FAGR SIX thk gAKfra-aaiiutw&m, otuaoos, tbtbsday; September i, 1015. UNIVERSITY of OREGON 2 r at War Ck..! nit arlpiit ifi d nriitiwnfik.SrtiLftl it v ruuiuuru --. - r training in Commerce, Journalism, Arrliileciiircv Laaifediciiae I Tewliin. Library Vark. Mu.ic HoaarhoM Art. l'hyeical Training an FlwArf. i 3? an -w-eiM. ' aa rrr war. Caoplrte ayalrai a kmaukie. . I t" . ..U krianaiau. Ollieial li.in.iHttHU pt. Taili-a FREE. I.rary l SO.OO0 nlan. Danallarira iat alia la- g 1 I.T 7 Illaall I II ISJ1 IIIHI "III II I i 1 ; aw K Thii, th. -L"-He.d tm of automobile engine, like ail interna combustion 0njin requires an oil that holds its lubricating qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the com bustion chambers and foes out with axhsust. EROLENK fills theee requirements perfectly, oacaoaa it ia corraorr re nnet from Mfecfeef Catf lomtM MsphMjt-to crude, trtTiliTI lilirtliiYlTTTmiri HiinrsasaaaaJ wProvenEntiiySalisnWtoiy J jmy ptnect sausiacnon can o- a count tor the use of ZEKOLENJC 3 by the majority of automobile v ers. Leading- coast distributors also testify- that Jfc 4 la wmtnm ...i.f.lnrv mntnv Ait " L Thev know from the records of departments and we know from exhaustwat . S tests that ZEROLKNE, correctly Definaet 3 from selected California asphalt-baar arudav m Sres perfect lubrication with least carbarn posit. Get our lubrication chart stowing tot correct consistency for your ctr. At dceJera everywhere and Standard' Off Service Stmtionm. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ZEROLEME Re Stwkid Oil &r Motor Grs 1 l li illimil.WJJJjmUl uwxnntt G. W. MILHOLLAND SPECIAL AGENT HEPPNER, OREGON Ml W 'ITH the Deering Combined Harvester you can harvest your crop for one-half the ex pense you can any other way. Two irien is all that is necessary to put your wheat in the sack The machine cleans the gram in perfect manner, takes out and saves all weed seed and leaves straw in bunches to be easily taken care of. Can furnish them with or without an engine. Will have to have your order early in order to insure getting the machine. The factory is lim ited to a definite number of machines and when that number is reached there will be no more for anyone. Give Us Your Order Now GILLIAM & BISBEE 1 10NTERESTELLI i MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS "rT ; PENDLETON. OREGON PINE MONUMENT AND CEMETERY WORK All parties interested in getting work in my lam should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders ALL WORK GUARANTEED fit Mien Siport War Program C aVi i III ia fata Tkeaa. rs of eWingvwt property of saefc sMfotiaancj - throe jh publication Second That because of the (ail are- os eoanty assessors, past or mant to correct assessment - rolli as to anion to the deed record. S&arHs mra mat ia possession of the nraa atstd address of owners of deBatiaeat pionc'ty and a written notice ia therefore Impractical. Third That ander the system of mailed notices the mortgagee of in ensbered property Is not notified of tax ateBBrtneacy. Fbarta That the entire cost of the yaastkatloa notice Is paid for by the owner of deUaqnent property and aot by the general taxpayers. Piftn That the owner of 'delin quent property is not the unfortunate toQer. wot the boom real estate op erator or the careless person. The former sftonld receive publicity for the protection of poor persons who are purchasing from him on install xnent contracts and who have no means of learning of tax delin quency. The latter needs the pub lished notices to direct his attention to his delinquency. Sixth That the discontinuance of the poblished notice will result In far more property becoming delin quent thereby reducing available renve to the state and its political subdivisions, and receiving the op portasity for the operations of the delimraent tax shark. Seventh That by increasing the amount of anpald taxes the general taxpayer ia compelled to raise addl tioaal revenue. Therefore the reten tion of the present publication law Is for the protection of the general tax- have enjoyed, the most royal hospi tality. Our thanks are also extended to the McDonald & Vaughn Logging Company for the courtesies extended this association at their spruce camp and for the luncheon served at the noon hour. ' ' That our thenks go to thomer ican Type Founders Company and the Blake. McFall Company, of Port land,, for. the beautiful and appro priate, badges furnished gratis to this session of, the .Association. ISght That the end sought is to rednee the cost of permitting taxes to become delinquent then the sub ject should be approached in a ra tional and scientific manner. A measure should he framed providing for reduction in penalties or interest, hat la such manner as will not en danger delinquency. We, your committee appointed to imggest to the state Liberty Loan committee a method for raising finds for the purchase of space in the newspapers of the state, beg leave to report as follows: Appreciating the past hearty co operation extended the press of the state by the State Publicity Commit tee, we wish to pledge to the State Committee our earnest cooperation with oar news and editorial columns and we trust that the committee will call noon us and give us the oppor tunity to serve to any reasonablt -extent. We agree with the State Commit tee that the desired results can nob- be achieved with news and editorials alone and we approve the proposal of the State Committee to make liberal nse of the advertising col umns of the papers of the state. We do not feel, however, that we shosld.be called upon to solicit funds for advertising in our own columns. We do not wish to be placed in the position of soliciting funds for our own profit and thereby leaving our selves open to the accusation of profiting upon the patriotism of the people. We remain of the opinion, how ever, that the use of advertising space is necessary and also that the newspapers have done their duty when they give full news and editor ial snpport. That a committee of five be ap pointed from this association to meet next week with the county managers of the Fourth Libert) loan; that st that time the amounts desired for advertising in each coun ty be apportioned and that the method of raising such fund be devised at such time and that, such funds, be expended as suggested by the state committee. We suggest that the committee ap pointed from this association to act with the Liberty Loan committee be given power to act for all the mem bers of this association. This committee suggests that in cases where the funds for Liberty Loan advertising must bo raised by private subscriptions, that the com mittee having this matter in charge prepare lists of those who have pre viously subscribed to similar loans, as well as lists of those who haven't so subscribed, but should, and that the state comittee co-operate by writing to the persons given In such lists. . Whereas, the Oregon State Editor ial Association, during the 1918 ses sion of its convention, has been royally entertained for three days by the open hearted hospitality of the people of Coos Bay, and Whereas, this association has been brought la touch with one of the greatest sec tions of our great state, and has witnessed the activities In lumbering and shipbuilding, which wlthinltself has been a liberal education to all the members of the Association at tending this session, therefore, be it resolved that the thanks of this association be extended to the North Bend Chamber of Commerce, the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce and Hon. Louis J. Simpson; the commercial organizations and Mr. Simpson co-operating to make our visit one of continuous pleasure and profit And we do especially thank Mr. Simpson and his wife for the kindly Invitation to spend a part of its sessions at beautiful Shore Acres their mansion by the sea, where we PRECAUTIONS AGAINST POISON .1X0 OF SHEEP. The movement of sheep from the several Forest. Reserves of, Oregon will soon take place and heretofore numerous losses caused by the eating of poisonous plants has been exper ienced by a number of sheep owners in certain sections of the state. In order to protect against the possible loss of sheep by plant poisoning the following precautions are recom mended: It has been found that sheep are more apt to become ' poisoned by eating lupine when they are hot and very hungry, therefore the sheep most likely to be poisoned are those that are trailed out from the Forest Reserves later In the season, the sheep first moved as a rule con sume all of the available vegetation, therefore the feed that is most likely left Is that which is ill-suited for sheep forage. Occasionally owners will, in an effort to avoid possible poisonings hurry their animals. This has been found to be a practice which is possibly responsible for many of the losses. Sheep when al lowed to drift through a patch of lupine, or for that matter, other poisonous plants, will frequently not eat greedily of it, while if they are hurried or closely grouped they seem to lose their natural instinct and will gorge themselves. It has been found that sheep are very greedy and are imitators. When one eats of a quantity of a plant, others will attempt to do the same. Apparently the greatet losses occur after the sheep are once brought down to the headquarter ranches. They are generally in a more or less starved condition arid owners will frequently turn them out the following day and allow them to eat at will and being In a famished condition, they will fre quently start in on the lupine that is everywhere present in certain sec tions. Whether the poisoning al ways results from the poisonous principle of the plant or whether it results from the condition known as overloading it is difficult to say. At any rate, great losses are frequently experienced. Lupine in the pod stage is poisonous. Owners can guard against this by allowing their sheep to fill up on dry feed before being turned out, then it would be well for owners to carefully herd them until they have become well filled. After being down in the foot hills for a few days the principal dangers will have subsided. Antidotes, as a rule, are not efficient against troubles arising from the eating of poisonous plants. The only really safe method lies in precautionary handling and feeding. In short, do not hurry sheep through lupine districts, when massed they eat everything. Best avoid poison districts if you can. Do not allow sheep to graze on the lower fall range until they have been filled up on dry feed and rested a day. Do not allow, sheep to become worried or excited when first turned out on a new range or in trailing down from the Forest Reserve, allow them to spread out and drift. J. A. Miller has leased the electric light plant to J. B. Spark of Hepp ner. Mr. Sparks is an experienced man In the business, having installed and owned a plant of his own, whlctt he made a success of. He will Install an oil burning engine near the center of the town so as to equalize the load, and he expects to have the plant running as early as possible not later than November 15th. Mr. Sparks has an option to pur chase the old plant, all but the steam engine. The people of Fossil will appreciate the electric lights when the plant Is in operation again; and we are thankful to Mr. Miller for uis efforts to get them in operation permanently. Fossil Journal, The Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C, announce a Civil Service examination for the position of Forest Ranger, Forest Service, U. 8. Department of Agriculture, at I Pendleton, Oregon, on. October 28. 1918. Full particulars and applica tion blanks etc., may be obtained from the Commission at Washington D. C, or the Forest Supervisor. Pendleton, Oregon. E. E. Miller and wife, of were visitors in Heppner for a time Wednesday afternoon. lone, short Our Boys Are "Over There" 1 rK HAD LIBERTY AXD DEMOCRACY TO WORK FOR IX THE FORMER LIBERTY LOAX DRIVES. BUT NOW "OUR BOYS" ARB THERE DEPENDING UPON US. PUT OVER THE COM ING 4TH LIBERTY LOAN QUICK AND BIO. Let's show 'em that Oregon home folks are as prompt to lend their money as our boys are to GIVE THEIR ALL. YOU CAN COUNT ON THE FARMERS 4 STOCKGROW ERS NATIONAL BANK. FARMERS 6c STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK Heppner Oregon m Iniiiii mi'tiiiil JlIIIIIl YOU can enjoy warm floors for the little folks an evenly heated home day and night no fires to build on cold mornings remarkable saving in fuel money with Cole's Original ; Hot Blast Heater Due to its guaranteed air-tight construction, powerful radiat ing body and Cole's Hot Blast Combustion. Avoid imita tions. I ook for this trade mark on the feed door. o GILLIAM & BISBEE Heppner, Oregon No. 767 fcV-- -Tv t IN. " JH M tliav tint nr.1v 1Mb uul hit thanr fe.l U and They .All Look Good tliAV tint mtlv IaaV aAn!. hnt tfimr faal emAil and they wear well and keep their shape for ever. There's a wonderful difference between a well knit, all wool-of-hlgh-grade, ribbed itlteh sweater and the common sweaters that you buy In the dark, as it were. Buy fulh name Jantzen thereon, you can rat assured that you are getting a garment that Sou will enjoy owning for a long, long me. There't a Jantzen dtaltr in your town. JANTZEN KNITTING MILLS y your next sweater or bathing suit ears ly; look at the label, and if jen find the THOMSON BROTHERS N0T1CE-A GENUINE JANTZEN