THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON. THURSDAY, JAM A!1V ;0, 101. PAGE SEVER LIVE CECIL NEWS ITEMS Ed Rietmas was doing business in Cecil on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Hynd was visiting Mrs. Bennett on Thursday. Mrs. Peter Nash is visiting with the Leon Logan family of Four Mile. C. A. Minor left for Arlington on Friday afternoon euroute for Port land. Mr. and Mrs. lies Barnes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Petty-John. Jack Fenwlck of lone is spending a few days with the Winter Bros, at present. Mitis Helen Barrett and Miss Doris Mahoney feft for their homes on Sunday. Miss Lake and Miss Winter were callers at the Last on Sunday afternoon. Miss Inez Easto i spent Sunday at Hutteiby Flats with Mr. and Mr:. Jack Hynd. Mr. and Mrs. John Xash were visiting at the Fairview ranch on Wednesday. Miss Hester Logan of Four Mile vbited with Miss Georgia Summers on Saturday. ; Mrs. Ben Barnes was calling I among friends in and around Cecil j on Tuesday. ' Oral and Clicord Henriksen re turned homo on Thursday with some. cattle from Heppner. ! Misses Inez Easton and Georgia Summers spent Saturday with Mrs. and Mrs. R. E. Duncan. i some excellent writers split their fr infinitives and invert their verbs, but some excellent writers also become ,. 'int. xhated and occasionally beat up J. W. Osborn and the Winter Bros.: of Shady Dell were doing business f. in ileppuer on Wednesday. J. H. filler left Cecil with wood saw to cut some wood Leoa Ljgan and T. D. Dean. tl.eir wives. Kvrry man says he wishes he had a Liiuscful of children. But no man hi' to take care of a houseful of childn-n. Suine men's faces are their mis riTH's. A hard fice sometimes, t nt often, conceals a soft heart I his. for! t Corona Wool Fat Compound (FOR MAN OR BEAST) Thrush, Grease Heels, Horses' Hoofs, Cows' Sore Teats. The above and many other afflictions successfully treated with this ointment. A good article to have about the barn. PUT UP IN 50c AND $1.00 SIZE TINS. Heppner Farmers Elevator Company Mr. and Mrs. Wigglesworth of Buaei Creek spent Hie week end with Mr.- and Mrs. Pettyjohn, at Cecil. A. U. Finley of lone is now busy making some extensive improve ments on the Cecil Store for T. H. Lowe. C. A. Minor accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox came down fi'jUl Heppner on Wednesday , making their return the same day. John Kelly of Sand Hollow was down to Butterby Flats buying hay on Saturday. John is expected down with his sheep in a few days to feed. Father Wand and Jess Naylor of Condon were visiting friends on Saturday in the Cecil neighborhood returning to their homes the same day. Hank Howell who has been work- i ing in Portland for the last six , months returned to Cecil on Thuts ' day to work on the Cecil ranch for !c. A. Minor. Miss Bernice Franklin spent Friday at Butterby Flats and re turned hme on Saturday accom panied by Miss Violet Hynd who will spent the week end there with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Frasklin. Ed Martin, who has been herding for Jack Hynd, left on. Saturday for the Hot Springs. Ed has been troubled with rheumatism for the last few weeks and thinks a few baths will soon put him alright. ,Henry Stender returned home from Portland Monday accompanied by his son Warren, who has just got his discharge from the Army. They were given a surprise party by a large number of their friends the same evening. i. :l a kind f;ice a soft brain. ... 1 Ti. ?'.";.-! and best sign of decay' li'-iore old ag in years has come, is' c :j'Piitment. I ... I It is folly to expect wisdom from I is !'.! and sucklings, but there is a ' " in hind of parent, usually ma-' i' rnal, that expects a child to tin-'; d-rsttutd instinctively the customs' '.nat the mother was thirty years in a-'Cjiiiring. Also you're never to old to un learn. Sometimes in shooting folly as it files we pierce wisdom in a strange disguise. ... When a man wishes to buy an automobile and knows he can't afford it, he generally says the doctor has told him that he or some body in his family must be out of doors more. Cheerful givers are always in the majority. Tell a man he's a ' hut don't call him an 'good sport,1 "old sport." Oregon for Every Community Every Community for Oregon THAT'S what the newly organized Oregon ijl Chamber of Commerce represents in de veloping and promoting the industry and resources of this state. i You too ran co-operato by working through the Farm ers & Stot-kxrowcrs National Bank. FARMERS & STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK Heppner Oregon Minor Musings People are pretty much alike, but some are more so man omens. . Poverty is always unfortunate, seldom criminal and never anything to brag about. . No man Is stronger than his stomach but some stomachs are stronger than men or they wouldn't be able to stand the abuse they re ceive Clothes do not make the man, of course, and sometimes the lack of them, indeed, seems to make the woman. The spirit of mortal Is proud be cause it is the spirit of mortal. The man who falls upon an icy sidewalk and neither orally nor men tally uses the strongest words hs ever heard to express his feelings, need not worry about his chances of a bright hereafter. - A good deal of good luck is a ! matter of habit, same as bad luck. ' Either one may be increased by the I proper kind of publicity, i ' If a man's nose 1b kept to the grindstone by an extravagant family, the whole town always knows it. 1 OUR WISH FOR YOU IS A Happy and Prosperous Year During 1919 This can be best attained by buying your Groceries of PHELPS GROCERY CO: N. B. We have just heceivnd a large and varied assortment of HOME CANNED FRUITS. It might pay you to look them over It was probably the next day or two after Christmas that Shakes peare remarked, "Who steals my purse steals trash." . A brilliant man can always lay his bad temper on his genius' be cause nobody knows what genius is, anyway. In spite of what the movies would have you believe, all men who wear evening clothes do not have evil de signs upon women. ... We hear mostly about mother love, but there really is a good deal of father love, too, that deserves oc casional mention before the funeral . A good many people who have been speaking patronizingly of "our boys" across the seas as though they were their private employes, are due for) a good deal of patronage themselves "when the boys come home." ... If you have nothing to worry you, chances are nobody is worrying about you. If you are unable to think clearly early in the morning it means that you have never been able to think clearly any time. ... Everybody knows thr.t profiteering is the one thing that now threatens the country's social and political stability, but everybody seems to be waiting on everybody else to stop it. ... The past is yours, of course, and the future is what you make it, we're told, but if you investigate you'll find that most of your past really belongs- to somebody else and your future largely is what others may make it for you. .... A child is often happy about noth ing and an adult is unhappy about the Bame thing. . As a matter of fact you . never knew a child to be spanked with a slipper, never saw anybody throw a bootjack at a cat and probably never saw a bootjack; and never knew an old maid that wore curls and hoop-skirts: . The only kind of lie that is likely to be believed by a wife is a compli ment, and its certain to be. . Great men are known by the com pany they don't keep. . If you don't mind your critics they'll soon cease minding you. Here's hoping they don't come back from the peace conference in pieces. ... , Who has himself for a hearer al ways has an understanding audience 8000 REWARD. LOST 600 head of sheep, be tween Echo and L. P. Davidson ranch in Morrow county. Sheep branded K on wool. Old ewes, mixed year lings and mixed lambs. Will pay $1.00 per head for return of any or all of these sheep, or for information leadine to their recovery. lm L. P. DAVIDSON, lone, Oregon, SECOND HAND GOODS Such as heating and cook stoves, cupboards, kitchen cabinets, tabls, cottsn mattresses, stove pipe, stove repairs, such as lids, doors, grates, etc. I sell the Peterson Tire Welders and keep the rubber for welding; also repairing of tires and tubes. All MONTERESTELU MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS PENDLETON, OREGON FINE MONUMENT AND CEMETERY WORK All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders ALL WORK GUARANTEED ' ft takes qualify to m make a real bargain, sap Kelly we oanner We "This small chew of Real Gravely gives more real tobacco satisfaction than a big chevy of ordinary plug. It tastes better and lasts longer." Good taste, smaller chew.longer life ishat makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writ tot Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA. for booklet on chewing plug Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch Call and see me and investigate the Best Bargains in Mor row County Wheat Farms and Stock Ranches RoyV.Whiteis SQUARE DEAL is the rule of our business. 1 yfJ'X turn jmm 1 MMfrSHia 1 1 tra . WHAT WE MEAN BY A "SQUARE DEAL" IS THIS: WE GIVE VOL . KNOWN, RELIABLE BRANDS OF HARD WARE. WE STAND BEHIND EVERYTHING WE SAY AND SELL AND MAKE GOOD. OUR PRICES ABE FAIR AND HONEST. WE GIVE YOU PROMPT ATTENTION. WE WON'T LET A CUSTOMER LEAVE OCR STORK UNLESS HE IS SATISFIED WITH OUR GOODS AND PRICES. WHY DON'T YOl' BUY FROM US? Peoples Hardware Co. work guaranteed. ' j91m W. W. SHAMHART. Heppner, HaT6 moved my dressmakiug St parlors to my residence. MRS. A. G. DeVORE.