Fage Two THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEITXER, OREGON. THUKSD AY. AUGUST 30, 1917 Paw . t V TT W A The HORN PASTIME VICTOR GROSHEN, Prop. SOUTHEAST CORNER MAIN A MAY STREETS Complete Line of Candies and Cigars and all the Leading Soft Drinks. Card Tables in Connection. First Class Service Give Us a Call Model Eighty-Five Four bjext to change mlhout natitt Pacific Coast Pric $1010 This is the world's most pow erful low-priced car. It is fundamentally the same car that year after year for many years has enabled Overland to lead by a wide margin, ail cars of such comfortable size. Power! Comfort!! Economy!!! These advantages in true bal ance, as combined in this Over land, give unmatched satisfac tion to the man who owns this overwhelmingly successful car. Come to our store get yours today. tv MINOR & CO., Agents, Heppner Ml. HOOD ICE CREAM Pure Delicious Refreshing Something Special Every Sunday ALL SOFT DRINKS SERVED HERE THE VERY BEST THE PALM LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES BEST CANDIES FOB SALE Shetland ponies. In quire of Josephine Woolery, lone. The new concrete walk is slowly winding its way up the eft side of Chase street. Contractor Buckman is laying the walk this week in front of the S. W. Spencer property and the W. R. Irwin residence, which was purchased last week by J. T. Knap penberg of lone. Gus Williamson, the Blue Moun tain poet, is spending a few days in Heppner from the Wiglesworth ranch on Butter creek. yhen yourthoughs turn to Eats I! Think of Us Phelps Grocery Co. May Move to California. J. E. Musgrave, who owns prop erty the other side of Hardman was in Heppner Tuesday on business. Mr. Musgrave is about to trade his in terests here for property in Califor nia, and if the deal goes through he will move with his family to the southland. Late Wedding Ceremony. City Recorder J. P. Williams was called from his bed at 12 o'clock last Saturday night to tie the nuptial knot making Pete Nelson of Olex and Les sie Hacker of this county man ana wife. The wedding was delayed on account of the contracting parties be ing unable to procure the proper wit nesses to secure the marriage license. They will make their home near Olex. Getting Wells Drilled. J. S. Buseick, Hamilton sheepman is spending a few days in Heppner on business. Mr. Buseick is now hav ing three wells drilled on his Grant county property, T. B. Buffington of lone having charge of the work. Ac cording to Mr. Buseick, Mr. Buffling ton has enough jobs contracted to keep him busy for the next three years. Clarence J. D. Bauman, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bauman, who reside on Willow creek Just above Lexington, left last Friday for Portland to enlist in the marines. Another son will leave soon to join the new National army. way engineer, who has been making his headquarters in Pendleton, was in Heppner Friday. Mr. Bennett has sent in his resignation to the state department, but his successor has not yet been announced. , 3. W. Sadler, Portland bridge con tractor, passed through Heppner last Saturday on bis way to Monument where he has charge of the construc tion work on a big new bridge across the John Day river at that point. G. M. Blakely, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Katherine Blakely, were pver from their home near Mon ument last week. While here, Mr. Blakely received a new Buick from the Heppner Garage. J. W. Beckett, accompanied by Mrs. Beckett, arrived In Heppner Sat urday from their home in Portland. They were on their way to the old farm at Eight Mile to make a visit with their son Walter and his family. Bob Sargent, formerly of the Phill Cohn warehouse in this city, is down from Alberta for a few days visiting with old friends. Bob has been do ing well in the north country. Miss Madge Morrison', who has been spending a few weeks visiting at the farm home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Morrison, returned to San Francisco last Friday. Emmett Cochran and J. L. Wilklns are attending the annual ram sale in Salt Lake City this week. WE SELL PURE WHITE FLOUR NONE BETTER HEPPNER FARMERS' UNION WAREHOUSE CO. WE HANDLE WHEAT AND WOOL. HIGHEST PRICES PAI DFOR HIDES AND PELTS. Ford. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The handsome Ford Coupelet, the most conve nient and serviceable among two-seated motor cars. Big, wide seat deeply upholstered; large doors with sliding panels of plate glass; waterproof and cozy top lowered or raised in two minutes. The price of the Ford Coupelet is $505, Runabout $345, Touring Car $360, Town Car $595, Sedan $645 f. o. b. Detroit. Leave your order with us today. WALTHER-WILLIAMS HDWE. CO. J. O. RASMUS, Mgr. Sales Room in Yeager Blbj?., Main St. MON TERESTELLI MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS PENDLETON, OREGON 339 FINE MONUMENT AND CEMETERY WORK All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders ALL WORK GUARANTEED t'ltttf tttitttttttf ttttttl-t-t it-t- r1'H'il-ftpH'fr't"lM"i 'Hut A lSIK;?880!f Too oan build it yourself from ttin mattrlali w will nhlp yon, each piece nombttrud carefully ynn uie alUMe COMMON SENSE and a HAMMER W uliip thli huunw complete at the low prlca quoted dlreot from our mill to yon, You'll Save Big Money Not only on this honno lint on any of the othera hoivn in or Pln Book or KM 111 your did plan anil we'll quote yon our price on mmerlala lor It -READY CUT AMD READY TO EHECT, WHITE FOR OUR FUN BOOK TODAY READY EUILT HOUSE CO. 983 BROADWAY PORTLAND, OREGON Address all Inquiries to CF.Schoonmaker! Agent For Morrow Co. Heppner