THK GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THTR8D AY, JULY 25, 1018. PAGE THREB G.-T. WANT COLUMN FOR SALE! Good 5-room house, built three years. Furnished thru out with best of furniture and player piano. A bargain if taken soon. In quire Gazette-Times office. 15-lm FOR SALE Light team of horses weight about 1150 pounds. Inquire this office. 4t rX)R SALE Studebaker car, sev en passenger, Model "36", perfect mechanical condition. Terms $460, $200 cash and note for balance. In quire at this office. tt. FOR SALE One Deering 2-man Combine, with engine. Has never been run. Terms reasonable, tf. WALT ROOD, Heppner. ted from system already installed; an ideal home place. Inquire at this of fice. 13-lm. FOR SALE Sixteen-foot Holi Combine la good condition. Price reasonable. Inquire Gazette-Time FOR SALF Rest combine hart ea ter, 16 or 20 foot cut. In Kooa run ning order except draper. Termt reasonable. Inquire Sherman Wake field ranch on Heppner Flat. FOR SALE Two, good, heavy, gentle work mules. Five head of good work horses and mares, three cf which are good leaders. Inquire Frank Anderson, Heppner. 4-tf FOR SALE--Mack truck in good running order. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE Good home tract on outskirts of Heppner; aDoui acrea. Plenty of fruit, berries etc., and fine garden tract that can be well irrlga- PUolTiHHloTiATraMS Dr. N. E. WINNARD Phyttlciaii Surge Office in Fair Building HEPPNER - OREGON A.D. McMTJRDO, M.D. Physician & Surgeon Office in Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER ;; ;-: OREGON Dr. R. J. VAUGHN DENTIST Permanently located In the Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and S. HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate uitppver - - ORE. Telephone 722 (Day or Night) DR. J. U CALLOWAY Osteopathic Physician 6 Roberts Building Phone 643 At Lexington Tuesdays and Thuridays WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYB-AT-LAW Office in Masonic Building, Heppner, Oregon Oflce on weBt end of May Street HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office, Roberts Building, Heppner Office Phone, Main 643 Residence rhone Main 665 FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oreg. P. H. ROBINSON LAWYER IONH :-: :-: :-: :: -: OREGON PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Roors North Palace Hotel. TONSORAL ARTISTS FINE BATHS SHAVING 26o ROY V. WHITEIS Fire Insurance writer for best Old Line Companies. HEPPNER OREGON M. J. BRADFORD "The Village Talntcr" Contractdlng Painting and Paper hanging, Phone 663. Office 1st Door Wtst of Creamery DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon. Regular monthly visits to Hepp ner and lone, watcn paper for dates. E. J. STARKEY Electrician House Wiring a Specialty . Heppner Oregon Phone 633 WANTED To rent a farm of some 640 acres. Party lias horses, imple ments, feed and sued. Would like be tween 400 and 500 acres of farm land. Inside fifteen miles of Hepp ner. Or will buy on crop payment contract. Inquire at this office. LOST Mare, saddle and bridle. Sorrel, bald face, bob-tailed, weight about 950, branded J on stllle. Saddle branded EMC. $5.00 re ward. 16-3t. McENTIRE BROS., Cecil Or. LOST Berkshire sow, 2 or 3 yrs. old. Reward. Eastern Oregon Jack Farm, Lexington, Oregon. I haul baggage and passengers to and from the depot to any part of the city. Phone 666 or 183. Lee Cant well. $20.00 REWARD. Will be paid by the undersigned for the recovery of one black mule, about ten years old, branded TJD connected on left stifle or shoulder. Left my place about March 15. Phone or write T. E. Peterson, Eight Mile NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! The people of Heppner are re quested to clean out their cellars and basements that were filled last week, as soon as possible, and to also use disinfectants so that the danger of typhoid may be reduced to the mini mum. W. W. SMEAD, Mayor. FROM BULLET III The city suffered a severe shock today when it was learned that Harlan Fell, the 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fell, died from a bullet wound in his head last night. The deceased lad was one of the best known and well liked boys of his clique and the news spread over the city like wild fire and brought a universal feeling of grief everywhere. The tragedy occured In the Fee gulch, a mile east from the central part of Pendleton. As nearly as can be learned Harlan Fell and Miss Elva Kupers, a young lady with whom he had been keep ing company for several months anm to whom it was said he was engaged to be married, went out for a short ride, and while Bitting in the car alongside the road talking, the con versation turned in such a manner that led to the commonly called "lover's quarrel." During the course of the talk, Mr. Fell chanced to grasp a Colt 32 automatic revolver in his pocket, which he had been cleaning just before starting for the drive, and he pulled this out and threatened to shoot himself. Miss Kupers caught the revolver jerked it from his hand and threw it as far as she could up the hillside. Mr. Fell jumped out of the car and ran and picked up the gun and on his way back to the car put the gun to his head and the weapon was dis charged. He fell to the ground and Miss Kupers jumped from the car, ran back to the city, a distance of almost a mile, and matter to the sheriff. notmed the coroner, STAR THEATRE, Friday, July 20. FOREST NOTES. Mcst forest fires are due to ignorance, carlessness, or malicious ness. Lookout men, whose sole business is to detect and report forest fires, live on many of the high peaks ol Oregon and Washington during the dry season and have within their range of vision most of the timber land of these two states. The Forest Service maintains 4, .150 miles rt trail in Oregon ant 4.500 miles in Washington for fire protective .urposes. A Fore; I Service standard look out house wil be placed on the sum mit of Mount Adams about August 1. The ready-cut materia! is now baiiiK transported over the last ii thousand feet of the ascent. When I in position this will be the highest forest-fire lookout house in the eoun- reoorted the'try- He at once The net receipts from the Natioa J T Brown al Forests of Oregon, Washington, who went to the scene, accompanied : anu Alaska for the fiscal year ending by J. H. Kavanaugh, city health officer, and Night Officer Charles Myers. On reaching the scene they found the boy still alive and putting him J u he 30, 1918, were $633,700.36. On the eleven forests of the district the receipts were greater than the costs of administration. In amount of receipts from all sources, the Sapolio cfc g its work. Scouring forU.Si4 . ine Corps recruits. Join Now I Veen MORGANS OM$ CO. APPLY AT ANY ?OST OFFICE for SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM Men who wear this emblem re U.S. MARINES A man may get tired cf ordi nary tobacco but never of Real Gravely Chewing Plug, with its pure, clean taste and lasting quality. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouchone worth it 1 -caw GravlyltutiMmachlongeritcott no moro to chew than ordinary plug P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia 20 I would kindly request that all those who were owing me on account of board and room rent at the time of the fire, will now settle up. I have many adjustments to make and need all that is coming, and need It promptly. Will you assist me. PALACE HOTEL CO. J. L. Wllklns, Manager. ... . I W 1 i t in n n VniV,l Ul .U. in me car, Drougnt mm to me nos-i """"- pital and the parents having been 1 district with S97,SSS.1. The Toa been notified, Mr. Fell was present 'a8s with 8.1S.74 and the Crater with his son when he passed away, iwlth $85,026.67 stood setose aci perhaps an hour after the fatal shot I third respectively, had been fired, though the boy' According to foresters, mart ol the never regained consciousness, dy- annual Ios Irom forest fires mfcht ing about 9:30 last night. UJ prevonled t) a little care en !ne While there are some features to nart ot evtrvene using lire in the NOTICE ! Notice Is hereby given that any person who builds any fire within the corporate limits of the city of Hepp ner within 60 feet of any building without first obtaining the consent of the Marshal will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This notice to be in effect until further notice. W. W. SMEAD. Mayor. Phone Main 204 for your baggage transfer or the bus to the depot. M. L. CANTWELL. the sad accident that would seem to support an inference of suicide, the general opinion of all who knew him are firmly convinced that he had no intention of injuring himself or any one else and that the trigger was puled entirely involuntarily, perhaps having stumbled or other wise tightened his hold as he was walking back to the car. The coroner did not find it nec essary to hold an inquest as the facts of the matter were entirely too apparent to need any court proofs. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Church of the Redeemer, the Rev. Alfred Lockwopd, officiating. Fel low high woods, "lie rare your fire fa oat be fore you have," is good advic and not hard to take. American soldiers engaged In the French forests write, "There have been no fires in these forests for years." The hazel hoe is considered by forest-fire fighters as the best single tool for digging fire line or trench. It is a strong brosd-bladed hoe suitable for cutting weeds and small brush as well as digging in the soil. HELPisSCARCE and the weeds will ruin the sumiuer fallow if not killed. THE JONES WEEDER will save 60 in labor and do a bet ter job than the usual methods. Get yours early before they are all gone SeeC E Jones or H C Ashbaugh Heppner, Ore. it n ix f, A V J JJLyl W. B. Barratt departed Sunday for Klamath Falls, where he will attend a meeting of the Oregon State Live ; Stock Sanitary Board, of which he is school students will serve a commissioner. He expects to be as pallbearers. Pendleton Tribune, absent for at least a week. Meatless Days! "BStllS The People's Cash Market Is cooperating with the food administration by ein'ouraning the sale of fish and poultry as substitutes for the otlier meats which we want to save. FRESH OYSTERS, GLAMS, CRABS, FISH Mr Hoover says: "Kat more fish." The best will be found here. f Phone Main, 73 HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor The Gazette-Times $2.00 After July 1st A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove means kitchen comfort and con venience. Ask your friend who has one. Used in 3,000,000 homes. Inexpensive, easy to operate. See them atyour deal er's today. Cooking Convenience All the convenience of gas that is the meaning of a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove installed in your kitchen.' Easy to operate. A touch of a match and in a jiffy your stove is ready for cooking. No smoke or smell ; no dust or dirt. More convenient than coal or wood. Better and more economical cooking all the year round. A cool kitch en in summer. And you have all the convenience of gas. In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes, with or without ovens or cabinets. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK iSTOVE G. W. MILHOLLAND, Special Agent, Heppner DEALERS: Gilliam & Bisbee, Heppner Leach Bros., Lexington Johnson & Bristow, lone T. H. Lowe, Cecil 4 fty ',"?,$' WAX B - . x -j. wc "a c i l ; i At i We do business On rf Sauore, orit m is ;Kowii. vk hwk madk kiuiads 1 THIS COMMIXITV. VK 1IAVK 1M)XK THIS 15V SKLUNti VAm KKl.lAltl.K, KNOWN .1X1) TKSTKl) H AlimVAUK AT A FA1K MONUST I'KIC'K; HY TK.M.lXtJ THK TKl'TH AUOIT Ol l GOODS AND UIVlMi KVKKYOXK A Syi'AKK l)K.L. WK HA.YK AKVKK AIU'SKI) THK COXFIDKXCK THK l'KO ri.K HAVE IX r.S AND (H'K (itH)DS AXI) WK 1H)N,T IXTKXI) TX TIIADK AT THK HA15DWAHK STOHK THAT 1M)KS Ul'Sl.NESS 0 TIIK Kyi'AliK. Vm Om H VRDAVAHE; IT STANDS HARD WEAR. Peoples Hardware Co Successors to Tash & Akers 2