PACK K1GHT THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNEK. OREOOX, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1918. I CHANDLER-SIX Famous For Its Manvelous Motor There's New Style and Beauty ; In this New Chandler Model Nf"0 other model of any make cf car has ever prompted greater enthu i siasm and more widespread admiration than has the new . four-passenger Chandler Dispaicli Car. Many makers are offering 'models of this general type and style but you may search the whole market and not find in any other car such grace of sweeping line, s;:di complete harmony, such striking beauty of design and color as d-.i.n:cierize this new Chandler. And in no other, of course, will you fir. J the marvelous Chandler Six motor; powerful, quiet, fast. The demand for this new model is greater even than anticipated by the Chandler Company a company accustomed to success. You will do well to place your order with us now. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $1595 Four-Passenger Roadster, S1595 Four-Pass. Dispatch Car, S167S; Five White Wire Wheels. SI 10 Extra Convertible Sedan, $2295 Convertible Coupe, S2195 Limousine, S2895 " (All prices I. o. b. Cleveland) MARTIN REID, Heppner, Oregon CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY. CLEVELAND. OHIO J Meatless Days! "S'ttS FISH, fresh or salted The People's Cash Market Is cooperating with the food administration by encouraging the sale of fish and poultry as substitutes (or the other meats which we want to save. FRESH OYSTERS, CLAMS, CRABS, FISH Mr Hoover bays: "Eat more flsh." The best will be found here. Phone Main, 73 HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor THE QUICK AND I heppner bakery WHERE PURITY AND QUALITY COUNT FRESH BREAD, PIES. COOKIES. DOUGHNUTS, ETC. BAKED EVERY DAY Special Attention Given Orders for Parties FRESH CANDY EVERY DA Y. WE MAKE IT AND USE NOTHING BUT PUREST INGREDIENTS C. W. BOWLING, PROP. ALBERT WILLIAMS WOOD AND COAL I have taken over the fuel businesses of both the Hepp ner Wood Yard and C. H. Goldsmith, and can furnish fuel of all kinds in any quantity desired. Leave orders with A. Z. Barnard or phone Main 393 YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. MT. HOCP ICE CREAM Pure -:- Delicious -:- Refreshing Something Special Every Sunday ALL SOFT DRINKS SERVED HERE THE VERY BEST THE PALM LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES BEST CANDIES By F. C. Harley, Mayor of Astoria. Washington, D. C, March 26. 1 have been making a "little journey," as Elbert Hubbard used to call it, to that mammoth marble pile, the abode of the "quick and the dead," the Na tional Capitol. I acknowledge obligations to Hon. Alvan T. Fuller, Congressman from Massachusetts, for some of the in spiration for the excursion, Being President of the Packard Motor Car Co., of Boston, and accustomed to do ing business according to the Ameri can method, Representative fuller, having been an official occupant of the south wing of the Capitol for a few months, has made a discovery. First, he discovered he was a member it a commutes (Expenditure in the Interior Department) which, as he expressed it, had "no public business to justify its existence," and, second, discovered there were sixty standing committees of the House, "more than half of them as useless and unneces sary" as the one mentioned. Fuller tendered his resignation as a member of the committee named, in a letter to Speaker Champ Clark, Feb. 25th. Incidentally, in this letter, he handed the House of Representatives a package of hot stuff. He raised a ruction. The "dead" began to res surrect and walk about in their grave-clothes, talking Incoherently Fuller laughed; so did all Washing ton. I Immediately wondered, what about these '"quick" and "dead" com mlttees, and how fares it with our Oregon Congressional delegation in this line-up? I made a hasty survey of the situation, with the following results: Oregon has memberships In the senate on these committees all ac tive and Important: Military Affairs, Agriculure and Forestry, Appropria tions, Coast Defenses, Commerce, In dian Affairs, Irrigation of Arid Lands, Manufactures, and Public Lands (two members on last named). It has membership on five other com mlttees, but, as they are practically "dead ones" it is unnecessary to name them. In the house it has represnta- tives on Ways and Means, Naval Af fairs, Public Lands, and Irrigation of Arid Lands, all alive and kicking. With this bunch of picture cards In their mitts, you'd fairly expect the Oregon Congressional delegation to win a few "pots," wouldn't you? Let us analyze the game, A Senator or Representative who falls to get his work in at committee meetings misses more than half his chance to win, for it Is there that bills are whipped into shape for con sideration by the Senate and House. Sure, he has another chance in open session, but he has discarded his best cards. It's like drawing to a deuce. How did Oregon fare in the Mili tary Committee? In no way that you could notice. Yet that commtitee considers every particle of army ap propriation and army expenditures. An Oregon Senator is chairman of it. Yet Oregon got no military post and no army cantonment. There is no better place on the Pacific coast for a great military post than Fort Stevens, or, passing the deal, Vancouver, Wash,, near Portland. Oregon of fered several splendid sites for army cantonments; it got zero. In a special sense the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry looks af ter the interest of the farmer, but I notice that, while the farmers of the South were well taken care of by this committee, the Oregon and Western farmer generally is overlooked. This committee, also deals with Forestry matters. A little action by the Ore gon member might have brought the state's forest reserve timber largely into use for shipbuilding and airplane . manufacture. Nothln' doin. From the Appropriations Commit tee Oregon got a little "small change" for Crater Lake Park, its two fish hatcheries and its two life-saving sta tions. Looks like this committee had declared a moratorium on Oregon payments. Coast defenses? There is where we do not shine. We still have one coast defense left, Fort Stevens, sup plemented by two forts on the Wash ington shore of the Columbia. A sin gle super-dreadnaught of the type of the four that Germany is about to "borrow" from Russia could reduce all the coast defenses of the Gateway of the Columbia basin without at any time being In danger itself. I'm tell ing no secret, for this situation Is as well known to our enemies as to our selves. River and Harbor? Appropriations for this service, as well as for water ways in general, are handled by the Commerce Committee in the Senate. How we have fared in that bill I have already pointed out in a former ar ticle. We got $350,000 out of twenty millions. We should have two mil lions. What are our members on the Pub lic Lands Committees doing? We certainly got a rotten deal on the Oregon & California Land Grant Bill, and that's about all that's been doing in that committee of late, af fecting Oregon. The committee room has the air of a cemetery; but I sup- pose the clerks draw their salaries as usual. The Irrigation question I dealt with in my last article. Our repre sentatlves stood pat on a pair of travs. Montana walked off witlt over twelve million and Arizona seven teen. We got less than five million, though we put in over ten. The dif ference was in the kind of represen tation Montana and Arizona had. Indian Affairs? We haven't even been able to get appropriations for Improvements and needed new build ings for the largest modern Indian school in the Northwest, Chemawa. Our Indian Affairs representation is cultus." I will pass up the Ways and Means Committee of the House, because our member there only took his appoint ment at the beginning of the present session. If the chance is offered, ne should work and vote to remedy the iniquitous burden of taxation im posed on the North and West by the Kitchin bill. I will speak of the Naval Affairs Committee, however. The Congress man who represents us on that com mittee Is supposed to be a "live one.' But I've not noticed that he got us any naval base appropriation for the mouth of the Columbia. That's the thing he should work on now, if he's working this year. We may serious ly need that naval base if the scene if naval artlvlties is transferred to the Pacific ocean on account of the Russian situation. i By the way this Congressman and one of his colleagues were offered a place on the River and Harbor Com mittee of the House, and both turned it down, though it is the most import an committee, from Oregon's stand point, in the list. Why did they do it? If there is any voice coming from the tombs, perhaps we shall have an answer later. But it looks to me that a very great opportunity to serve our state was thrown away by these gen tlemen. LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE IN a year it has become famous; the man's cig- arette for the men who are working over here, and fighting over there. The reason? Because it's made of Burley pipe tobacco and because IT'S TOASTED erry than, ad $1.20 foriurtoaof 1 2 pck MM to Tin Amaricaa' TWmvC.N. Y.City A If rar JmW feat art m ioc nX - TI J Cl Ou aranteed by So It I It 1 1 M It I 1 1 1 Mr. Farmer are you Prepar ed to Handle 19 18 Crop? CONDITIONS WILL FOKCH YOU TO USE BINS, THKRKFORE THE BEST WILL PROVE THE CHEAPEST PERFECT GRAIN BIN Made by Stay-Round Silo Co. Portland, Oregon. HC. Githens, Agent for Morrow Co 1 L SOME GOOD ADVICE Strengthened By Heppner Exper- iences. Kidney disease is too dangerous to neelect. At the first sign of backache headache, dizziness or bladder disor ders, you should give the weakened kidneys prompt attention. Eat little meat, take things easier and use a reliable kidney tonic. There's no other kidney medicine so well recom mended as Doan's Kidney Pills. Heppner people rely on them. Here's one of the many statements from Heppner people. Mrs. A. G. DeVore says:" Speaking from past experience, I gladly recom mond Doan's Kidney Pills. I know they are a medicine of merit and I couldn't recommend a more reliable one." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. DeVore had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. HEPPNER FARMERS EEVATQR CO. Manufacturers and Distributers of White Star Flour and Dealers in Hour, Feed, Grain, Stock and Poultry Supplies PATRONIZE GAZETTE-TIMES ADVERTIZERS