THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPXgR, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917 Fage Sen' ! HAIL INSURA I NCE ! i Costs no more written now than later. TSE PROTECTED ALL THE TIME. Prepared ly ness is just as essential in growing grain as in war. Hail and Fire insurance is true prepared ness. W e write both kinds in the strongest com panies in the United States. SEE US BEFORE PLACING YOUR INSURANCE ! ' Smead & Crawford t 4. When it is Time to Eat JUST REMEMBER! The O. li. Restaurant j CAN PREPARE THE HEAL THE WAY YOU WANT IT. OUR EXCEL- t LENT SERVICE IS MAINTAINED TO GIVE UTMOST SATISFACTION ) J We Invite Your Patronage i People's Cash Market Phone Main 73 Wholesale and retail dealers in FRESH AND CURED MEATS Prompt attention given all orders. HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor I AM COUNTY AGENT FOR Truck Attachments for all Makes of Cars One ton Trucck attachments for Fords $350.00 iy2 ton, $550.00; 2 ton Truck, $600.00. Attacked to any make of 3-speed car F.O.B. Heppner E. H. Kellogg, Heppner, Ore. Your friends can buy anything you can give them except your photograph Bring the Kiddies early while they are fresh and rested The pictuve will he prettier. SIGSBEE STUDIO OVER STAR THEATER Heppner, Oregon. 1 UtM HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M Address all Inquiries to C. F. Schoonmaker For Morrow Co. 1 Toa cm build It yoorielf from the material! wt will hlp Ton, tftch pipe unbend carefully yon nupulfttle COMMON SENSE ml i HAMMFR. We fhip thti hotme complete nt the low price quoted direct from oar mill to yoa. You'll Save Big Money Hot only on IMi bom. bnt oa nj of th othen ihown fn our ?ln Book or nn ni your on plan tnd w.'ll qnot. voo onr prlc. on ir.ntemla lor It-READY OUT AND READY TO EIIECT. WRITE l"OR OUR PLAN HOOK T1IDAV READY BUILT HOUSE CO. ti BR0AUWAT PORTLAND, OREGON Heppner J. S. Buselck and family of Ham ilton spent a few days in Heppner the latter part of the week and went on to Portland by auto to visit with rel atives In that city for a short time. Mr. Buselck has arranged to have some well drilling done on his Grant county ranches and has secured T, B. Buffington, of lone, to do the work. Mr. Buffington will begin op orations right away after the 4th, or as soon as he can get his drills over to the Buselck place. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN' Dr. H. T. ALLISON Physician A Surgeon Office In Gonn Building. HEPPNER. OREGON Dr. N. E. WINNARD Physician & Surgeon Office la Fair Building HEPPNER - - OREGON A. D. McMURDO, M. D. Physician A Surgeon Office In Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER :-: :-: OREGON Dr. R. J. VAUGHN DENTIST Permanently located In the Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and S. HEPPNER. OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office In Palace Hotel, Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW Offce on west end of May Street HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW Office, Roberts Building, Heppner F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER (ONE OREGON CLYDE and DICE WELLS SHAVING PARLORS Three doors south of PostoQce. Shaving 26c Halrcuttlng 36c Bathroom in connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doors North Palace Hotel. TONSORAL ARTISTS FINE BATHS SHAVING 25c J. H. RODE MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER OREGON "Tailoring That Satisfies" LOUIS PEARSON MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER :-: :: :-: OREGON ROY V. WHITEIS Fire Insurance writer for best Old Line Companies. HEPPNER OREGON BRADFORD & SON "The Village Painters" Contracting Painting and Paper hanging, Phone 663. Office 1st Door Wtst of Creamery GLENN Y. WELLS Attorney-at-Law Heppner, Oregon DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon. Regular monthly visits to Hepp ner and lone. Watch paper for dates. 0. A. C. mSTJUSEN MANY H E Professor 1. B .Horner Says Oregon School is Doing Share in Present Crisis. BE PREPARED p 0' a ! "The World War will last from three to thirty years," said Professor J. B. Horner of the Oregon Agricul tural College in a recent interview 'while in this city the first of the week. with a Gazette-Times representative. Professor Horner bases this state-' ment upon facts he has learned from j various sources and from the men who stand high in the military af fairs of this country. It was a no ticeable fact at the opening of the I war that the Oregon Agricultural Col ! lege students who had previous thor-' jough military training offered their ' services to Uncle Sam. However the I War Department through Major Bell has issued a statement to students in land grant colleges that they can best serve their government by re 1 maining under military and indus trial instruction until their services I are called for. Therefore, the Ore gon Agricultural College and other institutions of that type are co-operating with the government in edu cating young men and women to be of the greatest possible aid in the. movement of food preparedness, which is to decide the war; also the institution desires to be helpful in placing Oregon boys who go to war ROOT and BERRY remedy for in positions of rank where their valor and their lives will count for most. RHEUMATISM. .. Contains no For this purpose, the College Fac-' . , . , , ... ulty are visiting every nook and cor- Opiates OT Chemicals, and Will ner of the State during their vacation not injure the most delicate to meet young men and women who . need help in this national crisis. "It Stomach Or digestion. Results would be regarded as a patriotic act guaranteed or money refunded. on the part of anyone," said Prof. , en ... Horner, "to send the College the ; Pnce $1.50 per Outfit. For name and address of any one who gjjjg by To raise better crops by cultiva&isj. more aad raising less weeds. It pay you to Invest in a Jones' Weartw.fc This machine has been greatly -'. proved this year and will be a gnati factor in bigger crops. ; Built in sections like a haro. each section cuts five feet. Yo wmtS. use as many sections as needed. norses puns tnree sections en fifteen feet. Absolutely the best machine built for cultivating summerfaftn; does the work speedily and thoro ly. Get a Jones' Weeder before I THE JONES WEEDER weeas gei Dig ana rum your subm fallow. See C. E JONES or H. C ASHBAUGH, Heppser, Oregon Ffff L CSjgfff flwrl j Dr. Gunster Graduate Veterinarian at PATTERSON & SON Drug Store RHEUMATISM ANTI-URIC. The famous I have Just received a lot of La dles' genuine imported Peruvian Pan ama Hats. Just the thing for sum mer wear. Priced at $3 to $6. MRS. L. G. HERREN. WALL PAPER BUYERS ATTEX TION, 1010 BARGAINS. Assortment never better. Nearly entire line at last years prices. Case Furniture Co, Millard French Is here on a visit to the home folks from his home at Welser, Idaho. He expects to re main at Heppner for a few weeks, Mr. French has been living in the Weiser country for the past two years and likes it there quite well. He states that it is very dry there this Rummer and little will ho trrnwn out side of the irrigated districts. the defense and protection of our country." From the large number of students who have registered in the Oregon Agricultural College from Heppner and vicinity, Professor Horner recalls Harvey McAllister, who for a long time was dean of athletics for Mor row county. . Then there is the Cur- rin family which has been steadily represented at O. A. C, first by ones and then by two ever since Professor D. V.' S. Reid was principal of the Heppner schools. George J. Currin attended the school in the early days and later nearly every one of his children have received their higher education there. They are, Hugh Cur rin, Llllie Currin, Nettie, Mabry and Mary Currin. Others are Roy Brock, Robert and Mamie Stott, Ralph I. Thompson, Hanson Hughes, Alva and Glenn Jones Otheo Crawford, Ivan Severance, Maurice Smead, Earl Hal iock, Ira Morgan, C. L. Sweek, Loy M. and Jesse O. Turner, Jessie, Ger trude and Leffie Davidson, Mabel Mc Nabb Read, Harvey, Llnnle and Cleve Currin, F. L. Christensen, Mr. Mc Elligott, Karl W. Farnsworth, Delia Jackson, Lotta Peck, Burton H. Peck, Bertha Morgan, Mabel David, son, Ivar Nelson, Clare A. Miller, J. W. Motley, Harold Mason, Ben Anderson, Henry P. Cohn, Dr. Gun ster and others whose names could not be recalled at this writing. Professor Horner left Heppner Tuesday for The Dalles. After at tending the meeting of the Nationa.1 Education Association in Portland next week, Professor Horner will make an extended tour through Uma tilla, Union, Baker and Malheur counties. PATTERSON & SON & HUMPHREY DRUG CO. FOR SALE. One second hand Brown-Lewis m Don't let him get like Sor Dr. Daniel Antiseptic Dusting tsi Healiny Powder FIXES GALLS, SORES AND OGT1 Costs only SOo large can, at our Atai Aik for Dr. Duiclt' Hon Book in 5xm HUMPHREYS DRUG & Agents for Dr. Da, iel's Horse, Cow & dog remedies. WITH FREEBOOXS G. M. Bfckley, extensive Bswr: county stockman, spent a few tati combine, built in Walla Walla, only in Heppner the first of the we. run two seasons, in good condition. Separator run by gas engine. Price $800, will trade for livestock. Call on or address R. A. THOMPSON, Athena, Oregon. I C. B. Sperry, warehouseman of lone, was doing business in Heppner on Monday. ing registered at the Palace notes. Mr. and Mrs. Karl HaphoM bE Klondike, Ore., are visiting at Oes home of Mrs. Haphold's paratr Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Currin ia city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hale of Jaacrr are visiting a few days in this city. Prominent Families Again United. Two prominent Morrow county families were again united when Miss Lena Cox of Rhea creek became the bride of Elbert Ray Young of Eight Mile. The marriage took place at the home of the groom's father, J. S. Young in North Heppner last Satur day morning. Rev. Turner MacDon ald, pastor of the First Christian church performed the ceremony. There were present only a few of the relatives of the young people. Mr. and Mrs. Young will make their home in Eight Mile where Mr. Young is engaged in farming on the Anderson ranch. This is the second wedding wherein the Youngs have married women from the Cox family, an older brother, Harvie having married an older daughter who was Miss Gladys Cox. All those desirous of doing any sewing during the summer for the Red Cross, call at Mrs. Herren'smilli nery store for same. MRS. PHILL COHN, Chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buschke, of Rhea creek, were visitors in Hepp ner on Tuesday. Mr. Buschke states that while the weather of the past week or so has been rather trying on the crops, his grain looks well yet and he is feeling quite hopeful over the prospects. Mr. Buschke looks for rain soon and says that it it comes crops out his way will be equal, if not better, than they were I last year. Hardware Is all the name implies and nothing more. Some hardware is better than other. That depends. We carry complete lines of Hard ware in the best known and' more widely advertised lines. Vaughn & Sons Hardware Dealers City Meat Market j All kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats and Lard p II This is the place to buy j$ Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Salmon, Halibut, Smelts I AGENTS FOR "SEALSHDPT" OYSTERS jj' I Johnson & Johnson H ' Wat