actual results in meeting oil field requirements, with heavy loads and no roads, convinces us that GARY TRUCKS can be relied upon in every in stance and will deliver a long life of service at a nominal upkeep and low cost of operation. We are for the GARY TRUCKS strong and shall concentrate our future efforts exclusively on the GARY line. W. C. NORRIS MOTOR SALES CO., (Signed) N. D. Southerland, Gen. Mgr. Note: The W. C. Norris Motor Sales Company are a million dollar concern, and one of the largest in Oklahoma. After several years' experience with other lines of trucks, they have dropped them all and rely exclusively on GARY Trucks for heavy duty oil field work and for all purpose usage. READ WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY. Can You Beat It? Mansfield, Wash., January 29,' 1919. Gentlemen: You want to know how we like th 1-ton Gary Truck we bought in Spokane last July. We are more than pleased with it. We thought at the time we had bought the best, but we really got more than we expected. We have done lots of hauling and the truck is in just as good shape as ever. We have done more hauling than trucks lots larger, and with less expense. ' Yours truly, (Signed) W. F. PENNINGTON, Mansfield, Wash, BREWSTER-BRIDGKPOUT GROWERS, INC. Producers, Packers, and Shippers of Fine Apples. Brewster, Wash., August 1, 1918. Gentlemen: The 2-ton Gary Truck that we purchased from you in Juae, 1917, has been in service continuously since that time, and during the busy months of the fruit season we have operated the truck 24 hours a day. We have had no trouble,, requiring no repairing or duplicate ports and did not have the truck in the shop until we sent it in to have the new tires put on. We consider this a wonderful record and evidence of the highest standard of design, material and workmanship, to outwear a set of solid tires over rough roads, without having any repairing to the me chanical parts of the truck. The truck has been handled by one of our former teamsters, without truck experience, and he worked the truck over the rough roads that one will find mostly in our section. The GARY has the power mid never fails to deliver the load. We think it is the beat truck built, and give It our unqualified endorsement. Yours very truly, BREWSTER-BRIDGEPORT GROWERS, INC., (Signed) Sam Berry, Sec. Brewster, Wash. Ti TreorlilGS7QTr"Ck -fr GVe7 pUrp0Se' one t0' five"ton sizes- A11 of the hiShest 1ua of design and construc- r Sffii f ?i! T f and aS WEST C0AST ACTOR Y AGENCY we shall always be prepared to supply any duplicate part that may be required, and do any repair or service work necessary 71 Broadway GARY COAST AGENCY, INC. PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Brdwy 2162 MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS PENDLETON. OREGON FINE MONUMENT AND CEMETERY WORK All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my priees and estimates before v placing tkeir orders ALL WORK GUARANTEED Men are sure getting wise to tobacco oualitv says the tobacconist "Any kind of plug used to be good enough for most of them. Nowadays nearly everybody is beginning to learn about the real to bacco satisfaction of genuine Gravely Plug." Good taite, smaller chew, longer life is what makeBUen uine Gravely cost less to chew than ordinary tobacco. Write to. Genuine Gravely , DANVILLE, VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch. Two. Bargains That Should Interest You 700 ACRES 60 acres of this can be put under ditcJi; part of this under ditch now; .300 acres broken and more can be put under plow. 2 miles from town. Price $14 per acre on easy terms. 480 ACRES FARM LAND-300 acres in cultivation, at $20 per acre. Will take Heppner residence property up to $2000, as first payment; balance ettsy terms. RoyV.Whiteis Fishin Season Now Open and you will want tcf be there with a good outfit. We have what you want in fishing tackle. Steel and Split Bamboo Rods Reels, Hooks, Lines, Baskets, etc. A splendid new assortment now on display. PLENTY OF OTHER SPORTING GOODS ALSO, Peoples Hardware Company