Page Two THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNEK, OREGON, THURSD AY, OCTOBER 4, 1917. t 4 I ; BUICK EVERYBODY KNOWS VALVE-IN-HEAD MEANS BUICK Announcing New Models for 1918 THE NEW BUICK LINE for nineteen-eighteen is complete from every standpoint of finish, refinement, comfort and service and provides a car (or every demand. The successful development of the valve-in-head motor by Buick builders proes what can be done when the idea is right and its application sound. NO DUST-NO EXPOSURE NEW MODEL BUICK VALVES ENCLOSED IN DUST-PROOF CASE. ' New Buick Prices : E-4 $920. E-45 $1415. E-34 $925. Two-passenger roadster. E46 $1845. E-35 $925. Five-passenger touring car. E47 $1945. E-44 $1415. 3-pas. roadster; 6-cylinder. E49 $1645. E-50 $2325. 7 passenger Sedan, 6 cyl. 5-pas. touring car, 6 cyl. 4- passenger Coupe, 6 cyl. 5- passenger Sedan, 6 cyl. 7- pas. touring car, 6 cyL ALBERT BOWKER , LOCAL AGENT HEPPNER GARAGE When it is Time to Eat JUST REMEMBER ! The O. K. Restaurant CAN PREPARE THE MEAL THE WAY YOU WANT IT. OUR EXCEL LENT SERVICE IS MAINTAINED TO GIVE UTMOST SATISFACTION We Invite Your Patronage VULCANIZING We do all work from the smallest patch to re-treading. Expert mechanics, and all work guaranteed. SEND YOUR TIRES BY PARCEL POST Arlington Vulcanizing Works TONS CIVITA, Prop. Arlington, Ore. EDISON WEEK CELE BRATION OCT. 21-27 National Patch-Work Advertising Contest One of the Features Hundreds of Contestants From Tiiis Stute. MT. HOOD ICE CREAM Pure -:- Delicious -:- Refreshing Something Special Every Sunday ALL SOFT DRINKS SERVED HERE THE VERY BEST THE PALM LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES BEST CANDIES Edison week will be celebrated October 21 to 27. The custom of celebrating the anniversary of the in vention of the incandescent lteht hv paying honor to the inventive renins of Thomas A. Edison, the father of the electric light, will be again car ried out this year. More than a million men and women are emly- eo. in me vast industries built upon and around Edison Invention. This custom began when a group of the Edison industries determined to ob serve October 21, and some years later other industries Joined in the yearly celebration. A few years ago it was decided to devote a week to the celebration and since then Edison Week has been observed throughout the country. A greater number of persons will celebrate this year due to the re markable success attneding the re search work of Mr. Edison during the last year. Chemicals which America found herself cut off from due to the war embargo placed upon materials from Europe, produced a grave prob lem in many big plants of the United States. Substitutes had to be found to take the place of ingredients no longer obtained from Europe. This state of affairs was brought to the in ventor's attention as things became critical. It was most vital that some thing be done. Mr. Edison took mat ters in hand. He began his research work at the Edison Laboratories with ithe sole purpose of finding in this .country the necessary ingredients or , substitutes, that were so ' urgently needed in the industrial world. Again Mr. Edison demonstrated his sticka tiveness and tenacity of purpose --r---- . "zzz2JXlZ-. 1 " 1 ' JL If I Ill II II II ONE WAY TO HELP REDUCE THE HIGH COST OF LIVING Everybody wins but the "Tin Trust." Do you know it costs 7 cents per pound to put Coffee in the tins? That means you pay 40 cents for a 30c. to 33c. Coffee, or 20 waste aa wie uaas are useless 10 you, To get as near 100 food value for your money as possible, trv our BULK COFFEE. WE WILL GEIND IT FOR YOU ON OUR NUW ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDER A Complete Stock of both Bulk and Package Coffees Phelps Grocery Co. would surround almost superhuman j difficulties. Thousands of men today are employed In the production of chemicals that are now produced by Thomas A. Edison in sufficient quan tities to be of great service commer cially. j For the last few months the United States has been feeling the effects of the Edison research work in the re lief afforded many plants that are now securing ingredients necessary in manufacture which formerly came from Europe. It was characteristic , of Mr. Edison to withhold the an nouncement of his wonderful success until the situation was well in hand. It was thus when a few months ago surrounded by five hundred Edison phonograph dealers who called upon ' him at his laboratories in Orange, j New jersey, he made a simple an nouncement of hi remarkable re search work. The cheers that greet ed his words were echoed in thou sands of big industrial plants the following day when the newspaper accounts of Mr. Edison's success were cabled around the world. ! Several weeks ago Mr. Edison's work for the United States was ln- terrupted for a few minutes while his i associates reminded him that a hun- dred men from every section of the wuui.1; iu ilia uurary waning 10 present him with a gold medal cele brating the fortieth anniversary of the Invention of the dictating ma chine. Not a day goes by that does not bring to mind halt a doien inven tions that came into life upon that date through the genius of this in ventor. Three years ago, havng completed his work on the storage battery, Mr. Edison decided that he would try to develop a means of recording and re producing sound which would make the reproduction so true to life that it could not be told from the orig inal. It proved to be the longest and most costly research work ever un dertaken by Mr. Edison. Three mill ion dollars were spent in exDeriment al work alone and these experiments were not completed until last year. Not satisfied with his own as well as his associates' approval of the lit eral reproduction of the human voice on the New- Edison, Mr. Edison in sisted that it be given an acid test, before the American public. It was at Mr. Edison's direct order that the artist stood beside the new Edison and sang in drect comparison with the Re-Creation. Then followed that series of remarkable tone tests which still continue in the shrines of music in all parts of the United States. One million music lovers have attended concerts since then and listened to the living artist sine in direct com. parison with the Re-Creation of his voice. The giving artist standing beside the phonograph and singing in direct comparison with the re-creation of his voice proved that Mr. Edison had ac tually discovered the way of literal voice reproduction. A new method of musical entertainment known as the tone test concert is today strong ly endorsed In all the important music centers of the United States Metropolitan Opera singers are being booked for months ahead this coming season, proud to stand before an au dience of music lovers and sine in direct comparison with Edison's re creation of their voices. For the first time in the history of music vast audiences have gathered to listen to noted artists sing in di rect comparison with their Re-Crea ted voices on the New Edison Phono graph. Music critics of . more than five hundred leading newspapers of the United States have written ac counts of these concerts. Because of the unusual interest shown In these recitals a number of newspaper criti cisms have been collected in a book One of the events of Edison Week will be a contest for $2000 in prizes which will be awarded to the non professional ad-writers and other amateurs in this field who have form ally entered the contest to try their hand at patch-work ad writing the patch-work ads being mado up of sentences taken from different criti ques contained in the collection bear- ing upon Edison Tone Tests. Mr. Ocscar Otto, Edison dealer, of Heppner a few days ago, publicly in vited music tovers to this city enter this contest, which closes Octo ber 27. Mr. Otto last night said that several hundred contestants have en tered from this city. The prizes will be made up as follows: $1,000 cash for the best patch-work advertise ment;. $500 cash for the second best; $250 cash for the 'third best; $100 for the'fourth best; $50 for the fifth; and $10 cash to each of the ten that earn honorable mention. , WE SELL PURE WHITE FLOUR NONE BETTER HEPPNER FARMERS' UNION WAREHOUSE CO. WE HANDLE WHEAT AND WOOL. HIGHEST PRICES PAI DFOR HIDES AND PELTS. ECONOMIC AND MILITARY PREPAREDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGOil la UdWw to Mto mwm la (Mnral mm4 clejatlfl. aaaoaMaa, Mm Ml ppottoaWaa la MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC SCIINCI ARTS AND COMMERCI i lW ill, a lain ' v - It SoaeJ fern-M Htartratae) MMats.Trala fca Brala drPaa ar Wai'sMTh Waaa aai Mm UatvwaNy." Merest Raaiitrar, KIIEKITT IF 8IE68I, to A method not altogether new in the line of transportation in this part of the country, but one nevertheless I unique, is that adopted by John I Boyd, who has been cutting wood in i the vicinity of Parkers Mill. Boyd j recently purchased two small burros and a buckboard to move the vwood into town. Imagine the surprise of many people Saturday when , the wood-cutter and his mules came in with a cord and three quarters of wood on the buckboard. People's Cash Market Phone Main 73 Wholesale and retail dealers in FRESH AND CURED MEATS Prompt attention given all orders. HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor GRIEF EXTRACTER Get double the mileage out of your tires. No blow outs. No punctures, no inner tubes, no pumps, no patches. Saves time and money. Universal Tire Filler Co. LEO HILL, Manager . , -.- H H H . L M0NTERESTELL1 MARBLE AND GRANITE ' WORKS PENDLETON, OREGON FINE MONUMENT AND CEMETERY WORK All parties interested in getting work in my lino should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED Si ?880L5 HI I M.t..,, 1 l, Mill ..,!, 1 1 ,1 ,1 ,, n, , , .... .t1,Mtt't ',ll,t4HMHHMMMNM,t Address all Inquiries to C. F. Schoonraaker Agent For Morrow Co. Heppner A 113 . To can build It yooreelf from tkf material! w will .hip yon, each pl.c. numbered carefully L '""'a COMMON SENSE and a HAMMER We ehlp thle ftouae oompl.t. t the low price Quoted-direct Iron our mill to you. You'll Save Big Money Hot only on thla kouae but on any ( th othera ahown in our Plan Book or aand ua your own lan and we'll quote yon our price on materfala or It READY OUI AND BEAM met. WRITE FOR OUR PLAN BOOK TODAY . READY BUILT HOUSE CO. I8J BROADWAY PORTLAND, OREGON Walter Crosby was down from hU I Willow creek ranch Saturday and reports conditions flourishing in his neck of the woods. , Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson SDent a portion of the past week at Walla Walla. They have a fruit orchard hear that city. They returned home I Saturday evening and were accom panied by Grandma Coyden who will make a snort visit witn mends in this city. Free Assay Service Tf ifnii riav Annia rt limestone, magnetite, marble, iron, chrome, manganese, silica, salts or alkali, send in farlicuarl and samples for free test. We can handle com mercially workable deposits. Gold, silver, copper and other complete amaya made at commercial ratea. Send for rate card and literature on induttria! chemlatry. CHARLES A. NEWHALL CO., Inc. Industrial Chemista Aiiayere Engineer! 110 Woitlak. Avw., SCATTLI, WASH. BUILD YOUR NEW HOME By the Modern Method. ERN HOMES S.Tn8W b00k01 WlS t WESTERN BUILDING COMPANY 368 Spokane Aui Portland. Onjon