The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 28, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The Heppner Oaiette. Established
March SO. 1SSS.
The Heppner Times, Established
November IS. 1SS7.
Consolidated February 15, 191 2.
VAWTKK CRAVFi'151. Proprietor.
Issued everv Thursday morning, and
entered at the I'ostotbVe at Heppner,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year - $1 .59
Six Months - "5
Three Months 50
linple Copies -05
The third quota of Uncle Sam's fi
rauoial forces will soon be called to
the colors. The Third Liberty Loan
will be officially launched on Satur
day April 6:h, and by the time the
drive closes, the loyal citizens of the
United States will have come to the
front with three billions of dollars.
There Is no question about the ulti
mate outcome of the loan drive, no
more than there Is auy question about
the ultimate result of the war. So
long as Prussiauisui shows its ugly
face to civilization and continues to
threaten the very fabric of our demo
cratic institutions, then so long will
the people of America continue to buy
Liberty Bonds and back up our boys
who have gone over to continue the
fight for free nations.
We have no desire to quote the
Kaiser, but we will say "the day" is
here. It is the day when loyal Ameri
cans demand that the copperheads,
those pro-Germans and traitors who,
silently and audibly as well, have
been sinking the knife of treason in
to the back of America, come out and
take a fair and just share of govern
ment support or take the consequen
ces. Morrow county as a whole, is com
posed of true Americans. Here
there are men and women who have
tome from every action of our own j
country and from foreign countries!
as well. There is no question about
the loyalty of Morrow county, but
there is some question of a tew of
her citizens. We are glad to say
these few are out of all comparison
with the whole. Hut il cs few have
failed thus far to contribute to the
war program of Uncle Sam. We
don't know who they are in every
case, but our l iberty Laan Commit
tee knows thsni, everyone. They are
men of means. They are men who
have enjoyed the privileges of this
country in preference to all others
and have enjoyed those privileges to
their own full benefit in every in
stance. The question has been asked:
"What is money worth anyway, if we
don't win this war?" To those who
are loyal the answer is "nothing,"
but to the disloyal the apswer is "fur
me und Gott;" but the latter will be
separated from his money sooner or
later, if not by the loan route, then
by some more forcible means.
Heppner is behind these wartimes.
We should have a home guard. A
home guard will give exercise to the
corpulent, military tactics to the en
tire guard and provide some means
of home defense. We should follow
the example set by our progressive
sister cities of Condon and Pendleton
and organize a home guard.
With a system of docks along the
'Columbia river it will be just like
dreams coming true for the freight
burdened shipper of Interior Oregon.
The sooner shipment by water starts
the sooner we will have a cheaper
freight rate by rail.
Old Jupe Pluvius must be aware of
the fact that we are fast getting on a
war basis. The clock turns up an
hour this week and April showers
have started the last week in March.
Nothing like preparedness.
Morrow county boys between the
ages of 15 and 18 have an excellent
opportunity to serve their country.
Labor shortage was never so acute
as at the present time and many
sheepmen are facing the lambing sea
son shorthanded.
This is not a time to permit ten
dollar lambs to die for the lack of
proper attention. It is not only to
the sheepman's interest to save every
lamb but it is of vital importance to
the feeding of a famished world.
A suggestion has been made that
a number of boys of the high schools
of the county might be released for a
month's service in the lambing camps
lasting from April 1 to May 1. For
this month of service, .which would
be equivalent to serving our country
on the field of battle, credits could
be given as if the school work had
been pursued for that length of time.
Many of the young men would be
glad to receive the opportunity to
serve their country In this manner.
They no doubt would be enthused
over receiving the handsome wages
now paid for such work and the plan
should prove beneficial all the way
din a ace to amend ordinance
An or
93, entitled, "An ordinance to
protect the public health and to
prevent the spread of infectious
and contagious diseases."
The people of the city of Heppner do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That ordinance No. 93,
entitled, "An ordinance to protect the
public health and to prevent the
spread infectious and contagious
diseases," passed by the common
council March 5th, 1901, to be and
the same is hereby amended by add
ing thereto sections 32, 33, 34, 35,
36. 37, 38 and 39, which sections
shall be respectively as follows:
.Section 32. That syphilis, gonor
rhea and chaccorid, hereinafter des
ignated venereal diseases, are hereby
recognized and declared to be con
tagious, infectious, communicable
and dangerous to the public health.
Section 33. It shall be the duty of
every licensed physician, or every
superintendent or manager of a hos
pital or dispensary, and every person
who gives treatment for a venereal
disease, to mail to the Board of
Health of the City of Heppner, a card
stating the age, sex, color, marital
condition and occupation of such dis
eased person, the nature and pre
vious duration of such disease and its
probable origin; such cards to be
mailed within three days after the
first examination of such diseased
person, provided, thu except as here
inafter required the name of such dis
eased person shall not be reported to
said Board of Health.
Section 34. Upon the receipt of a
report of a case of venereal disease
it shall he the duty of the Board of
Health to institute such measures for
the protection of other persons from
infection by such venereally diseased
person as said Board of Health is al
ready empowered to use to protect
the public and the spread of other in
fectious and contagious diseases.
Section 35. All information and
reports concerning persons infected
with venereal diseases shall be con
fidential and shall be inaccessible to
the public except insofar as publicity
may attend to the performance of the
duty imposed upon the Board of
Health by this ordinance and the
rules of the state board of health and
laws of the state of Oregon.
Section 36. The parents of all mi
nors accquiring venereal diseases and
living with said parents shall be le
gally responsible for the compliance
of such minors.with the requirements
of this ordinance relating to vener
eal diseases.
Section 37. On all suspected cases
of venereal diseases in the infectious
stages, the Board of Health shall im
mediately use every available means
to determine whether the person or
persons so suspected of being infect
ed are suffering from said diseases or
any of them, and whenever said dis
eases are found to exist the said
Board of Health shall whenever pos
sible ascertain the sources of such in
fection. In such investigtions, the
said Board of. Health is hereby vested
with full powers of inspection, exam
ination, isolation and disinfection of
all persons, places and things as pro
vlded herein.
Section 38. It is hereby made the
duty of said Board of Health and they
are hereby directed and empowered:
(a) To make examination of all
persons reasonably suspected of hav
ing syphilis in the infectious stages
or gonococcus infection.
(b) To isolate persons infected
with any of such diseases
whenever isolation is necessary to
protect the public health. In estab
lishing isolation, the said Board of
Health shall define the limits of the
area in which the persons reasonably
suspected or known to have syphilis
or gonococcus infection, and no per
son other than the attendant and at
tending physician shall enter or leave
the area of isolation without the per
mission of said Board of Health.
(c) Inasmuch as prostitution is
the most prolific source of syphilis
and gonococcus infection, the city
Board of Health and all officers shall
use every proper means of suppress
ing the same, and all such officers are
hereby prohibited from issuing cer
tificates or other evidence of freedom
from venereal diseases.
Section 39. Any person violating
any of the provisions of sections 32,
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38 of this or
dinance shall be punished by a fine of
not more than $100.00, or by impris
onment in the city jail for a period of
not more than fifty days.
Inasmuch as this ordinance is nec
essary for the immediate preserva
tion of the public health, peace and
safety of the city of Heppner in this:
That said diseases are so prevalent
that steps must be taken immediately
to control their spread, therefore, an
emergency is hereby declared to exist
and this ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its approval
by the Mayor.
Passed the common council and ap
proved by the Mayor this 26th day of
March, 1918.
W. W. SMEAD, Mayor.
'J. P. WILLIAMS, Recorder.
An erdinance providing for the licen
ing and regulating of dealers in
second hand goods, and providing
a penalty for tho violation thereof.
The people of the city of Heppner do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That no person, firm or
corporation shall within the corpor
ate limits of the city of Heppner keep
operate of conduct any store, shop or
other place where second hand goods
are bought for sale without first hav
ing obtained a license therefor as
herein provided.
Section 2. That all persons, firms
or corporations keeping, operating or
conducting any store, shop or other
place for the purpose of buying and
selling any second hand goods, shall
ray to the city Treasurer the sum of
55.00 per annum for a license there
for, and no license shall be lssu3d for
a leg's period than one year.
Section 3. That oil persons, flrm3
jr corporations keeping, operating or
conducting any such store, shop or
::ther place for the purpose of pur
chasing second hand goods shall keep
a record showing the name of the per
son from whom such goods are pur
chased, the date of such purchase,
and a description oi' the goods pur
chased, and such record may be in
spected at any'tima by any Sheriff,
Constable, or Marshal, or by the
Mayor, or' any officer of the City of
Section 4. That any person violat
ing any of the provisions of this or
dinance upon conviction thereof, shall
be punished by a fine of not more
than $50.00 or by imprisonment in
the city jail for a period of not more
than twenty-five days, and a forfeit
ure of such license in the discretion
of the City Recorder.
Passed the Common Council and
approved by the Mayor this 26th day
of March, 1918.
W. W. SMEAD, Mayor.
J. P. WILLIAMS, Recorder.
An ordinance providing for the gen
eral plans and specifications for
building, erecting, and construct
ing curbs within the corporate lim
its of the City of Heppner.
The people of the City of Heppner do
ordain as follows.
Section 1. That all curbs hereafter
built, constructed, eroded cr repair
ed within the corporate limits of the
city of Heppner, shall be built, con
structed, erected or repaired in ac
cordance, and under and in conform
ity to the plans and specifications
hereafter provided; and all of said
curbs shall be built, constructed,
erected or repaired in such a manner
that the top surface of the same shall
be in conformity to the grade adopt
In these war times each of ua must multiply his energy, his labor, his usefulness. Each of us
must do more work, save more tim! and Cover More Ground.
There are fewer of u left to carry on the Big Business of the country and make it bigger, to
organize the war work, to treat the sick, to raise the crops, to meet every need and situation.
We've got our work cut out for us.
And the- economic answer is the motor car. It isn't a recreation vehicle any longer. It is a
Business Necessity. The motor car almost as much as the motor truck is helping to
win the war.
YOU can increase your own effectiveness, you can conserve your own energy, time and health,
. by doing as thousands have already done, by buying a Paige Linwood "Six-jo," It will Help.
-PMMngerJISW: Coupe "Slx-jr
?:?",. .y"" "
Sedan "Six-39"
5-passenger 1
ed a.nd established on the street, al
ley or public place, by said city,
where said curb is being built, con
structed, erected or repaired.
Section 2. That all curbs hereafter
built, constructed, erected or repair
ed within the corporate limits of the
city of Heppner, shall be six inches
in width, and shall be built, con
structed, erected or repaired of con
crete and with durable cement sur
face, and provided further, that
whenever it shall appear in the judg
ment of the Committee of Streets and
Public Property of the Common
Council, that any such curbs should'
be built, constructed, erected or re
paired, the owner of the property to
which said curb shall be adjacent, or
the agent of the owner thereof, shall
be notified to build, construct, erect,
construct, or repair such curb of con
crete as herein provided.
Section 3. That whenever such
curb shall he built, constructed,
erected or repaired as hereinbefore
provided, the same shall be so built,
constructed, erected or repaired
that there shall be a parking space
between the edge of the sidewalk ad
jacent to the same and the edge of
such curb, as follows: On all streets
or alleys sixty feet wide or more, a
parking of four feet, and except on
Oilmore Street on all streets or alleys
of clss than sixty feed wide, a part
Ing of three feet six inches.
Section 4. That whereas the city
of Henpner Is about to commence
street improvements, and there is ur
gent necessity that curbs be con-
structed before suh street improve
ments commences, it is therefore,
hereby ordered and declared that an
emergency exists, and this ordinance
shall be In full force and effect from
and after its approval by the Mayor.
Passed the Common Council and
approved by the Mayor this 26th day
of March, 1918,
' W. W. SMEAD, Mayor.
J. P. WILLIAMS, Recorder.
An ordinance to ammend Ordinance
No. 126. entitled, "An Ordinance
providing for the construction,
erecting, changing, altering, and
repairing of sidewalks within the
corporate limits of the city of
Heppner, and repealing ordinance
No. 76, entitled "An ordinance pro
viding for the building, erecting,
changing, altering or repairing
sidewalks within the corporate
limits of the city of Heppner."
The People of the City of Heppner do
do ordain as follows:
( Continued on Page 7)
' -pasmger OS JO: Town
Limousin "Six-:
:-5J" ;-pMaengw 4 J JO;
:-.- ?C
92 S All Prices f . o. b. Detroit.
Builds His Own
Ladder of Fortune
rounds of this
steadily to your savings, you add just
as surely to the length of YOUR
LADDER, 'which will aid you tn at
taining greater heights.
We will gladly assist you in handling
your savings, and, are always pleased
to assist in financing the deserving in
legitimate enterprises.
The First National Bank
of Heppner
be likened to the
ladder; by adding