THE GAZETTK-T1.MES, HEPPNKB, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1918 PAGE SKV1 s 'I i Chas. M. Howe Farm Sale and Live Stock Auctioneer P. 0. Box 442 lone, Oregon 4 Ben Buschke and family got moved the past week from the Jim Rhea place to the Jeff Jones ranch and he Is now a resident ' of the Hcppner country. Mr. Buschke re cently purchased the Higga place and ! he also rented a part of the Jone3 I land which he will farm in conjunc tion with the Higga land. . LOST A sorrel Alley, two years old, weight about 700 pounds, branded B on left shoulder. Reward will be paid for Information leading to recovery. Inform this office. 24-6t ' LI CECIL NEWS ITEMS Jack Hynd autoed to the county seat Saturday. Carl Yount and family were Cecil callers on Sunday. Mrs. and Miss Barnes visited friends in Cecil Friday. lone Independent: E. M. Shutt, Editor Crawford of the Gazette Times and County Agent Brown were a delegation of Heppnerites on their way to the Cecil Liberty Loan meet ing Friday night last who took din ner at Hotel lone. F. M, Beck, commission man, took out a car of cattle from the local yards on Sunday. They .went to the Portland market. Eugene. Penland also took out the same day a car of fat hogs, his destination being Port land, also. Mr. and Mrs. E. . Rood came p from Portland on Thursday last ai 1 will spend a few weeks visiting herj. We are glad to note that Mr. Rood :s entirely recovered from his seve e illness of the past summer and is no v looking and feeling well. lone Independent: Elmer Cochran. U. S. N., stationed at Seattle, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cochran, is home Miss Etta Barnes arrived in Cecil on 8 snort furlough. Elisha Sperry, A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove meant kitchen comfort end convenience. Ask your friend who his one. Used in 3,000,000 homes. Inexpensive, easy to operate. See them at your dealer's today. Ready to Cook in a Jiffy Just the touch of a match and your New Perfection Oil Cook Stove is ready for cooking. No waiting for the fire to burn up. Easier to operate than a coal or wood stove: No smoke or odor; no dust or dirt. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts, all the year round. All the convenience of gas. And a cool kitchen in summer. In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes, with or without ovens or cabinets. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) HEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE - G. W. MILHOLLAND, Special, Agent, Heppner. DEALERS: Gilliam & Binbee, Heppner Leach Bros., Lexington Johnson & Bristow, lone T. B. Lowe. Cecil Slab and Cord Wood, Utah Lump and Rock Springs Coal Leave Orders with A. Z. Barnard ALBERT WILLIAMS MT. HOOP ICE CREAM Pure -:- Delicious -:- Refreshing Something Special Every Sunday ALL SOFT DRINKS SERVED HERE THE VERY BEST THE PALM LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES BEST CANDIES HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. Manufacturers and Distributers of White Star Flour and Dealers in Hour, Feed, Grain, Stock and Poultry Supplies on Sunday from Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor of lone spent Sunday at the Last Camp. Mrs. H. V. Tyler and family spent Frjday at the home of Mrs. R. E. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan of the Leon Logan place were Cecil callers Friday. r.iiss Bernice Franklin is spending I lie week-end at her home at Rhea '. Siding. U. E. Baker of the B. Miller place is busy hauling wheat into the Cecil warehouse. Jack Hynd and T. H. Lowe ac companied by Wm. Malcom autoed o lone Tuesday. Miss Hazel Winters of Shady Dell was a lone visitors Tuesday return ing home Wednesday. Miss Lake of Independence, Is teaching at the Four School, 14 pupils being enrolled. W. T. May who has been working on Shuttler Flats Js home again on the "Lone Star" ranch. Oral Hendriks.en who has been at home for the past two weeks left on i'uesday for Puget Sound. George and Ed Melton came in from Heppner Tuesday and left for Portland and other points on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mahorney and family' if San Pedro, Calif., arrived in Cecil m Friday where they will make their home. Mr. Lanford and son of Tennessee,-! who have been working for Jack Hynd for the past month left for leppner on Saturday. Oscar Lundell of Rhea Siding vas an lone caller where he invested in a Reo car. Oscar will be kept busy hitting the high places these days. W. G. and David Hynd accom panied by their sister, Miss Annie, spent the week-end in Cecil, coming over to bid their nephew good bye, T. W. Lowe having enlisted in the Army. All those who assisted in any, way with clothing for the Belgiums and also the linen shower for the Hos pitals are cordially thanked by the chairman of Cecil Auxiliary of the Red Cross. Mr, and Mrs. Lowmas and family . of Missouri, old time friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Franklin of the Falr bjurst ranch are visiting them for an indefinite time and may locate here if they can find a suitable place. The total of the Basket Social reached the handsome sum of $181. 65. 27 baskets were sold. Expenses music, $12; printing of bills, $1.60, leaving a balance of $168.15, which has been sent to the lone branch of the Red Cross auvtuu won auuwo ione Doy and a son of Mrs. R. C. Sperry, is a ship mate of Elmer. Both young men are doing well and are delighted with the service. Ione Independent: R. S. Bradley, who ranches in the Eight Mile neighborhood, was in town -Friday having repairs to machinery made. Mr. Bradley told an Independent re porter that he alone had harvested a 200-acre crop of wheat with a one man combine and that it done cleaner work than any other harvester he had yet seen. He thinks this ma chine will do much to solve the farm labor problem. Mrs. Dan Mosier, of Sand Hollow, spent the week-end in town, visiting with the Turner 'families. To All Wheat Growers of Morrow County I will be in the market for all classes of wheat at all times during the coming season, prices baed on government inspection slips. Bags and harvesting I supplies at market prices. PHILL COHN t ' - ; : I Fnnfl Will IWiJp War ! i n m m m a m m mm m n m mi am inn iub . m ib h w tta m m m i I w v I aaa. aur VVBMV UAV I I &1 T Eat plenty; Eat wisely, but without waste. Save Wheat, Meat, Fats and Sugar. The Soldiers at the front will need them all. Be loyal to your own state. Use more Potatoes and ship more wheat. PHELPS GROCERY CO. 7 X T 7 7 ? T ? 7 T 7 t I 7 7 7 X 7 7 4 THE FEDERATED CHURCH. Next Sunday morning we shall hold a Rally Day Service of the Sunday School and Church. The time will be 10:00 a. m. A short program will take the place of the usuul services.. Parents of the children are specially invited to be present and thus encourage the Sunday School members, . teachers and officers. Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. m. Topic "Strengthening tho Weak Points." Leader, Katherine Patti- son. . Evening service 8:00 p. m. ' H. A. NOYES, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Sunday, October 13, 1918. 10:00 a. m Bible School. Pro motion Day Exercises. Certificates will be awarded to those who have been promoted. 11:00 a. m., Morning worship. Sermon subject: "Why I Believe the Bible to Be the Word of God." 7:00 p. m., C. E. Meeting. 8:00 p. m Preaching service. Subject: "Jesus, Our Priest." Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., mid-week service. F. A. ANDREWS, Minister. David and Billy Hynd were' in from the Sand Hollow sheen ranch Monday. Their sheep have come down from the high mountains and will be placed on good range as the recent rains have brought the grass a fileree up in fine shape. B. G. Sigsbee and family moved into their new home the first of the week. They recently purchased the place of: S. T. Goff next door to the Wood worth place, where they have been living for the naBt two years. This latter place was recently pur chased by N. F. Lawson who will occupy the same with his family. LOST One black and white spot ted sow pig, weight about 35 pounds. Swallow fork nnderbit in one year. Finder please notify People once went to New York for the Opera Season No w they stay at home with The NEW EDISON fPfl) . J FOR this marvelous instrument brings Grand Opera right into their homes. B SBq wado esjnoa jo -XuBjajji 'seA double appeal: to the eye and to the ear. The New Edison can't supply the former but it certainly does the latter. Se far as hearing the great artists of to-day is con cerned they themselves can give you no more than The NEW EDISON ''The Phonograph with a Soul." You can't improve upon perfection and this invention Re-Creates the singer's votce with such perfection that no human ear can dis tinguish artist from instrument. The Ed ison tone testa in which he singers have sung in direct comparison with the New Edison have proved this to more than 2,000,000 listeners. More than 1500 ot these tests have been held. More than 30 great artists have appeared in them. Drop into our store to-morrow and hear a demonstration. Oscar R. Otto Heppner, Oregon Edison Re-Creations should not be play-i ed and cannot be played properly on any other instrument. If they could be, the manufacturers who seek to profit by Mr. Edison's research work would be able to make tone test comparisons, such as have been made with the New Edison before two million muic lovers. 2t T. A. DRISKELL, Heppner, Or.