THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON. THURSI AY, AUGUST 8, 1918. PAGE THREE G.-T. WANT COLUMN FOIl SALE Good 5-room houae, built three years. Furnished thru out with best of furniture and player piano. A bargain if taken soon. In quire Gazette-Times office. 15-lm ted from system already installed; an Ideal home place. Inquire at this of fice. 13-lm. FOR SALE Sixteen-foot Holi Combine In good condition. Price reasonable. Inquire Gazette-Times FOR SALE Light team of horses weight about 1150 pounds. Inquire this office. 4t FOR SALE Studebaker car, sev en passenger, Model "35", perfect mechanical condition. Terms $450. $200 cash and note for balance. In quire at this office. tf. FOR SALE One Deering 2-man Combine, with engine. lias never been run. Terms reasonable. tf. WALT ROOD, Heppner. FOR SALE Mack truck in good running order. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE Good home tract on outskirts of Meppner: about 4 acres. Plenty of fruit, berries etc., and fine garden tract that can be well irriga- PltOEKHHIONAL COLl MJ Dr. N. E. WINNARD Physician Surgeon Office in Fair Building HEPPNER OREGON A. D.McMURDO, M.D. Physfciun & Surgeon Office In Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER :-: :-: OREGON Dr. R. J. VAUGHN . DENTIST Permanently located In the Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 5. HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER - - ORE. Telephone 722 (Day or Night) DR. J. L. CALLOWAY Osteopathic Physician 6 Roberts Building Phone 643 At Lexington Tuesdays and Thursdays WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN E YS-AT-LA W Office in Masonic Building, Heppner, Oregon Oflce on west end of May Street HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LA W Office, Roberts Building, Heppner, Office Phone, Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oreg. F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER IONE -: OREGON PATTERSON & ELDER ' 2 Doors North Palace Hotel. TONSORAL ARTISTS FINE BATHS SHAVING 250 ROY V. WHITEIS Fire Insurance writer for beat Old Line Companies. HEPPNER OREGON M. J. BRADFORD "The Village Painter" Contractding Painting and Paper hanging, Phone 653. Office 1st Door Wtst of Creamery DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon. Regular monthly visits to Hepp ner and lone. Watch paper for dates. E. J. STARKEY Electrician House Wiring a Specialty Heppner Oregon Phone 633 FOR SALE Best combine harves ter, 16 or 20 foot cut. In good run ning order except draper. Term reasonable. Inquire Slierma Wake field ranch on Heppner Flat. FOR SALE Two, good, heavy, gentle work mules. Five head of good work horses and mares, three ol which are good leaders. Inquin Frank Anderson, Heppner. 4-tf WANTED To rent a farm of some 64 0 acres. Party has horses, imple ments, feed and seed. Would like be tween 400 and 500 acres of farm land. Inside fifteen miles of Hepp ner. Or will buy on crop payment contract. Inquire at this office. LOST Berkshire sow, 2 or 3 yrs old. Reward. Eastern Oregon Jack Farm, Lexington, Oregon. $20.00 REWARD. Will be paid by the undersigned for the recovery of one black mule about ten years old, branded TJD connected on left stifle or shoulder. Left my place about March 15. Phone or write T. E. Peterson, Eight' Mile NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! The people of Heppner are re quested to clean out their cellars and basements that were filled last week, as soon as possible, and to also use disinfectants so that the danger of typhoid may be reduced to the mini mum. W. W. SMEAD, Mayor. I would kindly request that all those who were owing me on account of board and room rent at the time of the fire, will now settle up. I have many adjustments to make and need all that is coming, and need it promptly. Will you assist me. PALACE HOTEL CO. J. L. Wilkins, Manager. Phone Main 204 for your baggage transfer or the bus to the depot. M. L. CANTWELL. ALL TRASH MUST BE CLEANED UP ! Notice is hereby given that, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday, July 23, 24 and 25 are to be general clean up days for Heppner. All trash of every description must be removed from the City. The City Council will have teams to haul off the trash, ow ner to pay reasonable price there for. Arrangements have also been made to use the burned off part 'of town where all trasli that will burn will be burned by the Marshal, sav ing a lot of expense in hauling. Peo ple will therefore see that all trash that will burn is kept seperate from that that will not burn. W. W. SMEAD, Meyor. Heppner, Oregon, July 17, 1918. TO WAR FUND SUBSCRIBERS Notice is hereby given to all per sons 'who have signed pledges to both first and second war fund drives that same are past due Don't wait for personal reminders, Uncle Sam needs the money, so come through. PHILL COHN, War Fund CaBhier. FARM FOR SALE 1440 acres, known as the Brown place, 3 miles north of Heppner. Inquire of owner, Geo. B. Woodward, postoffice Adams, Oregon. 2t LOST Two rings, one with em erald setting and the other with earnet. Greatly valued as keep sakes. Reward given and no ques tions asked when returned. MRS. B. L. LEWIS. LOST Mare, saddle and bridle. Sorrel, bald face, bob-tailed, weight about 950, branded J on stifle. Saddle branded E M C. $5.00 re ward. 16-3t. McENTIRE BROS., Cecil Or. NOTICE ! Notice is hereby given that any person who builds any fire within the corporate limits of the city of Hepp ner within 60 feet of any building without first obtaining the consent of the Marshal will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This notice to be in effect until further notice. W. W. SMEAD. Mayor. A 10-20 and 12-25 Case Gas Trac tor, guaranteed to be In good con dition, for sale by Vaughn & Sons, Heppner. TO RED CROSS KNITTERS Attention of Red Cross knitters Is called to the new shipment of yarn that has arrived at headquarters. You can get your supply now by calling at the Federated Church from 2 to 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoons. ing used at fires or by the fire com panies at practice, or any other time, will be prosecuted. By order of the City Council, W. W. SMEAD, Mayor. FOR SALE OR RENT 320 acres north of Lexington. Price, including buildings, horses, cows, pigs, machin ery and fence, $30 per acre. Good water. Will take part cash, some exchange or crop payments. Prop erty free and clear. Write S. C. Schwarz, 127 East 16th St., Port land, Oregon. FOR SALfci r'ora car in good condition. Price $360. W. W. Shamhart. Inquire N. A. Clark, Heppner. 3t FOR- SALE One sow, with six pis nine weeks old. See Guy Shaw at office of Standard Oil Co., Hepp ner. i6-2t O. A. C, Corvallis, August 7. A silo is a pasture under cover, the contents of which can be used at any time of the year as a profitable feed for dairy cattle, beef cattle, horses, mules, sheep, hogs, and chickens, points, out E. L. Westover, dairy husbandman and L. E. Robinson assistant professor of rural architec ture at O. A. C, in Extension Bul letin No. 297 just issued. Some of the important points in silo construction brought out are a3 follows: The foundation should be well con structed and should be made of con crete possessing the greatest possible density, so as to prevent the silage juice from seeping through into the barnyard. The top of the foundation should be at least ten inches above the ground line. The walls of the silo should be practically air-tight. The inner surfaces of the walls should be smooth and perpendicular. The inner surfaces of the walls should be free from corners: hence round silos are more efficient and economical than other type. A good roof makes the silo, more durable, adds greatly to its appear j ance and assists materially in keep I ing the silage from drying out. The bulletin is entitled "A Silo For Every Farm" and may Be had for the asking. Sapolio doing its work. Scouring forU.S.Marine Corps recruits. OH CO. Join Now I APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE for SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM Men who wear this emblem re U.S. MARINES T571. 3. which ao you wai for your 10c ordi nary plug or lasting tobacco satisfaction. Keal travel? Chewing Phi 10c a pouch and morsh it 1 WW Grose.'1 fa jf j tonaiManserltcm: no more tockiw oip. vTtii.iary hi, P. B. Gravely Tobacco Cjiji; oy Dauvilie, Virginia NOTICE 1 Any person who drives over any fire hose with auto, wagon, or any kind of vehicle when such hose is be- W. H. Cronk, hustling Tum-a-Lum man of lone, was doing business In Heppner for a short time Saturday afternoon. HELPisSCARCE and the weeds will ruin the summer fallow If not killed. THE JONES WEEDER will save 60 in labor and do a bet ter job than the usual methods. Get yours early before they are all gone SeeC E Jones or H G Ashbaugh Heppner, Ore. rm It VKsMiS JfelfSi 0mh$ ' " tatefe', ' . CSMfly ''Mm MmiUc. Have I Obswte them by Eating - ISCSBWg ea"eSSUaySI FISH fresh or sahed lllfor IWT Jtl The PeP,e's Cash Market i<iPfe A il spBej Jmyf J vi Is cooperating with the food administration by encouraging the sale jfe V V5'j ' Jm$"y?.I jr - Ji'ZL'f'. (f flsh and Poultry s substitutes for the other meats which we want SS& IflHN'- V (-"f ' V " SkwVJ'iJf ' ''7 K save. mfc? vm J&g&5f fh"Mn7lW4n FRESH oysters, clams, crabs, fish S5n ft ($53 f-Y 7 ((ssr- -i - ii m i v" 1 Aif i i-4 mM , Xy'X-''-. - X '?lk!i JUtiSff'l Mr Hoover says: "Eat more fish." The best will be found here. 1 i I W J, MsrmMM ' 73 iy : The technicalities of tire con- J I WL3 struction do not interest you. It 4 WT4 jW LOCKS KN,vs to Wi ' isn't what goes into a tire, but what comes out I! !"d $m V? xVaoTl j -H - H of it, that counts. j Vf-it ? ' 'VETS LB 1 MW elly-Springfield Tires go their guaranteed distance on the road not over the .adjustment counter, and 7000, 8000 or 10,000 miles on the highway is a com mon Kelly-Springfield performance. HENRY COHN, Local Dealer WE WON'T Ti:i.I. Vol "WE ARE JI ST OCT OF IT" WHEN V(r COME TO I S I () HAKDW.XKE. WE CAKHY THE STOCK, lilXAlSE WK KNOW WHAT YOt A HE LIKELY TO WANT AM) WE CAN El llNlSH YOC WITH EYEHYTHl.Vti YOl NEED. AITHO WE KEEI Ol K STOCK VP WE KEEP THE PK1CES DOWN'. MO, WHEXEYEH YOV NEED AXYTHIXtJ IX HAHUWAKE CO.ME TO OVH NTOKK WHEItE YOV A HE Sl'KE OF GETTING THE KIOHT THING AT TIU ItltiHT PHICE. tE OVK HAHUWAIlEj IT STANDS HARD WEAR. Peoples Hardware Co Successorsto Tash & Akers