THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THUBSD AY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1917 , Tare Eidit LOCAL Ai PERSONAL r n si K ra M fcl .3 tl IVrj Sr3 Of uiy inciw ROADSTER The goodness of the car is seldom called into question. The thoughts about it are the same thoughts in thousands of minds. The market grows by what it feeds on and what it feeds on is the performance of the car. Deep and abounding satisfaction surrounds the sale and the use of practically every car that leaves the works. It will ay you to visit us anil examine this rar. Ttie gasoline consumption is unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high. Roadster or Touring Car, ? S 'J 5 ; Winter Touring Car or Roadster, $1000; Sedan or Coupe, ?l-65. (All prices f. o. b. Detroit.) Natt Shaw, Clarks Canyon farmer, transacted busiuess in Heppner Sat urday. ! E. S. Duran, wife and daughter of Lexington were viitors in Heppuer on Monday. j Mrs. J. B. Adams of Hardman was a Monday passenger from this city for Corvallis. Mrs. Ann Minor returned home Monday from Rockaway Heacli on the Pacific, where slie spent the summer months. Miss Marie Cason and Miss llertha Miller of Lexington wero Sunday vis itors at the Walter Cason home in this city. J. W. Morrow, of the O-W. R. & N. Co, head offices in Portland, was in Heppner the first of the week on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek returned last Friday from Newport, where they were guests at the summer cottage of Mrs. Sweek's parents. Dave Wilson, popular book keeper at the First National llank. left Sun day for Seattle to spend his vacation. He has relatives at that place. Leo Nicholson left Monday for North Yakima to visit with his father for a few days before returning to Heppner to enter school for the win ter. Walter Kilcup and wife are now touring California by automobile. During their absence, Gene Camp I bejl is keeping things going on the ranch. , Chas. Vaughn and wife have re turned from their mountain vacation. , They spent a couple of weeks in the , vicinity of Slocum's Mill on Willow creek. ! Millard French returned to Mid ; vale, Idaho, Tueday, after having spent the summer here. He expects y to remain in the Idaho country dur-1 V , ing the coming winter. WALTHER-WILLIAMS HARDWARE CO. THE DALLES, OREGON r a-1 A ALBERT WILLIAMS WOOD AND COAL I Lave taken over the fuel businesses of both the Hepp ner Yoocl Yard and C. H. Goldsmith, and can furnish fuel of all kinds in any quantity desired. Leave orders at Humphreys Drug Co. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. FOR SALE Shetland ponies. In quire of Josephine Woolery, lone. Albany residence to trade for Heppner real estate or auto. In quire G.-T. office. 2t. , For Sale A B-passenger Studeba ker car; has run 3000 miles. Good condition. 5 good tires. See H. C. Ashbaugh. tf. Dr. Gunster Graduate Veterinarian at PATTERSON & SON Drug Store Pendleton Cleaning Works GEO. D. FELL. Prop. Cleaning Pressing Repairing Men's Suits, Ladies' Dresses, Fancy Gowns, Plush Coats, Velvet Suits, Furs, Gloves, Waists, Etc. The Only Thoroughly Equip ped Plant in Pendleton WE DO IT BETTER 206 1-2 East A!ta Slrest, Phone 169 PENDLETON, OREGON Glasses fitted satisfactorily by Dr. Winnard, or money refunded. His prices are reasonable, and he is where you can always find him. No charge for testing eyes. . FOR SALE A combination hay, dairy and wheat farm; 318 acres. A snap for somebody. Call on or address Evans Bros., Lexington. Oregon. tf. FOK SALE 1840 acre Wheat and Stock Ranch, well improved. Plenty of snrine water for stock. All farm implements and improvements go with place. Easy terms. Eight miles from railroad. Inquire M. J. Devin & Sons, Iloppner, Oregon. ! C. H. Furlong was down from Hardman Monday. He lias finished heading and will begin threshing im mediately. Carlson Bros, of Goose I berry will do the work. I Ed Adltins was down from the ' mountains Monday. He has one of the finest camps in the Slocum Mill sec tion and expects to keep Ids family there for some weeks yet. Tom Boyd and family left Monday for Portland to spend their vacation of several days. Mr. Boyd is the ef ficient round house man for the O. W. R. & N. Co. in this city. Mrs. Jerry Brosnan was called to Pendleton recently on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Nelson. Mrs. Nelson's condition is greatly improved at this time. Garnett Barratt has arrived home after spending the summer in the mountains with his father's sheep. He will resume his studies in high school with the opening of the term. Miss Flora Noyes, daughter of Rev. H. A. Noyes of this city, left Monday for Umapine, Umatilla county, to take her position in the schools there. She has been spending the summer at the Noyes home here. Miss Melba Griffiths, formerly of this city, who has been spending the summer with her mother in New Mexico, is now back in Oregon and will attend the Oregon State Normal School at Monmouth this year. Hush Bran, assistant cashier of the First National Eank, returned Friday from a vacation trip to Yel lowstone Park. He made the trip as far as Boise in his car, but roads were so rough he left his car there. FOIl SALE Eight medium-sized mules, wagon and harness, gang plow and some furniture. See me at my place about 2 Va miles below Hynd Bros, rr.""' ?and Hollow, E. BACK. Steam Vulcanizing Tubes and casings given prompt attention. Lf-ave repair work at Vaughn & Sons, Hard ware. All work guarantesd, AKERS & BARLOW, Props. WALL PAPER BUYERS ATTEN TION, 1911 BARGAINS. Assortment never better. Nearly entire line at last years prices. Case Furniture Co. BARGAIN IN L V M B E R 2000 feet, 2x0, No. 1 and 2 Common Length 16 to 24 feet. J. V. JOHNHOX, Telephone 553 Heppner. The Government needs Farmers as well as Fighters. Two million three, hundred thousand acres of Oregon & ; California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. 1 Title revested in United States. To bo opened for homesteads and sale. Containing some of best land left in' United States. Large Copyrighted Map, showing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, temperature "etc., by counties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. E. 11. Merritt is busily engaged in getting out a lot of wood at his place up the left fork of Willow creek. He figures on harvesting a crop of about 100 cords for which he will doubtless find a ready market at a good price. A. L. Ayers has undertaken the job of cutting a winter's supply of cord wood in the vicinity of the old Ham ilton mill site on Willow creek. He is now engaged in the work and mak ing fair progress with the assistance of a competent helper. . Jimmie Wilson has returned to his nosition at Minor & Co., after spend ing a couple of weeks at Lenman He has been accused of snending.some of the time at the Sam Nelson lrome on Butter creek. How ever, Jimmie denies that assertion. Mrs. Jas. Morgan and Mrs. Gus Ayers of Little Butter creek were passengers Monday for Portland to make a visit at trie home of their par nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cullck. They were accompanied by the young chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Culick. C. A.-Mlnor, wife and daughter returned Monday forenoon from a short visit in Portland, making the trip by auto. Mr. and MrB. Minor are ihavtne a new residence constructed in Laurelhurst addition to Portland and were down to see how the work is getting along. Gurdane & Son CONFECTIONERY AND POOL ROOM HAVE REMOVED TO THE NEW GARRIGUES BUILDING EAST SIDE MAIN STREET MOST ATTRACTIVE PLACE OF REC REATION IN HEPPNER. NEW FURNITURE AND FIXTURES FIRST-CLASS - CLEAN - ELEGANT Ooly Standard Billiard Table in the City Cigars - Tobaccos - Pipes Soft Drinks and Ice Cream Out of town visitors are in vited to make this store their headquarters during the fair New Fall Lines Now Ready Mrs. L. G. Herren will have her New Fall Lines ready for in spection SATURDAY, SEPT. 8th Call and see the latest in Millinery, Corsets and Utility Garments. .KTWTIB f ill I4 nn 1 S T ff I UTIHUB NOV T rC5 I mvrK Ami nor V JL 1 cm mm rntw 7wtf-J a'' - U, Ji m t, rase returned Saturday from Portland, where he spent ten days attending classes in a school of em balming, which undertakers from over the state hojd there each year. In this way all undertakers keep in close touch with all the late advance ments made in the profession. We'll Use This Mixer on Your Job and Save You J Money Wonder Concrete Mixer is the latest addition to our equipment for concrete work of all kinds. It mixes perfectly and with great speed. If you have a "RUSH" job, let us do it with this machine and do it right. We guarantee results and you save time, which is money. With this mixer and expert workmen we're prepared to lay cement sidewalks or build a house. We will give you an estimate of the cost of any concrete construction ex ecuted in the best manner and the shortest possible time. Give us a call. JOHN W. JOHNSON CONTRACTOR PHONE MAIN 553 HEPPNER. ORE.