THE OAZETTEVITMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THVR8D AY. APRIL 25, 1918. PAGE SEVEN Political Paid Advertising. Lend Your Pennies to' the Government! That is the spirit which will help America win the war. That is the THRIFT spirit. There is a place for the pennies put them in Thrift and War Savings Stamps. This Store is cooperating with the Government in food con servation. SAVE WHEATWe have the Substitutes THE SAM HUGHES CO. "House of Reliable Merchandise" w 1TH the Deering Combined Harvester you can harvest your crop for one-half the ex nense vou can anv other way. Two men is all that is necessary to put your wheat in the sack. The machine cleans the grain in perfect manner, takes out and saves all weed seed and leaves straw in bunches to be easily taken care of. Can furnish them with or without an engine. Will have to have your order early in order to insure getting the machine. The factory is lim ited to a definite number of machines and when that number is reached there will be no more for anyone. Give Us Your Order Now GILLIAM & BISBEE Even Greater Thrift 0m HE needs of both Nation and Teople necessitate jl the saving of Money and Things. You may not realize it but a Bank Account regulates USING as well as systematic SPENDING. In Inviting you to open an account at the Farmers & StockgroSvers National Hank we aim at bettering YOUR welfare as well as In creasing our deposits. FEDERAL RESERVE MEMBERSHIP. 4k Interest on Time Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. FARMERS U STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK Heppner Oregon FOR SHERIFF. Notice is hereby given that I will b a candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff of Morrow county at the primary to be held in May. WILLARD H. HERREN. ANNOUNCEMENT. . I will be a candidate for the nom ination for county commissioner on the republican ticket before the com ing Primary Election. Respectfully, G. A. BLEAKMAN, Hardman Ore FOR COUNTY CLERK. To the Republican voters of Mor row County: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the nomination for the office of county clerk before the May primaries. J. A. WATERS. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Sheriff of Morrow County, on the Republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 17, 1918. E. M. SHUTT. FOR ASSESSOR. To the Democratic Voters: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of county assessor, subject to the decision of the Democratic Primary to be held in May, 1918. J. J. WELLS. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Republican voters of Mor row Countv. Oregon: Notice Is hereby given that I will be a candidate for the nomination for County Treasurer at the May Pri mary Election. Respectfully, T. J. HUMPHREYS. FOR COUNTY CORONER. To- the Republican voters of Mor row County. Oregon: Notion Is hereby given that I will be a candidate for the nomination to the office of County Coroner at the May Primary Election. Respectfully, M. L. CASE. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. To the Republican Voters: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of County Judge of Morrow County, subject to the decision of the Republican Pri: mary Election, May 17, 1918. I have resided in the county 32 years. My long residence here and two years' service as county commissioner have enabled me to become familiar with the needs of the county. If nominat ed and elected. I shall pursue a pro eressive policy, but shall carefully guard against unnecessary expenses in county affairs. W. T. CAMPBELL, FOR SHERIFF. To the Democratic Voters of Mor row County: I hereBy announce that I will be a candidate for the nomination to the office of sheriff at the primary el ection, which will be held on Friday, May 17, 1918. Respectfully, II. C. GITHENS. Wood and Coal. X J.aUUlO AWV.IV UVI....0 v., " - " Wnn or,H Qloli VVnnrl T.PBVfi nrriers at Humphreys" Drug Store or phone FOR SALE Seven room house on Main street, close in. Modern con veniences. Inquire of Mrs. Henry Johnson. 4t. w 9 g to Raise ur Price Beginning with July 1st, 1918, the subscription price of The Gazette Times will be increased from $1.50 T $2-J Par Year RENEWALS and NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS will be taken at the old price, $1.50, from now until July 1st. Don't fail to take advantage of this money-saving opportunity. It is not necessary for us to tell you that the cost of everything is ad vancing. You know that well enough. The printing and publishing industry has been effected no less than any other. While the price increases, the quality, of The Gazette-Times will likewise increase. So we can guarantee you will be getting as much for your money as you are now receiving. REMEMBER The Gazette-Times goes to $2.00 July 1st. E.D.CUSICK ForJointSenator Morrow,Umatilla AND Union Counties The State Treasurer is a member of the Board of Control, managing the State Institutions. It requires a man of executive and administrative ablliy. AS,. '" ""if If V '! jj fa : r ; For State Treasurer LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Louisa A. Pointer, deceased, has filed his final account as such admin istrator, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Couny has fixed Monday, the 6th day of May, 1918, at the hour of 10 o' clock in the forenoon of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Court House at Heppner, Ore gon, as the place of hearing and set tlement of said final account. Ob jections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. CHAS. R. POINTER, Administrator. VOTE FOR E. D. CUSIGK OF ALBANY 'The Man Who Measures up to the Job." (Paid Advertisement.) TYPHOID nn mnra nMMMft thanSmallpox. Army experience bas demonstrated k. .Imntt mJrar-ulmlf effi cacy, and harmlessness. ot Antityphoid Vaccinatum. Be vaccinated NOW by your pnysiclan. you and vcui family. It is more vital than house insurance. Atk your physician, druggist, or send for Have you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABOPATOKY. BERRrLCY, CAL noniciM vicemta shims " """ NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Notice is hereby given that tres passing on the C. T. Walker estate ranch, six miles souhwest of lone, is forbidden. Promiscuous driving through the fields of this place will no longer be sanctioned and violaters of this notice will be dealt with ac cording to law. C. T. WALKER ESTATE, By Walter Pruyear. COLON R. EBERHARD OF UNION COUNT! Notice to the Trade. Hereafter I will not be responsible for any misdirected or dead-headed frpltrlit whore parties receiving the same fail to notify me of the same within two days after making such deliveries. Dated at Heppner, Ore gon, this 21st day of March, 1918. A. Z. BARNARD, Transfer and Drayage. FOR SALE L. C. Smith type Writer, good as new. Inquire at this office. IX THE CIRCl'IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. H. C. Githens, Plaintiff, vs. John W. Johnson and r Milan V Tnhnenn his wife: Genevieve D. I SUMMONS Johnson, Timms, Cress & Co., a corporation, Walther - Williams Hardware Co., a cor poration, Defendants. To John W. Johnson, Genevieve D. Johnson and Lillian V. Johnson, the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re- milred to anoear and answer the complaint filed against you in the a- bove entitled suit, on or before six weeks from the 25th day of April, 1918, to wit: on or before the 6th day of June, 1918, and if you fail to so appear, or answer, for ,want thereof, the plaintitt will apply to the Court for judgment against you as prayed for in his complaint, to wit: For judgment against John W. Johnson for the buiu of $55.47 with Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from Sept. 22, 1917, and the further sum of $1.00 for re cording lien and $15.00 attorney's fee; for the further sum of $4S.35 with interest at the rate 'of six per cent per annum from October 11, 1917, and the further sum of $1.40 for recording lien and $15.0 attor ney's fee; for the further, sum of $19.50 with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from October 1, 1917, and the further sum of $1.00 for recording lien, and $15.00 attor ney's fee, and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this suit; That each of plaintiff's liens are valid and subsisting liens upon the premises herein described, prior to all other liens or claims; that the interests of the defendants Genevieve D. John son, Timms, Cress & Co. and Walther Williams Hardware Co. are subse quent and subject to the liens of the plaintiff; that plaintiff's liens be foreclosed and the following descri bed premises, to wit; Commencing at a point on the Section line be tween Section 26 and 27 in Tp. 2 S. R. 26, E. W. M. Morrow County, Oregon, said point also being on the North line of Water street in the City of Heppner, said County and State, thence East 110 90-100 feet along the North line of Water street, thence North 20 degrees 33 minutes West 100 ft. more or less to the cen ter of Willow creek, thence North westerly S2 feet down the center of Willow creek to said Section line, thence South 124 feet more or less to the place of beginning; be sold for the purpose of satisfying such judg ment as may be recovered by the plaintiff herein; that the defendants and each of them be foreclosed of and from all right, title and interest in and to said premises and every part thereof; that the proceeds of said sale be applied first to pay the costs of sale and, plaintiff's judg ment,, and the remainder be disposed of as the Court may direct. This summons is served on you by publication thereof once a week for six weeks, in the Gazette-Times, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion, published in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, by virtue of an or der made and entered herein on the 16th day of April, 1918 by the Hon orable C. C. Patterson, County Judge of Morrow County, Oregon, and the date of the first publication of the summons is April 25th, 1918, and the date of the last publication will be June 6th, 191S. WOODSON & SWF.KK, Attorneys for plaintiff. Address, Heppner, Oregon. E. N. Gouty is able to bo up and around these nice warm days after being confined to his home for sev eral months. His condition is im proving rapidly.