P.MiV SIX THK GAZKTTE-TDIES, HEFTXER, OREGON, THTRSD Y, MAY 23, 1018. AC ft Peering ' mm 2 v't-iuj.vmi 117ITH the Deering Combined 5SJ Harvester you can harvest W y your crop for one-half the ex pense you can any other way. Two man is all that is necessary to put your wheat in the sack. The machine cleans the grain in perfect manner, takes out and saves all weed seed and leaves straw in bunches to be easily taken care of. Can furnish them with or without an engine. Will have to have your order early in order to insure getting the machine. The factory is lim ited to a definite number of machines and when that number is reached there will be no more for anyone. Give Us Your Order Now GILLIAM & BiSBEE i WHY WE ARE AT WAR WITH GERMANY By EPHR AIM DOUGLASS ADAM3 Execttive Head, Hittory 'Depart ment Leiand Stanford Junior University Notice to Members of G. A. R. All old soldiers are requested to meet next Sunday morning at in front of the Odd Follows Hall. Whether you are a Grand Army man or served but ninety days, your pre sence is requested. The soldiers will march in a body to the C'irkHan church, where annual memorial ser vices will be held. Percy Jarman and Ed Dicty, well known Butter cree : ir.-ii. were visit ors in Heppner the las.-: .f f-ho week. ui. s O.U'de in Sand Hulloiv. i ll auto collision ocurred in Sane 'A '1 -w last Saturday w hen J. T. Ay oi s' Frd car and Hugh Stanfield': 'rankiin met when coming around . 'uin In the road. A fender was ton '.rem the Ford and the Franklin re n.'ived but little damage. No om was Injured. Paul Reitmann, extensive whea farmer of North lone was in Heppne Saturday to report for the North lorn precinct. The object of this war It to delivar the free ..ijplei cf the world from the -enace a.d the actual power of a vast nlutary ctsblirRment controlled by an -respons ble Government, which, havlnn secretly plan: ed to nominate the world roceeded to carry out the plan without regard either to the sacred obligation if treaty or the Icng-establlshed prac ' ard long-cherithed principles of In. i;natioral action ar honor; . . . This ws Is rot the German Feaple. It It e rutl less matter of the German peo i.c".. our o"'nest to tee to it t-.it the history of the rest of the w--d is ro lo-jer left to Its hanlllng." P e- e'ert Wilson, Augutt 27, 19)7. V'S FIGHT FOR PEACE AND FOR SELF-RESPECT. v,'hat scrt of a peace does Germany hope to secure? That can be an swered in a sentence: a peace which will enable her V ,'uj!ll in the next hat failed to ful 1 'a peace the In ' i answer Is f 1 make Bure i again." ' killed (not -er 8,000,000 vet Germany ? ' essential to 'hat any act, Permissible so ' var. Against set her will. - ;bt that Ger '.' Here are four uaking: "Per and It is not n; war forms order instituted cace not only l allows of the ude of pitiful, "reatures . . . with loud cries ' exist, block the ' i, make the air defile the blocij- worst of hypoc M pat ion by Ger Jonference." "We 'manent peace as Heaven defend And Treitschke, t the military taught over and tear the aims flit in this. 'Allies wish? i brief: a peac ; that "it shall j This war b i maimed or w young and vie 'still believes- j human proarr however atro long as it I? r that theory ' Does any--, , many belle leaders of r '. petual po even a ' part of t ' by God." '. leads to ! existent: trembl!' who cli: about way foi fetid, a - . of the i t " risies ! many in ; must net c a result Germar.y th Every one concedes the feet that PHOTOGRAPHS make the most appropriate GIFTS but many overlook the further truth that wo do not carry th":n in stool;. Inasmuch as yr;ir 71 li -it "r:! -,, . musi be manufactured to your order, make a date ror an early sitting. DO IT NO V. ' SIGSBF.E STUDIO OVER OPERA HOUSE Heppner, Ore. MOOTER MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS PENDLETON, OREGON FINE MONUMENT AND CEMETERY WORK All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders ALL WORK GUARANTEED the historian-ti.. j. class of Germany, over again that war was the only means of achieving world leadership; that war "is to be conceived as an ordinance set by God"; that "war Is Just and moral, and that the idea of eternal peace is both unjust and im moral and impossible." These theories, put in practice, have made of Germany the Cain of civiliza tion "his hand against every man's hand." In self-defense and in mere self-respect, America was forced to strike back. We could not sit still when we realized that it was our duty "to be and to remain the out-spoken moral opponents of the present Ger man policy, and of the German State, so long as It holds this present pol icy, and carries on its present war. . . . Germany, as at present dis posed, is the willful and deliheratu enemy of the human race." (Jcsiah Roy-;e. ) Cut if th--i" le any who have not t'li.s larger vision r,f the issues of th" war who are not moved to slake all on the abstract justice of our cause then let them ask themselves what xel'-resp ict as a nitlon demands of America, atvl of true Americans, under the treatment .we received from Ger-r.-.ony. Y.'hen the European war came In l:tH, and while we were still neutral, what insult was not heaped ujwn our self-respect? The Austrian Ambas sador, Duir.ha. plo.tcd to organize trikes in our munitions factories, and to buy up agitators to incite workmen to discontent. German spins, now con victed and In jail, have admitted that they worked under the direction of h;gh German officials to commit acts in violation of our neutrality. Some of these same officials have admitted the expenditure of m!liions,of dollatr in illegal operations conducted "In direct def:ar.:-e of our laws, and In In solent disregard of international atp--enmtic courtesy." The catalogue or German crimes In America, and of German agents amongst us, while roc were still neutral. If published in full, would be astounding almost to dis belief. I The German acts have startled us at last to the knowledge that, the natlor which permits them without resent ment is no nation In that essential quality of patriotism self-respect. Without that quality, we are but a mass of disorganized peoples, havini: tto influence in world affairs, and ill t'ma'ely at the mercy of that state which best knows how to carry on hamcless intrigues amongst, 11s. Ger many Ik that state. We are fighting In the hope of caving the world from her immoral Ideals; but we are also fighting to restore our self-respect. mm 1 . Mfc-W. Jf M mi W amlM ft . kak U Af (atSfaalCnOTfe. M Scc That He Never Lacks a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Your fighting man will go to almost any lengths to get good tobacco. Many a man has paid $5 for less good tobacco than you will send him in a pouch of Real Gravely Chewing Plug. Only costs you 10 cents. Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Pluf, and he will tell you that's the kind to tend. Send the beat I Ordinary plug it falie economy. It coat less per week to chew Real Gravely, became a imall chew of it lasts a long while. If you smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give lavor improve your smoke. SEND YOUR FRIEND IN THE V. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF GRAVEL' Dealers alt around hen carry It la 10c. pouches. A 3c. ataeap will put it into hia hanua in any Training Camp or Seaport of the U. S. A. Even "over there" a 3c itamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelop and te you official di-actios how to aaoreas it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., DanvUSe, Va. I Pattnt PoncA keeps if Frak ana Clrea mni CooJ H k Rot Jural Crawl uitW (tit PnUetian EatsblloHacI last -' 1 WHEAT GROWERS WILL HOLD CONFERENCES THs is the eighth of a series of ten articles by Profcs-:or Adam3. Picnic On Skinner's deck. The people of the upper Willow crsek community are planning a pic nic dinner and an aftsrnoon program on Skinner creek, Wednemlay, May 29th. Everybody is expected to take the day off, meet with their neigh bors and enjoy themselves for the day. County agent F. II, Brown, S. E. Notson and others from Heppner are going out. Everybody Is invited to Join in on a good time. (F. R. Brown, County Agent.) Starting from Pendleton June ISth, spending sometime In Umatilla basin counties, Agricultural College officials, and a few wheat growers from each of the counties will hold a series of conferences and visit a number of demonstrations In the rowing of wheat. Recently a group nf fifty or sixty stockmen met at th' Union Experiment Station, where, while tliey looked at the different lot -if steers being fed at the place, they were told what methods were used in each case. The general opinion was easily expressed in the words of Senator Pierce when he said, "Prof. Potter told us of this work when we were in Ontario, but Prof. Potter :,U not talk nearly so strong or in so definite terms as do these steers icmselves." You wheat growers have talked amongst yourselves, have tcld what you can do, have heard stories of what other fellows can do, here is an opportunity for you, how ever, to go and see, find out for your selves what the different methods will do. The last day of the confer ence will be spent at the Moro exper- mcnt station where Mr. Stephens has been able to demonstrate some cry practical methods. Already a number of Morrow county farmers :ave signified their Intention of tak ng In part or all of this conference. It perhaps would not be convenient aor desirable for all to attend. How ;ver, we are going to keep out a sign 'room for one more." Call and make your arrangements early so a seat may be reserved for you In . mebody's "Ford." Don't let him get like this Dr. Daniels' Antiseptic Dusting and Healing Powder FIXES GALLS, SORES AND CUTS Costs only 50c larje can, at our Agents Ask (or Dr. Daniels' Horsa Book its Free HUMPHREYS DRUG CO Agents for Dr. Dan iel's Horse, Cow & dog remedies. WITH FREE BOOKS Max Gorfkle, of the Eastern Hide & Junk Company of Pendleton, was in Heppner the first of the week, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson mo tored over to Pendleton last Friday evening and spent the week end with relatives and friends. Ed Kellogg took a load of freight to Lone Rock for J. B. Huddleston last Tuesday. He contemplates haul ing wool In that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barlow of lone were Heppner visitors this week. They recently returned from a visit to Camp Lewis and an account of the trip will be found in another col umn of this paper. For Sale Barred Rock cockerels, 12.50 each. WIGHTMAN BROS., Heppner. 2mo. BLACK" LOSSES SURELY PREVEKTEB CUTTER'S BUCKLES MILS WDTicea, W H fresh. rclUblei in preferred by western stork wTLd m. H mta, because protMt where other a vaccine tall. ff Wrttefornooltlrtn(ltet!riiorilala. llMrOM pH. IllCkllg PHIS, $1.00 90-dOM phg. BlackUg Pills. $4.00 U-f any Inlet-tor, but Cutter" s simple ami itrontrett The superiority of Cutter prwlui is due to over IS years of specializing In VACCINES AND SRHtlkft only. Insist on CVrruH's. II unoUaiubta, onicr direct. if The Cutttr Labontorj. srkiliy, California I haul baggage and Dasaeneera tn and from the depot to any part of the city. Phone 565 or 183. Lee Cant-well. Ay k iirwffl A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove means kitchen comfort and convenience. Ask your friend who has one. Used in 3,000,000 homes. Inexpensive, easy to op erate. See them at your dealer' today. Kitchen Conifer No matter how hot it is outside, your kitchen is always cool and comfortable when you use a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. The steady heat is concentrated on the cooking. There is no smoke or odor; no dust or dirt. Lights at the touch of a match and heats in a jiffy. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts, all the year round. Economical. And you have all the convenience of gas. In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner liici, with or without oveni or cabinet!. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE Gilliam & Bisbee LOCAL AGENT AND DISTRIBUTERS, HEPPNER