THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPXER, OREGON, THURSDAY. ARilST 30, 1017 rage Eight EDITORIAL SECTION i i ii - I I- I MB-g-gg The Gazette-Times PROFESSION ALCOLCMJI EVERYBODY KNOWS VALVE-IN-HEAD MEANS BUICK Dr. H. T. ALLISON Physician & Surgeon Office in Odd Fellows Building. VAWTER CRAWFORD, Proprietor. ARTHUR H. CRAWFORD, Editor, j I OFFICIAL PAPER FOR MORROW COUNTY. I HEPPNER. OREGON Dr. N. E. WINNARD BUICK. ! J 1 Announcing New Models for 1918 THE NEW BUICK LINE for nineteen-eighteen is complete from every standpoint of finish, refinement, comfort and service and provides a car for every demand. The successful development of the valve-in-head motor by Buick builders proves what can be done when the idea is right and its application sound. NO DUST-NO EXPOSURE NEW MODEL BUICK VALVES ENCLOSED IN DUST-PROOF CASE. New Buick Prices : E- 4 E-;u E-35 E-44 $920. $925. Two-passenger roadster. $925. Five-passenger touring ear. $1415. S-pas. roadster; G-cylinder. E-45 $1415. 5-pas. touring car, 6 eyl. E-46 $1845. 4-passeuger Coupe, G cyl. E-47 $1945. 5-passenger Sedan, 6 cyl. E-49 $1645. 7- pas. touring car, 6 cyl. E-50 $2325. 7 passenger Sedan, 6 cyl. ALBERT BOWKER LOCAL AGENT HEPPNER GARAGE Thursday, August 30, 1917. V' Elks WU1 Improve. erty. This week the old ''oyster a -n , Iqcup ' house" and "hot dog" restaurant was As announced in our latt issue, contractor Ed Buck. the Heppner lodge of Elks is making man wiu commeuce Work 0t laying preparations to begin extensive im- j new concrete walks in about two prove ment on their main street prop- weeks. At Your Service in tKe McNamee Building during the construction of our new, modern home. Checking Accounts Four Per Cent, on Time Deposits The First National Bank OF HEPPNER Huberts House Xeurins Completion. The new residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Roberts on Center and Gale streets is ntaring completion. Work from now on will be confined to the interior of the house. It will be one of the fine hoites of Heppner. Mr. Roberts will also build a garage for his automobile. SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to J. C. Balliuger, School Clerk Board man, Oregon, will be receiv ed by the Eoard of Directors of School District No, o, Morrow Coun ty. Oregon, until 8 o'clock, P. M. September 15, 1917, for the erection and completion of the first unit of a new Public School Building, as per revised plans. Proposals are Invited upon both tile and concrete construc tion and separate bids are wanted up on heating, plumbing, electric wiring, a deep well and water system. Plans and specifications can be had by applying to the School Clerk or from the office of E. FRANCIS WILLIAMS, Architect, 217 Alisky Building, Portland, Oregon. Each proposal must be accompan led by a ctrtified check of 5' of the amount of the bid. Said checks to be made payable to J. C. Balliuger, School Clerk. If for any reason the bidder fails to execute the proper contract and bond required within 10 days after the notification of the acceptance of his bid, then said certified clieck will become forfeited to the said school District, No. 25, Morrow County, Ore gon. The Board reserves the right tc accept any or to reject any or all bids J. C. BALLIN'GKU, RECOGNITION! Never have so many voluntary ex pressions of satisfaction and good will been received as those coming from Cole Eight owners. Never have sales been go great, nor cars ardered so far in advance. Never has the Cole been more strongly entrenched as America's dominent Eight. Each day the growing demand for the Cole Eight is more difficult to meet. The factory distr ibutors for this Pacific Northwest are literally fighting for every carload shipped into this territory. We suggest that if you want a Cole Eight now, next month, or the month following, ORDER IT TO DA Y. Seven passenger Cole Eight $1795. Four Passenger Cole Eight Roadster $1795. Pricci f. o. b. factory. Subjtct to change without notict. Morrow County agent for the OLDSMOBILE, a high grade, light weight car at a moderate price, $1600 at Heppner Harold A Cohn, Heppner, Oregon Physician & Surgeon Office In Fair Building HEPPNER - - OREGON A. D. McMURDO, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Office In Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER :-: :-: OREGON THE PEACE PROPOSAL The Pope's recent advances toward peace are undoubtedly idvances in the right direction, but we question the timeliness of his moves. The response of the allies is a clear indication that the time has not yet arrived for peace. The feeling among the enemies of the kaiser is that he should be whipped into an everlasting submission to the end that democracy will be made afe for all time to come. Yet it seems that if peace is to come on the terms outlined bv the Pope, the kaiser is virtually winning the battle and all that has thus far been sacrificed upon the altar ot war will have een a sacrifice to no apparent benefit to the cause. Rather will t give the kaiser an opportunity to gather together the badly orn odds and ends of his former great military machine, and with the efficiency of his government yet intact, begin that pro- ess over again which would ultimately end in another world' lisaster. Every country fighting on the side of democracy and a free country tor all men, has signified their intention ot hgliting the war through to a glorious conclusion. This means that the end will come only after the forces of the kaiser, the so-called blue bloods of Germany, those self-believed God chosen few who are to lead the rest of the world from out ot the darkness into the light of "might makes right," will have been thorough- licked, beyond any possible chances of a come back. Then, and then only, will the coming of peace be welcomed by those wno would insure us perpetuation. Headline in daily paper says "meatless day will be ob served soon." This will be no innovation to the average coun try editor. One day with meat would sound better to him. i-i Morrow county farmers are too busy harvesting their crops to give any worry as to what kind of a price Mr. Hoover is go ino- to fix for wheat. Whatever that price will be, anything over the two dollar mark will look good to them. Rumor has it that the price will be around two dollars and fifteen cents per bushel. . tt Hewjner should form a debating society to thresh out the iroblems of street paving. These debates, held during the win ter months, might get bettor results than those held this sum mer, during the oppressive heat waves that visited this section. Too much hot air all at one time is not conducive to best results. J-t A Heppner man has been honored in the appointment of W. B. Barratt to the committee of food conservation of the State Council of Defense. But one other man in Eastern Ure- 'on received such an appointment, all the other members of the committee residing west of the mountains The personnel of the list is made of some of Oregon's fore most citizens. It is only natural that men of ability should be appointed to such a responsible task as that of conserving the food resources of the state, t orty eight sucli committees work ing throughout the United States will aid greatly in winning the war. From the chairman of the committee, president of the Ore Dr. R. J. VAUGHN DENTIST Permanently located In tbe Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 6. HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAW Office In Palace Hotel, Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEV-AT-LAW Offce on west end of May Street HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORN E Y'-AT-LAW Office, Roberts Building, Heppner Office Phone, Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWVKU Roberts Building, Heppner, Oreg. F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER IONE OREGON CLYDE and DICE WELLS SHAVING PARLORS Three doors south of Postofflce. Shaving 25c Hatrcutting 36c Bathroom in connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doors North Palace Hotel. TON SOU AL ARTISTS FINE BATHS SHAVING 26c J. H. BODE MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER :-: OREGON 'Tailoring That Satisfies" LOUIS PEARSON MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER :-: :-: :-: OREGON ROY V. WHITEIS Fire Insurance writer (or beat Old Line Companies. 1 gon Agricultural College, down to the last member, will be .'heppner found men who are capable of handling the situation and will ' prove able assistants to Herbert Hoover, the State Council of Defense and the Nation in general ORBGON Contractdlng Painting and Paper hanging, Phone 663. Office 1st Door Wtst ot Creamery GLENN Y. WELLS Attorney-at-Law Heppner, Oregon IT WILL COME BEFORE LONG. People who have visions of a larger Heppner can see a tew well established industries in the town, each having a consider able payroll. It has been said that no town is larger than ts payroll, and in our judgment this comes close to being a true statement. There never has been an united effort put forth here to get industries. Too many of the more conservative have said there is nothing here that will ever make tor any large industry. This may be so, but that doessn't mean that we are to stand still for ever, just because we can't do something real. big. VV e miglit iust as well go after a number of smaller industries, and if they are prope rly nursed, they will probably grow into big, thriving institutions. . j i i r r i i . i: 1 A few miles soutli or lleppner stands an unlimited suppiy FOn SALE Good land 2 miles nf timber much of which can be sawed into good commercial form Castle Rock, sec 29-4-24, near lumber of one kind or another. The world's supply ot timber 1S - - growing shorter every day and we are sure that the inevitable 8omQ B0Uth aiso water within 25 wtinlt will be the marketing of this timber through the lumber feet of surface on this section. Land io 10 ia per acre; terms. Address owner, A. B. M., White Bldg., Seat tle, Vash. M. J. BRADFORD "The Village Painter" DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon. Regular monthly visits to Hepp ner and lone. Watch paper for dates. markets of the world. When that time comes, saw mills will be running in Hepp ner means for transportation will be provided for and there ...:u i. r,n in 1 larwr than most of ns ever dream- WALL PAPER BUYERS ATTEN- "l" , f"v . ,." , ... ,j , . TION, 1010 BARGAINS. Assortment ed. It is coming in time. Such a proposition would bring the nm' bettel, Nearly entlre llne at solution of the fuel problem at the same time. laat yeara prices. Case Furniture Co,