THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER. OREGON, THURSD AY, AUGUST 9, 1917. Pajrc Seven ? ! x City Meat Market All kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats and Lard This is the place to buy Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Salmon, Halibut, Smelts AGENTS FOR "SEALSHIPT" OYSTERS Johnson & Johnson BE PREPARED mi To raise better crops by cultivating more and raising less weeds. It will pay you to invest in a Jones' Weeder. This machine has been greatly im proved this year and will be a great factor in bigger crops. Built in sections like a harrow, each section cuts five feet. Tou can use as many sections as needed. Six horses pulls three sections cutting fifteen feet. Absolutely tlje best machine ever built for cultivating summerf allow; does the work speedily and thorough ly. Get a Jones' Weeder beforo the weeds get big and ruin your summer-fallow. THE JONES WEEDER See C. E. JONES or H. C. ASHBAUGH, Beppner, Oregon When it is Time to Eat JUST REMEMBER' The O. K. Restaurant CAN PREPARE THE MEAL THE WAY YOU WANT IT. OUR EXCEL- I LENT SERVICE IS MAINTAINED TO GIVE UTMOST SATISFACTION We Invite Your Patronage f People's Cash Market Phone Main 73 Wholesale and retail dealers in FRESH AND CURED MEATS Prompt attention given all order. - HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor I AM COUNTY AGENT FOR Truck Attachments for all Makes of Cars One ton Trucck attachments for Fords ....$350.00 1 ton, $550.00; 2 ton Truck, $600.00. Attached to any make of 3-speed car F.O.B. Heppner E. H. Kellogg, Heppner, Ore. - -j anything you can give them except your photograph Bring the Kiddies early while they are fresh and rested The pictuve will be prettier. SIGSBEE STUDIO OVER STAR THEATER Heppner, Oregon. 'i"'''l""t',''',"l"'"," liiSiyKiHIii mm. U880L5 Ton oh build It voanelf from th material we will ship yon, each piers numbered carefully noaii a little COMMON BEN BE and a HAMMER. Tt ship thlt bouaa complete at tbt low print quoted dlrwt from our mill to yon. You'll Save Big Money Not only on this honet but on any of the othen ehown In oar Plan Book or tond ns ynnr own plan and we'll quote yon our pricft on matrrlali for It -READY CUT AND READY TO EREUT. WRITR FOB OUR PLAN BOOK TODAY READY BUILT HOUSE CO. 81 BROADWAY PORTLAND, OREGON i Address all X Inquiries to X C. F. Schoonmaker j Agent I For Morrow Co. Heppner FROFK8HION.U, COLUMN Dr. H. T. ALLISON Physician 4 Soriceoa Office in Odd Fellows Building. HEPPNER. OREGON Dr. N. E. WINNARD Physician & Surgeon Office in Fair Building HEPPNER OREGON A. D. McMlJRDO; M. D. Physician A Surgeon Office In Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER :-: :-: OREGON Dr. R. J. VAUGHN DENTIST Permanently located in the Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 6. HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel, Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN EY-AT-LAW , OSce on west end of May Street HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON t ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office, Roberts Building, Heppner Office Phone, Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oreg. F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER i IONB :-: :-: :-: :-: OREGON CLYDE and DICK WELLS SHAVING PARLORS Three doors south of Postofflce. Shaving 26c Haircuttlng 86c Bathroom in connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doors North Palace Hotel. TONSORAL ARTISTS FINE BATHS SHAVING 26c J. H. BODE MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER :-: :-: :: OREGON "Tailoring That Satisfies" LOUIS PEARSON MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER :-: :-: :-: OREGON ROY V. WHITEIS Fire Insurance writer for best Old Line Companies. HEPPNER ORBGON BRADFORD & SON "The Village Painters" Contractding Painting and Paper hanging, Phone 663. Office 1st Door Wtst of Creamery GLENN Y. WELLS Attoruej-at-Law Heppner, Oregon DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon. Regular monthly visits to Hepp ner and lone. Watch paper for dates. Oscar Shafer, of Monument was registered at the Palace in this city last Friday. This is his first trip to Heppner for more than a year past. M. O. Bennett, deputy state high way engineer, was in Heppner last Sunday. ' John Curran met with a slight ac cident this week while driving his big Chandler car. He did not state how it happened, but he received a severe cut on the back of his neck. The car was ouly slightly damaged, i SHIPBUILDING IS AN IM MEDIATE NATIONAL DUTY This nation has declared war on the greatest military power in the world. Allied nations are in need of supplies, munitions and food more than ever before. If we move our own armies to Europe and supply them with equipments, ammunition and food we must have ships. Rapid blulding of ships is the Im mediate national need back of the whole situation for ending the world war and most of all tiur greatest im perative need if we are to bear an honorable and efficient part in the struggle we have entered upon, and we cannot turn back, having put our hand to the plow. Shipbuilding is the immediate na tional duty and demand. The Presi dent has removed contenton from the Shipping Board and the country is now ready to go ahead and get the bottoms of steel and wood that are to enable our country to participate and deliver our forces In the world strug gle for humanity. In building the nation's equipment for the ocean the Pacific Coast states and the states west of the Rocky mountains will render the most im portant part. We have the harbors that are secure. We have the raw material for building wooden ships and are able to build the steel ships up to the standard required for mod ern commerce. The industry has gone forward ! very encouragingly on the Puget Sound, at Portland, and at San Fran cisco and Los Angeles and many of, the minor ports on the west coast. Probably a hundred million dollars has been invested .in shipyards, and at least five hundred ships of steel and wood are under construction. Before the end of the year the Pa cific Coast shipbuilding Industry should be turning out a Bhip every day and possibly two a day, and will be employing fifty thousand hands in this industry. To illustrate: Take the Oregon situation. In that district about one hundred ships of wood and steel and of all sizes are under contract for construction, 23 contracts for steel ships and the rest for wood. Portland has developed this indus try through its Chamber of Com merce until at present 12,000 men are employed directly and indirectly of which 3500 to 4000 are employed under Bub-contractors. There is $25, 000,000 invested in the shipbuilding properties and equipment. But Port land is limited in further operations by lack of workers. Portland needs 6000 men capable of working on some kind of lobor in building steel ships, and 6000 more to work on wooden ships. Almost any kind of wood worker or metal worker can be utilized and it Is not a question of wages. The wages paid are better than in almost any other line of industry and work is steady all the year through. The Government will not let more contracts at Portland until at leant several thousand ship workers can be secured. They must be had and it is the highest civic and patriotic duty of every man who can handle "tools in wood work or metal work or has Intelligence and muscle that can be applied to these tasks to help build ships. Young men and old men, men with families or without families, will find a shipbuilding center a profitable and ideal place to serve his country, and there should be enlisted in this in dUBtry 25,000 men before another year rolls by. The nation needs you, Mr. Mechanic. The world needs you. Commercial bodies and newspa pers and business men reading this statement can all do their little bit directing men to shipbuilding cen ters. You will be helping the men and helping your country at its point of sorest need. If you cannot work on thte shipyard send a substitute and help save the situation for with out ships we are helpless. Places like Portland ana other points where ships are being built, or can be built, are absolutely at the mercy of the lobor situations, and there must be a selective and co-operative campaign to advance the building of ships, or our country faces the most serious situation in its history. An Appeal from the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective Society To the Mothers and Sisters of Oreg on : It will be needless for me to go into detail and explain to you the problem of feeding 35 girls and 60 babies. The task is diliicult at any time, but a tremendous burden at present. I appeal to you to remem ber the girls and babes during this canning season, and put up a little extra to ship to the Louise Home and the Albertlna Kerr Nursery Home, where we are caring for abandoned mothers and babes, and we assure you that whatever you can do in their behalf will be greatly appreciated. Why not form a club in your town and ship a barrel of canned fruit or canned vegetables at Thanksgiving. Address correspondence to Gen. Supt. W. G. McLaren, 195 Burnside St., Portland, Oregon, for shipping Instructions. W. S. Warren of Mosier arrived In Heppner Saturday and will spend the summer in our harvest fields. He will get a job running an engine. !!! SOS 3 ! Itora-Truck j a F.O.B. Chicago RATIONAL VuNRCo. Pi l In I 5 hi 1 y 0 t.1 The Master Hauler Over 450 Lines of Work Over 10,000 Users 30,000 More This Year Smith Form -a -Truck is the master hauler of the world. With more sold in the past twelve months than all other truck attachments combined more than any; other make of motor truck and with a staggering demand ahead for the next twelve months. Overwhelming demand has forced the factory to develop a univer sal attachment to combine with any Ford, Maxwell, Buick, Dodge Bros., Chevrolet, Overland car. Insistent buyers demand almost superhuman results to satisfy their demands; we are assured that every demand will be met. Present users are doubling their equipment to take care of the new op portunities opened by a tremendously widened field of delivery. Every day brings new records of economy and of sensational delivery and hauling achievements. Do not put off giving us your order come in today for a demonstra tionsee what low ton-mile hauling and de livery cost really means. See how this Master Hauler puts big money back into your profits. ALBERT BOWKER, Agent, Heppner, Oregon m -Mf.rnni-Mii V 1 'WveKKtfMftKk.'SC.ttttfl ret ImZ few.. nwt Grief extracter Get double the mileage out of your tires. No blow outs. No punctures, no inner tubes, no pumps, no patches. Saves time and money. Universal Tire Filler Co. LEO HILL, Manager ft x Hard ware Is all the name implies and nothing more. Some hardware is better than other. That depends. We carry complete lines of Hard ware in the best known and more widely advertised lines. Vaughn & Sons Hardware Dealers 1 V