THE GAZKTTK-TIMES, HKPPNKB, OREGON, THTR8D AY, APRIL 5, 1918. r AGE TWO I CHANDLER SIX Famous For Its Marvelous Motor sr1 plftT The Chandler Sedan Affords You Four-Season Service HANDSOME in design and economical in operation, this Chandler seven-passenger convertible sedan affords full four-season usefulness that is keenly appreciated by those who demand the maximum of efficiency and comfort in their motor cars. This sedan body is instantly convertible from an entirely enclosed car to one fully as open as a touring car with top up. Windows may be lowered away or entirely removed and the window posts are removable. The body is most substantially constructed built by Fisher and stands the stress even of rough country roads. The upholstery is of a serviceable grey cloth material. , Mounted upon the famous Chandler chassis, distinguished particularly for its great motor, this sedan offers motor car value only approached by other cars selling for hundreds of dollars more. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, SI 595 Four-Passenger Roadster. SI 595 Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, SI 675 Convertible Sedan, 2295 Convertible Coupe, 4295 Limousine. S289S . (All prices f. o. b. Cleveland! Let the Chandler Sedan Be Your Choice Now MARTIN REID, Heppner, Oreg CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO Will Start Saw Mill At Once. j W. L. Houston, who recently pur chased the Parkers Mill from J. T. Knappenberg, was In town the first of the week getting a load of sup plies. He will begin the operation of the mill at once, cutting up a largs amount of logs. Mr. Houston also ! purchased a large amount of the I Knappenberg stumpage, and besides 1 working the suitable part of the ttm- ber into lumber, he will also manu facture a large amount of sixteen inch stove wood which he expects to find a market for at Heppner. vVe ' understand that Mr. Knappenberg i will work up the tree tops into fire ' wood, making use of all limbs and this will be hauled to Heppner by trucks and marketed here. There should be no fuel shortage here dur ing the coming winter for these pine limbs will make excellent wood. C3 Young Friends 'Culled In At First Birthday Party. Mrs. Clarence Scrivner entertain ed a number of Miss Marie's friends at her home last Saturday, the occa sion being the first birthday of her daughter, Marie Katherine. Miss Marie received many pretty presents and also the well wishes of her friends for many more such birthdays. The youngsters present were "Bet ty" Purkey, Mary Alice and Eleanor Adklns, Master Louis Gilliam, Paul Bennett and Charles Corder, Leola Bennett and Beth Milholland. Star Theater Gives to Red Cross. The Morrow County Chapter Red Cross has received $6.60 from the Star theater, the same being 25 per cent of the receipts of the show, "The Retreat of the Germans from the Battle of Arras." Two more of these pictures are yet to be shown, since there are three episodes. to this serial. The pictures are very inter esting and show many scenes of the shell torn battlefields of Flanders and Belgium. John Cochran Makes Good Record Killing Coyotes As a coyote hunter, John Cochran There Is No Monopoly in the packing industry. ' Swift & Company, al though the largest packer, handles not to exceed one -eighth of the total meat production of the United States. The five large packers do not handle to exceed one-third of the total meat production of the United States. Swift & Company is not in combination with any other packeror packers to control prices. There is very active compe tition in the buying of live-stock and equally keen competition in the sale of dressed meats and by-products. ma 1918 year book of inttrtiting and instructive facte sent on request Address Swift ft Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Meatless Days! Observe them by Eating FISH, fresh or salted The People's Cash Market Is cooperating with the food administration by encounifrini; the sale of fish and poultry as substitutes for the other nieuts which we want to ..five, FRESH OYSTERS, CLAMS, CRABS, FISH Mr limner says: "Kat more fish." The hest will be found here. Phone Bain, 73 HENRY SC3WARZ, Proprietor LIVE CECIL NEWS HEMS of lone is without a peer in the Nor thwest. Considering the rapidity with which these animals are dlsap Dearlne from this section of the country, Mr. Cochran does exception ally well in ferreting out the loca tion of dens and bringing to his doom the sly coyote. Mr. Cochran has bagged 124 coy otes so far this month and before the thirty day period expires, he expects to run the number up to 200. He brought in the pelts of 69 last Satur day, for which he received a bounty of $3.00 a piece. Mr. Cochran has worked for the government during past years and expects to take up tht job of hunting coyotes and other , tn, pests, about the first of June. Swift & Company U. S. A. ii::::ii!;uaiiiiiiii!!ii:::!iiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!no Heppner bakery WHERE PURITY AND QUALITY COUNT Have you tried our High Quality Candies? ELL OUR CONFECTIONS ARE MADE IN OUR KITCHEN AND WE USE ONLY THE PUREST INGREDIENTS Our Candies are different Nutritious and Wholesome W. C. BOWLING, PROP. Slab and Cord Wood, Utah Lump and Rdck Springs Coal Leave Orders with A. Z. Barnard ALBERT WILLIAMS MT. HOOD ICE CREAM Pure -:- Delicious -:- Refreshing 1 Something Special Every Sunday ALL SOFT DRINKS SERVED HERE THE VERY BEST THE PALM LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES BEST CANDIES Frank Montague was a Cecil visit or on Monday on business. Mrs. John Nash and daughter Al- ; ice visited with Mrs. P. Nash Mon ! flay. Peter Baurenriend returned to Ce cil the beginning of the week from Estacada attcr selling some of thej iate r rank naDeus estate near the town. Jean Fairhurst, S. M. Morgan and I. J. Mclntiro were all in Cecil on business on Tuesday. A.. Henriksen left on Wednesday ;nroute for Tlic Dalles and Portland. V. A. Thomas was a business call-j- in lone on Wednesday. There was a cry of fire and a hur .ied call for help from the Pettyjohn home on Wednesday. Several of the neighbors were called by telephone and were quickly on the scone and prevented what might have been a .ery serious burn out, the fire being jnly a few feet from the harn and tlier buildings. Mr. and Mrs. Kills Minor and dau ghter were visiting with Mrs. Ben nett on Wednesday. Whitley Ewing, who has been wor king on the Minor ranch for the last few weeks, left for home in Oakland on Thursday. Mrs. A. Henriksen and son left for Portland on Thursday where we un derstand that Oral enlisted in the navy. Mrs. H. Everett and son visited with Mrs. Peter Nash on Thursday. Master Herb Hynd autoed over to Sand Hollow on Thursday accom panied by Mrs. Jack Hynd and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. X,owe, and spent the day there. E. M. Shutt, candidate on the Re publican ticket for sheriff of Morrow county, was in Cecil on Friday. Will Perry, who has been consult ing Dr. McMurdo in Heppner return ed to Cecil on Friday. Cecil was complimented on Friday by a telegram received from San Francisco saying that an Honor Flag had been awarded to this town. Mr. and Mrs. May of the Lone Star ranch were business callers on Sat urday. Arthur Street left for Grass Val ley on Sunday. He is one of the draftees for that district. Home On 30-l)ay Furlough. Glen C. Jones, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones of this city, ar rived in Heppner last Thursday to spend a thirty day furlough. Mr. Jones has been stationed at Mare Island, California for the past few months, where he has been drilling as an apprentice seaman in the Uni ted States navy. Before joining the colors, he was interested with his brother Alva in farming on Hepp ner Flat. Alva is now somewhere in France with General Pershing. Glen came home at this time to look after the ranch, inasmuch as crops are as necessary at this time as sailors. He says all the Heppner boys now at Mare Island are enjoying the best of health and like the training fine. IX txl 'hit'' I.: a Mr. Fanner are you Prepar-j ed to Handle 1918 Crop? VOUVK YOUf TO I'HK BIN'S, TIIKItl'.l'OKK I IMIOVK CONDITION'S WILI THE UKST WII. THK CHKAI'KST L. W. Phelps, local carpenter and contractor, went out to the Robt. Al ston ranch on Elegit Mile this week to begin construction wrffk on a mod ern new barn for Mr. Alstott. Clarence M. White, Portland at torney, who was associated with C. E. Woodson in the practice of law In this city a number of years ago, has moved to Pendleton. He will take up law practice there with Judge S. A. Lowell. PERFECT l GRAIN BIN Made by Stay-Round Silo Co. Portland, Oregon. H C. Githens, Agent for Morrow Co . j. a. A j. .. .. j. x ili A A -- -- i jMBWBiSaiaaaa Postmaster Richardson has added to the equipment 'of the postofflce during the past week with the in stallation of a Columbia canceling and postmarking machine. It does Its work rapidly and Is a marked improvement over the old hand stamping machine formerly used. Mrs. John Nash was an Arlington visitor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan visited at the Fairhurst ranch on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Winton Jefferson vi sited with Mr. and Mrs. Pettyjohn on Sunday. W. G. Hynd from Rose Lawn au toed over to Cecil accompanied by T. H. Lowe of this town, on Sunday. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats com menced shearing on Sunday. We have been informed that while Walter Pope and his brother Bob were on their way to Lexington on Friday something suddenly went wrong with the car causing the ma chine to turn completely over throw ing Hob into the fenco and pinning Walter under the car. There was no serious damage done and the car was soon righted and they proceeded on their journey. HEPP1R FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. Manufacturers and Distributers of White Star Flour and Dealers in! Flour, Feed, Grain, Stock and Poultry Supplies X