' - - !: I . - - . i J 'J ' ! THE GAZETTE.TLME8, HEPPXER, OREGON. THTRSDAY Uturu ,l .... WW""11 wwummtMww Mr.FarmerareyoaPrepar-f ed to Handle 1918 Crop? Hllj rXIKCH YOU TO I'KK RIVa TUTOI'MlDr T - - 111'ltUI V.iVIi J, THE BHKT WILL PROVE THE CHEAPEST PERFECT GRAIN BIN Made by Stay-Round Silo Co. Portland, Oregon. H C nifhfnc A nronf tar M-w Mess Days! "feS The People's Cash Market Is cooperating with the food administration by encouraging the sale of fish and poultry as substitutes for the other meats which we want to save. FRESH OYSTERS, CLAMS, CRABS, FISH Mr Hoover says: "Eat more ah." The best will be found here. Pktae Mia, 73 HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor j Heppner Garage Has Seven Employes In Service. The Heppner Garage will goon un furl a service flag in honor of the sev en employes of that institution who have given up their jobs to enter Rome branch of the United Stat?s Ser vice. One of the employes is now in France with the American Frrwwll- tlonary Forces in the flying division. He is Rolph Van Bibber, who spent aDout three years in the mechanical department of the local garage. Ac- PAGE THREE AS YOU MJKB m To the preacher, life's a tmamr. To the joker, If a jetf; To the miser, life fc mame. To the loafer. life fa rest. To the lawyer, life's a trial; To the poet, lifo'a To the doctor, lifea a Batten. . Who needs treatment rigat afon. To the soldier, life's a battle. To the teacher, life'. . ...i r- Life s a good thing to the srafter; in a lainirn tn f h. r..i cording to Albert Bowker. the other hnSSL men In th Korvlo arc t, I .... y men in the service are Henry Nagl, ior several years head mechanic in the garage, Sara Turner, Elra Hayes, Jay Hayes, Wayne Barker and Bob Buschke. Mr. Buschke is the laat Life's a long and inn It's a gamble to the gambler. To the merchant. life. tb Life Is but a long vacation io the man who fores his work ; Dalziel Running Strong, M. H. Allen. Btate denutv T.hnr commissioner who formerly lived in Sumpter, was in Henmier on nfflpUl ousiness Saturday of Fast week. Mr. Allen says that Wm. Dalzjel, who for i years has been deputy in the state To shun dutv. to th hh-ir Life is what we trv tn mt. Brother, what is life to yoo? EL 8. KISBU. George W. Dykstra. veten. f- mer of the south of thin rQw several days in Heppaer but veek " ' u v , u bj iu lug Hiuie i "iwm mivauBam. ; Mr. labor commissioner's office, is mak- Dykstra has been in poor keatth far in 5 a guuu run i or me omce or state I weens, dui waamrtad la... i i - i i . I l 1. 1 .... muor cummi.ssioner ana win undoubt-1 vu'1 11,8 conquion Is impreriar at Hooverizing Means something more than theorizing. It means practical observance of the laws of conservation three times a day. edly be elected. In SDeakin of Mr Dalzlel's candidacy Mr. Allen said, "I Know of no one in the state anv bet ter qualified to fill the position he seeks than Mr. Dalziel. His long ex perience in the office as deputy, cov ering every section of the state, mak es him familiar with very condition this time. C. L. Freeman fat th m . t charge of the dnr His long ex- t Minor & Co. Mr. and aba. Free- man are from Oregon City and fcure taken the Ayers beaaa at tkm of Chase and May streeta. Mr. Free- HEPPNER BAKERY WHERE PURITY AND QUALITY COUNT ' FRESH BREAD, ErjpJOL'GHNUTS,' ETC. Special Attention Given Orders for Parties FRESH CANDY EVERY DAY. WE MAKE IT AND USE NOTHING BUT PUREST INGREDIENTS C. W. BOWLING, PROP. confronting the duties of the state la-1 man 's an experienced rtmrng mum uur commissioner, - i in me mercantile bnsiBesB. Off to California. I L. A. Duncan, rffatrb Ma Shoot, well known Chinese res- t,ve ot the wt Mm life Iav- taurant man of this city, departed urance to. with headqaarfsn fat TW i i f-. i . ... ... .. .1 llflllAa h.. msi oaiuruay wim nis iamny lor I uotu ihmih California, whnra ha n I days in HePDDer and atfew pects to engage in truck farming. eounty towns in the iatereat ot kis Mr. Shoot recently sold the O. K. Res- comPaly taurani to two young Chinese, Leo l Jin and Won Won of Portland. The young men opened up for business tne nrst of the week. The Gazette-TIi last week in statine that N v r- son nas nought the J Si -Wmmmm erty in Heppner. It kaaaeaMi t a. Sells Out But Wants More. I Mr' ufM I lather. TheeUer Law John B. Cason has sold his SB m.oyea hl KMda in on Willow creek Just above Hennnar lrom tne rancn testa 0w. 11 ' r , to his neighbor Frank Monahan, whose property joins the Cason land. . ' "ua "nejr WrigU mt Twenty acres of the place is fine hot- t? Were ,n l Batarday. in .1. j I Joe Simas waa nTr a u ALBERT WILLIAMS WOOD AND COAL I.have taken over the fuel businesses of both the Hepp ner Wood Yard and C. H. Goldsmith, and can furnish fuel of all kinds m any quantity desired. Leave orders with A. Z. Barnard or phone Main SOS YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Joe Simas was over hm tr...' We understand the price ZT Monahan w isnnn Mr few ""PPHes for his ranch. Mr l mas says the Grant eoaatr mw baa enjoyed a mild wfaiw seui conauions are very lattarinc. torn land given over to' the production Ik-.... . . - of alfalfa. We understand the nald hv Mr Mnnnhnn wm tennn M. Cason says he is looking for another place in Morrow county and has no intentions of leaving here To the Public. I have taken charge-of the Neel Hennner rooming nouse and solicit your pat ronage with the assurance that you win and everything neat and clean and you will be accorded the most courteous treatment at fair prices, MRS. A. Z. BARNARD For Sale Barred Rua . a $2.50 each. WIOBTuam aww fnlVhTJ"1. must or the Atlantic to feed the alluid armies. Therefore the Amer- . TJSSt we'ZS1 save by substitutin CORN MEAL-Both yellow and white, Hominy OAT MEAL, rolled oats and bar ley flour CREAM OF RICE, whole rice and buckwheat flour Have you tried" the new Potato Flour This u ane-of the newer. substitutes proving popular " wine kitchen. THE SAM HUGHES CO. - "House of Reliable Merchandise" Paul V. Maris, state leader of coun tjr agents and L. 3. Allen, who s pro- ineatly identified with tho tnHnotriai dnh work, came mp from Corvallis last rruay and met with the farmers in Heppner Saturday. A cnmnlata jaeeoant of the meeting is given in an- nw contain. n SAJLE! Yearn n r flhnrthnvn a HHwituvin tmu. see i. C. SHARP, Newman Canyon, 12 stiles cast of Heppner. For Sale A few more young sows bred for March. Also some fresh milk cows. Phone 48F21, W P HILL. r- Having rented the nnonnii.. rooms at Mrs. Herren- Minu. Store. I will conduct a general dress making business. I ders for plain and fancy sewing. AH Buaranteea. MRS. A. G. DeVORE. HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. Manufacturers and Distributers of NOTICE! The Ladies of the FednratAri church will hold an Easter Apron and White Sale on Thursday, March 28, I in the basement of the Federated Church. Sale "will start at 2:30.1 Light luncheon will be served during sale. 2t. and Dealers in lies MT. HOOP ICE CREAM Pure -:-; Delicious Refreshing Something Special Every Sundty ALL SOFT DRINKS SERVED HERE THE VERY BEST THE PALM LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES BEST CANDIES PATRONIZE GAZETTE-TIMES ADVERTIZERS Morrow County School Notes. District No. 2 gave a box social which cleared $95.60. They intend to buy a $50 Liberty Bond for the district, soup for hot lunches, and various articles for their new school i house. A Red Cross basket anlrt fnr $7.75, the proceeds of which ftra tn go to the Lena Red Cross Branch, or the Morrow County Chapter. The pupils in district No. 31 sur prised their teacher one day last week witn a dinner served at the school house. A few patrons were oreRent. District No. 42 cleared $77.40 from a basket social given at the home of A. Dykstra. Only twenty baskets were sold, uamea were played and a regular hard time party added to the amusement for the evening. The j money was turned over to the pupils and teacher. They organized a Junior j itea cross and .paid for their mem bership out of this fund. They also had their certificate of membershln framed. A number of Changes In the scnooi will soon take place which will show how the money was used. j One of the pupils from district No. j o wno finished his eiehth irrni in that school and who enlisted in the Marines a short time afterwards is now at Guam. The teacher and mi- pils will display a service flag in his uonor. Sixteen schools in the emintv novo organized Junior Red Cross Auxil iaries. Material came so late that j other schools have not had time to report. " The Morrow County Thrift Report hooks nave been sent to every nuDil m the schools. See If we cannot put morrow uounty In the lead and over ine top in this matter. lilvin Morgan, in Dist. Nn R urn.. gan Oregon, is the first pupil in the county to sell $50 worth of war stamps. This entitles him to mem- oership in the Junior Rainbow Club. Fourteen ounils from thu school signed pledges in December, promising to bring to their teacher 9R nn- - ' n.i . . . M . ... i ior a i nnii uara with a I twenty-five cent Thrife Stamp affixed mereio, and to start then to save and continue to save their nnnnlaa nibb les, dimes and Quarters to buy War Darings ueruncates. They hope in this way to help their Government to win tne war. LENA SNELL SHURTE, County School Superintendant. (HANDLER SIX $1595 Right Car at Right Price; Chandler Leads HPHE Chandler Company has striven for five years to give the public the best Six at the best price. And it has succeeded, year after year, in this aim. The Chandler for 1918 offers real motor car worth approached only by other cars selling for hun dreds of dollars more. There Is no inflation in Chandler price. And Chandler quality is maintained in every detail. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, S1S95 Four-Passenger Roadster, $1595 Four-Passenger Sport Model, SI 67 5 Seven-Passenger Sedan, $2295 Four-Passenger' Coupe, $2195 limousine, $2895 Come Choose Your Chandler Now MARTIN REID, Heppner, Oregon CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Cleveland, O.