2 THE GAZETTE-TIMES, IIEPPXER, OREGOX, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917 1 1 T.r , iageme i . - 1 UTUUVC1 MCUO illllllll Mil will in mi " Ir j! Wll-aW r. vw .-- ilBIHlllil iii iii FOR SALE Ll v- Ll v 10 Head of Horses as follows: 1 Team Black 3-year-olds, weight 1100 lbs. 1 Buckskin 3-year-old, weight about 1300 lbs. 1 Iron Gray 3-year-old, weight about 1250 lbs. 1 Roan 7-year-old, weight 1200 lbs. 1 Iron Gray 7-year-old, weight 1150 lbs. 1 White 8-year-old, weight 1300 lbs. 1 Bay 7-year-old, weight 1100 lbs. 1 Buckskin 4-year-old, weight about 1100 lbs. 1 4-year-old, weight about 1100 lbs. 1 Pure Bred Percheron Stallion, 7 years old, weight 1850 pounds. Will be in Heppner July 15-17 at Tom Morgan's Feed Yard. Anyone' wanting good mares will find them in this bunch. All mares in foal to said horse. $1700.00 Takes the Bunch TERMS CASH Call in and look at them. GEORGE W.CORK i & ' 3774 RKPORT OF THE CONDITION' OP THE The First National Bank at Heppner, IN THE STATE OF OREGON, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS OX Jl'XK 20th, 1017. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . $ 860,938.42 Overdrafts, unsecured ' 95.64 V. S. Honds (other than Liberty Honds of 1017) : U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness U. S. bonds deposited to secure circula tion (par value).. $25,000.00 U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to secure postal savings deposits (par value) 1,000.00 26,000.00 Payment on account subscription for Liberty Loan Bonds i 5,000.00 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged 15,845.50 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of sub scription 3,600.00 Value of bankin ghouse 13,400.00 Furniture and fixtures 1,900.00 Real estate owned other than banking house 20,475.25 Net amount due from approved reserve agents In New York, Chicago and St. Louis $ 9,682.25 Net amount due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities 215,953.08 225,635.33 Net amount due from banks and bankers 284,117.07 Outside checks and other cash items. $5,608.68 Fractional currency, nickels, and cents 110.73 5,719.41 Notes of other national banks 220.00 Notes of Federal Reserve banks 100.00 Lawful reserve in vault and net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank 144,411.01 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 1,250.00 TOTAL - $1,008,707.03 LIABIILTIES. Capital stock paid In '- 102k!!0!!!! Surplus fund lUTi ,0M Undivided profits $64,922.84 Less current expenses, Interest and taxes ,.,, puljj 11,568.55 53,354.29 Circulating notes outstanding Net amount due to banks and bankers 8,869.38 Demand deposits subject to Reserve: Individual deposits subject to check..- 1,126,399.46 Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (other. than for money borrowed) oenn Certified checks. Cashier's checks outstanding- -------- 5,528.87 Total demand deposits. --$1.2 0.B90.3B Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days or subject to 30 days or more notice) : Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor- rowed) 24 6140 ,.,:.b TOTAL - -$1,008,707.03 State of Oregon, County of Morrow, ss: t W P Mahoney, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly , t'w the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge swear that the anove buu p MAH0NBYi Cn9i)lpr. ana,wrihed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1917. Subscribed ana swum VACT0R Notnry PubllCi Com. expires 2-21-1920. COTRRJEMAHONEY; J. B. NATTER, FRANK GILLIAM, Directors. Local And Personal Happen ings of Heppner And Vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, pio neers of the SandHollow country. spent Monday in this city. Laxton McMurray was noticed among the large number who were up from lone to take in the circus on Friday. Dr. A. K. Higgs, formerly of Hepp ner but now of Portland, arrived here the first of the week to attend to some matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Cochran of Monument are spending several days In Heppner. Mr. Cochran Is an ex- tensive stockman of that section. T. J. Mahoney, cashier of the Live stock State Bank of North Portland, arrived in the city the first of the week to make a brief business visit. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Patterson have returned from a visit of a week in Portland. They arrived home Sun day with a new Cadillac car of the latest model. Miss Ilene Brlarly arrived the last of the week from South Bend, Wash., and will visit for a while at the home of her aunt, Mrs. D. M. Ward, on Blackhorse. J. R. Nunamaker, who owns exten sive orchards in the Hood River sec tion, spent a few days in Heppner and vicinity last week looking after business interests. Miss Opal Briggs, successful Mor row county teacher, will go to Port land this week to be in attendance at the sessions of the National Edu cation Association. , FOR SALE One Overland car; fine shape; good for 30,000 miles; 1912 model; new tires. SeU for $250.00. This car never needs re pairing. OREGON GARAGE. Fred Rader of Long Creek came over the first of the week to receive a Buick "Six" which he purchased from Albert Bowker. Mr. Rader is a stockman of the Long Creek coun try. E. G. Noble and wife left the first of the week for Portland and other Willamette Valley points. They are making the trip in their car and will visit at Monmouth with relatives of Mrs. Noble before returning home. Mrs. H. A. Noyes leaves on to morrow for Portland where she will attend the musical festival to be staged by Portland's singers in the new Auditorium building. She will' also remain for the sessions of ther N. E. A. S. W. Spencer and S. E. Van Vac tor have established their summer camps on the left fork of upper Wil low creek. Mr. Van Vactor took up his camp outfit Saturday. These people find the Blue Mountain foot hills unexcelled for summer outings and spend their vacation here each year. W. O. Allison, of t'kiah, has been spending the week visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Carrie Vaughn, in Heppner, and also look ing after his farming interests in the Eight Mile section. He Is greatly pleased with the splendid outlook for crops In the country surrounding his old home place near the Liberty schoolhouse. Dr. N. E. Wlnnard returned the last of the week from his Eastern trip, being met at Arlington by his son, Norton. Dr. Winnard has much to tell of the things he saw and learn ed while away. Among other things it may be interesting for us Western ers to know that the government is making every preparation for a five years' war. It seems to be the opin ion prevalent in the East that the war will not end soon. The Government needs Farmers as well as Fighters. Two million three hundred thousand acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homesteads and sale. Containing some of best land left in United States. Large Copyrighted Map, showing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, temperature etc., by counties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. Has It Occurred to You course: t that the weather is quite warm now? Of Then let us buy practical summer clothing and Be Comfortable Some Suggestions: STRAW OR SILK HATS LIGHT WEIGHT SUITS SOFT NEGLIGEE OR SPORT SHIRTS CANVAS SHOES OR OXFORDS B. V. D. OR POROSKNIT UNDERWEAR INTERWOVEN THIN SOX . Now Here Is The Idea This store has everything you want along these lines and appreciates your patronage. Minor & Company GOOD GOODS HEPPNER OREGON CQOOQQOOQQOOOCQOOQQCQOOQOOOOOOOOQOOQGOai THE EASTERN HIDE & JUNK CO. OF PENDLETON has a representative in your city, by name I). L. Phillips. You can al ways cncli him by pluming Main 42, Eastern Hotel. Me buy the follow ing stuff: Mixed iron, nil kinds of bides, all kinds of rags, auto casings," all kinds of rubber, brass and cop. per, and also wool. We pay the high cut price in the state of Oregon for this stuff. Mr. Phillips and this office will ap. predate your patronage. THE EASTERN HIDE & , JUNK CO. 121 West Railroad Street, Pendleton, Oregon. "Solenneln Quest' Ora" from La Forza del Destino By MR. KARL JORN and MR. ARTHUR MIDDLETON of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York City liiiil IP" J? Messrs. Jorn and Middleton have given a wonderful per formance of this superb duet, which, as everyone knows, is one of Verdi's masterpieces. Their performance is literally Re-Created by The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" That their voices cannot be told from the New Edison's Re-Creation of them in this wonderful duet has been proved by direct comparison. Messrs. Jorn and Middleton stood beside the New Edison and sang this beautiful duet. Suddenly, without warning, they quit singing, and the New Edison took up the duet alone. So perfectly are their voices Re-Created that it was necessary to look at their lips to tell when Messrs. Jorn and Middleton had ceased to sing. We want you to hear the New Edison's Re-Creation of Jorn and Middleton in this wonderful duet. We also want you to hear the Re-Creation of other great voices; for example, Matzenauer, Kappold, Case, Destinn, Zenatello, Urlus, Goritz and Fontana. Let us give you an hour of Re-Created music. You will not be embarrassed by so licitations to buy. Bring your friends. We want every music lover to hear the New Edison. NOTICE: Please do not ask us to sell yoo Edison Re-Creations if you Intend to attempt to play them on any other instrument than, the New Edison. No other instrument caa bring out the true musical quality of Edison Re-Creations. Furthermore, injury to the records is likely to result if you attempt to play them on an ordinary phonograph or talking machine. OSCAR R. OTTO HEPPNER OREGON pOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQQQdj n